/*___INFO__MARK_BEGIN__*/ /************************************************************************* * * The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of * the Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.2 * * Sun Microsystems Inc., March, 2001 * * * Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.2 * ================================================= * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Industry Standards * Source License Version 1.2 (the "License"); You may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the * License at http://gridengine.sunsource.net/Gridengine_SISSL_license.html * * Software provided under this License is provided on an "AS IS" basis, * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, * WITHOUT LIMITATION, WARRANTIES THAT THE SOFTWARE IS FREE OF DEFECTS, * MERCHANTABLE, FIT FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR NON-INFRINGING. * See the License for the specific provisions governing your rights and * obligations concerning the Software. * * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is: Sun Microsystems, Inc. * * Copyright: 2001 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * * All Rights Reserved. * ************************************************************************/ /*___INFO__MARK_END__*/ #include #include #include #include /* do not compile in monitoring code */ #ifndef NO_SGE_COMPILE_DEBUG #define NO_SGE_COMPILE_DEBUG #endif #include "sge_log.h" #include "sgermon.h" #include "cull_listP.h" #include "cull_list.h" #include "cull_db.h" #include "cull_parse.h" #include "cull_multitype.h" #include "cull_whatP.h" #include "cull_lerrnoP.h" #include "pack.h" #include "cull_pack.h" #include "msg_gdilib.h" static lEnumeration *subscope_lWhat(cull_parse_state* state, va_list *app); /****** cull/what/nm_set() **************************************************** * NAME * nm_set() -- Build a int vector * * SYNOPSIS * void nm_set(int job_field[], int nm) * * FUNCTION * Build a int vector like it is used by lIntVector2What() * * INPUTS * int job_field[] - int vector * int nm - field name id ******************************************************************************/ void nm_set(int job_field[], int nm) { int i; DENTER(TOP_LAYER, "nm_set"); /* seek it */ for (i=0; job_field[i]!=NoName; i++) if (job_field[i] == nm) DRETURN_VOID; /*found*/ /* set it */ DPRINTF(("%s\n", lNm2Str(nm))); job_field[i++] = nm; job_field[i] = NoName; DRETURN_VOID; } /****** cull/what/lReduceDescr() ********************************************** * NAME * lReduceDescr() -- Reduce a descriptor * * SYNOPSIS * int lReduceDescr(lDescr **dst_dpp, lDescr *src_dp, lEnumeration *enp) * * FUNCTION * Makes a new descriptor in 'dst_dpp' that containes only those * fields from 'src_dp' that are in 'enp'. * * INPUTS * lDescr **dst_dpp - destination for reduced descriptor * lDescr *src_dp - source descriptor * lEnumeration *enp - condition * * RESULT * int - error state * 0 - OK * -1 - Error *******************************************************************************/ int lReduceDescr(lDescr **dst_dpp, lDescr *src_dp, lEnumeration *enp) { int n, index = 0; DENTER(TOP_LAYER, "lReduceDescr"); if (!dst_dpp || !src_dp || !enp) { DRETURN(-1); } n = lCountWhat(enp, src_dp); if (n == 0) { DRETURN(0); } /* create new partial descriptor */ if (!