/*___INFO__MARK_BEGIN__*/ /************************************************************************* * * The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of * the Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.2 * * Sun Microsystems Inc., March, 2001 * * * Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.2 * ================================================= * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Industry Standards * Source License Version 1.2 (the "License"); You may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the * License at http://gridengine.sunsource.net/Gridengine_SISSL_license.html * * Software provided under this License is provided on an "AS IS" basis, * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, * WITHOUT LIMITATION, WARRANTIES THAT THE SOFTWARE IS FREE OF DEFECTS, * MERCHANTABLE, FIT FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR NON-INFRINGING. * See the License for the specific provisions governing your rights and * obligations concerning the Software. * * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is: Sun Microsystems, Inc. * * Copyright: 2001 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * * All Rights Reserved. * ************************************************************************/ /*___INFO__MARK_END__*/ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /*****/ #include /*****/ #include "sge_all_listsL.h" #include "commlib.h" #include "sge_answer.h" #include "sge_range.h" #include "qmon_proto.h" #include "qmon_rmon.h" #include "qmon_cull.h" #include "qmon_util.h" #include "qmon_appres.h" #include "qmon_timer.h" #include "qmon_comm.h" #include "qmon_quarks.h" #include "qmon_widgets.h" #include "qmon_message.h" #include "qmon_cluster.h" #include "qmon_globals.h" #include "sge_feature.h" #include "sge_host.h" #include "AskForItems.h" #include "AskForTime.h" #include "uti/sge_string.h" #include "gdi/sge_gdi.h" #include "sgeobj/sge_conf.h" /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ typedef struct _tCClEntry { String execd_spool_dir; String mailer; String xterm; String load_sensor; String prolog; String epilog; String qlogin_daemon; String qlogin_command; #if 0 String starter_method; String suspend_method; String resume_method; String terminate_method; #endif String administrator_mail; int shell_start_mode; String login_shells; int min_uid; int min_gid; String load_report_time; String max_unheard; String reschedule_unknown; int loglevel; int logmail; int max_aj_instances; int max_aj_tasks; int max_u_jobs; int max_jobs; int max_advance_reservations; lList *cluster_users; lList *cluster_xusers; lList *cluster_projects; lList *cluster_xprojects; int enforce_project; int enforce_user; int dfs; int reprioritize; String qmaster_params; String reporting_params; String execd_params; String shepherd_cmd; String rsh_daemon; String rsh_command; String rlogin_daemon; String rlogin_command; String jmx_libjvm_path; String jmx_additional_jvm_args; String jsv_url; String jsv_allowed_mod; String set_token_cmd; String pag_cmd; String token_extend_time; String gid_range; int zombie_jobs; u_long32 auto_user_oticket; u_long32 auto_user_fshare; String auto_user_default_project; String auto_user_delete_time; } tCClEntry; XtResource ccl_resources[] = { { "execd_spool_dir", "execd_spool_dir", XtRString, sizeof(String), XtOffsetOf(tCClEntry, execd_spool_dir), XtRImmediate, NULL }, { "mailer", "mailer", XtRString, sizeof(String), XtOffsetOf(tCClEntry, mailer), XtRImmediate, NULL }, { "xterm", "xterm", XtRString, sizeof(String), XtOffsetOf(tCClEntry, xterm), XtRImmediate, NULL }, { "load_sensor", "load_sensor", XtRString, sizeof(String), XtOffsetOf(tCClEntry, load_sensor), XtRImmediate, NULL }, { "prolog", "prolog", XtRString, sizeof(String), XtOffsetOf(tCClEntry, prolog), XtRImmediate, NULL }, { "epilog", "epilog", XtRString, sizeof(String), XtOffsetOf(tCClEntry, epilog), XtRImmediate, NULL }, { "qlogin_daemon", "qlogin_daemon", XtRString, sizeof(String), XtOffsetOf(tCClEntry, qlogin_daemon), XtRImmediate, NULL }, { "qlogin_command", "qlogin_command", XtRString, sizeof(String), XtOffsetOf(tCClEntry, qlogin_command), XtRImmediate, NULL }, #if 0 { "starter_method", "starter_method", XtRString, sizeof(String), XtOffsetOf(tCClEntry, starter_method), XtRImmediate, NULL }, { "suspend_method", "suspend_method", XtRString, sizeof(String), XtOffsetOf(tCClEntry, suspend_method), XtRImmediate, NULL }, { "resume_method", "resume_method", XtRString, sizeof(String), XtOffsetOf(tCClEntry, resume_method), XtRImmediate, NULL }, { "terminate_method", "terminate_method", XtRString, sizeof(String), XtOffsetOf(tCClEntry, terminate_method), XtRImmediate, NULL }, #endif { "login_shells", "login_shells", XtRString, sizeof(String), XtOffsetOf(tCClEntry, login_shells), XtRImmediate, NULL }, { "administrator_mail", "administrator_mail", XtRString, sizeof(String), XtOffsetOf(tCClEntry, administrator_mail), XtRImmediate, NULL }, { "min_uid", "min_uid", XtRInt, sizeof(int), XtOffsetOf(tCClEntry, min_uid), XtRImmediate, NULL }, { "min_gid", "min_gid", XtRInt, sizeof(int), XtOffsetOf(tCClEntry, min_gid), XtRImmediate, NULL }, { "load_report_time", "load_report_time", XtRString, sizeof(String), XtOffsetOf(tCClEntry, load_report_time), XtRImmediate, NULL }, { "max_unheard", "max_unheard", XtRString, sizeof(String), XtOffsetOf(tCClEntry, max_unheard), XtRImmediate, NULL }, { "reschedule_unknown", "reschedule_unknown", XtRString, sizeof(String), XtOffsetOf(tCClEntry, reschedule_unknown), XtRImmediate, NULL }, { "loglevel", "loglevel", XtRInt, sizeof(int), XtOffsetOf(tCClEntry, loglevel), XtRImmediate, NULL }, { "logmail", "logmail", XtRInt, sizeof(int), XtOffsetOf(tCClEntry, logmail), XtRImmediate, NULL }, { "dfs", "dfs", XtRInt, sizeof(int), XtOffsetOf(tCClEntry, dfs), XtRImmediate, NULL }, { "reprioritize", "reprioritize", XtRInt, sizeof(int), XtOffsetOf(tCClEntry, reprioritize), XtRImmediate, NULL }, { "max_aj_instances", "max_aj_instances", XtRInt, sizeof(int), XtOffsetOf(tCClEntry, max_aj_instances), XtRImmediate, NULL }, { "max_aj_tasks", "max_aj_tasks", XtRInt, sizeof(int), XtOffsetOf(tCClEntry, max_aj_tasks), XtRImmediate, NULL }, { "max_u_jobs", "max_u_jobs", XtRInt, sizeof(int), XtOffsetOf(tCClEntry, max_u_jobs), XtRImmediate, NULL }, { "max_jobs", "max_jobs", XtRInt, sizeof(int), XtOffsetOf(tCClEntry, max_jobs), XtRImmediate, NULL }, { "max_advance_reservations", "max_advance_reservations", XtRInt, sizeof(int), XtOffsetOf(tCClEntry, max_advance_reservations), XtRImmediate, NULL }, { "cluster_users", "cluster_users", QmonRUS_Type, sizeof(lList *), XtOffsetOf(tCClEntry, cluster_users), XtRImmediate, NULL }, { "cluster_xusers", "cluster_xusers", QmonRUS_Type, sizeof(lList *), XtOffsetOf(tCClEntry, cluster_xusers), XtRImmediate, NULL }, { "cluster_projects", "cluster_projects", QmonRPR_Type, sizeof(lList *), XtOffsetOf(tCClEntry, cluster_projects), XtRImmediate, NULL }, { "cluster_xprojects", "cluster_xprojects", QmonRPR_Type, sizeof(lList *), XtOffsetOf(tCClEntry, cluster_xprojects), XtRImmediate, NULL }, { "enforce_project", "enforce_project", XtRInt, sizeof(int), XtOffsetOf(tCClEntry, enforce_project), XtRImmediate, NULL }, { "enforce_user", "enforce_user", XtRInt, sizeof(int), XtOffsetOf(tCClEntry, enforce_user), XtRImmediate, NULL }, { "shell_start_mode", "shell_start_mode", XtRInt, sizeof(int), XtOffsetOf(tCClEntry, shell_start_mode), XtRImmediate, NULL }, { "qmaster_params", "qmaster_params", XtRString, sizeof(String), XtOffsetOf(tCClEntry, qmaster_params), XtRImmediate, NULL }, { "reporting_params", "reporting_params", XtRString, sizeof(String), XtOffsetOf(tCClEntry, reporting_params), XtRImmediate, NULL }, { "execd_params", "execd_params", XtRString, sizeof(String), XtOffsetOf(tCClEntry, execd_params), XtRImmediate, NULL }, { "shepherd_cmd", "shepherd_cmd", XtRString, sizeof(String), XtOffsetOf(tCClEntry, shepherd_cmd), XtRImmediate, NULL }, { "rsh_daemon", "rsh_daemon", XtRString, sizeof(String), XtOffsetOf(tCClEntry, rsh_daemon), XtRImmediate, NULL }, { "rsh_command", "rsh_command", XtRString, sizeof(String), XtOffsetOf(tCClEntry, rsh_command), XtRImmediate, NULL }, { "rlogin_daemon", "rlogin_daemon", XtRString, sizeof(String), XtOffsetOf(tCClEntry, rlogin_daemon), XtRImmediate, NULL }, { "rlogin_command", "rlogin_command", XtRString, sizeof(String), XtOffsetOf(tCClEntry, rlogin_command), XtRImmediate, NULL }, { "jmx_libjvm_path", "jmx_libjvm_path", XtRString, sizeof(String), XtOffsetOf(tCClEntry, jmx_libjvm_path), XtRImmediate, NULL }, { "jmx_additional_jvm_args", "jmx_additional_jvm_args", XtRString, sizeof(String), XtOffsetOf(tCClEntry, jmx_additional_jvm_args), XtRImmediate, NULL }, { "jsv_url", "jsv_url", XtRString, sizeof(String), XtOffsetOf(tCClEntry, jsv_url), XtRImmediate, NULL }, { "jsv_allowed_mod", "jsv_allowed_mod", XtRString, sizeof(String), XtOffsetOf(tCClEntry, jsv_allowed_mod), XtRImmediate, NULL }, { "set_token_cmd", "set_token_cmd", XtRString, sizeof(String), XtOffsetOf(tCClEntry, set_token_cmd), XtRImmediate, NULL }, { "pag_cmd", "pag_cmd", XtRString, sizeof(String), XtOffsetOf(tCClEntry, pag_cmd), XtRImmediate, NULL }, { "token_extend_time", "token_extend_time", XtRString, sizeof(String), XtOffsetOf(tCClEntry, token_extend_time), XtRImmediate, NULL }, { "gid_range", "gid_range", XtRString, sizeof(String), XtOffsetOf(tCClEntry, gid_range), XtRImmediate, NULL }, { "zombie_jobs", "zombie_jobs", XtRInt, sizeof(int), XtOffsetOf(tCClEntry, zombie_jobs), XtRImmediate, NULL }, { "auto_user_oticket", "auto_user_oticket", XtRInt, sizeof(u_long32), XtOffsetOf(tCClEntry, auto_user_oticket), XtRImmediate, NULL }, { "auto_user_fshare", "auto_user_fshare", XtRInt, sizeof(u_long32), XtOffsetOf(tCClEntry, auto_user_fshare), XtRImmediate, NULL }, { "auto_user_default_project", "auto_user_default_project", XtRString, sizeof(String), XtOffsetOf(tCClEntry, auto_user_default_project), XtRImmediate, NULL }, { "auto_user_delete_time", "auto_user_delete_time", XtRString, sizeof(String), XtOffsetOf(tCClEntry, auto_user_delete_time), XtRImmediate, NULL }, }; static Widget qmon_cluster = 0; static Widget cluster_host_list = 0; static Widget cluster_conf_list = 0; static Widget cluster_global_layout = 0; static Widget cluster_host = 0; static Widget cluster_execd_spool_dir = 0; static Widget cluster_execd_spool_dir_label = 0; static Widget cluster_admin_mail = 0; static Widget cluster_admin_mail_label = 0; static Widget cluster_login_shells = 0; static Widget cluster_login_shells_label = 0; static Widget cluster_min_uid = 0; static Widget cluster_min_gid = 0; static Widget cluster_max_aj_instances = 0; static Widget cluster_max_aj_tasks = 0; static Widget cluster_max_u_jobs = 0; static Widget cluster_max_jobs = 0; static Widget cluster_max_advance_reservations = 0; static Widget cluster_zombie_jobs = 0; static Widget cluster_load_report_time = 0; static Widget cluster_load_report_timePB = 0; static Widget cluster_max_unheard = 0; static Widget cluster_max_unheardPB = 0; static Widget cluster_reschedule_unknown = 0; static Widget cluster_reschedule_unknownPB = 0; static Widget cluster_shell_start_mode = 0; static Widget cluster_loglevel = 0; static Widget cluster_dfs = 0; static Widget cluster_reprioritize = 0; static Widget cluster_enforce_project = 0; static Widget cluster_enforce_user = 0; static Widget cluster_users = 0; static Widget cluster_xusers = 0; static Widget cluster_usersPB = 0; static Widget cluster_xusersPB = 0; static Widget cluster_projects = 0; static Widget cluster_xprojects = 0; static Widget cluster_projectsPB = 0; static Widget cluster_xprojectsPB = 0; static Widget cluster_qmaster_params = 0; static Widget cluster_reporting_params = 0; static Widget cluster_execd_params = 0; static Widget cluster_shepherd_cmd = 0; static Widget cluster_rsh_daemon = 0; static Widget cluster_rsh_command = 0; static Widget cluster_rlogin_daemon = 0; static Widget cluster_rlogin_command = 0; static Widget cluster_jmx_libjvm_path = 0; static Widget cluster_jmx_additional_jvm_args = 0; static Widget cluster_jsv_url = 0; static Widget cluster_jsv_allowed_mod = 0; static Widget cluster_set_token_cmd = 0; static Widget cluster_pag_cmd = 0; static Widget cluster_token_extend_time = 0; static Widget cluster_gid_range = 0; static Widget cluster_qmaster_params_label = 0; static Widget cluster_reporting_params_label = 0; static Widget cluster_set_token_cmd_label = 0; static Widget cluster_pag_cmd_label = 0; static Widget cluster_token_extend_time_label = 0; static Widget cluster_auto_user_defaults_label = 0; static Widget cluster_auto_user_oticket = 0; static Widget cluster_auto_user_fshare = 0; static Widget cluster_auto_user_default_project = 0; static Widget cluster_auto_user_delete_time = 0; static Widget cluster_auto_user_delete_timePB = 0; static Boolean add_mode = False; /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static void qmonPopdownClusterConfig(Widget w, XtPointer cld, XtPointer cad); static void qmonClusterChange(Widget w, XtPointer cld, XtPointer cad); static void qmonClusterDelete(Widget w, XtPointer cld, XtPointer cad); static void qmonSelectHost(Widget w, XtPointer cld, XtPointer cad); static Widget qmonCreateClusterConfig(Widget parent); static Widget qmonClusterCreateGlobal(Widget parent); static void qmonClearCClEntry(tCClEntry *clen); static void qmonInitCClEntry(tCClEntry *clen); static void qmonCullToCClEntry(lListElem *cep, tCClEntry *clen); static void qmonClusterFillConf(Widget w, lListElem *ep); static void qmonClusterOk(Widget w, XtPointer cld, XtPointer cad); static void qmonClusterCancel(Widget w, XtPointer cld, XtPointer cad); static Boolean qmonCClEntryToCull(Widget w, tCClEntry *clen, lList **lpp, int local); static Boolean check_white(char *str); static void qmonClusterAskForUsers(Widget w, XtPointer cld, XtPointer cad); static void qmonClusterAskForProjects(Widget w, XtPointer cld, XtPointer cad); static void qmonClusterLayoutSetSensitive(Boolean mode); static void qmonClusterHost(Widget w, XtPointer cld, XtPointer cad); static void qmonClusterCheckInput(Widget w, XtPointer cld, XtPointer cad); static void qmonClusterTime(Widget w, XtPointer cld, XtPointer cad); /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void qmonPopupClusterConfig(Widget w, XtPointer cld, XtPointer cad) { Widget shell; lList *alp = NULL; DENTER(TOP_LAYER, "qmonPopupClusterConfig"); /* set busy cursor */ XmtDisplayBusyCursor(w); if (!qmon_cluster) { shell = XmtGetTopLevelShell(w); qmon_cluster = qmonCreateClusterConfig(shell); XmtAddDeleteCallback(shell, XmDO_NOTHING, qmonPopdownClusterConfig, NULL); } XSync(XtDisplay(qmon_cluster), 0); XmUpdateDisplay(qmon_cluster); qmonMirrorMultiAnswer(CONFIG_T | EXECHOST_T, &alp); if (alp) { qmonMessageBox(w, alp, 0); lFreeList(&alp); /* set default cursor */ XmtDisplayDefaultCursor(w); DEXIT; return; } qmonTimerAddUpdateProc(CONFIG_T, "updateClusterList", updateClusterList); qmonStartTimer(CONFIG_T | EXECHOST_T); updateClusterList(); XmListSelectPos(cluster_host_list, 1, True); XtManageChild(qmon_cluster); XRaiseWindow(XtDisplay(XtParent(qmon_cluster)), XtWindow(XtParent(qmon_cluster))); /* set default cursor */ XmtDisplayDefaultCursor(w); DEXIT; } /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void updateClusterList(void) { lList *cl = NULL; XmString *selectedItems = NULL; Cardinal selectedItemCount; Cardinal itemCount; XmString xglobal; DENTER(GUI_LAYER, "updateClusterList"); cl = qmonMirrorList(SGE_CONF_LIST); UpdateXmListFromCull(cluster_host_list, XmFONTLIST_DEFAULT_TAG, cl, CONF_name); XmListMoveItemToPos(cluster_host_list, "global", 1); XtVaGetValues( cluster_host_list, XmNselectedItems, &selectedItems, XmNselectedItemCount, &selectedItemCount, XmNitemCount, &itemCount, NULL); if (selectedItemCount) XmListSelectItem(cluster_host_list, selectedItems[0], True); else if (itemCount) { xglobal = XmtCreateXmString("global"); XmListSelectItem(cluster_host_list, xglobal, True); XmStringFree(xglobal); } DEXIT; } /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static void qmonSelectHost(Widget w, XtPointer cld, XtPointer cad) { XmListCallbackStruct *cbs = (XmListCallbackStruct*) cad; char *hname; lListElem *ep; DENTER(GUI_LAYER, "qmonSelectHost"); if (! XmStringGetLtoR(cbs->item, XmFONTLIST_DEFAULT_TAG, &hname)) { fprintf(stderr, "XmStringGetLtoR failed\n"); DEXIT; return; } ep = lGetElemHost(qmonMirrorList(SGE_CONF_LIST), CONF_name, hname); XtFree((char*) hname); qmonClusterFillConf(cluster_conf_list, ep); DEXIT; } /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static void qmonClusterFillConf( Widget w, lListElem *ep ) { lList *confl; lListElem *cep; XmString *items; int itemCount; char buf[BUFSIZ*4]; int i; DENTER(GUI_LAYER, "qmonClusterFillConf"); if (!ep) { DEXIT; return; } confl = lGetList(ep, CONF_entries); #if 0 UpdateXmListFromCull(cluster_conf_list, XmFONTLIST_DEFAULT_TAG, confl, CF_name); #else itemCount = lGetNumberOfElem(confl); if (itemCount < 0) { DEXIT; return; } if (itemCount == 0) { XmListDeleteAllItems(cluster_conf_list); DEXIT; return; } if (itemCount > 0) { items = (XmString*) malloc(sizeof(XmString)*itemCount); for(cep = lFirst(confl), i=0; cep; cep = lNext(cep), i++) { const char *name = lGetString(cep, CF_name); const char *value = lGetString(cep, CF_value); sprintf(buf, "%-25.25s %s", name ? name : "", value ? value : ""); items[i] = XmStringCreateLtoR(buf, "LIST"); } XtVaSetValues( cluster_conf_list, XmNitems, items, XmNitemCount, itemCount, NULL); XmStringTableFree(items, itemCount); } #endif DEXIT; } /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static void qmonPopdownClusterConfig(Widget w, XtPointer cld, XtPointer cad) { DENTER(TOP_LAYER, "qmonPopdownClusterConfig"); qmonStopTimer(CONFIG_T | EXECHOST_T); qmonTimerRmUpdateProc(CONFIG_T, "updateClusterList"); XtUnmanageChild(qmon_cluster); DEXIT; } /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static Widget qmonCreateClusterConfig( Widget parent ) { Widget cluster_layout, cluster_change, cluster_change_global, cluster_delete, cluster_done, shell, cluster_main_link; DENTER(TOP_LAYER, "qmonCreateClusterConfig"); cluster_layout = XmtBuildQueryDialog( parent, "qmon_cluster", NULL, 0, "cluster_host_list", &cluster_host_list, "cluster_conf_list", &cluster_conf_list, "cluster_delete", &cluster_delete, "cluster_change", &cluster_change, "cluster_change_global", &cluster_change_global, "cluster_done", &cluster_done, "cluster_main_link", &cluster_main_link, NULL); shell = XmtGetShell(cluster_layout); /* ** create