Begin3 Title: xsmbrowser Version: 2.2.9 Entered-date: 20JAN2000 Description: Tcl/Tk Samba GUI that emulates Network Neighborhood. Allows for easy navigation of SMB (CIFS) Networks for those that wish to spend less time on the command line. Excellent alternative to currently lackluster GUI's. Works in both WINS and Broadcast networks. Keywords: smb cifs samba gui smbmount smbclient network neighborhood Author: (Chad Spencer) Maintained-by: (Chad Spencer) Primary-site: /pub/Linux/system/network/samba 40kB xsmbrowser-2.2.9.tar.gz 929 xsmbrowser.lsm Alternate-site: 40kB xsmbrowser-2.2.9.tar.gz Original-site: Platforms: All Unix, especially Linux Copying-policy: GPL End