(*dst_dpp = (lDescr *) malloc(sizeof(lDescr) * (n + 1)))) { DRETURN(-1); } lPartialDescr(enp, src_dp, *dst_dpp, &index); DRETURN(0); } /* ------------------------------------------------------------ _lWhat creates an enumeration array. This is used in lWhat to choose special fields of a list element. */ lEnumeration *_lWhat(const char *fmt, const lDescr *dp, const int *nm_list, int nr_nm) { int neg = 0; int i, j, k, n, size = 0; const char *s; lEnumeration *ep = NULL; lEnumeration *ep2 = NULL; int error_status; cull_parse_state state; DENTER(CULL_LAYER, "_lWhat"); if (!fmt) { error_status = LENOFORMATSTR; goto error; } /* how many fields are selected (for malloc) */ for (n = 0, s = fmt; *s; s++) if (*s == '%') n++; /* are the number of %'s the number of names - 1 ? */ if (nr_nm != n - 1) { error_status = LESYNTAX; goto error; } memset(&state, 0, sizeof(state)); if (scan(fmt, &state) != TYPE) { /* %T expected */ error_status = LESYNTAX; goto error; } eat_token(&state); /* eat %T */ if (scan(NULL, &state) != BRA) { /* ( expected */ error_status = LESYNTAX; goto error; } eat_token(&state); /* eat ( */ /* Nr of fields to malloc */ /* for CULL_ALL and NONE we need one lEnumeration struct */ if (n > 1) n--; if (!(ep = (lEnumeration *) malloc(sizeof(lEnumeration) * (n + 1)))) { error_status = LEMALLOC; goto error; } /* Special cases CULL_ALL fields are selected or NONE is selected */ /* Normally the arguments nm_list and nr_nm should be NULL(0) */ switch (scan(NULL, &state)) { case CULL_ALL: ep[0].pos = WHAT_ALL; ep[0].nm = -99; ep[0].mt = -99; ep[0].ep = NULL; eat_token(&state); ep[1].pos = 0; ep[1].nm = NoName; ep[1].mt = lEndT; ep[1].ep = NULL; DRETURN(ep); case CULL_NONE: ep[0].pos = WHAT_NONE; ep[0].nm = -99; ep[0].mt = -99; ep[0].ep = NULL; eat_token(&state); ep[1].pos = 0; ep[1].nm = NoName; ep[1].mt = lEndT; ep[1].ep = NULL; DRETURN(ep); default: break; } if (scan(NULL, &state) == NEG) { neg = 1; if ((size = lCountDescr(dp)) == -1) { error_status = LECOUNTDESCR; goto error; } /* subtract the fields that shall not be enumerated */ size -= n; eat_token(&state); /* eat ! */ if (scan(NULL, &state) != BRA) { /* ( expected */ error_status = LESYNTAX; goto error; } else eat_token(&state); /* eat_token BRA, if it was a BRA */ } for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { ep[i].nm = nm_list[i]; if ((ep[i].pos = lGetPosInDescr(dp, ep[i].nm)) < 0) { error_status = LENAMENOT; goto error; } ep[i].mt = dp[ep[i].pos].mt; ep[i].ep = NULL; if (scan(NULL, &state) != FIELD) { error_status = LESYNTAX; goto error; } eat_token(&state); } ep[n].pos = 0; ep[n].nm = NoName; ep[n].mt = lEndT; ep[n].ep = NULL; if (neg) { if (scan(NULL, &state) != KET) { error_status = LESYNTAX; goto error; } eat_token(&state); if (!(ep2 = (lEnumeration *) malloc(sizeof(lEnumeration) * (size + 1)))) { error_status = LEMALLOC; goto error; } k = 0; for (i = 0; dp[i].nm != NoName; i++) { /* remove the elements listed in the format string */ for (j = 0; ep[j].nm != NoName && ep[j].nm != dp[i].nm; j++); if (ep[j].nm != NoName) continue; ep2[k].pos = i; ep2[k].nm = dp[i].nm; ep2[k].mt = dp[i].mt; ep2[k].ep = NULL; k++; } ep2[k].pos = 0; ep2[size].nm = NoName; ep2[size].mt = lEndT; ep2[size].ep = NULL; lFreeWhat(&ep); ep = ep2; } if (scan(NULL, &state) != KET) { error_status = LESYNTAX; goto error; } eat_token(&state); /* eat ) */ DRETURN(ep); error: LERROR(error_status); lFreeWhat(&ep); DPRINTF(("error_status = %d\n", error_status)); DRETURN(NULL); } /****** cull/what/lWhat() ***************************************************** * NAME * lWhat() -- Create a ne enumeration * * SYNOPSIS * lEnumeration *lWhat(const char *fmt, ...) * * FUNCTION * Create a new