#___INFO__MARK_BEGIN__ ########################################################################## # # The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of # the Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.2 # # Sun Microsystems Inc., March, 2001 # # # Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.2 # ================================================= # The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Industry Standards # Source License Version 1.2 (the "License"); You may not use this file # except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the # License at http://gridengine.sunsource.net/Gridengine_SISSL_license.html # # Software provided under this License is provided on an "AS IS" basis, # WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, # WITHOUT LIMITATION, WARRANTIES THAT THE SOFTWARE IS FREE OF DEFECTS, # MERCHANTABLE, FIT FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR NON-INFRINGING. # See the License for the specific provisions governing your rights and # obligations concerning the Software. # # The Initial Developer of the Original Code is: Sun Microsystems, Inc. # # Copyright: 2001 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. # # All Rights Reserved. # ########################################################################## #___INFO__MARK_END__ # # Set default aimk switches # switch($buildarch) case "aix43": case "lx22-alpha": case "win32-x86": set argv = ( -no-jni -no-java $* ) breaksw default: set argv = ( $* ) breaksw endsw # JAVA settings setenv ARCH $buildarch setenv EN_QUIET 1 switch($buildarch) # don't support jdk1.5 case "irix65": case "hp11": case "hp11-64": case "linux-ia64": case "aix": if ( -f /vol2/resources/en_jdk14 ) then source /vol2/resources/en_jdk14 endif breaksw default: if ( -f /vol2/resources/en_jdk15 ) then source /vol2/resources/en_jdk15 endif breaksw endsw # # TMPDIR the directory where gcc puts intermediate files. Points to a # local directory for faster compilation # setenv TMPDIR /tmp # # OPENSSL_HOME the directory where the include and lib directory of openssl # is installed # set OPENSSL_SOVERSION = 0.9.8h set OPENSSL_HOME = /build/openssl-install # # BERKELEYDB_HOME the directory where the include and lib directory of # Berkeley DB is installed # set BERKELEYDB_HOME = /build/berkeleydb set BDB_INCLUDE_SUBDIR = set BDB_LIB_SUBDIR = set BDB_LIB_SUFFIX = # Directory where libcore.so's reside # Relevant for Linux only: # http://gridengine.sunsource.net/issues/show_bug.cgi?id=2552 set CORE_HOME = /vol2/tools/SW/libcore/$buildarch set HWLOC_VERSION = 1.2.2 set HWLOC_DIRECTORY = hwloc-${HWLOC_VERSION} # # KRB_HOME the directory where the include and lib directory of kerberos is # installed # set KRB_HOME = /vol2/tools/SW/krb5/$buildarch # # man2html path # set MAN2HTMLPATH = /vol2/tools/SW/$buildarch/bin # # groff path # set GROFFPATH = /vol2/tools/SW/$buildarch/bin # # SWIG path # set SWIG = /vol2/tools/SW/swig-1.3.22/$buildarch/bin/swig # # PERL path # set PERL = /vol2/tools/SW/$buildarch/bin/perl # # TCLSH path # set TCLSH = /vol2/tools/SW/$buildarch/bin/tclsh8.3 # # Location of a copyright.h file which containes a copyright string # which should be included in each binary part of Grid Engine # set COPYRIGHT_DIR = /off_home/codine/ge62u4-copyright # # Location of a copyright.h file which containes a copyright string # which is included in each binary part of Sun Grid Engine (the version # which Sun Microsystems is releasing # set SUN_COPYRIGHT_DIR = /off_home/codine/sge62u5-copyright # for some platforms we cannot use dynamic loading of the spooling libraries. # fallback to berkeleydb spooling switch ($BUILDARCH) case "HP11": # for HP11.00 we don't have dynamic loading of shared libraries # build with berkeleydb case "AIX43": case "AIX": case "IRIX65": # for these platforms, reverse resolving of global symbols doesn't # work as expected: Instead of reverse resolving global symbols # (variables as well as functions), the code of dynamic libraries uses # duplicates of the global symbols. set argv = ( -spool-berkeleydb $argv ) breaksw endsw if ( ! $?JAVA_HOME ) then set JAVAC_BIN = `which \javac` set JAVA_HOME_LOCATION = "" set JAVAC_LOCATION = $JAVAC_BIN while ( { test -L "$JAVAC_LOCATION" } ) set JAVAC_LOCATION = `readlink $JAVAC_LOCATION` if ( $status != 0 ) then break endif end if ( -e "$JAVAC_LOCATION" ) then set JAVAC_BIN = $JAVAC_LOCATION endif if ( -e "$JAVAC_BIN" ) then set JAVAV = `$JAVAC_BIN -version >& /dev/null` if ( $status == 0 ) then set JAVAV = `$JAVAC_BIN -version |& head -1` set JAVAV = `expr "$JAVAV" : 'javac 1\.\([0-9]\).*'` if ( $JAVAV >= 4 ) then set JAVA_HOME_LOCATION = `expr //$JAVAC_BIN : '//\(.*\)/bin/.*'` if ( ! -d "$JAVA_HOME_LOCATION" ) then set JAVA_HOME_LOCATION = `expr //$JAVAC_BIN : '//\(.*\)/Commands/.*'` endif endif else set JAVA_HOME_LOCATION = `expr //$JAVAC_BIN : '//\(.*\)/bin/.*'` if ( ! -d "$JAVA_HOME_LOCATION" ) then set JAVA_HOME_LOCATION = `expr //$JAVAC_BIN : '//\(.*\)/Commands/.*'` endif endif if ( -d "$JAVA_HOME_LOCATION" ) then setenv JAVA_HOME $JAVA_HOME_LOCATION setenv JAVA_HOME_SET_BY_SGE TRUE else set JAVAC_LOCATION = `which \javac` while ( { test -L "$JAVAC_LOCATION" } ) set JAVAC_LOCATION = `readlink $JAVAC_LOCATION` if ( $status != 0 ) then break endif set CHECK_PATH = `expr //$JAVAC_LOCATION : '//\(.*\)/bin/.*'` if ( -e "$CHECK_PATH/include/jni.h" ) then setenv JAVA_HOME $CHECK_PATH setenv JAVA_HOME_SET_BY_SGE TRUE break endif end endif endif endif # set junit jar file # set JUNIT_JAR = '/vol2/tools/SW/java/junit3.8.1/junit.jar' set JUNIT_JAR = '/usr/share/java/junit.jar' # set some variables which are necessary to compile GE for win32 architecture # # WIN32_VS_BASE: Base directory of Visual Studio installation # WIN32_VS_SDK: SDK subdirectory within WIN32_VS_BASE # WIN32_VS_CORE: Compiler subdirectory within WIN32_VS_BASE switch($buildarch) case "win32-x86": # default path for a default installation # set WIN32_VS_BASE = "C:\Programme\Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003" # path on host bofur set WIN32_VS_BASE = "C:\VisualStudio" set WIN32_VS_I1 = "${WIN32_VS_BASE}\Vc7\include" set WIN32_VS_I2 = "${WIN32_VS_BASE}\Vc7\PlatformSDK\Include" set WIN32_VS_I3 = "${WIN32_VS_BASE}\Vc7\atlmfc\include" set WIN32_VS_L1 = "${WIN32_VS_BASE}\Vc7\Lib" set WIN32_VS_L2 = "${WIN32_VS_BASE}\Vc7\PlatformSDK\Lib" set WIN32_VS_L3 = "${WIN32_VS_BASE}\Vc7\atlmfc\lib" set WINTEMPDIR = "C:\\TEMP" breaksw endsw