/*___INFO__MARK_BEGIN__*/ /************************************************************************* * * The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of * the Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.2 * * Sun Microsystems Inc., March, 2001 * * * Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.2 * ================================================= * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Industry Standards * Source License Version 1.2 (the "License"); You may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the * License at http://gridengine.sunsource.net/Gridengine_SISSL_license.html * * Software provided under this License is provided on an "AS IS" basis, * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, * WITHOUT LIMITATION, WARRANTIES THAT THE SOFTWARE IS FREE OF DEFECTS, * MERCHANTABLE, FIT FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR NON-INFRINGING. * See the License for the specific provisions governing your rights and * obligations concerning the Software. * * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is: Sun Microsystems, Inc. * * Copyright: 2001 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * * All Rights Reserved. * ************************************************************************/ /*___INFO__MARK_END__*/ #include #include "sge_string.h" #include "sge_sl.h" #include "sgermon.h" /* This method counts the number of arguments in the string using a quick and * dirty algorithm. The algorithm may incorrectly report the number of arguments * to be too large because it does not parse quotations correctly. * MT-NOTE: sge_quick_count_num_args() is MT safe */ int sge_quick_count_num_args (const char* args) /* The argument string to count by whitespace tokens */ { int num_args = 0; char *resreq = (char *)malloc (strlen (args)+1); char *s; struct saved_vars_s *context = NULL; DENTER(TOP_LAYER, "sge_quick_count_num_args"); /* This function may return a larger number than required since it does not * parse quotes. This is ok, however, since it's current usage is for * mallocing arrays, and a little too big is fine. */ strcpy(resreq, args); for (s = sge_strtok_r(resreq, " \t", &context); s != NULL; s = sge_strtok_r(NULL, " \t", &context)) { num_args++; } free(resreq); sge_free_saved_vars(context); DRETURN(num_args); } /* This method should probably be moved out of this file into somewhere more * common so that other routines can use it. */ int sge_parse_args ( const char* args, /* The argument string to parse by whitespace and quotes */ char** pargs /* The array to contain the parsed arguments */ ) { const char *s; char *d; char quote; char *start; char *resreq; int finished, count = 0; DENTER(TOP_LAYER, "sge_parse_args"); resreq = malloc(strlen(args) + 1); d = resreq; s = args; start = resreq; finished = 0; while (!finished) { if (*s == '"' || *s == '\'') { /* copy quoted arguments */ quote = *s++; /* without quotes */ while (*s && *s != quote) *d++ = *s++; if (*s == quote) s++; } if (*s == '\0') finished = 1; /* line end ? */ if (finished || isspace(*s)) { /* found delimiter or line end */ *d++ = 0; /* terminate token */ pargs[count++] = strdup(start); /* assign argument */ if (!finished) { while (isspace(*(++s))); /* skip any number whitespace */ } if (*s == '\0') { finished = 1; } else { start = d; /* assign start of next token */ } } else { *d++ = *s++; /* copy one character */ } } free(resreq); DRETURN(count); } /* command will be modifed in this function! * The elements of the sl_args list are pointers to parts of command, * i.e. if command is freed all datas of all elements are freed, too */ /* Return values: * 0 - OK * 1 - unmatched quote " * 2 - unmatched quote ' */ /****** sge_parse_args/parse_quoted_command_line() ***************************** * NAME * parse_quoted_command_line() -- parses a command line with quoted arguments * * SYNOPSIS * int parse_quoted_command_line(char *command, sge_sl_list_t *sl_args) * * FUNCTION * Parses a command line with quoted arguments and stores the single * arguments into a SGE simple list (sge_sl). The command line is modified * during the parse process. This function recognizes the quotes " and '. * This function can't handle escaped quotes, see last example. * * INPUTS * char *command - the command line to be parsed. "command" gets * modified during the parse process, so provide * a copy of the real command line if