============================================================================== mc.menu v1.24 by Kent Robotti This readme and the lsm file are included with mc.menu-1.24.tar.gz. ============================================================================== This package consist of a few scripts and programs that allow you to install, convert, and unpack redhat.i386.rpm, debian.deb, stampede.slp, & slackware.tgz packages. You can install the mc.menu package on any system e.g. Redhat, Debian, Slackware, it doesn't interfere with or replace your present package manager, it just supplements whatever package manager your system uses. If you have a Redhat etc. system, continue to use their package manager for their packages. You can use the mc F2 menu or from the command line. # pkg ============================================================================== # mc "Start the mc filemanager" Go to the directory that has the package you want to install. Have the slackware x.tgz package you want to install highlighted, then press [F2] for the menu, chose this option. Install current (slackware x.tgz) package You can convert a redhat.i386.rpm, debian.deb, or stampede.slp package to slackware x.tgz, then install it with the "Install current (slackware x.tgz)" option. ============================================================= Install current (slackware x.tgz) package Remove a package listed in /var/log/packages Convert current (x.i386.rpm x.deb x.slp to slackware x.tgz) deb_rpm Extract (x.deb or x.rpm) package to subdirectory tar.bz2 Extract (x.tar.bz2, x.slp) package to subdirectory ============================================================= You can remove any packages that you installed, using the [F2] menu in mc. All packages that you install will be listed in /var/log/packages/ package_name. In the directory /var/log/packages press [F2] and chose Remove, the current = highlighted package will be removed. All removed packages will be listed in the /var/log/packages_removed directory. If you just want to extract a redhat.rpm, debian.deb, or stampede.slp package, chose one of these options below. deb_rpm Extract (x.deb or x.rpm) package to subdirectory tar.bz2 Extract (x.tar.bz2, x.slp) package to subdirectory A version of "cpio v4.2" will be installed on your system, the only difference between it and the standard "cpio" is, it will give a permission of 755 not 700 to the directories of installed redhat packages. ============================================================================== How to install. ============================================================================== ~# tar xzvf mc.menu-1.24.tar.gz mc.menu-1.24#./INSTALL INSTALL will expect your mc lib directory to be either /usr/local/lib/mc or /usr/lib/mc. If you don't have the mc file manager installed it doesn't matter, you can still use 'pkg' from the command line. After you run INSTALL you can add these lines below to the /usr/local/lib/mc/mc.ext or /usr/lib/mc/mc.ext file. =========================================================================== # rpm regex/\.rpm$ View=%view{ascii} rpmunpack < '%f' | gzip -dc | cpio -tvf # deb regex/\.deb$ View=%view{ascii} dpkg-deb -I '%f' ; dpkg-deb -c '%f' # slp regex/\.slp$ View=%view{ascii} tar tvvf '%f' --use-compress-program bzip2 =========================================================================== # mc Press [F3] to view the contents of a highlighted debian.deb, redhat.rpm, or stampede.slp package. ============================================================================== If you want to have a record of a package you install on the system with the 'make install' command, do this. Usually when you compile a package you do 'configure, make, make install' do this below to create a record of the installed package. # configure # make # pkg -n package_name # make install # exit If you don't put a name after pkg -n, the name of the current directory is used. A record will be put in /var/log/packages/package_name. You can then remove the installed package like this or use the F2 menu in 'mc'. # pkg -r package_name ============================================================================