ok, okv, ok_block

(Simple success or failure for a TAP test)


#include <tap/basic.h>

int ok(int success, const char *format, ...);

int okv(int success, const char *format, va_list args);

int ok_block(unsigned long count, int success, const char *format, ...);


ok() reports success or failure for a simple test. success is interpreted as a boolean value, and the test is successful if success is non-zero and a failure otherwise. format may be NULL; if not NULL, format should be a printf-style format string with possible optional arguments giving the name or intention of this test. format should be specified where possible to make it easier to track failures down to specific tests.

ok() cannot provide any additional information about why a test succeeded or failed. Normally, is_int() or a similar function should be used instead to check a value against another value, but ok() is the only useful way to express some more complex test cases. Consider calling diag() before ok() if the test is known to have failed to provide additional information about exactly what failed.

okv() is identical to ok() except that it takes the additional printf-style arguments as a va_list instead of as variable arguments. It is intended for use by other test functions that follow the argument style of is_int() and ok() and allows those functions to reuse the reporting and statistics framework provided by ok().

ok_block() is identical to ok() except that it takes an initial count and reports the same status for the next count tests. It's rarely used. To skip a set of tests because they don't apply to the current environment, use skip_block() instead.


All functions return the value of the success parameter.


plan() or plan_lazy() should always be called before calling ok() or ok_block().


Russ Allbery <eagle@eyrie.org>


Copyright 2010, 2013-2014 Russ Allbery <eagle@eyrie.org>

Copying and distribution of this file, with or without modification, are permitted in any medium without royalty provided the copyright notice and this notice are preserved. This file is offered as-is, without any warranty.

SPDX-License-Identifier: FSFAP


diag(3), is_int(3), plan(3), skip(3)

The current version of the C TAP Harness library is available from its web page at <https://www.eyrie.org/~eagle/software/c-tap-harness/>.

Last spun 2022-12-12 from POD modified 2018-01-16