Begin4 Title: TkZip Archive Manager Version: 1.1.3 Entered-date: 31MAR02 Description: TkZip is an X front end to standard archiving/compression programs like tar, compress, gzip, zip, arj, rar, ar, bzip, bzip2, shorten, lha, cpio, and rpm. It includes tape and floppy support, automatic file type recognition and viewer selection, and an Uninstall Package function. Release 1.1.3 is simply an update to reflect the new primary home site for TkZip. Release 1.1.1 or higher is required for use with gzip 1.3. Check for current release notes and history. (The primary site is http, not ftp.) Keywords: archive, compress, gui, Tcl, Tk, unix, X Author: (Bob Woodside) Maintained-by: (Bob Woodside) Primary-site: 169k TkZip-1.1.3.tar.gz Alternate-site: 1k TkZip.lsm 169k TkZip-1.1.3.tar.gz Original-site: Platforms: Unix, X, Tcl/Tk 7.4/4.0 or above Copying-policy: Shareware End