/* * Motif Tools Library, Version 3.1 * $Id: Layout.c,v 2001/07/18 11:06:02 root Exp $ * * Written by David Flanagan. * Copyright (c) 1992-2001 by David Flanagan. * All Rights Reserved. See the file COPYRIGHT for details. * This is open source software. See the file LICENSE for details. * There is no warranty for this software. See NO_WARRANTY for details. * * $Log: Layout.c,v $ * Revision 2001/07/18 11:06:02 root * Initial checkin. * * Revision 1.2 2001/06/12 16:25:28 andre * *** empty log message *** * * */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #if (XmVersion >= 1002) #include /* declaration of Motif drawing routines */ #endif #define offset(field) XtOffsetOf(XmtLayoutRec, field) static XtResource resources[] = { {XmtNlayout, XmtCLayout, XtRString, sizeof(String), offset(layout.layout), XtRString, NULL}, #if XmVersion < 2000 {XmtNfont, XtCFont, XtRFontStruct, sizeof(XFontStruct *), offset(layout.font), XtRString, XtDefaultFont}, #else /* Motif 2.0 or later */ {XmtNfont, XtCFont, XtRFontStruct, sizeof(XFontStruct *), offset(layout.font), XtRImmediate, (XtPointer) NULL}, #endif {XmtNfontList, XmCFontList, XmRFontList, sizeof(XmFontList), offset(layout.font_list), XtRImmediate, (XtPointer) NULL}, #if XmVersion >= 2000 {XmtNrenderTable, XmCRenderTable, XmRRenderTable, sizeof(XmRenderTable), offset(layout.render_table), XtRImmediate, (XtPointer) NULL}, #endif {XmtNdefaultSpacing, XmtCDefaultSpacing, XtRDimension, sizeof(Dimension), offset(layout.default_spacing), XtRImmediate, (XtPointer) 10}, {XmtNorientation, XmCOrientation, XmROrientation, sizeof(unsigned char), offset(layout.orientation), XtRImmediate, (XtPointer) XmVERTICAL}, {XmtNdebugLayout, XmtCDebugLayout, XtRBoolean, sizeof(Boolean), offset(layout.debug_layout), XtRImmediate, (XtPointer)False}, /* override some BulletinBoard defaults */ {XmNmarginWidth, XmCMarginWidth, XmRHorizontalDimension, sizeof(Dimension), XtOffsetOf(struct _XmBulletinBoardRec, bulletin_board.margin_width), XmRImmediate, (XtPointer)5}, {XmNmarginHeight, XmCMarginHeight, XmRVerticalDimension, sizeof(Dimension), XtOffsetOf(struct _XmBulletinBoardRec, bulletin_board.margin_height), XmRImmediate, (XtPointer)5}, }; #undef offset #define offset(field) XtOffsetOf(XmtLayoutConstraintsRec, layout.field) static XtResource constraint_resources[] = { {XmtNlayoutWidth, XmtCLayoutWidth, XtRDimension, sizeof(Dimension), offset(width), XtRImmediate, (XtPointer) 0}, {XmtNlayoutHeight, XmtCLayoutHeight, XtRDimension, sizeof(Dimension), offset(height), XtRImmediate, (XtPointer) 0}, {XmtNlayoutStretchability, XmtCLayoutStretchability, XtRDimension, sizeof(Dimension), offset(stretchability), XtRImmediate, (XtPointer) -1}, /* dynamic default */ {XmtNlayoutShrinkability, XmtCLayoutShrinkability, XtRDimension, sizeof(Dimension), offset(shrinkability), XtRImmediate, (XtPointer) -1}, /* dynamic default */ {XmtNlayoutCaption, XmtCLayoutCaption, XmRXmString, sizeof(XmString), offset(caption), XtRImmediate, NULL}, {XmtNlayoutIn, XmtCLayoutIn, XtRWidget, sizeof(Object), offset(in), XtRImmediate, (XtPointer) NULL}, {XmtNlayoutPosition, XmtCLayoutPosition, XtRPosition, sizeof(Position), offset(position), XtRImmediate, (XtPointer) -1}, {XmtNlayoutAfter, XmtCLayoutAfter, XtRWidget, sizeof(Object), offset(after), XtRImmediate, (XtPointer) NULL}, {XmtNlayoutBefore, XmtCLayoutBefore, XtRWidget, sizeof(Object), offset(before), XtRImmediate, (XtPointer) NULL}, {XmtNlayoutAllowResize, XmtCLayoutAllowResize, XtRBoolean, sizeof(Boolean), offset(allow_resize), XtRImmediate, (XtPointer)True}, {XmtNlayoutSensitive, XmtCLayoutSensitive, XtRBoolean, sizeof(Boolean), offset(sensitive), XtRImmediate, (XtPointer)True}, {XmtNlayoutJustification, XmtCLayoutJustification, XmtRXmtLayoutJustification, sizeof(unsigned char), offset(justification), XtRImmediate, (XtPointer)XmtLayoutFilled}, {XmtNlayoutMarginWidth, XmtCLayoutMarginWidth, XtRUnsignedChar, sizeof(unsigned char), offset(margin_width), XtRImmediate, (XtPointer)255}, /* special unset value */ {XmtNlayoutMarginHeight, XmtCLayoutMarginHeight, XtRUnsignedChar, sizeof(unsigned char), offset(margin_height), XtRImmediate, (XtPointer)255}, /* special unset value */ {XmtNlayoutFrameType, XmtCLayoutFrameType, XmtRXmtLayoutFrameType, sizeof(unsigned char), offset(frame_type), XtRImmediate, (XtPointer)XmtLayoutFrameNone}, {XmtNlayoutFrameLineType, XmtCLayoutFrameLineType, XmtRXmtLayoutFrameLineType, sizeof(unsigned char), offset(frame_line_type), XtRImmediate, (XtPointer)XmtLayoutFrameEtchedIn}, {XmtNlayoutFramePosition, XmtCLayoutFramePosition, XmtRXmtLayoutFramePosition, sizeof(unsigned char), offset(frame_position), XtRImmediate, (XtPointer)XmtLayoutFrameInside}, {XmtNlayoutFrameMargin, XmtCLayoutFrameMargin, XtRUnsignedChar, sizeof(unsigned char), offset(frame_margin), XtRImmediate, (XtPointer)2}, {XmtNlayoutFrameThickness, XmtCLayoutFrameThickness, XtRUnsignedChar, sizeof(unsigned char), offset(frame_thickness), XtRImmediate, (XtPointer)2}, {XmtNlayoutCaptionPosition, XmtCLayoutCaptionPosition, XmtRXmtLayoutEdge, sizeof(unsigned char), offset(caption_position), XtRImmediate, (XtPointer)XmtLayoutLeft}, {XmtNlayoutCaptionJustification, XmtCLayoutCaptionJustification, XmtRXmtLayoutJustification, sizeof(unsigned char), offset(caption_justification), XtRImmediate, (XtPointer)XmtLayoutCentered}, {XmtNlayoutCaptionAlignment, XmtCLayoutCaptionAlignment, XmRAlignment, sizeof(unsigned char), offset(caption_alignment), XtRImmediate, (XtPointer)XmALIGNMENT_BEGINNING}, {XmtNlayoutCaptionMargin, XmtCLayoutCaptionMargin, XtRUnsignedChar, sizeof(unsigned char), offset(caption_margin), XtRImmediate, (XtPointer)2}, }; #undef offset #if NeedFunctionPrototypes static void ClassInitialize(void); static void Initialize(Widget, Widget, ArgList, Cardinal *); static void Destroy(Widget); static Boolean SetValues(Widget, Widget, Widget, ArgList, Cardinal *); static void Resize(Widget); static void Realize(Widget, XtValueMask *, XSetWindowAttributes *); static void Redisplay(Widget, XEvent *, Region); static void ChangeManaged(Widget); static XtGeometryResult GeometryManager(Widget, XtWidgetGeometry *, XtWidgetGeometry *); static XtGeometryResult QueryGeometry(Widget, XtWidgetGeometry *, XtWidgetGeometry *); static void InsertChild(Widget); static void DeleteChild(Widget); static void ConstraintInitialize(Widget, Widget, ArgList, Cardinal *); static void ConstraintDestroy(Widget); static Boolean ConstraintSetValues(Widget,Widget, Widget, ArgList, Cardinal *); #else static void ClassInitialize(); static void Initialize(); static void Destroy(); static Boolean SetValues(); static void Resize(); static void Realize(); static void Redisplay(); static void ChangeManaged(); static XtGeometryResult GeometryManager(); static XtGeometryResult QueryGeometry(); static void InsertChild(); static void DeleteChild(); static void ConstraintInitialize(); static void ConstraintDestroy(); static Boolean ConstraintSetValues(); #endif #define superclass (&xmBulletinBoardClassRec) externaldef(xmtlayoutclassrec) XmtLayoutClassRec xmtLayoutClassRec = { { /* core_class fields */ /* superclass */ (WidgetClass) superclass, /* class_name */ "XmtLayout", /* widget_size */ sizeof(XmtLayoutRec), /* class_initialize */ ClassInitialize, /* class_part_init */ NULL, /* class_inited */ FALSE, /* initialize */ Initialize, /* initialize_hook */ NULL, /* realize */ Realize, /* actions */ NULL, /* num_actions */ 0, /* resources */ resources, /* num_resources */ XtNumber(resources), /* xrm_class */ NULLQUARK, /* compress_motion */ TRUE, /* compress_exposure */ XtExposeCompressMaximal, /* compress_enterleave*/ TRUE, /* visible_interest */ FALSE, /* destroy */ Destroy, /* resize */ Resize, /* expose */ Redisplay, /* set_values */ SetValues, /* set_values_hook */ NULL, /* set_values_almost */ XtInheritSetValuesAlmost, /* get_values_hook */ NULL, /* accept_focus */ NULL, /* version */ XtVersion, /* callback_private */ NULL, /* tm_table */ XtInheritTranslations, /* query_geometry */ QueryGeometry, /* display_accelerator*/ XtInheritDisplayAccelerator, /* extension */ NULL }, { /* composite_class fields */ /* geometry_manager */ GeometryManager, /* change_managed */ ChangeManaged, /* insert_child */ InsertChild, /* delete_child */ DeleteChild, /* extension */ NULL }, { /* constraint_class fields */ /* resource list */ constraint_resources, /* num resources */ XtNumber(constraint_resources), /* constraint size */ sizeof(XmtLayoutConstraintsRec), /* init proc */ ConstraintInitialize, /* destroy proc */ ConstraintDestroy, /* set values proc */ ConstraintSetValues, /* extension */ NULL }, { /* manager_class */ /* translations */ XtInheritTranslations, /* syn_resources */ NULL, /* num_syn_resources */ 0, /* syn_cont_resources */ NULL, /* num_syn_cont_resources */0, /* parent_process */ XmInheritParentProcess, /* extension */ NULL }, { /* Bulletin Board */ /* always_install_accelerators */ False, /* geo_matrix_create */ NULL, /* focus_moved_proc */ XmInheritFocusMovedProc, /* extension */ NULL }, { /* XmtLayout */ /* parser */ NULL, /* lookup_type_proc */ NULL, /* create_proc */ NULL, /* extension */ NULL } }; externaldef(xmtlayoutwidgetclass) WidgetClass xmtLayoutWidgetClass = (WidgetClass) &xmtLayoutClassRec; #if NeedFunctionPrototypes static void ClassInitialize(void) #else static void ClassInitialize() #endif { static String justification_names[] = { "Bottom", "Center", "Centered", "Filled", "Left", "Right", "Top"}; static Cardinal justification_values[] = { XmtLayoutFlushBottom, XmtLayoutCentered, XmtLayoutCentered, XmtLayoutFilled,XmtLayoutFlushLeft, XmtLayoutFlushRight, XmtLayoutFlushTop}; static String justification_prefixes[] = {"Xmt", "Layout", "Flush", NULL}; static String edge_names[] = { "Bottom", "Left", "Right", "Top"}; static Cardinal edge_values[] = { XmtLayoutBottom, XmtLayoutLeft, XmtLayoutRight, XmtLayoutTop }; static String edge_prefixes[] = {"Xmt", "Layout", NULL}; static String line_type_names[] = { "Double", "DoubleLine", "Etched", "EtchedIn", "EtchedOut", "Shadow", "ShadowIn", "ShadowOut", "Single", "SingleLine", }; static Cardinal line_type_values[] = { XmtLayoutFrameDoubleLine, XmtLayoutFrameDoubleLine, XmtLayoutFrameEtchedIn, XmtLayoutFrameEtchedIn, XmtLayoutFrameEtchedOut, XmtLayoutFrameShadowIn, XmtLayoutFrameShadowIn, XmtLayoutFrameShadowOut, XmtLayoutFrameSingleLine, XmtLayoutFrameSingleLine }; static String frame_type_names[] = { "Bottom", "Box", "Left", "None", "Right", "Top" }; static Cardinal frame_type_values[] = { XmtLayoutFrameBottom, XmtLayoutFrameBox, XmtLayoutFrameLeft, XmtLayoutFrameNone, XmtLayoutFrameRight, XmtLayoutFrameTop }; static String frame_type_prefixes[] = {"Xmt", "Layout", "Frame", NULL}; static String position_names[] = { "Inside", "Outside", "Through" }; static Cardinal position_values[] = { XmtLayoutFrameInside, XmtLayoutFrameOutside, XmtLayoutFrameThrough }; static String space_type_names[] = { "CTabbed", "Even", "Interval", "LCR", "LREven", "LTabbed", "None", "RTabbed" }; static Cardinal space_type_values[] = { XmtLayoutSpaceCTabbed, XmtLayoutSpaceEven, XmtLayoutSpaceInterval, XmtLayoutSpaceLCR, XmtLayoutSpaceLREven, XmtLayoutSpaceLTabbed, XmtLayoutSpaceNone, XmtLayoutSpaceRTabbed }; static String space_type_prefixes[] = {"Xmt", "Layout", "Space", NULL}; /* A bitmap we use for stippling captions */ # define _xmt_gray50_width 32 # define _xmt_gray50_height 2 static unsigned char _xmt_gray50_bits[] = { 0x55, 0x55, 0x55, 0x55, 0xaa, 0xaa, 0xaa, 0xaa}; XmtRegisterEnumConverter(XmtRXmtLayoutJustification, justification_names, justification_values, XtNumber(justification_names), justification_prefixes); XmtRegisterEnumConverter(XmtRXmtLayoutEdge, edge_names, edge_values, XtNumber(edge_names), edge_prefixes); XmtRegisterEnumConverter(XmtRXmtLayoutFrameLineType, line_type_names, line_type_values, XtNumber(line_type_names), frame_type_prefixes); /* really frame_type here */ XmtRegisterEnumConverter(XmtRXmtLayoutFrameType, frame_type_names, frame_type_values, XtNumber(frame_type_names), frame_type_prefixes); XmtRegisterEnumConverter(XmtRXmtLayoutFramePosition, position_names, position_values, XtNumber(position_names), frame_type_prefixes); /* really */ XmtRegisterEnumConverter(XmtRXmtLayoutSpaceType, space_type_names, space_type_values, XtNumber(space_type_names), space_type_prefixes); XmtRegisterXbmData("_xmt_gray50", (char *)_xmt_gray50_bits, NULL, _xmt_gray50_width, _xmt_gray50_height, 0, 0); } #if XmVersion < 2000 #if NeedFunctionPrototypes static void FontFromFontList(XmtLayoutWidget lw) #else static void FontFromFontList(lw) XmtLayoutWidget lw; #endif { XmFontContext context; XmStringCharSet charset; lw->layout.font_list = XmFontListCopy(lw->layout.font_list); (void)XmFontListInitFontContext(&context, lw->layout.font_list); (void)XmFontListGetNextFont(context, &charset, &lw->layout.font); XmFontListFreeFontContext(context); XtFree(charset); } #endif #if NeedFunctionPrototypes static void GetGCs(XmtLayoutWidget lw) #else static void GetGCs(lw) XmtLayoutWidget lw; #endif { XGCValues gcv; XtGCMask mask; /* * we set a font, even though we don't use it because XmStringDraw * frobs the font field and will cause an X error if it is unset. */ gcv.foreground = lw->manager.foreground; gcv.background = lw->core.background_pixel; gcv.font = lw->layout.font->fid; gcv.line_width = 0; gcv.graphics_exposures = False; mask = GCForeground | GCBackground | GCFont | GCLineWidth | GCGraphicsExposures; lw->layout.gc = XtGetGC((Widget)lw, mask, &gcv); /* * We could remember this bitmap and free it when the Layout is destroyed, * but because of caching, this will rarely be worth the trouble. */ gcv.fill_style = FillStippled; gcv.stipple = XmtLookupBitmap((Widget)lw, "_xmt_gray50"); mask |= GCFillStyle | GCStipple; lw->layout.grey_gc = XtGetGC((Widget)lw, mask, &gcv); } /* ARGSUSED */ #if NeedFunctionPrototypes static void Initialize(Widget request, Widget init, ArgList args, Cardinal *num_args) #else static void Initialize(request, init, args, num_args) Widget request; Widget init; ArgList args; Cardinal *num_args; #endif { XmtLayoutWidget lw = (XmtLayoutWidget) init; Display *dpy = XtDisplay(init); int scr = XScreenNumberOfScreen(XtScreen(init)); Arg arg; #if XmVersion < 2000 /* * Copy the font list resource, and get its first font. * Or, create a font list from the font. */ if (lw->layout.font_list) FontFromFontList(lw); else lw->layout.font_list = XmFontListCreate(lw->layout.font, XmSTRING_DEFAULT_CHARSET); #else /* Motif 2.0 or later */ if (!lw->layout.render_table) { if (!lw->layout.font_list) { if (lw->layout.font) { Arg args[1]; XmRendition rendition; /* * If no renderTable or fontList was specified, but there is * a font, then create a renderTable. */ XtSetArg(args[0], XmNfont, lw->layout.font); rendition = XmRenditionCreate(init, (XmStringTag)"default", args, 1); lw->layout.render_table = #if (XmVersion >= 2001) XmRenderTableAddRenditions(NULL, &rendition, 1, XmMERGE_REPLACE); #else XmRenderTableAddRenditions(NULL, &rendition, 1, XmREPLACE); #endif } else { /* * Nothing was specified, so look up the default * renderTable. */ lw->layout.render_table = XmeGetDefaultRenderTable(init, XmLABEL_FONTLIST); /* Make a copy of the renderTable. */ lw->layout.render_table = XmRenderTableCopy(lw->layout.render_table, NULL, 0); } } else { /* * There is a fontList, so copy it to the renderTable. * NOTE: This code relies on the fact that there is no * disitinction between a fontList and a renderTable * in Motif 2.0. */ lw->layout.render_table = XmFontListCopy(lw->layout.font_list); } } else { /* Make a copy of the renderTable. */ lw->layout.render_table = XmRenderTableCopy(lw->layout.render_table, NULL, 