Begin3 Title: Procmeter3 - Linux system monitoring program Version: 3.4a [Jun-28-03] Entered-date: 28JUN03 Description: Displays in a series of graph (using X windows) statistics about the system status (amount of CPU, memory, disk accesses, IP packets) and user level information (date, time, mailbox size). Uses the /proc filesystem and other sources of information. Compiles with either the Athena or GTK widget set. Other versions can log to a file or display on a small LCD screen. Keywords: Linux X-Windows proc meter cpu load packet memory clock biff Author: Maintained-by: Primary-site: /pub/unix/linux/X11/xutils 103 kB procmeter3-3.4a.tgz Alternate-site: /pub/Linux/system/status/xstatus Original-site: Platforms: Linux X-Windows Copying-policy: GPL End