the cluster global dialog */ cluster_global_layout = qmonClusterCreateGlobal(shell); XtAddCallback(cluster_main_link, XmNactivateCallback, qmonMainControlRaise, NULL); XtAddCallback(cluster_host_list, XmNbrowseSelectionCallback, qmonSelectHost, NULL); XtAddCallback(cluster_done, XmNactivateCallback, qmonPopdownClusterConfig, NULL); XtAddCallback(cluster_change, XmNactivateCallback, qmonClusterChange, (XtPointer) True); XtAddCallback(cluster_change_global, XmNactivateCallback, qmonClusterChange, (XtPointer) False); XtAddCallback(cluster_delete, XmNactivateCallback, qmonClusterDelete, NULL); XtAddCallback(cluster_host, XmtNverifyCallback, qmonClusterHost, NULL); XtAddEventHandler(XtParent(cluster_layout), StructureNotifyMask, False, SetMinShellSize, NULL); XtAddEventHandler(XtParent(cluster_layout), StructureNotifyMask, False, SetMaxShellSize, NULL); DEXIT; return cluster_layout; } /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static Widget qmonClusterCreateGlobal( Widget parent ) { Widget cluster_ok, cluster_cancel, layout, cluster_col, cluster_row; DENTER(TOP_LAYER, "qmonClusterCreateGlobal"); layout = XmtBuildQueryDialog( parent, "global_dialog", ccl_resources, XtNumber(ccl_resources), "cluster_host", &cluster_host, "cluster_ok", &cluster_ok, "cluster_cancel", &cluster_cancel, "cluster_dfs", &cluster_dfs, "cluster_reprioritize", &cluster_reprioritize, "cluster_enforce_project", &cluster_enforce_project, "cluster_enforce_user", &cluster_enforce_user, "cluster_usersPB", &cluster_usersPB, "cluster_xusersPB", &cluster_xusersPB, "cluster_users", &cluster_users, "cluster_xusers", &cluster_xusers, "cluster_projectsPB", &cluster_projectsPB, "cluster_xprojectsPB", &cluster_xprojectsPB, "cluster_projects", &cluster_projects, "cluster_xprojects", &cluster_xprojects, "cluster_execd_spool_dir", &cluster_execd_spool_dir, "cluster_execd_spool_dir_label", &cluster_execd_spool_dir_label, "cluster_admin_mail", &cluster_admin_mail, "cluster_admin_mail_label", &cluster_admin_mail_label, "cluster_login_shells", &cluster_login_shells, "cluster_login_shells_label", &cluster_login_shells_label, "cluster_min_uid", &cluster_min_uid, "cluster_min_gid", &cluster_min_gid, "cluster_max_aj_instances", &cluster_max_aj_instances, "cluster_max_aj_tasks", &cluster_max_aj_tasks, "cluster_max_u_jobs", &cluster_max_u_jobs, "cluster_max_jobs", &cluster_max_jobs, "cluster_max_advance_reservations", &cluster_max_advance_reservations, "cluster_zombie_jobs", &cluster_zombie_jobs, "cluster_load_report_time", &cluster_load_report_time, "cluster_load_report_timePB", &cluster_load_report_timePB, "cluster_max_unheard", &cluster_max_unheard, "cluster_max_unheardPB", &cluster_max_unheardPB, "cluster_reschedule_unknown", &cluster_reschedule_unknown, "cluster_reschedule_unknownPB", &cluster_reschedule_unknownPB, "cluster_shell_start_mode", &cluster_shell_start_mode, "cluster_loglevel", &cluster_loglevel, "cluster_qmaster_params", &cluster_qmaster_params, "cluster_qmaster_params_label", &cluster_qmaster_params_label, "cluster_reporting_params", &cluster_reporting_params, "cluster_reporting_params_label", &cluster_reporting_params_label, "cluster_execd_params", &cluster_execd_params, "cluster_shepherd_cmd", &cluster_shepherd_cmd, "cluster_rsh_daemon", &cluster_rsh_daemon, "cluster_rsh_command", &cluster_rsh_command, "cluster_rlogin_daemon", &cluster_rlogin_daemon, "cluster_rlogin_command", &cluster_rlogin_command, "cluster_jmx_libjvm_path", &cluster_jmx_libjvm_path, "cluster_jmx_additional_jvm_args", &cluster_jmx_additional_jvm_args, "cluster_jsv_url", &cluster_jsv_url, "cluster_jsv_allowed_mod", &cluster_jsv_allowed_mod, "cluster_set_token_cmd", &cluster_set_token_cmd, "cluster_set_token_cmd_label", &cluster_set_token_cmd_label, "cluster_pag_cmd_label", &cluster_pag_cmd_label, "cluster_pag_cmd", &cluster_pag_cmd, "cluster_token_extend_time_label", &cluster_token_extend_time_label, "cluster_token_extend_time", &cluster_token_extend_time, "cluster_gid_range", &cluster_gid_range, "cluster_auto_user_defaults_label", &cluster_auto_user_defaults_label, "cluster_auto_user_fshare", &cluster_auto_user_fshare, "cluster_auto_user_oticket", &cluster_auto_user_oticket, "cluster_auto_user_default_project", &cluster_auto_user_default_project, "cluster_auto_user_delete_time", &cluster_auto_user_delete_time, "cluster_auto_user_delete_timePB", &cluster_auto_user_delete_timePB, NULL); if (!feature_is_enabled(FEATURE_AFS_SECURITY)) { XtVaGetValues( cluster_set_token_cmd, XmtNlayoutIn, &cluster_row, NULL); XtVaGetValues( cluster_row, XmtNlayoutIn, &cluster_col, NULL); XtUnmanageChild(cluster_col); } XtAddCallback(cluster_ok, XmNactivateCallback, qmonClusterOk, (XtPointer)layout); XtAddCallback(cluster_cancel, XmNactivateCallback, qmonClusterCancel, (XtPointer)layout); XtAddCallback(cluster_usersPB, XmNactivateCallback, qmonClusterAskForUsers, (XtPointer)cluster_users); XtAddCallback(cluster_xusersPB, XmNactivateCallback, qmonClusterAskForUsers, (XtPointer)cluster_xusers); XtAddCallback(cluster_projectsPB, XmNactivateCallback, qmonClusterAskForProjects, (XtPointer)cluster_projects); XtAddCallback(cluster_xprojectsPB, XmNactivateCallback, qmonClusterAskForProjects, (XtPointer)cluster_xprojects); XtAddCallback(cluster_auto_user_delete_timePB, XmNactivateCallback, qmonClusterTime, (XtPointer)cluster_auto_user_delete_time); XtAddCallback(cluster_load_report_timePB, XmNactivateCallback, qmonClusterTime, (XtPointer)cluster_load_report_time); XtAddCallback(cluster_max_unheardPB, XmNactivateCallback, qmonClusterTime, (XtPointer)cluster_max_unheard); XtAddCallback(cluster_reschedule_unknownPB, XmNactivateCallback, qmonClusterTime, (XtPointer)cluster_reschedule_unknown); /* ** check all the inputfields for correct input and remove leading and ** trailing whitespace ** register callback procedures, so it can be set in the resource descr file */ XmtVaRegisterCallbackProcedures( "TrimAndTrail", qmonClusterCheckInput, XtRWidget, NULL); /* XtAddCallback(cluster_qmaster_params, XmtNverifyCallback, qmonClusterCheckInput, NULL); */ XtAddEventHandler(XtParent(layout), StructureNotifyMask, False, SetMinShellSize, NULL); XtAddEventHandler(XtParent(layout), StructureNotifyMask, False, SetMaxShellSize, NULL); DEXIT; return layout; } /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static void qmonClusterChange(Widget w, XtPointer cld, XtPointer cad) { Boolean add = (Boolean)(long)cld; static tCClEntry cluster_entry; lListElem *ep; XmString *selectedItems; Cardinal selectedItemCount; String host = NULL; DENTER(GUI_LAYER, "qmonClusterChange"); /* ** reset the dialog values */ qmonInitCClEntry(&cluster_entry); if (add) { qmonClusterLayoutSetSensitive(False); XtVaSetValues( cluster_host, XmNeditable, True, NULL); XmtInputFieldSetString(cluster_host, ""); add_mode = True; } else { add_mode = False; XtVaGetValues( cluster_host_list, XmNselectedItems, &selectedItems, XmNselectedItemCount, &selectedItemCount, NULL); if (selectedItemCount > 0) { XmStringGetLtoR(selectedItems[0], XmFONTLIST_DEFAULT_TAG, &host); if ( host && !strcasecmp(host, "global")) qmonClusterLayoutSetSensitive(True); else qmonClusterLayoutSetSensitive(False); } if (selectedItemCount && host) { ep = lGetElemHost(qmonMirrorList(SGE_CONF_LIST), CONF_name, host); qmonCullToCClEntry(ep, &cluster_entry); XmtInputFieldSetString(cluster_host, host); XtVaSetValues( cluster_host, XmNeditable, False, NULL); XtFree((char*)host); } } XmtDialogSetDialogValues(cluster_global_layout, &cluster_entry); /* ** free the allocated memory */ qmonClearCClEntry(&cluster_entry); XtManageChild(cluster_global_layout); DEXIT; } /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static void qmonClusterOk(Widget w, XtPointer cld, XtPointer cad) { Widget layout = (Widget) cld; tCClEntry cluster_entry; lList *conf_entries = NULL; lList *confl = NULL; String host = NULL; XmString xhost; lList *alp; lListElem *aep; lEnumeration *what; Boolean status = False; int local = 0; DENTER(GUI_LAYER, "qmonClusterOk"); /* ** get the contents of the dialog fields here, ** build the cull list and send gdi request ** depending on success of gdi request close the dialog or stay open */ qmonInitCClEntry(&cluster_entry); host = XmtInputFieldGetString(cluster_host); if (!host || host[0] == '\0') { XtUnmanageChild(layout); DEXIT; return; } XmtDialogGetDialogValues(layout, &cluster_entry); if (host && !strcasecmp(host, "global")) { local = 0; } else { if (add_mode) { lList *old = qmonMirrorList(SGE_CONF_LIST); lListElem *ep = lGetElemHost(old, CONF_name, host ? host :""); if (ep) { qmonMessageShow(w, True, "host '%s' already exists", host ? host : ""); DEXIT; return; } } local = 1; } if (qmonCClEntryToCull(layout, &cluster_entry, &conf_entries, local)) { confl = lCreateElemList("Conf_list", CONF_Type, 1); lSetHost(lFirst(confl), CONF_name, host ? host : "global"); lSetList(lFirst(confl), CONF_entries, conf_entries); xhost = XmtCreateXmString(host ? host : "global"); if (rmon_mlgetl(&RMON_DEBUG_ON, GUI_LAYER) & INFOPRINT) { printf("___CLUSTER_CONF________________________\n"); lWriteListTo(confl, stdout); printf("_______________________________________\n"); } /* ** gdi call */ what = lWhat("%T(ALL)", CONF_Type); alp = qmonModList(SGE_CONF_LIST, qmonMirrorListRef(SGE_CONF_LIST), CONF_name, &confl, NULL, what); aep = lFirst(alp); if (lFirst(alp) && lGetUlong(aep, AN_status) == STATUS_OK) status = True; qmonMessageBox(w, alp, 0); updateClusterList(); XmListSelectItem(cluster_host_list, xhost, True); XmStringFree(xhost); lFreeWhat(&what); lFreeList(&confl); lFreeList(&alp); } if (status) XtUnmanageChild(layout); DEXIT; } /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static void qmonClusterCancel(Widget w, XtPointer cld, XtPointer cad) { Widget layout = (Widget) cld; DENTER(GUI_LAYER, "qmonClusterCancel"); XtUnmanageChild(layout); DEXIT; } /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static void qmonClusterLayoutSetSensitive(Boolean mode) { DENTER(GUI_LAYER, "qmonClusterLayoutSetSensitive"); XtSetSensitive(cluster_execd_spool_dir, False); XtSetSensitive(cluster_execd_spool_dir_label, False); XtSetSensitive(cluster_admin_mail, mode); XtSetSensitive(cluster_admin_mail_label, mode); XtSetSensitive(cluster_login_shells, mode); XtSetSensitive(cluster_login_shells_label, mode); XtSetSensitive(cluster_min_uid, mode); XtSetSensitive(cluster_min_gid, mode); XtSetSensitive(cluster_max_aj_instances, mode); XtSetSensitive(cluster_max_aj_tasks, mode); XtSetSensitive(cluster_max_u_jobs, mode); XtSetSensitive(cluster_max_jobs, mode); XtSetSensitive(cluster_max_advance_reservations, mode); XtSetSensitive(cluster_zombie_jobs, mode); XtSetSensitive(cluster_max_unheard, mode); XtSetSensitive(cluster_max_unheardPB, mode); XtSetSensitive(cluster_shell_start_mode, mode); XtSetSensitive(cluster_loglevel, mode); XtSetSensitive(cluster_users, mode); XtSetSensitive(cluster_usersPB, mode); XtSetSensitive(cluster_xusers, mode); XtSetSensitive(cluster_xusersPB, mode); XtSetSensitive(cluster_qmaster_params, mode); XtSetSensitive(cluster_qmaster_params_label, mode); XtSetSensitive(cluster_reporting_params, mode); XtSetSensitive(cluster_reporting_params_label, mode); XtSetSensitive(cluster_dfs, mode); XtSetSensitive(cluster_reprioritize, mode); XtSetSensitive(cluster_enforce_project, mode); XtSetSensitive(cluster_enforce_user, mode); XtSetSensitive(cluster_projects, mode); XtSetSensitive(cluster_projectsPB, mode); XtSetSensitive(cluster_xprojects, mode); XtSetSensitive(cluster_xprojectsPB, mode); XtSetSensitive(cluster_auto_user_defaults_label, mode); XtSetSensitive(cluster_auto_user_fshare, mode); XtSetSensitive(cluster_auto_user_oticket, mode); XtSetSensitive(cluster_auto_user_default_project, mode); XtSetSensitive(cluster_auto_user_delete_time, mode); XtSetSensitive(cluster_auto_user_delete_timePB, mode); if (feature_is_enabled(FEATURE_AFS_SECURITY)) { XtSetSensitive(cluster_set_token_cmd, mode); XtSetSensitive(cluster_set_token_cmd_label, mode); XtSetSensitive(cluster_pag_cmd, mode); XtSetSensitive(cluster_pag_cmd_label, mode); XtSetSensitive(cluster_token_extend_time, mode); XtSetSensitive(cluster_token_extend_time_label, mode); } DEXIT; } /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static void qmonClusterDelete(Widget w, XtPointer cld, XtPointer cad) { lList *lp = NULL; lList *alp = NULL; lEnumeration *what = NULL; Cardinal itemCount = 0; Boolean answer; DENTER(GUI_LAYER, "qmonClusterDelete"); lp = XmStringToCull(cluster_host_list, CONF_Type, CONF_name, SELECTED_ITEMS); if (lp) { XmtAskForBoolean(w, "xmtBooleanDialog", "@{cluster.askdel.Do you really want to delete the\nselected cluster configuration ?}", "@{Delete}", "@{Cancel}", NULL, XmtNoButton, XmDIALOG_WARNING, False, &answer, NULL); if (answer) { what = lWhat("%T(ALL)", CONF_Type); alp = qmonDelList(SGE_CONF_LIST, qmonMirrorListRef(SGE_CONF_LIST), CONF_name, &lp, NULL, what); qmonMessageBox(w, alp, 0); lFreeWhat(&what); lFreeList(&alp); updateClusterList(); XtVaGetValues( cluster_host_list, XmNitemCount, &itemCount, NULL); if (itemCount) XmListSelectPos(cluster_host_list, 1, True); else XtVaSetValues( cluster_conf_list, XmNitems, NULL, XmNitemCount, 0, NULL); } lFreeList(&lp); } DEXIT; } /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static Boolean qmonCClEntryToCull( Widget w, tCClEntry *clen, lList **lpp, int local ) { char errstr[256]; lList *confl, *lp = NULL, *alp = NULL; lListElem *gep, *ep, *new, *uep; static String shell_start_mode[] = { "posix_compliant", "script_from_stdin", "unix_behavior" }; static String loglevel[] = { "log_info", "log_warning", "log_err" }; /* static String logmail[] = { "true", "false" }; */ static String dfs[] = { "true", "false" }; static String reprioritize[] = { "true", "false" }; static String enforce_project[] = { "true", "false" }; static String enforce_user[] = { "true", "false", "auto" }; String str = NULL; char min_uid[20]; char min_gid[20]; char max_aj_instances[255]; char max_aj_tasks[255]; char max_u_jobs[255]; char max_jobs[255]; char max_advance_reservations[255]; char zombie_jobs[20]; static char buf[4*BUFSIZ]; Boolean first; DENTER(GUI_LAYER, "qmonCClEntryToCull"); /* ** get the global conf list */ gep = lGetElemHost(qmonMirrorList(SGE_CONF_LIST), CONF_name, "global"); if (!gep) { *lpp = NULL; DEXIT; return False; } /* ** get the global configuration list elements */ confl = lGetList(gep, CONF_entries); if (local) { /* ** create the returned list of configuration entries */ if (!(lp = lCreateList("CF_list", CF_Type))) { *lpp = NULL; DEXIT; return False; } ep = lGetElemStr(confl, CF_name, "execd_spool_dir"); if (clen->execd_spool_dir && clen->execd_spool_dir[0] != '\0' /* && strcmp(lGetString(ep, CF_value), clen->execd_spool_dir)*/) { if (check_white(clen->execd_spool_dir)) { strcpy(errstr, "No whitespace allowed in value for execd_spool_dir"); goto error; } new = lCopyElem(ep); lSetString(new, CF_value, clen->execd_spool_dir); lAppendElem(lp, new); } ep = lGetElemStr(confl, CF_name, "mailer"); if (clen->mailer && clen->mailer[0] != '\0' /* && strcmp(lGetString(ep, CF_value), clen->mailer) */) { if (check_white(clen->mailer)) { strcpy(errstr, "No whitespace allowed in value for mailer"); goto error; } new = lCopyElem(ep); lSetString(new, CF_value, clen->mailer); lAppendElem(lp, new); } ep = lGetElemStr(confl, CF_name, "xterm"); if (clen->xterm && clen->xterm[0] != '\0' /* && strcmp(lGetString(ep, CF_value), clen->xterm)*/) { if (check_white(clen->xterm)) { strcpy(errstr, "No whitespace allowed in value for xterm"); goto error; } new = lCopyElem(ep); lSetString(new, CF_value, clen->xterm); lAppendElem(lp, new); } ep = lGetElemStr(confl, CF_name, "load_sensor"); if (clen->load_sensor && clen->load_sensor[0] != '\0' /* && strcmp(lGetString(ep, CF_value), clen->load_sensor)*/) { if (check_white(clen->load_sensor)) { strcpy(errstr, "No whitespace allowed in value for load_sensor"); goto error; } new = lCopyElem(ep); lSetString(new, CF_value, clen->load_sensor); lAppendElem(lp, new); } ep = lGetElemStr(confl, CF_name, "prolog"); if (clen->prolog && clen->prolog[0] != '\0' /* && strcmp(lGetString(ep, CF_value), clen->prolog) */) { new = lCopyElem(ep); lSetString(new, CF_value, clen->prolog); lAppendElem(lp, new); } ep = lGetElemStr(confl, CF_name, "epilog"); if (clen->epilog && clen->epilog[0] != '\0' /* && strcmp(lGetString(ep, CF_value), clen->epilog)*/) { new = lCopyElem(ep); lSetString(new, CF_value, clen->epilog); lAppendElem(lp, new); } ep = lGetElemStr(confl, CF_name, "qlogin_daemon"); if (clen->qlogin_daemon && clen->qlogin_daemon[0] != '\0' /* && strcmp(lGetString(ep, CF_value), clen->qlogin_daemon)*/) { /* if (check_white(clen->qlogin_daemon)) { strcpy(errstr, "No whitespace allowed in value for qlogin_daemon"); goto error; } */ new = lCopyElem(ep); lSetString(new, CF_value, clen->qlogin_daemon); lAppendElem(lp, new); } ep = lGetElemStr(confl, CF_name, "qlogin_command"); if (clen->qlogin_command && clen->qlogin_command[0] != '\0' /* && strcmp(lGetString(ep, CF_value), clen->qlogin_command)*/) { /* if (check_white(clen->qlogin_command)) { strcpy(errstr, "No whitespace allowed in value for qlogin_command"); goto error; } */ new = lCopyElem(ep); lSetString(new, CF_value, clen->qlogin_command); lAppendElem(lp, new); } ep = lGetElemStr(confl, CF_name, "load_report_time"); if (clen->load_report_time && clen->load_report_time[0] != '\0' /* && strcmp(lGetString(ep, CF_value), clen->load_report_time)*/) { if (check_white(clen->load_report_time)) { strcpy(errstr, "No whitespace allowed in value for load_report_time"); goto error; } new = lCopyElem(ep); lSetString(new, CF_value, clen->load_report_time); lAppendElem(lp, new); } if (clen->reschedule_unknown && clen->reschedule_unknown[0] != '\0' /* && strcmp(lGetString(ep, CF_value), clen->reschedule_unknown)*/) { if (check_white(clen->reschedule_unknown)) { strcpy(errstr, "No whitespace allowed in value for reschedule_unknown"); goto error; } ep = lGetElemStr(confl, CF_name, "reschedule_unknown"); if (!ep) { new = lCreateElem(CF_Type); lSetString(new, CF_name, "reschedule_unknown"); } else new = lCopyElem(ep); lSetString(new, CF_value, clen->reschedule_unknown); lAppendElem(lp, new); } if (clen->execd_params && clen->execd_params[0] != '\0') { ep = lGetElemStr(confl, CF_name, "execd_params"); if (!ep) { new = lCreateElem(CF_Type); lSetString(new, CF_name, "execd_params"); } else new = lCopyElem(ep); lSetString(new, CF_value, clen->execd_params); lAppendElem(lp, new); } if (clen->shepherd_cmd && clen->shepherd_cmd[0] != '\0') { ep = lGetElemStr(confl, CF_name, "shepherd_cmd"); if (!ep) { new = lCreateElem(CF_Type); lSetString(new, CF_name, "shepherd_cmd"); } else new = lCopyElem(ep); lSetString(new, CF_value, clen->shepherd_cmd); lAppendElem(lp, new); } if (clen->rsh_daemon && clen->rsh_daemon[0] != '\0' /* && strcmp(lGetString(ep, CF_value), clen->rsh_daemon)*/) { ep = lGetElemStr(confl, CF_name, "rsh_daemon"); if (!ep) { new = lCreateElem(CF_Type); lSetString(new, CF_name, "rsh_daemon"); } else new = lCopyElem(ep); lSetString(new, CF_value, clen->rsh_daemon); lAppendElem(lp, new); } if (clen->rsh_command && clen->rsh_command[0] != '\0' /* && strcmp(lGetString(ep, CF_value), clen->rsh_command)*/) { ep = lGetElemStr(confl, CF_name, "rsh_command"); if (!ep) { new = lCreateElem(CF_Type); lSetString(new, CF_name, "rsh_command"); } else new = lCopyElem(ep); lSetString(new, CF_value, clen->rsh_command); lAppendElem(lp, new); } if (clen->rlogin_daemon && clen->rlogin_daemon[0] != '\0' /* && strcmp(lGetString(ep, CF_value), clen->rlogin_daemon)*/) { ep = lGetElemStr(confl, CF_name, "rlogin_daemon"); if (!ep) { new = lCreateElem(CF_Type); lSetString(new, CF_name, "rlogin_daemon"); } else new = lCopyElem(ep); lSetString(new, CF_value, clen->rlogin_daemon); lAppendElem(lp, new); } if (clen->rlogin_command && clen->rlogin_command[0] != '\0' /* && strcmp(lGetString(ep, CF_value), clen->rlogin_command)*/) { ep = lGetElemStr(confl, CF_name, "rlogin_command"); if (!ep) { new = lCreateElem(CF_Type); lSetString(new, CF_name, "rlogin_command"); } else new = lCopyElem(ep); lSetString(new, CF_value, clen->rlogin_command); lAppendElem(lp, new); } if (clen->jmx_libjvm_path && clen->jmx_libjvm_path[0] != '\0' /* && strcmp(lGetString(ep, CF_value), clen->jmx_libjvm_path)*/) { ep = lGetElemStr(confl, CF_name, "libjvm_path"); if (!ep) { new = lCreateElem(CF_Type); lSetString(new, CF_name, "libjvm_path"); } else new = lCopyElem(ep); lSetString(new, CF_value, clen->jmx_libjvm_path); lAppendElem(lp, new); } if (clen->jmx_additional_jvm_args && clen->jmx_additional_jvm_args[0] != '\0' /* && strcmp(lGetString(ep, CF_value), clen->jmx_additional_jvm_args)*/) { ep = lGetElemStr(confl, CF_name, "additional_jvm_args"); if (!ep) { new = lCreateElem(CF_Type); lSetString(new, CF_name, "additional_jvm_args"); } else new = lCopyElem(ep); lSetString(new, CF_value, clen->jmx_additional_jvm_args); lAppendElem(lp, new); } if (clen->jsv_url && clen->jsv_url[0] != '\0' /* && strcmp(lGetString(ep, CF_value), clen->jsv_url)*/) { ep = lGetElemStr(confl, CF_name, "jsv_url"); if (!ep) { new = lCreateElem(CF_Type); lSetString(new, CF_name, "jsv_url"); } else new = lCopyElem(ep); lSetString(new, CF_value, clen->jsv_url); lAppendElem(lp, new); } if (clen->jsv_allowed_mod && clen->jsv_allowed_mod[0] != '\0' /* && strcmp(lGetString(ep, CF_value), clen->jsv_allowed_mod)*/) { ep = lGetElemStr(confl, CF_name, "jsv_allowed_mod"); if (!ep) { new = lCreateElem(CF_Type); lSetString(new, CF_name, "jsv_allowed_mod"); } else new = lCopyElem(ep); lSetString(new, CF_value, clen->jsv_allowed_mod); lAppendElem(lp, new); } #if 0 if (clen->dfs == 0) { ep = lGetElemStr(confl, CF_name, "delegated_file_staging"); if (!ep) { new = lCreateElem(CF_Type); lSetString(new, CF_name, "delegated_file_staging"); } else new = lCopyElem(ep); lSetString(new, CF_value, "true"); lAppendElem(lp, new); } if (clen->starter_method && clen->starter_method[0] != '\0' /* && strcmp(lGetString(ep, CF_value), clen->starter_method)*/) { ep = lGetElemStr(confl, CF_name, "starter_method"); if (!ep) { new = lCreateElem(CF_Type); lSetString(new, CF_name, "starter_method"); } else new = lCopyElem(ep); lSetString(new, CF_value, clen->starter_method); lAppendElem(lp, new); } if (clen->suspend_method && clen->suspend_method[0] != '\0' /* && strcmp(lGetString(ep, CF_value), clen->suspend_method)*/) { ep = lGetElemStr(confl, CF_name, "suspend_method"); if (!ep) { new = lCreateElem(CF_Type); lSetString(new, CF_name, "suspend_method"); } else new = lCopyElem(ep); lSetString(new, CF_value, clen->suspend_method); lAppendElem(lp, new); } if (clen->resume_method && clen->resume_method[0] != '\0' /* && strcmp(lGetString(ep, CF_value), clen->resume_method)*/) { ep = lGetElemStr(confl, CF_name, "resume_method"); if (!ep) { new = lCreateElem(CF_Type); lSetString(new, CF_name, "resume_method"); } else new = lCopyElem(ep); lSetString(new, CF_value, clen->resume_method); lAppendElem(lp, new); } if (clen->terminate_method && clen->terminate_method[0] != '\0' /* && strcmp(lGetString(ep, CF_value), clen->terminate_method)*/) { ep = lGetElemStr(confl, CF_name, "terminate_method"); if (!ep) { new = lCreateElem(CF_Type); lSetString(new, CF_name, "terminate_method"); } else new = lCopyElem(ep); lSetString(new, CF_value, clen->terminate_method); lAppendElem(lp, new); } #endif if (clen->gid_range && clen->gid_range[0] != '\0') { lList *range_list = NULL; /* RN_Type */ int incorrect_gid_range = 0; range_list_parse_from_string(&range_list, &alp, clen->gid_range, 0, 0, INF_NOT_ALLOWED); if (strcasecmp(clen->gid_range, "none") && range_list == NULL) { incorrect_gid_range = 1; } else if (range_list_containes_id_less_than(range_list, GID_RANGE_NOT_ALLOWED_ID)) { incorrect_gid_range = 1; } lFreeList(&range_list); if (incorrect_gid_range) { strcpy(errstr, "Cannot parse GID Range !"); lFreeList(&alp); goto error; } else { ep = lGetElemStr(confl, CF_name, "gid_range"); if (!ep) { new = lCreateElem(CF_Type); lSetString(new, CF_name, "gid_range"); } else { new = lCopyElem(ep); } lSetString(new, CF_value, clen->gid_range); lAppendElem(lp, new); } } } else { /* ** global settings */ ep = lGetElemStr(confl, CF_name, "execd_spool_dir"); if (check_white(clen->execd_spool_dir)) { strcpy(errstr, "No whitespace allowed in value for execd_spool_dir"); goto error; } lSetString(ep, CF_value, clen->execd_spool_dir); ep = lGetElemStr(confl, CF_name, "mailer"); if (check_white(clen->mailer)) { strcpy(errstr, "No whitespace allowed in value for mailer"); goto error; } lSetString(ep, CF_value, clen->mailer); ep = lGetElemStr(confl, CF_name, "xterm"); if (check_white(clen->xterm)) { strcpy(errstr, "No whitespace allowed in value for xterm"); goto error; } lSetString(ep, CF_value, clen->xterm); ep = lGetElemStr(confl, CF_name, "load_sensor"); if (clen->load_sensor && clen->load_sensor[0] != '\0') { if (check_white(clen->load_sensor)) { strcpy(errstr, "No whitespace allowed in value for load_sensor"); goto error; } lSetString(ep, CF_value, clen->load_sensor); } else lSetString(ep, CF_value, "none"); ep = lGetElemStr(confl, CF_name, "administrator_mail"); if (clen->administrator_mail && clen->administrator_mail[0] != '\0') { if (check_white(clen->administrator_mail)) { strcpy(errstr, "No whitespace allowed in value for administrator_mail"); goto error; } lSetString(ep, CF_value, clen->administrator_mail); } else lSetString(ep, CF_value, "none"); ep = lGetElemStr(confl, CF_name, "min_uid"); sprintf(min_uid, "%d", clen->min_uid); lSetString(ep, CF_value, min_uid); ep = lGetElemStr(confl, CF_name, "min_gid"); sprintf(min_gid, "%d", clen->min_gid); lSetString(ep, CF_value, min_gid); ep = lGetElemStr(confl, CF_name, "max_aj_instances"); sprintf(max_aj_instances, "%d", clen->max_aj_instances); lSetString(ep, CF_value, max_aj_instances); ep = lGetElemStr(confl, CF_name, "max_aj_tasks"); sprintf(max_aj_tasks, "%d", clen->max_aj_tasks); lSetString(ep, CF_value, max_aj_tasks); ep = lGetElemStr(confl, CF_name, "max_u_jobs"); sprintf(max_u_jobs, "%d", clen->max_u_jobs); lSetString(ep, CF_value, max_u_jobs); ep = lGetElemStr(confl, CF_name, "max_jobs"); sprintf(max_jobs, "%d", clen->max_jobs); lSetString(ep, CF_value, max_jobs); ep = lGetElemStr(confl, CF_name, "max_advance_reservations"); sprintf(max_advance_reservations, "%d", clen->max_advance_reservations); lSetString(ep, CF_value, max_advance_reservations); ep = lGetElemStr(confl, CF_name, "finished_jobs"); sprintf(zombie_jobs, "%d", clen->zombie_jobs); lSetString(ep, CF_value, zombie_jobs); ep = lGetElemStr(confl, CF_name, "prolog"); if (clen->prolog && clen->prolog[0] != '\0') { lSetString(ep, CF_value, clen->prolog); } else lSetString(ep, CF_value, "none"); ep = lGetElemStr(confl, CF_name, "epilog"); if (clen->epilog && clen->epilog[0] != '\0') { lSetString(ep, CF_value, clen->epilog); } else lSetString(ep, CF_value, "none"); ep = lGetElemStr(confl, CF_name, "qlogin_daemon"); if (clen->qlogin_daemon && clen->qlogin_daemon[0] != '\0') { /* if (check_white(clen->qlogin_daemon)) { strcpy(errstr, "No whitespace allowed in value for qlogin_daemon"); goto error; } */ lSetString(ep, CF_value, clen->qlogin_daemon); } else lSetString(ep, CF_value, "none"); ep = lGetElemStr(confl, CF_name, "qlogin_command"); if (clen->qlogin_command && clen->qlogin_command[0] != '\0') { /* if (check_white(clen->qlogin_command)) { strcpy(errstr, "No whitespace allowed in value for qlogin_command"); goto error; } */ lSetString(ep, CF_value, clen->qlogin_command); } else lSetString(ep, CF_value, "none"); ep = lGetElemStr(confl, CF_name, "login_shells"); if (clen->login_shells && clen->login_shells[0] != '\0') { if (check_white(clen->login_shells)) { strcpy(errstr, "No whitespace allowed in value for login_shells"); goto error; } lSetString(ep, CF_value, clen->login_shells); } else