This is a short HOWTO explaining how to set up a simple solution using AUKS and Slurm. A working solution requires 3 types of nodes : - a management node, on which the auks repository will be set up and managed - a login node (or several), on which users will submit their Slurm jobs - a compute node (or several), on which Slurm will launch the jobs on users behalf with auks support It is possible to use a single node but the design was made with these 3 types in mind, so it is better to describe the set up with 3 nodes. > Required Auks components - on the management node : - auks RPM package as it provides : * auksd, the central repository * auksdrenewer, the component that will renew credentials stored in auksd to prevent expired credentials * aukspriv, the component that will ensure that a credential cache is accessible to auksdrenewer for proper renew logic - on the login node : - auks RPM package as it provides : * auks client API - auks-slurm RPM package as it provides : * Auks Slurm SPANK plugin to add Kerberos credential support - on the compute node : - auks RPM package as it provides : * auks client API * aukspriv, the component that will ensure that a credential cache is accessible to slurmd for proper credential get action during job launch logic using - auks-slurm RPM package as it provides : * Auks Slurm SPANK plugin to add Kerberos credential support > Auks SLURM Spank plugin The Auks Spank plugin for SLURM is used for both user credential transmission on the auks repository from a login node and for user credential retrieval from a compute node by the slurmd daemon. When configured in Slurm, a new --auks=[yes|no|done] parameter is available to salloc/srun and sbatch commands. 'yes' means activate credential submission and retrieval, 'no' means no credential management and 'done' means retrieval only. > Kerberos identities examples - nodes identities : - management node : host/mngt.realm.a@REALM.A - login node : host/login.realm.a@REALM.A - compute node : host/compute.realm.a@REALM.A - users identities : alice@REALM.A, bob@REALM.A, ... > Auks component installation and configuration - management node : - installation # yum install auks # chkconfig auksd on # chkconfig auksdrenewer on # chkconfig aukspriv on - configuration * auksd The auks daemon is configured using 2 distinct files, auks.conf and auksd.acl. auks.conf is the file to configure the behavior of the daemon as well as the communication and servers identities informations. The two parts that are interesting in this file for auksd are the "common" and the "auksd" part. auksd.acl is the file to configure the ACLs that will be used by the auks daemon when it is invoked by clients. It defines the roles associated to the clients and as a result the clients rights (add,get, remove, dump) The "common" and "auksd" parts of the auks.conf in our scenario is : /!\ Note /!\ auks.conf file can be used on all the nodes involved in an auks architecture, only the interesing parts are presented here, the ... corresponds to additional material in the file. # cat /etc/auks/auks.conf common { # Primary daemon configuration PrimaryHost = "mngt" ; PrimaryPort = 12345 ; PrimaryPrincipal = "host/mngt.realm.a/REALM.A"; # Enable/Disable NAT traversal support (yes/no) # this value must be the same on every nodes NAT = yes ; # max connection retries number Retries = 3 ; # connection timeout Timeout = 10 ; # delay in seconds between retries Delay = 3 ; } ... auksd { # Primary daemon configuration PrimaryKeytab = "/etc/krb5.keytab" ; # log file and level LogFile = "/var/log/auksd.log" ; LogLevel = "2" ; # optional debug file and level DebugFile = "/var/log/auksd.log" ; DebugLevel = "0" ; # directory in which daemons store the creds CacheDir = "/var/cache/auks" ; # ACL file for cred repo access authorization rules ACLFile = "/etc/auks/auksd.acl" ; # default size of incoming requests queue # it grows up dynamically QueueSize = 500 ; # default repository size (number of creds) # it grows up dynamicaly RepoSize = 1000 ; # number of workers for incoming request processing Workers = 1000 ; # delay in seconds between 2 repository clean stages CleanDelay = 300 ; # use kerberos replay cache system (slow down) ReplayCache = no ; } ... # The auksd.acl in our scenario is : # cat /etc/auks/auksd.acl rule { principal = ^host/mngt.realm.a/REALM.A$ ; host = * ; role = admin ; } rule { principal = ^host/compute.realm.a/REALM.A$ ; host = * ; role = admin ; } rule { principal = ^[[:alnum:]]*/REALM.A$ ; host = * ; role = user ; } # * auksdrenewer The auksdrenewer daemon is configured using auks.conf too. It uses the "common" and the "auksdrenewer" part of the file that are in our scenario : /!