0); } /* * If no font was explicitly given, extract the default font from * the renderTable. */ if (!lw->layout.font) XmeRenderTableGetDefaultFont(lw->layout.render_table, &lw->layout.font); #ifdef LesstifVersion /* * The previous fails with lesstif, try again... */ if (!lw->layout.font) _XmFontListGetDefaultFont(lw->layout.font_list, &lw->layout.font); #endif /* LesstifVersion */ #endif /* figure out resolution independence values */ lw->layout.pixpermm =(DisplayWidth(dpy,scr)/DisplayWidthMM(dpy,scr) + DisplayHeight(dpy,scr)/DisplayHeightMM(dpy,scr)) / 2; lw->layout.pixperem = XTextWidth(lw->layout.font, "M", 1); /* get a GC for use by our gadget children */ GetGCs(lw); /* initialize misc. variables */ lw->layout.needs_layout = False; lw->layout.layout_disabled = 0; lw->layout.in_parser = False; lw->layout.geometry_okay = False; lw->layout.widget_info = NULL; /* * create the toplevel XmtLayoutBox gadget. */ lw->layout.in_parser = True; XtSetArg(arg, XmtNorientation, lw->layout.orientation); /* * got to initialize it to NULL first in order to detect * this special case in ConstraintInitialize */ lw->layout.toplevel = NULL; lw->layout.toplevel = XmtCreateLayoutBox(init, "topbox", &arg, 1); XtManageChild(lw->layout.toplevel); /* * go parse the layout string, if any. * We don't copy this string because we parse it once * and never need it again. */ if (lw->layout.layout) { if (xmtLayoutClassRec.layout_class.parser == NULL) XmtWarningMsg("XmtLayout", "noParser", "%s: no parser registered for layout string.\n\tSee XmtRegisterLayoutParser().", XtName((Widget)lw)); else (*xmtLayoutClassRec.layout_class.parser)(lw, lw->layout.layout); } lw->layout.in_parser = False; /* * go layout any children that were automatically created by * parsing the layout string, but don't issue a resize request for * the desired size. If width and height are not set, we set them * from the preferred size. */ _XmtLayoutChildren(lw, True); if (lw->core.width == 0) lw->core.width = LayoutConstraints(lw->layout.toplevel).pref_w + 2*lw->bulletin_board.margin_width; if (lw->core.height == 0) lw->core.height = LayoutConstraints(lw->layout.toplevel).pref_h + 2*lw->bulletin_board.margin_height; } #if NeedFunctionPrototypes static void Destroy(Widget w) #else static void Destroy(w) Widget w; #endif { XmtLayoutWidget lw = (XmtLayoutWidget) w; #if XmVersion < 2000 if (lw->layout.font_list) XmFontListFree(lw->layout.font_list); #else /* Motif 2.0 or later */ if (lw->layout.render_table) XmRenderTableFree(lw->layout.render_table); #endif XtReleaseGC(w, lw->layout.gc); XtReleaseGC(w, lw->layout.grey_gc); } #if NeedFunctionPrototypes static void Realize(Widget w, XtValueMask *vm, XSetWindowAttributes *wa) #else static void Realize(w, vm, wa) Widget w; XtValueMask *vm; XSetWindowAttributes *wa; #endif { XmtLayoutWidget lw = (XmtLayoutWidget)w; Widget *children; Cardinal num; int i; /* * Because Motif (1.1, at least) treats all RectObjs as XmGadgets, * we've had to make LayoutGadgets a subclass of Object that just * happen to have many of the same fields as RectObj. There are * a number of hacks here to support this--see the redefinition of * XtIsManaged(), and XmtSetRectObj(), for example, in LayoutP.h * * This is another of those hacks--when the Layout is realized with * only gadget children (as can happen with the XmtWorkingBox, e.g.) * the Intrinsics decide that it has no managed children, and never * invoke the ChangeManaged procedure. We attempt to compensate for * that here. */ children = lw->composite.children; num = lw->composite.num_children; for(i=0; i < num; i++) if (XtIsManaged(children[i]) && (XtIsWidget(children[i]) || !XmtIsLayoutGadget(children[i]))) break; if (i == num) ChangeManaged(w); /* * And now envelop our superclass's realize method, so we * actually get realized. */ (*superclass->core_class.realize)(w, vm, wa); } /* ARGSUSED */ #if NeedFunctionPrototypes static Boolean SetValues(Widget current, Widget request, Widget set, ArgList args, Cardinal *num_args) #else static Boolean SetValues(current, request, set, args, num_args) Widget current; Widget request; Widget set; ArgList args; Cardinal *num_args; #endif { XmtLayoutWidget cw = (XmtLayoutWidget) current; XmtLayoutWidget nw = (XmtLayoutWidget) set; Boolean got_new_gc = False; Boolean relayout = False; Boolean redisplay = False; #define Changed(field) (nw->layout.field != cw->layout.field) /* can't change XmtNlayout */ if (Changed(layout)) { XmtWarningMsg("XmtLayout", "setlayout", "%s: the XmtNlayout resource may not be changed.", XtName(set)); nw->layout.layout = cw->layout.layout; } /* can't change XmtNorientation */ if (Changed(orientation)) { XmtWarningMsg("XmtLayout", "setorient", "%s: the XmtNorientation resource may not be changed.", XtName(set)); nw->layout.orientation = cw->layout.orientation; } #if XmVersion < 2000 /* * if fontlist or font changes, free old and figure out the other one. */ if (Changed(font_list)) { XmFontListFree(cw->layout.font_list); FontFromFontList(nw); } else if (Changed(font)) { XmFontListFree(cw->layout.font_list); nw->layout.font_list = XmFontListCreate(nw->layout.font, XmSTRING_DEFAULT_CHARSET); } #else /* Motif 2.0 or later */ if (Changed(render_table) || !nw->layout.font) { XmRenderTableFree(cw->layout.render_table); if (nw->layout.render_table == NULL) { nw->layout.render_table = XmeGetDefaultRenderTable(set, XmLABEL_FONTLIST); } nw->layout.render_table = XmRenderTableCopy(nw->layout.render_table, NULL, 0); /* unset the font, so it will be recomputed below */ nw->layout.font = NULL; } else if (Changed(font_list)) { XmRenderTableFree(cw->layout.render_table); if (nw->layout.font_list == NULL) { nw->layout.font_list = XmeGetDefaultRenderTable(set, XmLABEL_FONTLIST); } nw->layout.render_table = XmFontListCopy(nw->layout.font_list); /* unset the font, so it will be recomputed below */ nw->layout.font = NULL; } else if (Changed(font)) { Arg args[1]; XmRendition rendition; XmRenderTableFree(cw->layout.render_table); XtSetArg(args[0], XmNfont, nw->layout.font); rendition = XmRenditionCreate(set, (XmStringTag)"default", args, 1); nw->layout.render_table = #if (XmVersion >= 2001) XmRenderTableAddRenditions(NULL, &rendition, 1, XmMERGE_REPLACE); #else XmRenderTableAddRenditions(NULL, &rendition, 1, XmREPLACE); #endif } if (!nw->layout.font) /* Extract the default font from the renderTable. */ XmeRenderTableGetDefaultFont(nw->layout.render_table, &nw->layout.font); #endif /* * if the font list changed through either of the above cases, * get a new GC, change resolution independence values, * invoke the change_font method on all LayoutStringGadget children, * and re-measure all caption strings. */ #if XmVersion < 2000 if (Changed(font_list)) { #else /* Motif 2.0 or later */ if (Changed(render_table)) { #endif int i; Widget child; XmtLayoutConstraintsPart *c; XtReleaseGC(set, cw->layout.gc); XtReleaseGC(set, cw->layout.grey_gc); GetGCs(nw); got_new_gc = True; /* * we can compute new resolution independence conversion values, * but we cannot go update all the children that had their size * based on the font... */ nw->layout.pixperem = XTextWidth(nw->layout.font, "M", 1); /* * tell any LayoutGadget children that care about the change. * This is a hardcoded dependency which is a little gross. * It means that we don't have to keep a bunch of copies of * the same fontlist around, however. */ for(i=0; i < nw->composite.num_children; i++) { child = nw->composite.children[i]; c = LayoutConstraintsRec(child); if (!XtIsWidget(child) && !XmIsGadget(child) && XtIsSubclass(child, xmtLayoutGadgetClass)) _XmtCallChangeFontMethod(child); if (c->caption) { #if XmVersion < 2000 XmStringExtent(nw->layout.font_list, c->caption, &c->caption_width, &c->caption_height); #else /* Motif 2.0 or later */ XmStringExtent(nw->layout.render_table, c->caption, &c->caption_width, &c->caption_height); #endif } } relayout = True; } if (Changed(debug_layout)) relayout = True; /* if colors changed and we haven't already done so, get a new gc */ if (!got_new_gc && ((nw->core.background_pixel != cw->core.background_pixel) || (nw->manager.foreground != cw->manager.foreground))) { XtReleaseGC(set, cw->layout.gc); XtReleaseGC(set, cw->layout.grey_gc); GetGCs(nw); redisplay = True; } /* if margin size changed, re-layout everything */ if ((nw->bulletin_board.margin_width != cw->bulletin_board.margin_width) || (nw->bulletin_board.margin_height != cw->bulletin_board.margin_height)) relayout = True; /* if sensitivity changed, redisplay everything to change captions */ if (nw->core.sensitive != cw->core.sensitive) redisplay = True; if (relayout) _XmtLayoutChildren(nw, True); return redisplay | relayout; #undef Changed } #if NeedFunctionPrototypes void _XmtLayoutChildren(XmtLayoutWidget lw, XmtWideBoolean resize) #else void _XmtLayoutChildren(lw, resize) XmtLayoutWidget lw; int resize; #endif { XtWidgetGeometry geometry; /* don't do anything if we've been told not to, * but remember to later */ if (lw->layout.layout_disabled > 0) { lw->layout.needs_layout = True; return; } /* * figure out how big we'd like to be. * the gadget's query_geometry methods also do other necessary * computation, so this must be called before the resize method... */ XtQueryGeometry(lw->layout.toplevel, NULL, &geometry); /* XXX * Under some circumstances, this query may return a width and height * of 0. If the margins are zero as well, the call to * XtMakeResizeRequest() below will cause an X Error. So we ensure * that this never happens. Note that it is probably a bug that is * making the query return a 0,0 size, but it can't hurt to be safe here... */ if (geometry.width == 0) geometry.width = 1; if (geometry.height == 0) geometry.height = 1; /* remember this preferred size */ LayoutConstraints(lw->layout.toplevel).pref_w = geometry.width; LayoutConstraints(lw->layout.toplevel).pref_h = geometry.height; /* add a margin all the way around */ geometry.width += 2*lw->bulletin_board.margin_width; geometry.height += 2*lw->bulletin_board.margin_height; /* ask for size plus margins unless we're being called from Resize */ if (resize && ((geometry.width != lw->core.width) || (geometry.height != lw->core.height))) { XtGeometryResult result; Dimension compromisew, compromiseh; result = XtMakeResizeRequest((Widget)lw, geometry.width, geometry.height, &compromisew, &compromiseh); if (result == XtGeometryAlmost) XtMakeResizeRequest((Widget)lw,compromisew,compromiseh,NULL, NULL); } /* * Whether we got a new size or not, configure all the kids * to the current size. * If the size hasn't changed, this call is a no-op. * This means that when we're called from changeManaged, often * nothing is called, and the new widget doesn't get configured * to appear in the right place. To work around this, we explictly * set the width on the toplevel box to something different. */ lw->layout.toplevel->core.width = 0; XtConfigureWidget(lw->layout.toplevel, lw->bulletin_board.margin_width, lw->bulletin_board.margin_height, lw->core.width - 2*lw->bulletin_board.margin_width, lw->core.height - 2*lw->bulletin_board.margin_height, lw->layout.toplevel->core.border_width); lw->layout.needs_layout = False; /* * When the Layout contains a lot of layout gadgets, this relayout * process will cause a lot of XClearArea() expose events. For * complicated layouts, the Intrinsics may call the Expose() method * before all the events have arrived and been put in the queue. * Adding a call to XSync() here seems to help with this problem * in some cases. */ XSync(XtDisplay(lw), False); } #if NeedFunctionPrototypes static void DrawFrame(XmtLayoutWidget lw, XmtLayoutFrameType type, XmtLayoutFrameLineType linetype, int thickness, int x, int y, int w, int h) #else static void DrawFrame(lw, type, linetype, thickness, x, y, w, h) XmtLayoutWidget lw; XmtLayoutFrameType type; XmtLayoutFrameLineType linetype; int thickness; int x; int y; int w; int h; #endif { Display *dpy = XtDisplay((Widget)lw); Window win = XtWindow((Widget)lw); Boolean horizontal = False; GC topgc = lw->manager.top_shadow_GC; GC botgc = lw->manager.bottom_shadow_GC; GC tmpgc; /* for swapping */ int halfthick = thickness/2; if (type == XmtLayoutFrameNone) return; if (type == XmtLayoutFrameTop || type == XmtLayoutFrameBottom) horizontal = True; if (thickness == 1) linetype = XmtLayoutFrameSingleLine; if (linetype == XmtLayoutFrameSingleLine) { XGCValues values; if (thickness > 1) { values.line_width = thickness; XChangeGC(dpy, lw->layout.gc, GCLineWidth, &values); } if (type == XmtLayoutFrameBox) XDrawRectangle(dpy, win, lw->layout.gc, x+halfthick, y+halfthick, w-thickness, h-thickness); else if (horizontal) XDrawLine(dpy, win, lw->layout.gc, x, y+halfthick, x+w, y+halfthick); else XDrawLine(dpy, win, lw->layout.gc, x+halfthick, y, x+halfthick, y+h); if (thickness > 1) { values.line_width = 0; XChangeGC(dpy, lw->layout.gc, GCLineWidth, &values); } } else if (linetype == XmtLayoutFrameDoubleLine) { if (type == XmtLayoutFrameBox) { XDrawRectangle(dpy, win, lw->layout.gc, x, y, w-1, h-1); XDrawRectangle(dpy, win, lw->layout.gc, x+thickness-1, y+thickness-1, w-2*(thickness-1)-1, h-2*(thickness-1)-1); } else if (horizontal) { XDrawLine(dpy, win, lw->layout.gc, x, y, x+w, y); XDrawLine(dpy, win, lw->layout.gc, x, y+thickness-1, x+w, y+thickness-1); } else { XDrawLine(dpy, win, lw->layout.gc, x, y, x, y+h); XDrawLine(dpy, win, lw->layout.gc, x+thickness-1, y, x+thickness-1, y+h); } } else { if (type == XmtLayoutFrameBox) { #if XmVersion >= 1002 { int xmtype; switch(linetype) { case XmtLayoutFrameShadowIn: xmtype = XmSHADOW_IN; break; case XmtLayoutFrameShadowOut: xmtype = XmSHADOW_OUT; break; default: case XmtLayoutFrameEtchedIn: xmtype = XmSHADOW_ETCHED_IN; break; case XmtLayoutFrameEtchedOut: xmtype = XmSHADOW_ETCHED_OUT; break; } #if XmVersion >= 2000 XmeDrawShadows(dpy, win, topgc, botgc, x, y, w, h, thickness, xmtype); #else _XmDrawShadows(dpy, win, topgc, botgc, x, y, w, h, thickness, xmtype); #endif } #else { int roundthick = halfthick*2; if (linetype == XmtLayoutFrameShadowIn || linetype == XmtLayoutFrameEtchedIn) { tmpgc = botgc; botgc = topgc; topgc = tmpgc; } switch(linetype) { case XmtLayoutFrameShadowOut: case XmtLayoutFrameShadowIn: _XmDrawShadow(dpy, win, topgc, botgc, thickness, x, y, w, h); break; case XmtLayoutFrameEtchedOut: case XmtLayoutFrameEtchedIn: _XmDrawShadow(dpy, win, topgc, botgc, halfthick, x, y, w, h); _XmDrawShadow(dpy, win, botgc, topgc, halfthick, x+halfthick, y+halfthick, w-roundthick, h-roundthick); break; default: break; } } #endif } else { /* draw an etched line in or out */ if (linetype == XmtLayoutFrameShadowIn) linetype = XmtLayoutFrameEtchedIn; if (linetype == XmtLayoutFrameShadowOut) linetype = XmtLayoutFrameEtchedOut; if (linetype == XmtLayoutFrameEtchedIn) { tmpgc = botgc; botgc = topgc; topgc = tmpgc; } if (horizontal) { XFillRectangle(dpy, win, topgc, x, y, w, halfthick); XFillRectangle(dpy, win, botgc, x, y+halfthick, w, thickness-halfthick); } else { XFillRectangle(dpy, win, topgc, x, y, halfthick, h); XFillRectangle(dpy, win, botgc, x+halfthick, y, thickness-halfthick, h); } } } } #if NeedFunctionPrototypes static void DrawFrameAndCaption(XmtLayoutWidget lw, Widget c, Region region) #else static void DrawFrameAndCaption(lw, c, region) XmtLayoutWidget lw; Widget c; Region region; #endif { XmtLayoutConstraintsPart *cc; int x, y, w, h; /* coordinates of widget */ int fx = 0, fy = 0, fw = 0, fh = 0; /* coordinates of outside of frame */ int cx = 0, cy = 0, cw = 0, ch = 0; /* coordinates of caption bounding box*/ XmtLayoutFrameType frame_type; XmtLayoutFrameLineType frame_line_type; int frame_thickness; int frame_margin; XmtLayoutFramePosition frame_position; int