lSetString(ep, CF_value, "none"); ep = lGetElemStr(confl, CF_name, "load_report_time"); if (check_white(clen->load_report_time)) { strcpy(errstr, "No whitespace allowed in value for load_report_time"); goto error; } lSetString(ep, CF_value, clen->load_report_time); ep = lGetElemStr(confl, CF_name, "max_unheard"); if (check_white(clen->max_unheard)) { strcpy(errstr, "No whitespace allowed in value for max_unheard"); goto error; } lSetString(ep, CF_value, clen->max_unheard); if (clen->reschedule_unknown && clen->reschedule_unknown[0] != '\0') { if (check_white(clen->reschedule_unknown)) { strcpy(errstr, "No whitespace allowed in value for reschedule_unknown"); goto error; } ep = lGetElemStr(confl, CF_name, "reschedule_unknown"); if (!ep) ep = lAddElemStr(&confl, CF_name, "reschedule_unknown", CF_Type); lSetString(ep, CF_value, clen->reschedule_unknown); } else { lDelElemStr(&confl, CF_name, "reschedule_unknown"); } if (clen->shell_start_mode >= 0 && clen->shell_start_mode < XtNumber(shell_start_mode)) str = shell_start_mode[clen->shell_start_mode]; ep = lGetElemStr(confl, CF_name, "shell_start_mode"); lSetString(ep, CF_value, str); if (clen->loglevel >= 0 && clen->loglevel < XtNumber(loglevel)) str = loglevel[clen->loglevel]; ep = lGetElemStr(confl, CF_name, "loglevel"); lSetString(ep, CF_value, str); /* if (clen->logmail >= 0 && */ /* clen->logmail < XtNumber(logmail)) */ /* str = logmail[clen->logmail]; */ /* ep = lGetElemStr(confl, CF_name, "logmail"); */ /* lSetString(ep, CF_value, str); */ /* ** (x)user_lists */ strcpy(buf, "none"); first = True; for_each(uep, clen->cluster_users) { if (first) { first = False; strcpy(buf, lGetString(uep, US_name)); } else { strcat(buf, " "); strcat(buf, lGetString(uep, US_name)); } } ep = lGetElemStr(confl, CF_name, "user_lists"); lSetString(ep, CF_value, buf); strcpy(buf, "none"); first = True; for_each(uep, clen->cluster_xusers) { if (first) { first = False; strcpy(buf, lGetString(uep, US_name)); } else { strcat(buf, " "); strcat(buf, lGetString(uep, US_name)); } } ep = lGetElemStr(confl, CF_name, "xuser_lists"); lSetString(ep, CF_value, buf); if (clen->gid_range && clen->gid_range[0] != '\0') { lList *range_list = NULL; /* RN_Type */ int incorrect_gid_range = 0; range_list_parse_from_string(&range_list, &alp, clen->gid_range, 0, 0, INF_NOT_ALLOWED); if (strcasecmp(clen->gid_range, "none") && range_list == NULL) { incorrect_gid_range = 1; } else if (range_list_containes_id_less_than(range_list, GID_RANGE_NOT_ALLOWED_ID)) { incorrect_gid_range = 1; } lFreeList(&range_list); if (incorrect_gid_range) { strcpy(errstr, "Cannot parse GID Range !"); lFreeList(&alp); goto error; } else { ep = lGetElemStr(confl, CF_name, "gid_range"); if (!ep) ep = lAddElemStr(&confl, CF_name, "gid_range", CF_Type); lSetString(ep, CF_value, clen->gid_range); } } else { lDelElemStr(&confl, CF_name, "gid_range"); } if (clen->dfs >= 0 && clen->dfs < sizeof(dfs)) str = dfs[clen->dfs]; ep = lGetElemStr(confl, CF_name, "delegated_file_staging"); lSetString(ep, CF_value, str); if (clen->reprioritize >= 0 && clen->reprioritize < sizeof(reprioritize)) str = reprioritize[clen->reprioritize]; ep = lGetElemStr(confl, CF_name, "reprioritize"); lSetString(ep, CF_value, str); if (clen->enforce_project >= 0 && clen->enforce_project < sizeof(enforce_project)) str = enforce_project[clen->enforce_project]; ep = lGetElemStr(confl, CF_name, "enforce_project"); lSetString(ep, CF_value, str); if (clen->enforce_user >= 0 && clen->enforce_user < sizeof(enforce_user)) str = enforce_user[clen->enforce_user]; ep = lGetElemStr(confl, CF_name, "enforce_user"); lSetString(ep, CF_value, str); /* ** (x)projects */ strcpy(buf, "none"); first = True; for_each(uep, clen->cluster_projects) { if (first) { first = False; strcpy(buf, lGetString(uep, PR_name)); } else { strcat(buf, " "); strcat(buf, lGetString(uep, PR_name)); } } ep = lGetElemStr(confl, CF_name, "projects"); lSetString(ep, CF_value, buf); strcpy(buf, "none"); first = True; for_each(uep, clen->cluster_xprojects) { if (first) { first = False; strcpy(buf, lGetString(uep, PR_name)); } else { strcat(buf, " "); strcat(buf, lGetString(uep, PR_name)); } } ep = lGetElemStr(confl, CF_name, "xprojects"); lSetString(ep, CF_value, buf); ep = lGetElemStr(confl, CF_name, "auto_user_fshare"); sprintf(buf, sge_u32, clen->auto_user_fshare); lSetString(ep, CF_value, buf); ep = lGetElemStr(confl, CF_name, "auto_user_oticket"); sprintf(buf, sge_u32, clen->auto_user_oticket); lSetString(ep, CF_value, buf); ep = lGetElemStr(confl, CF_name, "auto_user_delete_time"); if (check_white(clen->auto_user_delete_time)) { strcpy(errstr, "No whitespace allowed in value for auto_user_delete_time"); goto error; } lSetString(ep, CF_value, clen->auto_user_delete_time); ep = lGetElemStr(confl, CF_name, "auto_user_default_project"); if (clen->auto_user_default_project && clen->auto_user_default_project[0] != '\0') { lSetString(ep, CF_value, clen->auto_user_default_project); } else lSetString(ep, CF_value, "none"); /* ** additional config parameters */ if (clen->qmaster_params && clen->qmaster_params[0] != '\0') { ep = lGetElemStr(confl, CF_name, "qmaster_params"); if (!ep) ep = lAddElemStr(&confl, CF_name, "qmaster_params", CF_Type); lSetString(ep, CF_value, clen->qmaster_params); } else { lDelElemStr(&confl, CF_name, "qmaster_params"); } if (clen->reporting_params && clen->reporting_params[0] != '\0') { ep = lGetElemStr(confl, CF_name, "reporting_params"); if (!ep) ep = lAddElemStr(&confl, CF_name, "reporting_params", CF_Type); lSetString(ep, CF_value, clen->reporting_params); } else { lDelElemStr(&confl, CF_name, "reporting_params"); } if (clen->execd_params && clen->execd_params[0] != '\0') { ep = lGetElemStr(confl, CF_name, "execd_params"); if (!ep) ep = lAddElemStr(&confl, CF_name, "execd_params", CF_Type); lSetString(ep, CF_value, clen->execd_params); } else { lDelElemStr(&confl, CF_name, "execd_params"); } if (clen->shepherd_cmd && clen->shepherd_cmd[0] != '\0') { ep = lGetElemStr(confl, CF_name, "shepherd_cmd"); if (!ep) ep = lAddElemStr(&confl, CF_name, "shepherd_cmd", CF_Type); lSetString(ep, CF_value, clen->shepherd_cmd); } else { lDelElemStr(&confl, CF_name, "shepherd_cmd"); } /* ** interactive config parameters */ if (clen->rsh_daemon && clen->rsh_daemon[0] != '\0') { ep = lGetElemStr(confl, CF_name, "rsh_daemon"); if (!ep) ep = lAddElemStr(&confl, CF_name, "rsh_daemon", CF_Type); lSetString(ep, CF_value, clen->rsh_daemon); } else { lDelElemStr(&confl, CF_name, "rsh_daemon"); } if (clen->rsh_command && clen->rsh_command[0] != '\0') { ep = lGetElemStr(confl, CF_name, "rsh_command"); if (!ep) ep = lAddElemStr(&confl, CF_name, "rsh_command", CF_Type); lSetString(ep, CF_value, clen->rsh_command); } else { lDelElemStr(&confl, CF_name, "rsh_command"); } if (clen->rlogin_daemon && clen->rlogin_daemon[0] != '\0') { ep = lGetElemStr(confl, CF_name, "rlogin_daemon"); if (!ep) ep = lAddElemStr(&confl, CF_name, "rlogin_daemon", CF_Type); lSetString(ep, CF_value, clen->rlogin_daemon); } else { lDelElemStr(&confl, CF_name, "rlogin_daemon"); } if (clen->rlogin_command && clen->rlogin_command[0] != '\0') { ep = lGetElemStr(confl, CF_name, "rlogin_command"); if (!ep) ep = lAddElemStr(&confl, CF_name, "rlogin_command", CF_Type); lSetString(ep, CF_value, clen->rlogin_command); } else { lDelElemStr(&confl, CF_name, "rlogin_command"); } if (clen->jmx_libjvm_path && clen->jmx_libjvm_path[0] != '\0') { ep = lGetElemStr(confl, CF_name, "libjvm_path"); if (!ep) ep = lAddElemStr(&confl, CF_name, "libjvm_path", CF_Type); lSetString(ep, CF_value, clen->jmx_libjvm_path); } else { lDelElemStr(&confl, CF_name, "libjvm_path"); } if (clen->jmx_additional_jvm_args && clen->jmx_additional_jvm_args[0] != '\0') { ep = lGetElemStr(confl, CF_name, "additional_jvm_args"); if (!ep) ep = lAddElemStr(&confl, CF_name, "additional_jvm_args", CF_Type); lSetString(ep, CF_value, clen->jmx_additional_jvm_args); } else { lDelElemStr(&confl, CF_name, "additional_jvm_args"); } if (clen->jsv_url && clen->jsv_url[0] != '\0') { ep = lGetElemStr(confl, CF_name, "jsv_url"); if (!ep) ep = lAddElemStr(&confl, CF_name, "jsv_url", CF_Type); lSetString(ep, CF_value, clen->jsv_url); } else { lDelElemStr(&confl, CF_name, "jsv_url"); } if (clen->jsv_allowed_mod && clen->jsv_allowed_mod[0] != '\0') { ep = lGetElemStr(confl, CF_name, "jsv_allowed_mod"); if (!ep) ep = lAddElemStr(&confl, CF_name, "jsv_allowed_mod", CF_Type); lSetString(ep, CF_value, clen->jsv_allowed_mod); } else { lDelElemStr(&confl, CF_name, "jsv_allowed_mod"); } #if 0 if (clen->starter_method && clen->starter_method[0] != '\0') { ep = lGetElemStr(confl, CF_name, "starter_method"); if (!ep) ep = lAddElemStr(&confl, CF_name, "starter_method", CF_Type); lSetString(ep, CF_value, clen->starter_method); } if (clen->suspend_method && clen->suspend_method[0] != '\0') { ep = lGetElemStr(confl, CF_name, "suspend_method"); lSetString(ep, CF_value, clen->suspend_method); } if (clen->resume_method && clen->resume_method[0] != '\0') { ep = lGetElemStr(confl, CF_name, "resume_method"); if (!ep) ep = lAddElemStr(&confl, CF_name, "resume_method", CF_Type); lSetString(ep, CF_value, clen->resume_method); } if (clen->terminate_method && clen->terminate_method[0] != '\0') { ep = lGetElemStr(confl, CF_name, "terminate_method"); if (!ep) ep = lAddElemStr(&confl, CF_name, "terminate_method", CF_Type); lSetString(ep, CF_value, clen->terminate_method); } #endif if (feature_is_enabled(FEATURE_AFS_SECURITY)) { if (clen->set_token_cmd && clen->set_token_cmd[0] != '\0') { ep = lGetElemStr(confl, CF_name, "set_token_cmd"); if (!ep) ep = lAddElemStr(&confl, CF_name, "set_token_cmd", CF_Type); lSetString(ep, CF_value, clen->set_token_cmd); } else { lDelElemStr(&confl, CF_name, "set_token_cmd"); } if (clen->pag_cmd && clen->pag_cmd[0] != '\0') { ep = lGetElemStr(confl, CF_name, "pag_cmd"); if (!ep) ep = lAddElemStr(&confl, CF_name, "pag_cmd", CF_Type); lSetString(ep, CF_value, clen->pag_cmd); } else { lDelElemStr(&confl, CF_name, "pag_cmd"); } if (clen->token_extend_time && clen->token_extend_time[0] != '\0') { ep = lGetElemStr(confl, CF_name, "token_extend_time"); if (!ep) ep = lAddElemStr(&confl, CF_name, "token_extend_time", CF_Type); lSetString(ep, CF_value, clen->token_extend_time); } else { lDelElemStr(&confl, CF_name, "token_extend_time"); } } lp = lCopyList("Confl", confl); } if (lGetNumberOfElem(lp) == 0) { lFreeList(&lp); *lpp = NULL; DEXIT; return True; } *lpp = lp; DEXIT; return True; error: qmonMessageShow(w, True, errstr); lFreeList(&lp); *lpp = NULL; DEXIT; return False; } /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static void qmonCullToCClEntry( lListElem *cep, tCClEntry *clen ) { lList *confl; lListElem *ep; StringConst str = NULL; StringConst min_uid; StringConst min_gid; StringConst max_aj_instances; StringConst max_aj_tasks; StringConst max_u_jobs; StringConst max_jobs; StringConst max_advance_reservations; StringConst zombie_jobs; StringConst auto_user_fshare; StringConst auto_user_oticket; DENTER(GUI_LAYER, "qmonCullToCClEntry"); confl = lGetList(cep, CONF_entries); if ((ep = lGetElemStr(confl, CF_name, "execd_spool_dir"))) clen->execd_spool_dir = XtNewString(lGetString(ep, CF_value)); if ((ep = lGetElemStr(confl, CF_name, "mailer"))) clen->mailer = XtNewString(lGetString(ep, CF_value)); if ((ep = lGetElemStr(confl, CF_name, "xterm"))) clen->xterm = XtNewString(lGetString(ep, CF_value)); if ((ep = lGetElemStr(confl, CF_name, "load_sensor"))) clen->load_sensor = XtNewString(lGetString(ep, CF_value)); if ((ep = lGetElemStr(confl, CF_name, "administrator_mail"))) clen->administrator_mail = XtNewString(lGetString(ep, CF_value)); if ((ep = lGetElemStr(confl, CF_name, "min_uid"))) { min_uid = (StringConst)lGetString(ep, CF_value); clen->min_uid = min_uid ? atoi(min_uid) : 0; } if ((ep = lGetElemStr(confl, CF_name, "min_gid"))) { min_gid = (StringConst)lGetString(ep, CF_value); clen->min_gid = min_gid ? atoi(min_gid) : 0; } if ((ep = lGetElemStr(confl, CF_name, "max_aj_instances"))) { max_aj_instances = (StringConst)lGetString(ep, CF_value); clen->max_aj_instances = max_aj_instances ? atoi(max_aj_instances) : 0; } if ((ep = lGetElemStr(confl, CF_name, "max_aj_tasks"))) { max_aj_tasks = (StringConst)lGetString(ep, CF_value); clen->max_aj_tasks = max_aj_tasks ? atoi(max_aj_tasks) : 0; } if ((ep = lGetElemStr(confl, CF_name, "max_u_jobs"))) { max_u_jobs = (StringConst)lGetString(ep, CF_value); clen->max_u_jobs = max_u_jobs ? atoi(max_u_jobs) : 0; } if ((ep = lGetElemStr(confl, CF_name, "max_jobs"))) { max_jobs = (StringConst)lGetString(ep, CF_value); clen->max_jobs = max_jobs ? atoi(max_jobs) : 0; } if ((ep = lGetElemStr(confl, CF_name, "max_advance_reservations"))) { max_advance_reservations = (StringConst)lGetString(ep, CF_value); clen->max_advance_reservations = max_advance_reservations ? atoi(max_advance_reservations) : 0; } if ((ep = lGetElemStr(confl, CF_name, "finished_jobs"))) { zombie_jobs = (StringConst)lGetString(ep, CF_value); clen->zombie_jobs = zombie_jobs ? atoi(zombie_jobs) : 0; } if ((ep = lGetElemStr(confl, CF_name, "prolog"))) clen->prolog = XtNewString(lGetString(ep, CF_value)); if ((ep = lGetElemStr(confl, CF_name, "epilog"))) clen->epilog = XtNewString(lGetString(ep, CF_value)); if ((ep = lGetElemStr(confl, CF_name, "qlogin_daemon"))) clen->qlogin_daemon = XtNewString(lGetString(ep, CF_value)); if ((ep = lGetElemStr(confl, CF_name, "qlogin_command"))) clen->qlogin_command = XtNewString(lGetString(ep, CF_value)); #if 0 if ((ep = lGetElemStr(confl, CF_name, "starter_method"))) clen->starter_method = XtNewString(lGetString(ep, CF_value)); if ((ep = lGetElemStr(confl, CF_name, "suspend_method"))) clen->suspend_method = XtNewString(lGetString(ep, CF_value)); if ((ep = lGetElemStr(confl, CF_name, "resume_method"))) clen->resume_method = XtNewString(lGetString(ep, CF_value)); if ((ep = lGetElemStr(confl, CF_name, "terminate_method"))) clen->terminate_method = XtNewString(lGetString(ep, CF_value)); #endif if ((ep = lGetElemStr(confl, CF_name, "login_shells"))) clen->login_shells = XtNewString(lGetString(ep, CF_value)); if ((ep = lGetElemStr(confl, CF_name, "load_report_time"))) clen->load_report_time = XtNewString(lGetString(ep, CF_value)); if ((ep = lGetElemStr(confl, CF_name, "max_unheard"))) clen->max_unheard = XtNewString(lGetString(ep, CF_value)); if ((ep = lGetElemStr(confl, CF_name, "reschedule_unknown"))) clen->reschedule_unknown = XtNewString(lGetString(ep, CF_value)); if ((ep = lGetElemStr(confl, CF_name, "shell_start_mode"))) str = (StringConst)lGetString(ep, CF_value); if (str && !strcmp(str, "script_from_stdin")) clen->shell_start_mode = 1; else if (str && !strcmp(str, "unix_behavior")) clen->shell_start_mode = 2; else /* posix_compliant */ clen->shell_start_mode = 0; if ((ep = lGetElemStr(confl, CF_name, "loglevel"))) str = (StringConst)lGetString(ep, CF_value); if (str && !strcmp(str, "log_info")) clen->loglevel = 0; if (str && !strcmp(str, "log_warning")) clen->loglevel = 1; if (str && !strcmp(str, "log_err")) clen->loglevel = 2; /* if ((ep = lGetElemStr(confl, CF_name, "logmail"))) */ /* str = lGetString(ep, CF_value); */ /* if (str && !strcasecmp(str, "true")) */ /* clen->logmail = 0; */ /* else */ /* clen->logmail = 1; */ if ((ep = lGetElemStr(confl, CF_name, "user_lists"))) { lFreeList(&(clen->cluster_users)); lString2ListNone(lGetString(ep, CF_value), &clen->cluster_users, US_Type, US_name, NULL); } if ((ep = lGetElemStr(confl, CF_name, "xuser_lists"))) { lFreeList(&clen->cluster_xusers); lString2ListNone(lGetString(ep, CF_value), &clen->cluster_xusers, US_Type, US_name, NULL); } if ((ep = lGetElemStr(confl, CF_name, "gid_range"))) clen->gid_range = XtNewString(lGetString(ep, CF_value)); if ((ep = lGetElemStr(confl, CF_name, "delegated_file_staging"))) str = (StringConst)lGetString(ep, CF_value); if (str && !strcasecmp(str, "true")) clen->dfs = 0; else clen->dfs = 1; if ((ep = lGetElemStr(confl, CF_name, "reprioritize"))) str = (StringConst)lGetString(ep, CF_value); if (str && (!strcasecmp(str, "true") || !strcmp(str, "1"))) clen->reprioritize = 0; else clen->reprioritize = 1; if ((ep = lGetElemStr(confl, CF_name, "enforce_project"))) str = (StringConst)lGetString(ep, CF_value); if (str && !strcasecmp(str, "true")) clen->enforce_project = 0; else clen->enforce_project = 1; if ((ep = lGetElemStr(confl, CF_name, "enforce_user"))) str = (StringConst)lGetString(ep, CF_value); if (str && !strcasecmp(str, "true")) clen->enforce_user = 0; else if (str && !strcasecmp(str, "auto")) clen->enforce_user = 2; else clen->enforce_user = 1; if ((ep = lGetElemStr(confl, CF_name, "projects"))) { lFreeList(&clen->cluster_projects); lString2ListNone(lGetString(ep, CF_value), &clen->cluster_projects, PR_Type, PR_name, NULL); } if ((ep = lGetElemStr(confl, CF_name, "xprojects"))) { lFreeList(&(clen->cluster_xprojects)); lString2ListNone(lGetString(ep, CF_value), &clen->cluster_xprojects, PR_Type, PR_name, NULL); } if ((ep = lGetElemStr(confl, CF_name, "auto_user_oticket"))) { auto_user_oticket = (StringConst)lGetString(ep, CF_value); if (auto_user_oticket && auto_user_oticket[0] != '\0') { unsigned long lv = strtoul(auto_user_oticket, NULL, 10); if (lv > U_LONG32_MAX) { clen->auto_user_oticket = U_LONG32_MAX; } else { clen->auto_user_oticket = (u_long32)lv; } } else { clen->auto_user_oticket = 0; } } if ((ep = lGetElemStr(confl, CF_name, "auto_user_fshare"))) { auto_user_fshare = (StringConst)lGetString(ep, CF_value); if (auto_user_fshare && auto_user_fshare[0] != '\0') { unsigned long lv = strtoul(auto_user_fshare, NULL, 10); if (lv > U_LONG32_MAX) { clen->auto_user_fshare = U_LONG32_MAX; } else { clen->auto_user_fshare = (u_long32)lv; } } else { clen->auto_user_fshare = 0; } } if ((ep = lGetElemStr(confl, CF_name, "auto_user_default_project"))) clen->auto_user_default_project = XtNewString(lGetString(ep, CF_value)); if ((ep = lGetElemStr(confl, CF_name, "auto_user_delete_time"))) clen->auto_user_delete_time = XtNewString(lGetString(ep, CF_value)); if ((ep = lGetElemStr(confl, CF_name, "qmaster_params"))) clen->qmaster_params = XtNewString(lGetString(ep, CF_value)); if ((ep = lGetElemStr(confl, CF_name, "reporting_params"))) clen->reporting_params = XtNewString(lGetString(ep, CF_value)); if ((ep = lGetElemStr(confl, CF_name, "execd_params"))) clen->execd_params = XtNewString(lGetString(ep, CF_value)); if ((ep = lGetElemStr(confl, CF_name, "shepherd_cmd"))) clen->shepherd_cmd = XtNewString(lGetString(ep, CF_value)); if ((ep = lGetElemStr(confl, CF_name, "rsh_daemon"))) clen->rsh_daemon = XtNewString(lGetString(ep, CF_value)); if ((ep = lGetElemStr(confl, CF_name, "rsh_command"))) clen->rsh_command = XtNewString(lGetString(ep, CF_value)); if ((ep = lGetElemStr(confl, CF_name, "rlogin_daemon"))) clen->rlogin_daemon = XtNewString(lGetString(ep, CF_value)); if ((ep = lGetElemStr(confl, CF_name, "rlogin_command"))) clen->rlogin_command = XtNewString(lGetString(ep, CF_value)); if ((ep = lGetElemStr(confl, CF_name, "libjvm_path"))) clen->jmx_libjvm_path = XtNewString(lGetString(ep, CF_value)); if ((ep = lGetElemStr(confl, CF_name, "additional_jvm_args"))) clen->jmx_additional_jvm_args = XtNewString(lGetString(ep, CF_value)); if ((ep = lGetElemStr(confl, CF_name, "jsv_url"))) clen->jsv_url = XtNewString(lGetString(ep, CF_value)); if ((ep = lGetElemStr(confl, CF_name, "jsv_allowed_mod"))) clen->jsv_allowed_mod = XtNewString(lGetString(ep, CF_value)); if (feature_is_enabled(FEATURE_AFS_SECURITY)) { if ((ep = lGetElemStr(confl, CF_name, "set_token_cmd"))) clen->set_token_cmd = XtNewString(lGetString(ep, CF_value)); if ((ep = lGetElemStr(confl, CF_name, "pag_cmd"))) clen->pag_cmd = XtNewString(lGetString(ep, CF_value)); if ((ep = lGetElemStr(confl, CF_name, "token_extend_time"))) clen->token_extend_time = XtNewString(lGetString(ep, CF_value)); } DEXIT; } /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static void qmonInitCClEntry( tCClEntry *clen ) { DENTER(GUI_LAYER, "qmonInitCClEntry"); memset((void*)clen, 0, sizeof(tCClEntry)); DEXIT; } /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static void qmonClearCClEntry( tCClEntry *clen ) { DENTER(GUI_LAYER, "qmonFreeCClEntry"); if (clen->execd_spool_dir) { XtFree((char*)clen->execd_spool_dir); clen->execd_spool_dir = NULL; } if (clen->mailer) { XtFree((char*)clen->mailer); clen->mailer = NULL; } if (clen->xterm) { XtFree((char*)clen->xterm); clen->xterm = NULL; } if (clen->load_sensor) { XtFree((char*)clen->load_sensor); clen->load_sensor = NULL; } if (clen->administrator_mail) { XtFree((char*)clen->administrator_mail); clen->administrator_mail = NULL; } if (clen->prolog) { XtFree((char*)clen->prolog); clen->prolog = NULL; } if (clen->epilog) { XtFree((char*)clen->epilog); clen->epilog = NULL; } if (clen->qlogin_daemon) { XtFree((char*)clen->qlogin_daemon); clen->qlogin_daemon = NULL; } if (clen->qlogin_command) { XtFree((char*)clen->qlogin_command); clen->qlogin_command = NULL; } #if 0 if (clen->starter_method) { XtFree((char*)clen->starter_method); clen->starter_method = NULL; } if (clen->suspend_method) { XtFree((char*)clen->suspend_method); clen->suspend_method = NULL; } if (clen->resume_method) { XtFree((char*)clen->resume_method); clen->resume_method = NULL; } if (clen->terminate_method) { XtFree((char*)clen->terminate_method); clen->terminate_method = NULL; } #endif clen->shell_start_mode = 0; if (clen->login_shells) { XtFree((char*)clen->login_shells); clen->login_shells = NULL; } clen->min_uid = 0; clen->min_gid = 0; clen->max_aj_instances = 0; clen->max_aj_tasks = 0; clen->max_u_jobs = 0; clen->max_jobs = 0; clen->max_advance_reservations = 0; if (clen->load_report_time) { XtFree((char*)clen->load_report_time); clen->load_report_time = NULL; } if (clen->max_unheard) { XtFree((char*)clen->max_unheard); clen->max_unheard = NULL; } if (clen->reschedule_unknown) { XtFree((char*)clen->reschedule_unknown); clen->reschedule_unknown = NULL; } clen->loglevel = 0; clen->logmail = 0; lFreeList(&(clen->cluster_users)); lFreeList(&(clen->cluster_xusers)); lFreeList(&(clen->cluster_projects)); lFreeList(&(clen->cluster_xprojects)); clen->dfs = 1; clen->reprioritize = 1; clen->enforce_project = 1; clen->enforce_user = 1; if (clen->qmaster_params) { XtFree((char*)clen->qmaster_params); clen->qmaster_params = NULL; } if (clen->reporting_params) { XtFree((char*)clen->reporting_params); clen->reporting_params = NULL; } if (clen->execd_params) { XtFree((char*)clen->execd_params); clen->execd_params = NULL; } if (clen->shepherd_cmd) { XtFree((char*)clen->shepherd_cmd); clen->shepherd_cmd = NULL; } if (clen->rsh_daemon) { XtFree((char*)clen->rsh_daemon); clen->rsh_daemon = NULL; } if (clen->rsh_command) { XtFree((char*)clen->rsh_command); clen->rsh_command = NULL; } if (clen->rlogin_daemon) { XtFree((char*)clen->rlogin_daemon); clen->rlogin_daemon = NULL; } if (clen->rlogin_command) { XtFree((char*)clen->rlogin_command); clen->rlogin_command = NULL; } if (clen->jmx_libjvm_path) { XtFree((char*)clen->jmx_libjvm_path); clen->jmx_libjvm_path = NULL; } if (clen->jmx_additional_jvm_args) { XtFree((char*)clen->jmx_additional_jvm_args); clen->jmx_additional_jvm_args = NULL; } if (clen->jsv_url) { XtFree((char*)clen->jsv_url); clen->jsv_url = NULL; } if (clen->jsv_allowed_mod) { XtFree((char*)clen->jsv_allowed_mod); clen->jsv_allowed_mod = NULL; } if (clen->set_token_cmd) { XtFree((char*)clen->set_token_cmd); clen->set_token_cmd = NULL; } if (clen->pag_cmd) { XtFree((char*)clen->pag_cmd); clen->pag_cmd = NULL; } if (clen->token_extend_time) { XtFree((char*)clen->token_extend_time); clen->token_extend_time = NULL; } if (clen->gid_range) { XtFree((char*)clen->gid_range); clen->gid_range = NULL; } clen->auto_user_oticket = 0; clen->auto_user_fshare = 0; if (clen->auto_user_default_project) { XtFree((char*)clen->auto_user_default_project); clen->auto_user_default_project = NULL; } if (clen->auto_user_delete_time) { XtFree((char*)clen->auto_user_delete_time); clen->auto_user_delete_time = NULL; } DEXIT; } /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static Boolean check_white( char *str ) { if (!str) return False; if (strrchr(str, '\t') || strrchr(str, ' ')) return True; else return False; } /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static void qmonClusterAskForUsers(Widget w, XtPointer cld, XtPointer cad) { lList *ql_out = NULL; lList *ql_in = NULL; int status; Widget list = (Widget) cld; lList *alp = NULL; DENTER(GUI_LAYER, "qmonClusterAskForUsers"); qmonMirrorMultiAnswer(USERSET_T, &alp); if (alp) { qmonMessageBox(w, alp, 0); lFreeList(&alp); DEXIT; return; } ql_in = qmonMirrorList(SGE_US_LIST); ql_out = XmStringToCull(list, US_Type, US_name, ALL_ITEMS); status = XmtAskForItems(w, NULL, NULL, "@{Select Access Lists}", ql_in, US_name, "@{@fBAvailable Access Lists}", &ql_out, US_Type, US_name, "@{@fBChosen Access Lists}", NULL); if (status) { UpdateXmListFromCull(list, XmFONTLIST_DEFAULT_TAG, ql_out, US_name); } lFreeList(&ql_out); DEXIT; } /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static void qmonClusterAskForProjects(Widget w, XtPointer cld, XtPointer cad) { lList *ql_out = NULL; lList *ql_in = NULL; int status; Widget list = (Widget) cld; lList *alp = NULL; DENTER(GUI_LAYER, "qmonClusterAskForProjects"); qmonMirrorMultiAnswer(PROJECT_T, &alp); if (alp) { qmonMessageBox(w, alp, 0); lFreeList(&alp); DEXIT; return; } ql_in = qmonMirrorList(SGE_PR_LIST); ql_out = XmStringToCull(list, PR_Type, PR_name, ALL_ITEMS); status = XmtAskForItems(w, NULL, NULL, "@{Select Project}", ql_in, PR_name, "@{@fBAvailable Projects}", &ql_out, PR_Type, PR_name, "@{@fBChosen Projects}", NULL); if (status) { UpdateXmListFromCull(list, XmFONTLIST_DEFAULT_TAG, ql_out, PR_name); } lFreeList(&ql_out); DEXIT; } /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static void qmonClusterHost(Widget w, XtPointer cld, XtPointer cad) { XmtInputFieldCallbackStruct *cbs = (XmtInputFieldCallbackStruct*) cad; static char unique[CL_MAXHOSTLEN]; int ret; DENTER(GUI_LAYER, "qmonClusterHost"); unique[0] = '\0'; if (cbs->input && cbs->input[0] != '\0' && cbs->input[0] != ' ') { DPRINTF(("cbs->input = %s\n", cbs->input)); /* try to resolve hostname */ ret=sge_resolve_hostname((const char*)cbs->input, unique, EH_name); switch ( ret ) { case CL_RETVAL_GETHOSTNAME_ERROR: qmonMessageShow(w, True, "can't resolve host '%s'\n", cbs->input); cbs->okay = False; break; case CL_RETVAL_OK: cbs->input = unique; break; default: DPRINTF(("sge_resolve_hostname() failed resolving: %s\n", cl_get_error_text(ret))); cbs->okay = False; } } DEXIT; } /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static void qmonClusterCheckInput(Widget w, XtPointer cld, XtPointer cad) { #define MAX_INPUT_LEN 4*BUFSIZ XmtInputFieldCallbackStruct *cbs = (XmtInputFieldCallbackStruct*) cad; static char buf[MAX_INPUT_LEN]; int i; static char *start = NULL; DENTER(GUI_LAYER, "qmonClusterCheckInput"); if (cbs->input && cbs->input[0] != '\0') { DPRINTF(("cbs->input = '%s'\n", cbs->input)); sge_strlcpy(buf, cbs->input, MAX_INPUT_LEN); for (start = buf; *start && isspace(*start); start++) ; for (i=strlen(buf)-1; isspace(buf[i]) && i>0; i--) buf[i] = '\0'; cbs->input = start; DPRINTF(("cbs->input = '%s'\n", cbs->input)); } DEXIT; } /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static void qmonClusterTime( Widget w, XtPointer cld, XtPointer cad ) { Widget input_field = (Widget) cld; char stringval[256]; Boolean status = False; String current; DENTER(GUI_LAYER, "qmonClusterTime"); current = XmtInputFieldGetString(input_field); sge_strlcpy(stringval, current, sizeof(stringval)); status = XmtAskForTime(w, NULL, "@{Enter time}", stringval, sizeof(stringval), NULL, True); if (stringval[0] == '\0') status = False; if (status) XmtInputFieldSetString(input_field, stringval); DEXIT; }