enumeration. fmt describes the format of the enumeration * * INPUTS * const char *fmt - format string: * * element := type "(" attribute_list ")" . * type := "%T" . * attribute_list := "ALL" | "NONE" | attributes . * attributes = { "%I" | "%I" "->" element } . * * examples: * 1) "%T(NONE)" * 2) "%T(ALL)" * 3) "%T(%I%I)" * 4) "%T(%I%I->%T(%I%I))" * * ... - varibale list of arguments * * varargs corresponding to examples above: * 1) JB_Type * 2) JB_Type * 3) JB_Type JB_job_numer JB_ja_tasks * 4) JB_Type JB_job_numer JB_ja_tasks * JAT_Type JAT_task_number JAT_status * * * RESULT * lEnumeration* - new enumeration * * NOTES * "%I" is equivalent with "%I->%T(ALL)" * "" is NOT equivalent with "%I->%T(NONE)" *******************************************************************************/ lEnumeration *lWhat(const char *fmt, ...) { lEnumeration *enumeration = NULL; va_list ap; cull_parse_state state; DENTER(CULL_LAYER, "lWhat"); if (!fmt) { LERROR(LENOFORMATSTR); DRETURN(NULL); } va_start(ap, fmt); /* initialize scan function, the actual token is scanned again in the subscope fuction. There we call eat_token to go ahead */ memset(&state, 0, sizeof(state)); scan(fmt, &state); /* parse */ enumeration = subscope_lWhat(&state, &ap); va_end(ap); if (!enumeration) { LERROR(LEPARSECOND); DRETURN(NULL); } DRETURN(enumeration); } static lEnumeration *subscope_lWhat(cull_parse_state* state, va_list *app) { lDescr *dp = NULL; lEnumeration *enumeration = NULL; int token; lEnumeration ep[1000]; int next_id = 0; int i; DENTER(CULL_LAYER, "subscope_lWhat"); if (scan(NULL, state) != TYPE) { LERROR(LESYNTAX); DRETURN(NULL); } eat_token(state); /* eat %T */ if (!(dp = va_arg(*app, lDescr *))) { LERROR(LEDESCRNULL); DRETURN(NULL); } if (scan(NULL, state) != BRA) { LERROR(LESYNTAX); DRETURN(NULL); } eat_token(state); /* eat ( */ token = scan(NULL, state); if (token == CULL_ALL) { ep[next_id].pos = WHAT_ALL; ep[next_id].nm = -99; ep[next_id].mt = -99; ep[next_id].ep = NULL; next_id++; eat_token(state); } else if (token == CULL_NONE) { ep[next_id].pos = WHAT_NONE; ep[next_id].nm = -99; ep[next_id].mt = -99; ep[next_id].ep = NULL; next_id++; eat_token(state); } else { do { int nm; if (token != FIELD) { LERROR(LESYNTAX); DRETURN(NULL); } eat_token(state); /* eat %I */ /* find field in current descriptor */ nm = va_arg(*app, int); for (i = 0; dp[i].nm != NoName; i++) { if (dp[i].nm == nm) { ep[next_id].pos = i; ep[next_id].nm = nm; ep[next_id].mt = dp[i].mt; break; } } token = scan(NULL, state); if (token == SUBSCOPE) { eat_token(state); /* eat -> */ ep[next_id].ep = subscope_lWhat(state, app); token = scan(NULL, state); } else { ep[next_id].ep = NULL; } next_id++; } while (token == FIELD); } /* add last element */ ep[next_id].pos = 0; ep[next_id].nm = NoName; ep[next_id].mt = lEndT; ep[next_id].ep = NULL; next_id++; if (scan(NULL, state) != KET) { LERROR(LESYNTAX); DRETURN(NULL); } eat_token(state); /* eat ) */ /* make copy of local data */ enumeration = malloc(sizeof(lEnumeration) * next_id); if (enumeration == NULL) { LERROR(LEMALLOC); DRETURN(NULL); } for (i = 0; i < next_id; i++) { enumeration[i].pos = ep[i].pos; enumeration[i].nm = ep[i].nm; enumeration[i].mt = ep[i].mt; enumeration[i].ep = ep[i].ep; } DRETURN(enumeration); } /****** cull/what/lWhatAll() ***************************************************** * NAME * lWhatAll() -- Creates a enumeration array requesting all elements. * * SYNOPSIS * lEnumeration* lWhatAll() * * FUNCTION * Creates a enumeration array that requests complete elements * of whatever typed list. This is a shortcut for * lWhat("%T(ALL)", )), cause for all the descriptor is not * needed anyway, it is available from the list itself. * * INPUTS * * RESULT * lEnumeration* - enumeration ******************************************************************************/ lEnumeration *lWhatAll() { lEnumeration *ep; int error_status; DENTER(CULL_LAYER, "lWhatAll"); if (!