frame_total; int caption_total_width = 0, caption_total_height = 0; Boolean frame_redrawn; /* * For the specified child widget: * compute the position of the frame and caption. If the frame intersects * the region, redraw it. If the caption intersects the region, or * if the frame intersects the caption and the frame was redrawn, then * redraw the caption */ cc = LayoutConstraintsRec(c); /* get the frame args. If debug_layout is set, force fixed values */ frame_type = cc->frame_type; frame_line_type = cc->frame_line_type; frame_margin = cc->frame_margin; frame_thickness = cc->frame_thickness; frame_position = cc->frame_position; if (lw->layout.debug_layout) { frame_type = XmtLayoutFrameBox; frame_line_type = XmtLayoutFrameSingleLine; frame_margin = 5; frame_thickness = 1; frame_position = XmtLayoutFrameOutside; } frame_total = frame_margin + frame_thickness; if (cc->caption) { caption_total_width = cc->caption_width + cc->caption_margin; caption_total_height = cc->caption_height + cc->caption_margin; } /* if no frame or caption, don't do anything */ if (cc->caption == NULL && frame_type == XmtLayoutFrameNone) return; /* widget coordinates */ x = c->core.x; y = c->core.y; w = c->core.width; h = c->core.height; /* compute coordinates of outside of frame */ if (frame_type != XmtLayoutFrameNone) { fx = x - frame_total; fy = y - frame_total; fw = w + 2*frame_total; fh = h + 2*frame_total; if (cc->caption && (frame_position == XmtLayoutFrameOutside)) { switch (cc->caption_position) { case XmtLayoutTop: fy -= caption_total_height; /* note no break statement */ case XmtLayoutBottom: fh += caption_total_height; break; case XmtLayoutLeft: fx -= caption_total_width; /* note no break statement */ case XmtLayoutRight: fw += caption_total_width; break; } } } /* if the frame is just a line rather than a box, adjust coords */ /* (x,y) will be top left of line, now, not outside of frame */ switch(frame_type) { case XmtLayoutFrameBottom: fy += fh - frame_thickness; /* note: no break statement */ case XmtLayoutFrameTop: fx += frame_total; fw -= 2*frame_total; break; case XmtLayoutFrameRight: fx += fw - frame_thickness; /* note: no break */ case XmtLayoutFrameLeft: fy += frame_total; fh -= 2*frame_total; break; default: break; } /* compute coordinates of caption bounding box */ if (cc->caption) { /* width and height are given */ cw = cc->caption_width; ch = cc->caption_height; /* compute one dimension based on position */ switch (cc->caption_position) { case XmtLayoutTop: cy = y - (cc->caption_margin + ch); break; case XmtLayoutBottom: cy = y + h + cc->caption_margin; break; case XmtLayoutLeft: cx = x - (cc->caption_margin + cw); break; case XmtLayoutRight: cx = x + w + cc->caption_margin; break; } /* compute the other dimension based on justification */ if ((cc->caption_position == XmtLayoutTop) || (cc->caption_position == XmtLayoutBottom)) { switch (cc->caption_justification) { case XmtLayoutFilled: case XmtLayoutFlushLeft: cx = x; break; case XmtLayoutCentered: cx = x + (w - cw)/2; break; case XmtLayoutFlushRight: cx = x + w - cw; break; } } else if ((cc->caption_position == XmtLayoutLeft) || (cc->caption_position == XmtLayoutRight)) { switch (cc->caption_justification) { case XmtLayoutFilled: case XmtLayoutFlushLeft: cy = y; break; case XmtLayoutCentered: cy = y + (h - ch)/2; break; case XmtLayoutFlushRight: cy = y + h - ch; break; } } /* if there is a frame inside the caption, adjust position */ if ((frame_type != XmtLayoutFrameNone) && (frame_position == XmtLayoutFrameInside)) { /* adjustments for full frames */ if (frame_type == XmtLayoutFrameBox) { switch (cc->caption_position) { case XmtLayoutTop: cy -= frame_total; break; case XmtLayoutBottom: cy += frame_total; break; case XmtLayoutLeft: cx -= frame_total; break; case XmtLayoutRight: cx += frame_total; break; } if ((cc->caption_position == XmtLayoutTop) || (cc->caption_position == XmtLayoutBottom)) { switch (cc->caption_justification) { case XmtLayoutFilled: case XmtLayoutFlushLeft: cx -= frame_total; break; case XmtLayoutCentered: break; case XmtLayoutFlushRight: cx += frame_total; break; } } else if ((cc->caption_position == XmtLayoutLeft) || (cc->caption_position == XmtLayoutRight)) { switch (cc->caption_justification) { case XmtLayoutFilled: case XmtLayoutFlushLeft: cy -= frame_total; break; case XmtLayoutCentered: break; case XmtLayoutFlushRight: cy += frame_total; break; } } } else if (frame_type == XmtLayoutFrameLeft) { if (cc->caption_position == XmtLayoutLeft) cx -= frame_total; } else if (frame_type == XmtLayoutFrameRight) { if (cc->caption_position == XmtLayoutRight) cx += frame_total; } else if (frame_type == XmtLayoutFrameTop) { if (cc->caption_position == XmtLayoutTop) cy -= frame_total; } else if (frame_type == XmtLayoutFrameBottom) { if (cc->caption_position == XmtLayoutBottom) cy += frame_total; } } } /* if there is a frame, and it is in the exposed region, redraw it */ frame_redrawn = False; if ((frame_type != XmtLayoutFrameNone) && (!region || (XRectInRegion(region, fx, fy, fw, fh) != RectangleOut))) { frame_redrawn = True; DrawFrame(lw, frame_type, frame_line_type, frame_thickness, fx, fy, fw, fh); } /* * if there is a caption, and it is in the exposed region, * or if it intersects the frame and the frame was redrawn * then redraw it. */ if (cc->caption && (!region || (XRectInRegion(region, cx, cy, cw, ch) != RectangleOut) || (frame_redrawn && (frame_position == XmtLayoutFrameThrough)))) { /* X protocol ignores stippling with DrawImage functions, * so we simulate XmStringDrawImage by clearing first */ XClearArea(XtDisplay((Widget)lw), XtWindow((Widget)lw), cx, cy, cw, ch, False); XmStringDraw(XtDisplay((Widget)lw), XtWindow((Widget)lw), #if XmVersion < 2000 lw->layout.font_list, #else /* Motif 2.0 or later */ lw->layout.render_table, #endif cc->caption, (lw->core.ancestor_sensitive && lw->core.sensitive && cc->sensitive) ?lw->layout.gc :lw->layout.grey_gc, cx, cy, cw, cc->caption_alignment, XmSTRING_DIRECTION_L_TO_R, NULL); } } #if NeedFunctionPrototypes static void DrawFramesAndCaptions(XmtLayoutWidget lw, Region region) #else static void DrawFramesAndCaptions(lw, region) XmtLayoutWidget lw; Region region; #endif { int i; Widget c; /* * For each child widget: * compute the position of the frame and caption. If the frame intersects * the region, redraw it. If the caption intersects the region, or * if the frame intersects the caption and the frame was redrawn, then * redraw the caption */ ForEachChild(lw, c) if (XtIsManaged(c)) DrawFrameAndCaption(lw, c, region); } #if NeedFunctionPrototypes static void Redisplay(Widget widget, XEvent *event, Region region) #else static void Redisplay(widget, event, region) Widget widget; XEvent *event; Region region; #endif { XmtLayoutWidget lw = (XmtLayoutWidget) widget; /* invoke the Redisplay method of the topmost XmtLayoutBox */ _XmtRedisplayGadget(lw->layout.toplevel, event, region); /* redisplay any Xm Gadgets */ _XmtRedisplayGadgets(widget, event, region); /* go draw all the XmtLayout frames and captions */ DrawFramesAndCaptions(lw, region); } #if NeedFunctionPrototypes static void Resize(Widget w) #else static void Resize(w) Widget w; #endif { if (XtIsRealized(w)) XClearWindow(XtDisplay(w), XtWindow(w)); _XmtLayoutChildren((XmtLayoutWidget) w, False); } #if NeedFunctionPrototypes static void ChangeManaged(Widget w) #else static void ChangeManaged(w) Widget w; #endif { _XmtLayoutChildren((XmtLayoutWidget) w, True); } /* * This GeometryManager() method is invoked in two distinct cases. * 1) When a child widget calls XtMakeGeometryRequest() to change something. * In this case, we deny the request if XmtNlayoutAllowResize if False, * or if the child is trying to change its position, rather than its size. * Otherwise we grant the request. When we grant this request, we call * _XmtLayoutChildren() to configure