Begin3 Title: irq Version: 1.68.2 Entered-date: 19Jan2001 Description: kernel module to delivery hardware interrupts to user space programs. Hardware interrupts (IRQ) are accessible by character devices /dev/irq[0-15]. Interrupts delivered by signals and select(2)/poll(2). Keywords: interrupt, irq, user space, linux, real time Author: Dmitry A. Fedorov Maintained-by: Dmitry A. Fedorov Primary-site: /pub/Linux/kernel 33.0 kb irq-1.68.2.tar.gz Alternate-site: Original-site: /export/fedorov/soft 33.0 kb irq-1.68.2.tar.gz Platform: Linux 2.0.x - 2.2.x Copying-policy: GPL End