(ep = (lEnumeration *) malloc(sizeof(lEnumeration) * 2))) { error_status = LEMALLOC; goto error; } ep[0].pos = WHAT_ALL; ep[0].nm = -99; ep[0].mt = -99; ep[0].ep = NULL; ep[1].pos = 0; ep[1].nm = NoName; ep[1].mt = lEndT; ep[1].ep = NULL; DRETURN(ep); error: LERROR(error_status); DPRINTF(("error_status = %d\n", error_status)); DRETURN(NULL); } /****** cull/what/lFreeWhat() ************************************************* * NAME * lFreeWhat() -- Frees a enumeration array * * SYNOPSIS * void lFreeWhat(lEnumeration **ep) * * FUNCTION * Frees a enumeration array * * INPUTS * lEnumeration **ep - enumeration, will be set to NULL * ******************************************************************************/ void lFreeWhat(lEnumeration **ep) { int i; DENTER(CULL_LAYER, "lFreeWhat"); if (ep == NULL || *ep == NULL) { DRETURN_VOID; } for (i = 0; mt_get_type((*ep)[i].mt) != lEndT; i++) { if ((*ep)[i].ep != NULL) { lFreeWhat(&((*ep)[i].ep)); } } FREE(*ep); DRETURN_VOID; } /****** cull/what/lCountWhat() ************************************************ * NAME * lCountWhat() -- Returns size of enumeration * * SYNOPSIS * int lCountWhat(const lEnumeration *enp, const lDescr *dp) * * FUNCTION * Returns size of enumeration * * INPUTS * const lEnumeration *enp - enumeration * const lDescr *dp - descriptor * * RESULT * int - number of fields in enumeration ******************************************************************************/ int lCountWhat(const lEnumeration *enp, const lDescr *dp) { int n; DENTER(CULL_LAYER, "lCountWhat"); if (!enp) { LERROR(LEENUMNULL); DRETURN(-1); } if (!dp) { LERROR(LEDESCRNULL); DRETURN(-1); } switch (enp[0].pos) { case WHAT_NONE: n = 0; break; case WHAT_ALL: if ((n = lCountDescr(dp)) == -1) { LERROR(LECOUNTDESCR); DRETURN(-1); } break; default: for (n = 0; enp[n].nm != NoName; n++) ; } DRETURN(n); } /****** cull/what/lCopyWhat() ************************************************* * NAME * lCopyWhat() -- Copy a enumeration array * * SYNOPSIS * lEnumeration* lCopyWhat(const lEnumeration *ep) * * FUNCTION * Copy a enumeration array * * INPUTS * const lEnumeration *ep - enumeration * * RESULT * lEnumeration* - new copy of enumeration ******************************************************************************/ lEnumeration *lCopyWhat(const lEnumeration *ep) { int i, n; lEnumeration *copy = NULL; DENTER(CULL_LAYER, "lCopyWhat"); if (!ep) { LERROR(LEENUMNULL); DRETURN(NULL); } for (n = 0; mt_get_type(ep[n].mt) != lEndT; n++); if (!(copy = (lEnumeration *) malloc(sizeof(lEnumeration) * (n + 1)))) { LERROR(LEMALLOC); DRETURN(NULL); } for (i = 0; i <= n; i++) { copy[i].pos = ep[i].pos; copy[i].nm = ep[i].nm; copy[i].mt = ep[i].mt; copy[i].ep = lCopyWhat(ep[i].ep); } DRETURN(copy); } /****** cull/what/lIntVector2What() ******************************************* * NAME * lIntVector2What() -- Create a enumeration from int array * * SYNOPSIS * lEnumeration* lIntVector2What(const lDescr *dp, const int intv[]) * * FUNCTION * Create a enumeration from int array * * INPUTS * const lDescr *dp - descriptor * const int intv[] - int array * * RESULT * lEnumeration* - enumeration ******************************************************************************/ lEnumeration *lIntVector2What(const lDescr *dp, const int intv[]) { lEnumeration *what; char fmtstr[2000]; int i; DENTER(CULL_LAYER, "lIntVector2What"); /* reduce a descriptor to get one with only these fields that are needed for modify */ strcpy(fmtstr, "%T("); for (i = 0; intv[i] != NoName; i++) { strcat(fmtstr, "%I"); } strcat(fmtstr, ")"); DPRINTF(("fmtstr: %s\n", fmtstr)); what = _lWhat(fmtstr, dp, intv, i); DRETURN(what); } int lMergeWhat(lEnumeration **what1, lEnumeration **what2) { int ret = 0; DENTER(CULL_LAYER, "lMergeWhat"); if (*what1 == NULL || (*what1)[0].pos == WHAT_NONE || (*what2)[0].pos == WHAT_ALL) { /* * what1 is empty or what2 containes all attributes */ lFreeWhat(what1); *what1 = *what2; *what2 = NULL; } else if ((*what1)[0].pos == WHAT_ALL) { /* * what1 contailes already all elements */ lFreeWhat(what2); } else { lEnumeration tmp_result[1000]; int next_id = 0; int i, j; /* * Add all elements of what1 */ for (i = 0; mt_get_type((*what1)[i].mt) != lEndT; i++) { tmp_result[next_id].pos = (*what1)[i].pos; tmp_result[next_id].mt = (*what1)[i].mt; tmp_result[next_id].nm = (*what1)[i].nm; tmp_result[next_id].ep = (*what1)[i].ep; (*what1)[i].ep = NULL; next_id++; } tmp_result[next_id].pos = 0; tmp_result[next_id].nm = NoName; tmp_result[next_id].mt = lEndT; tmp_result[next_id].ep = NULL; lFreeWhat(what1); /* * Add only those of what2 which are not already contained in what1 * honour subwhat's */ for (i = 0; mt_get_type((*what2)[i].mt) != lEndT; i++) { bool skip = false; for (j = 0; mt_get_type(tmp_result[j].mt) != lEndT; j++) { if (tmp_result[j].mt == (*what2)[i].mt && tmp_result[j].nm == (*what2)[i].nm && tmp_result[j].pos == (*what2)[i].pos) { /*TODO: SG is this correct? what happens, if we have a new subfilter in what2 but none in temp? */ if (tmp_result[next_id].ep != NULL && (*what2)[i].ep != NULL) { lMergeWhat(&(tmp_result[next_id].ep), &((*what2)[i].ep)); } else { tmp_result[next_id].ep = NULL; } skip = true; break; } } if (!skip) { tmp_result[next_id].pos = (*what2)[i].pos; tmp_result[next_id].mt = (*what2)[i].mt; tmp_result[next_id].nm = (*what2)[i].nm; /*TODO: SG is this correct? what happens, if we have a new subfilter in what2 but none in temp? */ if (tmp_result[next_id].ep != NULL && (*what2)[i].ep != NULL) { lMergeWhat(&(tmp_result[next_id].ep), &((*what2)[i].ep)); } else { tmp_result[next_id].ep = NULL; } /* add last element */ next_id++; tmp_result[next_id].pos = 0; tmp_result[next_id].nm = NoName; tmp_result[next_id].mt = lEndT; tmp_result[next_id].ep = NULL; } } tmp_result[next_id].pos = 0; tmp_result[next_id].nm = NoName; tmp_result[next_id].mt = lEndT; tmp_result[next_id].ep = NULL; next_id++; lFreeWhat(what2); /* * create result what */ *what1 = malloc(sizeof(lEnumeration) * next_id); if (*what1 != NULL) { for (i = 0; i < next_id; i++) { (*what1)[i].pos = tmp_result[i].pos; (*what1)[i].nm = tmp_result[i].nm; (*what1)[i].mt = tmp_result[i].mt; (*what1)[i].ep = tmp_result[i].ep; } } else { LERROR(LEMALLOC); DTRACE; ret = -1; } } DRETURN(ret); } int lWhatSetSubWhat(lEnumeration *what1, int nm, lEnumeration **what2) { int ret = -1; int i; DENTER(CULL_LAYER, "lWhatSetSubWhat"); if (what1 != NULL && what2 != NULL) { for (i = 0; mt_get_type(what1[i].mt) != lEndT; i++) { if (what1[i].nm == nm) { if (what1[i].ep != NULL) { lFreeWhat(&(what1[i].ep)); } what1[i].ep = *what2; *what2 = NULL; ret = 0; break; } } lFreeWhat(what2); } DRETURN(ret); }