the widget (and any of its siblings * that change as a result, and return XtGeometryDone. The algorithm in * this case is modified from the Xaw Form widget. * 2) When the user sets a resource on a child that directly or indirectly * changes a geometry field of the widget. After a SetValues() request, * the Intrinsics automatically call this method if any geometry fields * have changed. In this case, the ConstraintSetValues() method will * always be called before this method is. We have to handle this case * specially because of the constraint resources. If the XmtNlayoutIn * constraint is set, for example, then the CSV method will call * _XmtLayoutChildren() to rearrange things. This means that the position * of the child widget will change, and this change will be legal. If * we didn't have a special case, the change would be rejected. Also, * since _XmtLayoutChildren() has already been called, we know that we * don't have to call it again here. We do have to call XtConfigureWidget() * however--when ConstraintSetValues() calls _XmtLayoutChildren(), * the geometry fields of the widget are set at their new values, and so * when _XmtLayoutChildren() tries to configure the widget to those * new values (in the resize() method of LayoutBox.c), the Intrinsics * will think that it doesn't have to do anything. * Note the use of the geometry_okay flag for communication between * the CSV method and this method. */ /* ARGSUSED */ #if NeedFunctionPrototypes static XtGeometryResult GeometryManager(Widget w, XtWidgetGeometry *request, XtWidgetGeometry *reply) #else static XtGeometryResult GeometryManager(w, request, reply) Widget w; XtWidgetGeometry *request; XtWidgetGeometry *reply; #endif { XmtLayoutWidget lw = (XmtLayoutWidget)XtParent(w); Dimension width, height; /* this is case 2 described above */ if (lw->layout.geometry_okay) { XtConfigureWidget(w, (request->request_mode&CWX)?request->x:w->core.x, (request->request_mode&CWY)?request->y:w->core.y, (request->request_mode&CWWidth)?request->width:w->core.width, (request->request_mode&CWHeight)?request->height:w->core.height, (request->request_mode&CWBorderWidth)?request->border_width :w->core.border_width); /* make sure we don't do this again without cause */ lw->layout.geometry_okay = False; /* * Tell the Intrinsics we've done the update for it. Note * that in this case, when the geometry_okay flag is set, * the Layout widget has already been re-laid out. However, * this particular child may not have had its window * coordinates updated, as explained in a comment in * ConstraintSetValues(). Thus we do have to do the update here. */ return XtGeometryDone; } /* Otherwise, we handle case 1 described above */ if (!LayoutConstraints(w).allow_resize) return XtGeometryNo; if (request->request_mode & ~(XtCWQueryOnly | CWWidth | CWHeight)) return XtGeometryNo; if (request->request_mode & CWWidth) width = request->width; else width = w->core.width; if (request->request_mode & CWHeight) height = request->height; else height = w->core.height; if (width == w->core.width && height == w->core.height) return XtGeometryNo; if (!(request->request_mode & XtCWQueryOnly)) { XtResizeWidget(w, width, height, w->core.border_width); _XmtLayoutChildren((XmtLayoutWidget)XtParent(w), True); return XtGeometryDone; } else return XtGeometryYes; } /* stolen from Xaw Form widget. Hope it works right */ #if NeedFunctionPrototypes static XtGeometryResult QueryGeometry(Widget widget, XtWidgetGeometry *request, XtWidgetGeometry *reply) #else static XtGeometryResult QueryGeometry(widget, request, reply) Widget widget; XtWidgetGeometry *request; XtWidgetGeometry *reply; #endif { XmtLayoutWidget w = (XmtLayoutWidget)widget; reply->width = LayoutConstraints(w->layout.toplevel).pref_w + 2 * w->bulletin_board.margin_width; reply->height = LayoutConstraints(w->layout.toplevel).pref_h + 2 * w->bulletin_board.margin_height; reply->request_mode = CWWidth | CWHeight; if (((request->request_mode & (CWWidth | CWHeight)) == (CWWidth | CWHeight)) && (request->width == reply->width) && (request->height == reply->height)) return XtGeometryYes; else if ((reply->width == w->core.width) && (reply->height == w->core.height)) return XtGeometryNo; else return XtGeometryAlmost; } #if NeedFunctionPrototypes static void InsertChild(Widget w) #else static void InsertChild(w) Widget w; #endif { /* * This is another Motif workaround. * The BulletinBoard and Manager class InsertChild procedures ignore * non-rectobj children, and never insert them in the children array. * The workaround is to call the bulletin board method if this is a * RectObj, and call the composite method if this is a LayoutGadget, * and do nothing otherwise. Same for DeleteChild. */ if (XtIsRectObj(w)) (*xmBulletinBoardClassRec.composite_class.insert_child)(w); else if (XmtIsLayoutGadget(w)) (*compositeClassRec.composite_class.insert_child)(w); } #if NeedFunctionPrototypes static void DeleteChild(Widget w) #else static void DeleteChild(w) Widget w; #endif { /* * this is a hack. See InsertChild() */ if (XtIsRectObj(w)) (*xmBulletinBoardClassRec.composite_class.delete_child)(w); else if (XmtIsLayoutGadget(w)) (*compositeClassRec.composite_class.delete_child)(w); } #if NeedFunctionPrototypes static void RepositionContents(Widget container) #else static void RepositionContents(container) Widget container; #endif { Widget c; /* child */ XmtLayoutConstraintsPart *cc; /* child constraints */ int i; c = LayoutConstraints(container).first_child; i = 0; while(c) { cc = LayoutConstraintsRec(c); cc->position = i++; c = cc->before; } } #if NeedFunctionPrototypes static void PlaceObjectAfter(Widget w, Widget after) #else static void PlaceObjectAfter(w, after) Widget w; Widget after; #endif { XmtLayoutConstraintsPart *c = LayoutConstraintsRec(w); XmtLayoutConstraintsPart *p = LayoutConstraintsRec(after); XmtLayoutConstraintsPart *n; Widget container = p->in ? p->in : ((XmtLayoutWidget)XtParent(w))->layout.toplevel; c->in = p->in; c->after = after; c->before = p->before; p->before = w; if (c->before != NULL) { n = LayoutConstraintsRec(c->before); n->after = w; } RepositionContents(container); } #if NeedFunctionPrototypes static void PlaceObjectBefore(Widget w, Widget before) #else static void PlaceObjectBefore(w, before) Widget w; Widget before; #endif { XmtLayoutConstraintsPart *c = LayoutConstraintsRec(w); XmtLayoutConstraintsPart *n = LayoutConstraintsRec(before); XmtLayoutConstraintsPart *p; Widget container = n->in ? n->in : ((XmtLayoutWidget)XtParent(w))->layout.toplevel; c->in = n->in; c->before = before; c->after = n->after; n->after = w; if (c->after == NULL) LayoutConstraints(container).first_child = w; else { p = LayoutConstraintsRec(c->after); p->before = w; } RepositionContents(container); } #if NeedFunctionPrototypes static void PlaceObjectIn(Widget w, Widget in, int pos) #else static void PlaceObjectIn(w, in, pos) Widget w; Widget in; int pos; #endif { XmtLayoutConstraintsPart *c = LayoutConstraintsRec(w); XmtLayoutConstraintsPart *cc; /* container */ Widget n, p; /* next, previous */ int j; Widget container = in ? in : ((XmtLayoutWidget)XtParent(w))->layout.toplevel; /* * if in is NULL, we leave the layoutIn constraint NULL as well, * instead of using the pointer to the actual internal container. * The value NULL is more meaningful to a programmer who might * query this resource. */ c->in = in; /* now go find the position it belongs at */ cc = LayoutConstraintsRec(container); for(p = NULL, n = cc->first_child, j = 0; n && (j != pos); p = n, n = LayoutConstraints(n).before, j++); c->position = j; /* convert a -1 position to actual position */ c->after = p; c->before = n; if (p) LayoutConstraints(p).before = w; else cc->first_child = w; if (n) LayoutConstraints(n).after = w; RepositionContents(container); } /* * This procedure is called mostly from the