\ Note /!\ auks.conf file can be used on all the nodes involved in an auks architecture, only the interesing parts are presented here, the ... corresponds to additional material in the file. # cat /etc/auks/auks.conf common { # Primary daemon configuration PrimaryHost = "mngt" ; PrimaryPort = 12345 ; PrimaryPrincipal = "host/mngt.realm.a/REALM.A"; # Enable/Disable NAT traversal support (yes/no) # this value must be the same on every nodes NAT = yes ; # max connection retries number Retries = 3 ; # connection timeout Timeout = 10 ; # delay in seconds between retries Delay = 3 ; } ... renewer { # log file and level LogFile = "/var/log/auksdrenewer.log" ; LogLevel = "1" ; # optional debug file and level DebugFile = "/var/log/auksdrenewer.log" ; DebugLevel = "0" ; # delay between two renew loops Delay = "60" ; # Min Lifetime for credentials to be renewed # This value is also used as the grace trigger to renew creds MinLifeTime = "600" ; } ... # * aukspriv The aukspriv daemon is configured using the /etc/sysconfig/aukspriv file. An empty file lets the aukspriv service act with default value that correspond to doing a kinit using /etc/krb5.keytab periodically and store the result in the root credential cache. This is the intended behavior for ou scenario. - component starts and tests # service aukspriv start Starting aukspriv: [ OK ] # service auksd start Starting auksd: [ OK ] # service auksdrenewer start Starting auksdrenewer: [ OK ] # klist Ticket cache: FILE:/tmp/krb5cc_0 Default principal: host/mngt.realm.a@REALM.A Valid starting Expires Service principal 02/02/11 22:48:17 02/03/11 08:48:17 krbtgt/REALM.A@REALM.A renew until 02/09/11 22:48:17 # auks -p Auks API request succeed # klist Ticket cache: FILE:/tmp/krb5cc_0 Default principal: host/mngt.realm.a@REALM.A Valid starting Expires Service principal 02/02/11 22:48:17 02/03/11 08:48:17 krbtgt/REALM.A@REALM.A renew until 02/09/11 22:48:17 02/02/11 22:48:30 02/03/11 08:48:17 host/mngt.realm.a@REALM.A renew until 02/09/11 22:48:17 # - login node : - installation # yum install auks auks-slurm - configuration * auks API The Auks API is configured using the "common" and the "api" parts of the /etc/auks/auks.conf file. In our scenario, these parts are : /!\ Note /!\ auks.conf file can be used on all the nodes involved in an auks architecture, only the interesing parts are presented here, the ... corresponds to additional material in the file. # cat /etc/auks/auks.conf common { # Primary daemon configuration PrimaryHost = "mngt" ; PrimaryPort = 12345 ; PrimaryPrincipal = "host/mngt.realm.a/REALM.A"; # Enable/Disable NAT traversal support (yes/no) # this value must be the same on every nodes NAT = yes ; # max connection retries number Retries = 3 ; # connection timeout Timeout = 10 ; # delay in seconds between retries Delay = 3 ; } ... api { # log file and level LogFile = "/tmp/auksapi.log" ; LogLevel = "0" ; # optional debug file and level DebugFile = "/tmp/auksapi.log" ; DebugLevel = "0" ; } ... # * auks spank plugin for SLURM The Auks spank plugin is configured in slurm using the /etc/slurm/plugstack.conf. In our scenario, this gives : # cat /etc/slurm/plugstack.conf include /etc/slurm/plugstack.conf.d/*.conf # cat /etc/slurm/plugstack.conf.d/auks.conf optional default=enabled spankstackcred=yes minimum_uid=1024 # - component tests $ whoami bob $ klist Ticket cache: FILE:/tmp/krb5cc_2000_wTwNF20421 Default principal: bob@REALM.A Valid starting Expires Service principal 02/02/11 23:06:21 