/*___INFO__MARK_BEGIN__*/ /************************************************************************* * * The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of * the Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.2 * * Sun Microsystems Inc., March, 2001 * * * Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.2 * ================================================= * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Industry Standards * Source License Version 1.2 (the "License"); You may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the * License at http://gridengine.sunsource.net/Gridengine_SISSL_license.html * * Software provided under this License is provided on an "AS IS" basis, * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, * WITHOUT LIMITATION, WARRANTIES THAT THE SOFTWARE IS FREE OF DEFECTS, * MERCHANTABLE, FIT FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR NON-INFRINGING. * See the License for the specific provisions governing your rights and * obligations concerning the Software. * * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is: Sun Microsystems, Inc. * * Copyright: 2001 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * * All Rights Reserved. * ************************************************************************/ /*___INFO__MARK_END__*/ #include #include #include "rmon/sgermon.h" #include "uti/sge_log.h" #include "cull/cull.h" #include "sgeobj/sge_ulong.h" #include "sgeobj/sge_range.h" #include "sgeobj/sge_job.h" #include "sgeobj/sge_schedd_conf.h" #include "sge_message_SME_L.h" #include "sge_message_MES_L.h" #include "sge_ct_SCT_L.h" #include "sge_ct_REF_L.h" #include "sge_ct_CT_L.h" #include "sge_ct_CCT_L.h" #include "sge_ct_CTI_L.h" #include "schedd_message.h" #include "schedd_monitor.h" #include "sge_schedd_text.h" #include "msg_schedd.h" static lList *schedd_mes_get_same_category_jids(lRef category, lList *job_list, int ignore_category); static lRef schedd_mes_get_category(u_long32 job_id, lList *job_list); static void schedd_mes_find_others(lListElem *tmp_sme, lList *job_list, int ignore_category) { if (tmp_sme && job_list) { lListElem *message_elem = NULL; /* MES_Type */ lRef category = NULL; /* Category pointer (void*) */ lList *jid_cat_list = NULL; /* ULNG */ lList *message_list = lGetList(tmp_sme, SME_message_list); /* * Here we have a list of message elements where each * MES_job_number_list containes only one id. * We have to find the other jobs (jids) which have the same category. */ for_each(message_elem, message_list) { lList *jid_list = lGetList(message_elem, MES_job_number_list); u_long32 jid; lRef jid_category; jid = lGetUlong(lFirst(jid_list), ULNG_value); jid_category = schedd_mes_get_category(jid, job_list); /* * Initilize jid_cat_list if not initialized * or if category differs from the last run */ if (category != jid_category || ignore_category) { jid_cat_list = schedd_mes_get_same_category_jids(jid_category, job_list, ignore_category); category = jid_category; lSetList(message_elem, MES_job_number_list, jid_cat_list); } else { lSetList(message_elem, MES_job_number_list, lCopyList("", jid_cat_list)); } } } } static lRef schedd_mes_get_category(u_long32 job_id, lList *job_list) { lListElem *job = NULL; /* JB_Type */ lRef ret = NULL; /* Category pointer (void*) */ DENTER(TOP_LAYER, "schedd_mes_get_category"); job = lGetElemUlong(job_list, JB_job_number, job_id); if (job) { ret = lGetRef(job, JB_category); } DRETURN(ret); } static lList *schedd_mes_get_same_category_jids(lRef category, lList *job_list, int ignore_category) { lList *ret = NULL; /* ULNG */ lListElem *job = NULL; /* JB_Type */ DENTER(TOP_LAYER, "schedd_mes_get_same_category_jids"); if (job_list != NULL && category != NULL) { for_each(job, job_list) { if (ignore_category || lGetRef(job, JB_category) == category) { lAddElemUlong(&ret, ULNG_value, lGetUlong(job, JB_job_number), ULNG_Type); } } } DRETURN(ret); } /****** schedd/schedd_mes/schedd_mes_initialize() ***************************** * NAME * schedd_mes_initialize() -- Initialize module variables * * SYNOPSIS * void schedd_mes_initialize(void) * * FUNCTION * Initialize module variables *******************************************************************************/ void schedd_mes_initialize(void) { lListElem *sme = sconf_get_sme(); lListElem *tmp_sme = sconf_get_tmp_sme(); DENTER(TOP_LAYER, "schedd_mes_initialize"); if (!sme) { lList *tmp_list; sme = lCreateElem(SME_Type); tmp_list = lCreateList("", MES_Type); lSetList(sme, SME_message_list, tmp_list); tmp_list = lCreateList("", MES_Type); lSetList(sme, SME_global_message_list, tmp_list); sconf_set_sme(sme); } /* prepare tmp_sme for collecting messages */ if (!tmp_sme) { lList *tmp_list; tmp_sme = lCreateElem(SME_Type); tmp_list = lCreateList("", MES_Type); lSetList(tmp_sme, SME_message_list, tmp_list); sconf_set_tmp_sme(tmp_sme); } sconf_set_mes_schedd_info(true); schedd_mes_set_logging(1); DRETURN_VOID; } /****** schedd/schedd_mes/schedd_mes_commit() ********************************* * NAME * schedd_mes_commit() -- Complete message elements and move them * * SYNOPSIS * void schedd_mes_commit(lList *job_list, int ignore_category) * * FUNCTION * Each message contained in "tmp_sme" containes only * one job id. We have to find other jobs in "job_list" and * add the job ids to the list of ids contained in "tmp_sme" * message elements. After that we have to move all messages * contained in "tmp_sme" into "sme". * * If "ignore_category" is 1 than the job category will be ignored. * This means thal all ids of "job_list" will be added to all * messages contained in "tmp_sme". * * If no category is passed in and ignore_category is false, the messages * are only generated for the current job, meaning, they are just copied. * * INPUTS * lList *job_list - JB_Type list * int ignore_category - if set to true, the messages with be generated for all jobs * in the list * lRef jid_category - if not NULL, the function uses the category to ensure, that * every message is only added per category once. *******************************************************************************/ void schedd_mes_commit(lList *job_list, int ignore_category, lRef jid_category) { lListElem *sme = sconf_get_sme(); lListElem *tmp_sme = sconf_get_tmp_sme(); if (sme && tmp_sme) { lList *sme_mes_list = NULL; lList *tmp_sme_list = NULL; if (jid_category != NULL) { if (lGetBool(jid_category, CT_messages_added) ) { return; } lSetBool(jid_category, CT_messages_added, true); } /* * Try to find other jobs which apply also for created message */ if (jid_category != NULL || ignore_category == 1) { schedd_mes_find_others(tmp_sme, job_list, ignore_category); } /* * Tranfer all messages from tmp_sme to sme */ sme_mes_list = lGetList(sme, SME_message_list); lXchgList(tmp_sme, SME_message_list, &tmp_sme_list); lAddList(sme_mes_list, &tmp_sme_list); tmp_sme_list = lCreateList("job info messages", MES_Type); lSetList(tmp_sme, SME_message_list, tmp_sme_list); } } /****** schedd/schedd_mes/schedd_mes_rollback() ******************************* * NAME * schedd_mes_rollback() -- Free temporaryly generated messages * * SYNOPSIS * void schedd_mes_rollback(void) * * FUNCTION * Free temporaryly generated messages contained in "tmp_sme". ******************************************************************************/ void schedd_mes_rollback(void) { lListElem *tmp_sme = sconf_get_tmp_sme(); if (tmp_sme) { lList *tmp_sme_list = NULL; tmp_sme_list = lCreateList("job info messages", MES_Type); lSetList(tmp_sme, SME_message_list, tmp_sme_list); } } /****** schedd/schedd_mes/schedd_mes_obtain_package() ************************* * NAME * schedd_mes_obtain_package() -- Get message structure * * SYNOPSIS * lListElem *schedd_mes_obtain_packagevoid) * * FUNCTION * Returns message structure which containes all messages. * * INPUTS * int *global_mes_count - out: returns nr of global messages * int *job_mes_count - out: returns nr of job messages * * NOTES * The calling function is responsible to free the returned * message structure if it is not needed anymore. * * RESULT * lListElem* - SME_Type element *******************************************************************************/ lListElem *schedd_mes_obtain_package(int *global_mes_count, int *job_mes_count) { lListElem *ret; u_long32 schedd_job_info = sconf_get_schedd_job_info(); lListElem *sme = sconf_get_sme(); lListElem *tmp_sme = sconf_get_tmp_sme(); DENTER(TOP_LAYER, "schedd_mes_obtain_package"); if (schedd_job_info == SCHEDD_JOB_INFO_FALSE) { /* * Temporaryly we enable schedd_job_info to add one * message which says that schedd_job_info is disabled. */ sconf_enable_schedd_job_info(); schedd_mes_add_global(NULL, false, SCHEDD_INFO_TURNEDOFF); sconf_disable_schedd_job_info(); } else if (schedd_job_info == SCHEDD_JOB_INFO_JOB_LIST) { schedd_mes_add_global(NULL, false, SCHEDD_INFO_JOBLIST); } else if (lGetNumberOfElem(lGetList(sme, SME_message_list))<1 && lGetNumberOfElem(lGetList(sme, SME_global_message_list))<1) { schedd_mes_add_global(NULL, false, SCHEDD_INFO_NOMESSAGE); } if (global_mes_count != NULL) { *global_mes_count = lGetNumberOfElem(lGetList(sme, SME_global_message_list)); } if (job_mes_count != NULL) { *job_mes_count = lGetNumberOfElem(lGetList(sme, SME_message_list)); } ret = sme; /* calling function is responsible to free messages! */ sconf_set_sme(NULL); lFreeElem(&tmp_sme); sconf_set_tmp_sme(NULL); sconf_set_mes_schedd_info(false); schedd_mes_set_logging(0); DRETURN(ret); } /****** schedd/schedd_mes/schedd_mes_add() ************************************ * NAME * schedd_mes_add() -- Add one entry into the message structure. * * SYNOPSIS * void schedd_mes_add(u_long32 job_number, * u_long32 message_number, * ...) * * FUNCTION * During the time the scheduler trys to dispatch jobs it might * call this function to add messages into a temporary structure. * This function might be called several times. Each call * will add one element which containes one message describing * a reason, why a job can't be dispatched and the concerned jid. * * When it is clear if the job could be dispatched or not, one of * following functions has to be called: * * schedd_mes_commit() * schedd_mes_rollback() * * INPUTS * u_long32 job_number - job id * u_long32 message_number - message number (sge_schedd_text.h) * ... - arguments for format string * sge_schedd_text(message_number) * * SEE ALSO * schedd/schedd_mes/schedd_mes_commit() * schedd/schedd_mes/schedd_mes_rollback() *******************************************************************************/ void schedd_mes_add(lList **monitor_alpp, bool monitor_next_run, u_long32 job_id, u_long32 message_number, ...) { #ifndef WIN32NATIVE va_list args; const char *fmt; lListElem *mes = NULL; char msg[MAXMSGLEN]; char msg_log[MAXMSGLEN]; lList *jobs_ulng = NULL; lListElem *jid_ulng; u_long32 schedd_job_info; #if defined(HAS_VSNPRINTF) int nchars; #endif lListElem *tmp_sme = sconf_get_tmp_sme(); DENTER(TOP_LAYER, "schedd_mes_add"); fmt = sge_schedd_text(message_number); va_start(args, message_number); #if defined(HAS_VSNPRINTF) nchars = vsnprintf(msg, MAXMSGLEN, fmt, args); if (nchars == -1) { ERROR((SGE_EVENT, MSG_SCHEDDMESSAGE_CREATEJOBINFOFORMESSAGEFAILED_U, sge_u32c(message_number))); DRETURN_VOID; } #else vsprintf(msg, fmt, args); #endif va_end(args); if (monitor_alpp || monitor_next_run) { if (job_id) { sprintf(msg_log, "Job "sge_u32" %s", job_id, msg); } else { sprintf(msg_log, "Your job %s", msg); } schedd_log(msg_log, monitor_alpp, monitor_next_run); } schedd_job_info = sconf_get_schedd_job_info(); if (!monitor_alpp && job_id && (schedd_job_info != SCHEDD_JOB_INFO_FALSE)) { if (sconf_get_mes_schedd_info()) { if (schedd_job_info == SCHEDD_JOB_INFO_JOB_LIST) { if (!range_list_is_id_within(sconf_get_schedd_job_info_range(), job_id)) { DPRINTF(("Job "sge_u32" not in scheddconf.schedd_job_info_list\n", job_id)); DRETURN_VOID; } } mes = lCreateElem(MES_Type); jobs_ulng = lCreateList("job ids", ULNG_Type); lSetList(mes, MES_job_number_list, jobs_ulng); lSetUlong(mes, MES_message_number, message_number); lSetString(mes, MES_message, msg); lAppendElem(lGetList(tmp_sme, SME_message_list), mes); jid_ulng = lCreateElem(ULNG_Type); lSetUlong(jid_ulng, ULNG_value, job_id); lAppendElem(jobs_ulng, jid_ulng); } } DRETURN_VOID; #endif } /****** schedd_message/schedd_mes_add_join() *********************************** * NAME * schedd_mes_add_join() -- same as schedd_mes_add, but joins messages based * on the message id. * * SYNOPSIS * void schedd_mes_add_join(u_long32 job_number, u_long32 message_number, * ...) * * FUNCTION * same as schedd_mes_add, but joins messages based * on the message id. But it only uses the temp message * list and not the global one. * * INPUTS * u_long32 job_number - ??? * u_long32 message_number - ??? * ... - ??? * * NOTES * MT-NOTE: schedd_mes_add_join() is not MT safe * *******************************************************************************/ void schedd_mes_add_join(bool monitor_next_run, u_long32 job_number, u_long32 message_number, ...) { #ifndef WIN32NATIVE va_list args; const char *fmt; lListElem *mes = NULL; char msg[MAXMSGLEN]; char msg_log[MAXMSGLEN]; lList *jobs_ulng = NULL; lListElem *jid_ulng; u_long32 schedd_job_info; #if defined(HAS_VSNPRINTF) int nchars; #endif lListElem *tmp_sme = sconf_get_tmp_sme(); DENTER(TOP_LAYER, "schedd_mes_add_join"); fmt = sge_schedd_text(message_number); va_start(args,message_number); #if defined(HAS_VSNPRINTF) nchars = vsnprintf(msg, MAXMSGLEN, fmt, args); if (nchars == -1) { ERROR((SGE_EVENT, MSG_SCHEDDMESSAGE_CREATEJOBINFOFORMESSAGEFAILED_U, sge_u32c(message_number))); DRETURN_VOID; } #else vsprintf(msg, fmt, args); #endif va_end(args); schedd_job_info = sconf_get_schedd_job_info(); if (job_number && (schedd_job_info != SCHEDD_JOB_INFO_FALSE)) { if (sconf_get_mes_schedd_info()) { if (schedd_job_info == SCHEDD_JOB_INFO_JOB_LIST) { if (!sconf_is_id_in_schedd_job_info_range(job_number)) { DPRINTF(("Job "sge_u32" not in scheddconf.schedd_job_info_list\n", job_number)); DRETURN_VOID; } } mes = lGetElemUlong(lGetList(tmp_sme, SME_message_list), MES_message_number, message_number); if (mes == NULL) { mes = lCreateElem(MES_Type); jobs_ulng = lCreateList("job ids", ULNG_Type); lSetList(mes, MES_job_number_list, jobs_ulng); lSetUlong(mes, MES_message_number, message_number); lSetString(mes, MES_message, msg); lAppendElem(lGetList(tmp_sme, SME_message_list), mes); } else { jobs_ulng = lGetList(mes, MES_job_number_list); } jid_ulng = lCreateElem(ULNG_Type); lSetUlong(jid_ulng, ULNG_value, job_number); lAppendElem(jobs_ulng, jid_ulng); } if (schedd_mes_get_logging()) { sprintf(msg_log, "Job "sge_u32" %s", job_number, msg); schedd_log(msg_log, NULL, monitor_next_run); } } else { if (schedd_mes_get_logging()) { if (job_number) { sprintf(msg_log, "Job "sge_u32" %s", job_number, msg); } else { sprintf(msg_log, "Your job %s", msg); } schedd_log(msg_log, NULL, monitor_next_run); } } DRETURN_VOID; #endif } /****** schedd/schedd_mes/schedd_mes_add_global() ************************* * NAME * schedd_mes_add_global() -- add a global message * * SYNOPSIS * void schedd_mes_add_global(u_long32 message_number, ...) * * FUNCTION * Add a global message into a message structure. * * INPUTS * u_long32 message_number - message number (sge_schedd_text.h) * ... - arguments for format string * sge_schedd_text(message_number) * *******************************************************************************/ void schedd_mes_add_global(lList **monitor_alpp, bool monitor_next_run, u_long32 message_number, ...) { va_list args; const char *fmt; lListElem *mes; char msg[MAXMSGLEN]; #if defined(HAS_VSNPRINTF) int nchars; #endif DENTER(TOP_LAYER, "schedd_mes_add_global"); /* Create error message */ fmt = sge_schedd_text(message_number); va_start(args,message_number); #if defined(HAS_VSNPRINTF) nchars = vsnprintf(msg, MAXMSGLEN, fmt, args); if (nchars == -1) { ERROR((SGE_EVENT, MSG_SCHEDDMESSAGE_CREATEJOBINFOFORMESSAGEFAILED_U, sge_u32c(message_number))); DRETURN_VOID; } #else vsprintf(msg, fmt, args); #endif va_end(args); if (!monitor_alpp && sconf_get_schedd_job_info() != SCHEDD_JOB_INFO_FALSE) { lListElem *sme = sconf_get_sme(); if (sme != NULL) { mes = lCreateElem(MES_Type); lSetUlong(mes, MES_message_number, message_number); lSetString(mes, MES_message, msg); lAppendElem(lGetList(sme, SME_global_message_list), mes); } } /* Write entry into log file */ schedd_log(msg, monitor_alpp, monitor_next_run); DRETURN_VOID; } /****** schedd_message/schedd_mes_get_tmp_list() ******************************* * NAME * schedd_mes_get_tmp_list() -- gets all messages for the current job * * SYNOPSIS * lList* schedd_mes_get_tmp_list() * * FUNCTION * returns a list of all messages for the current job * * RESULT * lList* - message list * *******************************************************************************/ lList *schedd_mes_get_tmp_list(){ lList *ret = NULL; lListElem *tmp_sme = sconf_get_tmp_sme(); DENTER(TOP_LAYER, "schedd_mes_get_tmp_list"); if (tmp_sme) { ret = lGetList(tmp_sme, SME_message_list); } DRETURN(ret); } /****** schedd_message/schedd_mes_set_tmp_list() ******************************* * NAME * schedd_mes_set_tmp_list() -- sets the messages for a current job * * SYNOPSIS * void schedd_mes_set_tmp_list(lListElem *category, int name, int name, u_long32 job_number) * * FUNCTION * Takes a mesage list, changes the job number to the current job and stores * the list. * * INPUTS * lListElem *category - an object, which stores the list * int name - element id for the list * u_long32 job_number - job number * *******************************************************************************/ void schedd_mes_set_tmp_list(lListElem *category, int name, u_long32 job_number) { lListElem *tmp_sme = sconf_get_tmp_sme(); lList *tmp_list = NULL; lListElem *tmp_elem; DENTER(TOP_LAYER, "schedd_mes_set_tmp_list"); lXchgList(category, name, &tmp_list); for_each(tmp_elem, tmp_list) lAddSubUlong(tmp_elem, ULNG_value, job_number, MES_job_number_list, ULNG_Type); if (tmp_sme && tmp_list) { lList *prev = NULL; lXchgList(tmp_sme, SME_message_list, &prev); lAddList(tmp_list, &prev); lSetList(tmp_sme, SME_message_list, tmp_list); } DRETURN_VOID; }