you need it * afterwards. * sge_sl_list_t *sl_args - pointer to the list where the single arguments * get stored to. This must be a properly created * list (using sge_sl_create()). * In case of error, the list contains all arguments * not including the last quoted one (with the * missing closing quote) * * RESULT * int - 0: OK * 1: unmatched quote " * 2: unmatched quote ' * * EXAMPLE * command line: foo "bar trala 'hey hu'" * list: * + foo * + bar trala 'hey hu' * * command line: 'foo bar' trala "hey" hu * list: * + foo bar * + trala * + hey * + hu * * command line: foo "bar trala '"hey hu' * list: * + foo * + bar trala ' * + hey hu' * * command line: foo "bar trala hey hu * return value 1 * list: * + foo * * command line: "foo \"bar huhu\" trala" hey * list: * + foo \ * + bar * + huhu\ * + trala * + hey * * NOTES * MT-NOTE: parse_quoted_command_line() is not MT safe * * SEE ALSO * sge_parse_args/convert_arg_list_to_vector *******************************************************************************/ int parse_quoted_command_line( char *command, sge_sl_list_t *sl_args) { const char quotes[] = "\"\'"; char last_quote = 0; char *p_cur_arg = NULL; char *p_cur_char = command; while (*p_cur_char != '\0') { /* skip leading whitespaces */ while (isspace(*p_cur_char)) { p_cur_char++; } /* quoted argument */ if (*p_cur_char == quotes[0] || *p_cur_char == quotes[1]) { /* save this opening quote, so we know when this term ends */ last_quote = *p_cur_char; /* skip quote */ p_cur_char++; /* here the current argument begins */ p_cur_arg = p_cur_char; /* search for closing quote */ while (*p_cur_char != '\0' && *p_cur_char != last_quote) { p_cur_char++; } if (*p_cur_char == '\0') { /* closing quote is missing! */ int ret = 1; if (last_quote == '\'') { ret = 2; } return ret; } else { /* replace closing quote with '\0' to terminate this argument */ *p_cur_char = '\0'; /* add current argument to argument list */ sge_sl_insert(sl_args, p_cur_arg, SGE_SL_BACKWARD); /* move on to next argument in command line */ p_cur_char++; } } else if (*p_cur_char != '\0') { /* unquoted argument */ /* here the current argument begins */ p_cur_arg = p_cur_char; /* search trailing whitespace */ while (*p_cur_char != '\0' && !isspace(*p_cur_char)) { p_cur_char++; } /* * only if we are not at the end of the line, we have to terminate this * argument and move on to the next argument. */ if (*p_cur_char != '\0') { /* replace trailing whitspace with '\0' to terminate this argument */ *p_cur_char = '\0'; /* move on to next argument in command line */ p_cur_char++; } /* add current argument to argument list */ sge_sl_insert(sl_args, p_cur_arg, SGE_SL_BACKWARD); } } return 0; } /****** sge_parse_args/convert_arg_list_to_vector() **************************** * NAME * convert_arg_list_to_vector() -- creates an argument vector from a list * * SYNOPSIS * void convert_arg_list_to_vector(sge_sl_list_t *sl_args, char ***pargs) * * FUNCTION * Takes the list of arguments (i.e. a list of strings) and creates an * argument vector out of it, like you get it in the main() function. * The strings in the argument vector are still the ones from the argument * list, i.e. the string buffers are not copied, the elements of the * argument vector just point to them. * * INPUTS * sge_sl_list_t *sl_args - a list with single C strings as elements * char ***pargs - an argument vector like main() provides, filled * with all arguments from the list. * This argument vector is terminated by an element * that points to NULL. * * RESULT * int - The length of the argument vector including the terminal NULL * element. * * EXAMPLE * sge_sl_list_t *sl_args; * char **args; * char command_line[] = "foo bla \"trala\""; * * sge_sl_create(&sl_args); * * parse_quoted_command_line(command_line, sl_args); * convert_arg_list_to_vector(sl_args, &args); * * ... use args ... * ... done using args ... * sge_sl_destroy(&sl_args, NULL); * * NOTES * MT-NOTE: convert_arg_list_to_vector() is not MT safe * * SEE ALSO * sge_parse_args/parse_quoted_command_line *******************************************************************************/ int convert_arg_list_to_vector( sge_sl_list_t *sl_args, char ***pargs) { int count, i; sge_sl_elem_t *pelem; count = sge_sl_get_elem_count(sl_args); *pargs = (char**)malloc((count+1)*sizeof(char*)); i = 0; for_each_sl(pelem, sl_args) { (*pargs)[i++] = pelem->data; } (*pargs)[i] = NULL; return count+1; }