02/03/11 23:06:09 krbtgt/REALM.A@REALM.A renew until 02/09/11 23:06:09 $ auks -p Auks API request succeed $ klist Ticket cache: FILE:/tmp/krb5cc_2000_wTwNF20421 Default principal: bob@REALM.A Valid starting Expires Service principal 02/02/11 23:06:21 02/03/11 23:06:09 krbtgt/REALM.A@REALM.A renew until 02/09/11 23:06:09 02/02/11 23:06:21 02/03/11 23:06:09 host/mngt.realm.a@REALM.A renew until 02/09/11 23:06:09 $ auks -a Auks API request succeed $ srun --help | grep auks --auks=[yes|no|done] kerberos credential forwarding using Auks $ - compute node : - installation # yum install auks auks-slurm # chkconfig aukspriv on - configuration * auks API The Auks API is configured using the "common" and the "api" parts of the /etc/auks/auks.conf file. In our scenario, these parts are : /!\ Note /!\ auks.conf file can be used on all the nodes involved in an auks architecture, only the interesing parts are presented here, the ... corresponds to additional material in the file. # cat /etc/auks/auks.conf common { # Primary daemon configuration PrimaryHost = "mngt" ; PrimaryPort = 12345 ; PrimaryPrincipal = "host/mngt.realm.a/REALM.A"; # Enable/Disable NAT traversal support (yes/no) # this value must be the same on every nodes NAT = yes ; # max connection retries number Retries = 3 ; # connection timeout Timeout = 10 ; # delay in seconds between retries Delay = 3 ; } ... api { # log file and level LogFile = "/tmp/auksapi.log" ; LogLevel = "0" ; # optional debug file and level DebugFile = "/tmp/auksapi.log" ; DebugLevel = "0" ; } ... # * auks spank plugin for SLURM The Auks spank plugin is configured in slurm using the /etc/slurm/plugstack.conf. In our scenario, this gives : # cat /etc/slurm/plugstack.conf include /etc/slurm/plugstack.conf.d/*.conf # cat /etc/slurm/plugstack.conf.d/auks.conf optional default=enabled spankstackcred=yes minimum_uid=1024 # * aukspriv The aukspriv daemon is configured using the /etc/sysconfig/aukspriv file. An empty file lets the aukspriv service act with default value that correspond to doing a kinit using /etc/krb5.keytab periodically and store the result in the root credential cache. This is the intended behavior for ou scenario. - component starts and tests # service aukspriv start Starting aukspriv: [ OK ] # klist Ticket cache: FILE:/tmp/krb5cc_0 Default principal: host/compute.realm.a@REALM.A Valid starting Expires Service principal 02/02/11 23:13:26 02/03/11 09:13:26 krbtgt/REALM.A@REALM.A renew until 02/09/11 23:13:26 # auks -a Auks API request succeed # klist Ticket cache: FILE:/tmp/krb5cc_0 Default principal: host/compute.realm.a@REALM.A Valid starting Expires Service principal 02/02/11 23:13:26 02/03/11 09:13:26 krbtgt/REALM.A@REALM.A renew until 02/09/11 23:13:26 02/02/11 23:14:28 02/03/11 09:13:26 host/mngt.realm.a@REALM.A renew until 02/09/11 23:13:26 # id bob -u 2000 # auks -g -u 2000 -C /tmp/auks.tmp Auks API request succeed # klist -c /tmp/auks.tmp Ticket cache: FILE:/tmp/auks.tmp Default principal: bob@REALM.A Valid starting Expires Service principal 02/02/11 23:08:54 02/03/11 23:06:09 krbtgt/REALM.A@REALM.A renew until 02/09/11 23:06:09 # Required components are now ready. > Auks usage with SLURM It is now possible to launch a job with kerberos credential support : $ whoami bob $ klist Ticket cache: FILE:/tmp/krb5cc_2000_wTwNF20421 Default principal: bob@REALM.A Valid starting Expires Service principal 02/02/11 23:06:21 02/03/11 23:06:09 krbtgt/REALM.A@REALM.A renew until 02/09/11 23:06:09 02/02/11 23:06:21 02/03/11 23:06:09 host/mngt.realm.a@REALM.A renew until 02/09/11 23:06:09 $ srun klist Ticket cache: FILE:/tmp/krb5cc_2000_3021_oNvcub Default principal: bob@REALM.A Valid starting Expires Service principal 02/02/11 23:21:05 02/03/11 23:06:09 krbtgt/mngt.realm.a@REALM.A renew until 02/09/11 23:06:09 $ auks -r Auks API request succeed $ srun --auks=done klist slurmd[compute]: spank-auks: unable to get user 2000 cred : auks api : reply seems corrupted klist: No credentials cache found (ticket cache FILE:/tmp/krb5cc_2000_wTwNF20421) srun: error: compute: task 0: Exited with exit code 1 $