SetValues method, and its * two arguments are the "current" and "set" arguments to that method. * We need to use the copy widget, because it has its doubly-linked * list intact, and we can extract the widget we need. But we need * the actual widget as well, so that we can detect whether that * widget actually occurs on the list. */ #if NeedFunctionPrototypes static void UnlinkObject(Widget copy, Widget actual) #else static void UnlinkObject(copy, actual) Widget copy, actual; #endif { XmtLayoutConstraintsPart *c = LayoutConstraintsRec(copy); Widget container = c->in ? c->in : ((XmtLayoutWidget)XtParent(copy))->layout.toplevel; /* * Note that this procedure may sometimes be called more than once * on a particular child. Thus the test in the else clause below * is necessary. If the child has already been unlinked, then * this test will fail, and nothing will be done. */ if (c->before) LayoutConstraints(c->before).after = c->after; if (c->after) LayoutConstraints(c->after).before = c->before; else if (LayoutConstraints(container).first_child == actual) LayoutConstraints(container).first_child = c->before; RepositionContents(container); c->before = c->after = c->in = NULL; } #if NeedFunctionPrototypes static Boolean set_parsed_info(XmtLayoutWidget lw, Widget child) #else static Boolean set_parsed_info(lw, child) XmtLayoutWidget lw; Widget child; #endif { XmtLayoutInfo *info, *last; XmtLayoutConstraintsPart *c = LayoutConstraintsRec(child); XmtLayoutConstraintsPart *mark; /* see if the child's name appears in the list */ for(last = NULL, info = lw->layout.widget_info; info; last = info, info = info->next) if (info->name == child->core.xrm_name) break; /* * If no info was found, and if the child * is a scrolled window, and its name ends in "SW" * see if we have info for the grandchild's name without the SW. * This is a special case to make scrolled lists and scrolled texts * easier to use in a layout widget. */ if (!info && XmIsScrolledWindow(child)) { String name = XtName(child); int len = strlen(name); XrmQuark grandchild_name; if ((name[len-2] == 'S') && (name[len-1] == 'W')) { name = XtNewString(name); name[len-2] = '\0'; grandchild_name = XrmStringToQuark(name); XtFree(name); for(last = NULL, info = lw->layout.widget_info; info; last = info, info = info->next) if (info->name == grandchild_name) break; } } /* if we found some info unlink it, otherwise quit */ if (info) { if (last) last->next = info->next; else lw->layout.widget_info = info->next; } else return False; /* override any constraints with info from the layout string */ #define Merge(field)\ if (info->dummy_constraints.field) c->field = info->constraints.field Merge(width); Merge(height); Merge(stretchability); Merge(shrinkability); Merge(allow_resize); Merge(sensitive); Merge(justification); Merge(margin_width); Merge(margin_height); Merge(frame_type); Merge(frame_line_type); Merge(frame_position); Merge(frame_margin); Merge(frame_thickness); Merge(caption_position); Merge(caption_justification); Merge(caption_alignment); Merge(caption_margin); Merge(caption); #undef Merge /* this private flag is a special case */ c->dont_copy_caption = info->constraints.dont_copy_caption; /* * Set after or before or in to the same value as * the marker widget we created in the parser. We don't need to fully * attach this widget, just set a position resource so that * ConstraintInitialize can attach it in the right place. * Unlink and destroy the marker widget. */ mark = LayoutConstraintsRec(info->constraints.after); c->in = mark->in; c->position = mark->position; /* destroy the marker object, and remove it from the list */ XtDestroyWidget(info->constraints.after); XtFree((char *) info); return True; } /* ARGSUSED */ #if NeedFunctionPrototypes static void ConstraintInitialize(Widget request, Widget init, ArgList arglist, Cardinal *num_args) #else static void ConstraintInitialize(request, init, arglist, num_args) Widget request; Widget init; ArgList arglist; Cardinal *num_args; #endif { XmtLayoutConstraintsPart *c = LayoutConstraintsRec(init); XmtLayoutWidget lw = (XmtLayoutWidget)XtParent(init); /* * we don't use constraints for non-rectobjs. See comment * in ConstraintSetValues. */ if (!XtIsWidget(init) && !XmIsGadget(init) && !XmtIsLayoutGadget(init)) return; /* * make a note if this is a widget or gadget. */ if (XtIsWidget(init) || XmIsGadget(init)) c->type = XmtLayoutChild; c->dont_copy_caption = False; /* * go check if there is constraint info about this widget saved away. * If so, set it, overriding any resources already set. * Don't bother checking if this widget was created by the parser. */ if (!lw->layout.in_parser) set_parsed_info(lw, init); /* * if stretchability and shrinkability are unset, * set the default depending on type */ if (c->stretchability == (Dimension) -1) { if ((c->type == XmtLayoutChild) || (c->type == XmtLayoutSpace) || (c->type == XmtLayoutRow) || (c->type == XmtLayoutCol)) c->stretchability = XmtLAYOUT_DEFAULT_STRETCHABILITY; else c->stretchability = 0; } if (c->shrinkability == (Dimension) -1) { if ((c->type == XmtLayoutChild) || (c->type == XmtLayoutSpace) || (c->type == XmtLayoutRow) || (c->type == XmtLayoutCol)) c->shrinkability = XmtLAYOUT_DEFAULT_SHRINKABILITY; else c->shrinkability = 0; } /* * if margin width or margin height are unset, set default * depending on type. */ if (c->margin_width == 255) { if ((c->type == XmtLayoutRow) || (c->type == XmtLayoutCol)) c->margin_width = 0; else c->margin_width = lw->layout.default_spacing/2; } if (c->margin_height == 255) { if ((c->type == XmtLayoutRow) || (c->type == XmtLayoutCol)) c->margin_height = 0; else c->margin_height = lw->layout.default_spacing/2; } /* if there is a caption, copy it and figure out how big it is */ if (c->caption) { if (!c->dont_copy_caption) c->caption = XmStringCopy(c->caption); #if XmVersion < 2000 XmStringExtent(lw->layout.font_list, c->caption, &c->caption_width, &c->caption_height); #else XmStringExtent(lw->layout.render_table, c->caption, &c->caption_width, &c->caption_height); #endif } /* * Now figure out where this object will be laid out. * This can be specified in a number of ways: * after, * before, or * in, optionally combined with position. * The fields are examined in the order listed, and the first one * specified is used. Whichever fields are specified, all * except position are updated to reflect the actual layout. * If none are specified, then the widget is inserted in the toplevel * row or column. position defaults to -1, which inserts * at the end of the row or column. * Note that if the toplevel box isn't created yet, then we must * be creating it now, and we shouldn't place it anywhere. */ if (lw->layout.toplevel != 0) { if (c->after) PlaceObjectAfter(init, c->after); else if (c->before) PlaceObjectBefore(init, c->before); else { PlaceObjectIn(init, c->in, c->position); } } c->first_child = NULL; } #if NeedFunctionPrototypes static void ConstraintDestroy(Widget w) #else static void ConstraintDestroy(w) Widget w; #endif { XmtLayoutWidget lw = (XmtLayoutWidget)XtParent(w); XmtLayoutConstraintsPart *c = LayoutConstraintsRec(w); if (!XtIsWidget(w) && !XmIsGadget(w) && !XmtIsLayoutGadget(w)) return; /* if there is a caption, free it */ if (c->caption) XmStringFree(c->caption); /* * if the whole layout is being destroyed, don't * bother messing with the linked lists. If this is a container, * we don't need to mess with the kids because they will be destroyed. */ if (lw->core.being_destroyed) return; /* unlink the item */ UnlinkObject(w, w); } /* ARGSUSED */ #if NeedFunctionPrototypes static Boolean ConstraintSetValues(Widget current, Widget request, Widget set, ArgList arglist, Cardinal *num_args) #else static Boolean ConstraintSetValues(current, request, set, arglist, num_args) Widget current; Widget request; Widget set; ArgList