#ifndef __SGE_SPOOL_SPR_L_H #define __SGE_SPOOL_SPR_L_H /*___INFO__MARK_BEGIN__*/ /************************************************************************* * * The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of * the Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.2 * * Sun Microsystems Inc., March, 2001 * * * Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.2 * ================================================= * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Industry Standards * Source License Version 1.2 (the "License"); You may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the * License at http://gridengine.sunsource.net/Gridengine_SISSL_license.html * * Software provided under this License is provided on an "AS IS" basis, * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, * WITHOUT LIMITATION, WARRANTIES THAT THE SOFTWARE IS FREE OF DEFECTS, * MERCHANTABLE, FIT FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR NON-INFRINGING. * See the License for the specific provisions governing your rights and * obligations concerning the Software. * * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is: Sun Microsystems, Inc. * * Copyright: 2001 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * * All Rights Reserved. * ************************************************************************/ /*___INFO__MARK_END__*/ #include "sge_boundaries.h" #include "cull.h" #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif /****** spool/--SPR_Type *************************************** * * NAME * SPR_Type -- Spooling rule * * ELEMENTS * SGE_STRING(SPR_name, CULL_HASH | CULL_UNIQUE) * Unique name of the rule. * * SGE_STRING(SPR_url, CULL_DEFAULT) * An url, e.g. a spool directory, a database url etc. * * SGE_REF(SPR_option_func, CULL_ANY_SUBTYPE, CULL_DEFAULT) * function pointer to a function to set any database specific options, * e.g. whether to do database recovery at startup or not. * * SGE_REF(SPR_startup_func, CULL_ANY_SUBTYPE, CULL_DEFAULT) * function pointer to a startup function, * e.g. establishing a connection to a database. * * SGE_REF(SPR_shutdown_func, CULL_ANY_SUBTYPE, CULL_DEFAULT) * function pointer to a shutdown function, * e.g. disconnecting from a database or closing file handles. * * SGE_REF(SPR_maintenance_func, CULL_ANY_SUBTYPE, CULL_DEFAULT) * function pointer to a maintenance function for * - creating the database tables / directories in case of * filebased spooling * - switching between spooling with/without history * - backup * - cleaning up / compressing database * - etc. * * SGE_REF(SPR_trigger_func, CULL_ANY_SUBTYPE, CULL_DEFAULT) * function pointer to a trigger function. * A trigger function is used to trigger regular actions, e.g. * checkpointing and cleaning the transaction log in case of the * Berkeley DB or vacuuming in case of PostgreSQL. * * SGE_REF(SPR_transaction_func, CULL_ANY_SUBTYPE, CULL_DEFAULT) * function pointer to a function beginning and ending transactions. * * SGE_REF(SPR_list_func, CULL_ANY_SUBTYPE, CULL_DEFAULT) * pointer to a function reading complete lists (master lists) * from the spooling data source. * * SGE_REF(SPR_read_func, CULL_ANY_SUBTYPE, CULL_DEFAULT) * pointer to a function reading a single object from the * spooling data source. * * SGE_REF(SPR_write_func, CULL_ANY_SUBTYPE, CULL_DEFAULT) * pointer to a function writing a single object. * * SGE_REF(SPR_delete_func, CULL_ANY_SUBTYPE, CULL_DEFAULT) * pointer to a function deleting a single object. * * SGE_REF(SPR_validate_func, CULL_ANY_SUBTYPE, CULL_DEFAULT) * pointer to a function validating a single object. * * SGE_REF(SPR_validate_list_func, CULL_ANY_SUBTYPE, CULL_DEFAULT) * pointer to a function validating a list of objects. * * SGE_REF(SPR_clientdata, CULL_ANY_SUBTYPE, CULL_DEFAULT) * clientdata; any pointer, can be used to store and * reference rule specific data, e.g. file or database handles. * * FUNCTION * A spooling rule describes a certain way to store and retrieve * data from a defined storage facility. * * Spooling rules can implement spooling to files in a certain * directory or spooling into a database, to an LDAP repository * etc. * * A spooling context can contain multiple spooling rules. * * SEE ALSO * spool/--Spooling * spool/--SPC_Type **************************************************************************** */ enum { SPR_name = SPR_LOWERBOUND, /* name of the rule */ SPR_url, /* an url, e.g. base dir, database url */ SPR_option_func, /* function pointer: option, e.g. set db specific parameters */ SPR_startup_func, /* function pointer: startup, e.g. connect to database */ SPR_shutdown_func, /* function pointer: shutdown, e.g. disconnect from db */ SPR_maintenance_func, /* function pointer: maintenance, e.g. backup of db */ SPR_trigger_func, /* function pointer: trigger */ SPR_transaction_func, /* function pointer: transaction */ SPR_list_func, /* function pointer: read master list */ SPR_read_func, /* function pointer: read an object */ SPR_write_func, /* function pointer: write an object */ SPR_delete_func, /* function pointer: delete an object */ SPR_validate_func, /* function pointer: validate an object */ SPR_validate_list_func, /* function pointer: validate a list */ SPR_clientdata /* any rule specific data */ }; LISTDEF(SPR_Type) SGE_STRING(SPR_name, CULL_HASH | CULL_UNIQUE) SGE_STRING(SPR_url, CULL_DEFAULT) SGE_REF(SPR_option_func, CULL_ANY_SUBTYPE, CULL_DEFAULT) SGE_REF(SPR_startup_func, CULL_ANY_SUBTYPE, CULL_DEFAULT) SGE_REF(SPR_shutdown_func, CULL_ANY_SUBTYPE, CULL_DEFAULT) SGE_REF(SPR_maintenance_func, CULL_ANY_SUBTYPE, CULL_DEFAULT) SGE_REF(SPR_trigger_func, CULL_ANY_SUBTYPE, CULL_DEFAULT) SGE_REF(SPR_transaction_func, CULL_ANY_SUBTYPE, CULL_DEFAULT) SGE_REF(SPR_list_func, CULL_ANY_SUBTYPE, CULL_DEFAULT) SGE_REF(SPR_read_func, CULL_ANY_SUBTYPE, CULL_DEFAULT) SGE_REF(SPR_write_func, CULL_ANY_SUBTYPE, CULL_DEFAULT) SGE_REF(SPR_delete_func, CULL_ANY_SUBTYPE, CULL_DEFAULT) SGE_REF(SPR_validate_func, CULL_ANY_SUBTYPE, CULL_DEFAULT) SGE_REF(SPR_validate_list_func, CULL_ANY_SUBTYPE, CULL_DEFAULT) SGE_REF(SPR_clientdata, CULL_ANY_SUBTYPE, CULL_DEFAULT) LISTEND NAMEDEF(SPRN) NAME("SPR_name") NAME("SPR_url") NAME("SPR_option_func") NAME("SPR_startup_func") NAME("SPR_shutdown_func") NAME("SPR_maintenance_func") NAME("SPR_trigger_func") NAME("SPR_transaction_func") NAME("SPR_list_func") NAME("SPR_read_func") NAME("SPR_write_func") NAME("SPR_delete_func") NAME("SPR_validate_func") NAME("SPR_validate_list_func") NAME("SPR_clientdata") NAMEEND #define SPRS sizeof(SPRN)/sizeof(char *) #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif /* __SGE_SPOOLL_H */