arglist; Cardinal *num_args; #endif { XmtLayoutWidget lw = (XmtLayoutWidget)XtParent(set); XmtLayoutConstraintsPart *c = LayoutConstraintsRec(current); XmtLayoutConstraintsPart *s = LayoutConstraintsRec(set); Boolean relayout = False; Boolean redisplay = False; /* * ** Another gross Motif hack. * Motif creates screwy non-rectobj cache objects for every Gadget. * These objects have NULL constraint fields but are passed to * this function anyway. They are subclasses of xmExtObjectClass, * so we could test for them and rule them out. But since none of * our constraints make sense for any non-rect object, we'll just * test that it is a subclass of RectObj. We'll insert the same test * in the other constraint methods for efficiency */ if (!XtIsWidget(set) && !XmIsGadget(set) && !XmtIsLayoutGadget(set)) return False; #define Changed(field) (s->field != c->field) if (Changed(justification) || Changed(margin_width) || Changed(margin_height) || Changed(frame_type) || Changed(frame_position) || Changed(frame_margin) || Changed(caption_position) || Changed(caption_margin) || Changed(width) || Changed(height) || Changed(stretchability) || Changed(shrinkability)) relayout = True; if (Changed(caption_justification)) redisplay = True; if (Changed(sensitive) || Changed(frame_line_type) || Changed(caption_alignment)) if (XtIsRealized((Widget)lw)) DrawFrameAndCaption(lw, set, NULL); if (Changed(caption)) { if (c->caption) XmStringFree(c->caption); if (s->caption) { s->caption = XmStringCopy(s->caption); #if XmVersion < 2000 XmStringExtent(lw->layout.font_list, s->caption, &s->caption_width, &s->caption_height); #else XmStringExtent(lw->layout.render_table, s->caption, &s->caption_width, &s->caption_height); #endif } relayout = True; } if (set != ((XmtLayoutWidget)XtParent(set))->layout.toplevel) { if (Changed(after)) { if (!s->after || (XtParent(s->after) != (Widget)lw)) { XmtWarningMsg("XmtLayout", "badAfter", "XmtNlayoutAfter constraint of child `%s'\n\tmust be a sibling of the child.", XtName((Widget)set)); s->after = c->after; } else { Widget after = s->after; UnlinkObject(current, set); PlaceObjectAfter(set, after); relayout = True; } } else if (Changed(before)) { if (!s->before || (XtParent(s->before) != (Widget)lw)) { XmtWarningMsg("XmtLayout", "badBefore", "XmtNlayoutBefore constraint of child `%s'\n\tmust be a sibling of the child.", XtName((Widget)set)); s->before = c->before; } else { Widget before = s->before; UnlinkObject(current, set); PlaceObjectBefore(set, before); relayout = True; } } else if (Changed(in) || Changed(position)) { if (Changed(in) && s->in && ((XtParent(s->in) != (Widget)lw) || (!XtIsSubclass(s->in, xmtLayoutBoxGadgetClass)))) { XmtWarningMsg("XmtLayout", "badIn", "XmtNlayoutIn constraint of child `%s'\n\tmust be an XmtLayoutBox sibling of the child, or NULL.", XtName((Widget)set)); s->in = c->in; } else { Widget in = s->in; int position = s->position; UnlinkObject(current, set); PlaceObjectIn(set, in, position); relayout = True; } } } /* * It doesn't make sense to change the position of children of a layout * widget by setting XtNx or XtNy. So, if these have been changed, * warn, and undo the changes. Note that it is legal to set the * width or height of a child--if these fields have changed, the * Intrinsics will automatically call the GeometryManager field to * make the change, and the GeometryManager will do the relayout, * so we don't need to handle this case at all. */ if ((set->core.x != current->core.x) || (set->core.y != current->core.y)) { set->core.x = current->core.x; set->core.y = current->core.y; XmtWarningMsg("XmtLayout", "cantsetpos", "Widget %s: can't set XtNx or XtNy resources of a child of\n\tan XmtLayout widget. Changes ignored.", XtName((Widget)set)); } #undef Changed /* * If any of these changes require a relayout, do that now. * * If the changes or the relayout changed any of the widget's * geometry fields, then the Intrinsics will invoke the * GeometryManager() method to verify that those changes are okay. * But we've just called _XmtLayoutChildren() so we know that they're * okay. So we set a flag to tell GeometryManager() to approve * the changes, even though they may include position changes * which are normally rejected. * Notice, however, that when we call _XmtLayoutChildren() here, * the core geometry fields are at their new values, and thus, when * the relayout procedure ends up calling XtConfigureWidget() * (actually XmtConfigureObject, in LayoutBox.c) on this child, * the Intrinsics may find that the new geometry matches the current * geometry, and thus will not update the actual window fields. * Therefore, we've got to be sure that the geometry manager * takes this into account. * See comment at GeometryManager() for more information. */ if (relayout) { _XmtLayoutChildren(lw, True); if ((set->core.x != current->core.x) || (set->core.y != current->core.y) || (set->core.width != current->core.width) || (set->core.height != current->core.height)) lw->layout.geometry_okay = True; } /* * Returning True from this method will only redraw the child, not * the entire Layout widget, as happens when SetValues() returns True. * So if either relayout or redisplay is True, then we'll need to force * the redraw ourselves. We do this by using XClearArea() to generate * an Expose event. The relayout process may generate other Expose * events if gadgets are moved around, but these events will be combined * into a single call to the Layout Redisplay() method. The reason that * it is important to do this is that the Layout provides captions and * frames for its children, and these have to be redrawn when the * children move or change size. In particular, if only a widget child * is moved, then the relayout call won't generate any expose events, * and without the XClearArea() below, the captions and frames would * not be redrawn correctly. */ if ((relayout || redisplay) && XtIsRealized((Widget)lw)) XClearArea(XtDisplay((Widget) lw), XtWindow((Widget) lw), lw->core.x, lw->core.y, lw->core.width, lw->core.height, True); return False; } #if NeedFunctionPrototypes void XmtLayoutDisableLayout(Widget w) #else void XmtLayoutDisableLayout(w) Widget w; #endif { XmtLayoutWidget lw = (XmtLayoutWidget) w; XmtAssertWidgetClass(w, xmtLayoutWidgetClass, "XmtLayoutDisable"); lw->layout.layout_disabled++; } #if NeedFunctionPrototypes void XmtLayoutEnableLayout(Widget w) #else void XmtLayoutEnableLayout(w) Widget w; #endif { XmtLayoutWidget lw = (XmtLayoutWidget) w; XmtAssertWidgetClass(w, xmtLayoutWidgetClass, "XmtEnableLayout"); if (lw->layout.layout_disabled > 0) lw->layout.layout_disabled--; if (lw->layout.needs_layout) _XmtLayoutChildren(lw, True); } #if NeedFunctionPrototypes int XmtLayoutConvertSizeToPixels(Widget w, double size,XmtLayoutUnitType units) #else int XmtLayoutConvertSizeToPixels(w, size, units) Widget w; double size; XmtLayoutUnitType units; #endif { XmtLayoutWidget lw = (XmtLayoutWidget) w; XmtAssertWidgetClass(w, xmtLayoutWidgetClass, "XmtLayoutConvertSizeToPixels"); /* convert to pixels */ /* note intentional missing break statements */ switch(units) { case XmtLayoutPoints: size /= 72; /* 1 point = 1/72 inch */ case XmtLayoutInches: size *= 25.4; /* 1 inch = 25.4 mm */ case XmtLayoutMillimeters: size *= lw->layout.pixpermm; /* pixels per mm depends on screen res */ break; case XmtLayoutEns: size /= 2; /* 1 en = 1/2 em */ case XmtLayoutEms: size *= lw->layout.pixperem; /* pixels per em depends on font size */ break; } /* round to the nearest pixel */ return (int) size; } #if NeedFunctionPrototypes Widget XmtCreateLayout(Widget parent, String name, ArgList args, Cardinal n) #else Widget XmtCreateLayout(parent, name, args, n) Widget parent; String name; ArgList args; Cardinal n; #endif { return XtCreateWidget(name, xmtLayoutWidgetClass, parent, args, n); } #if NeedFunctionPrototypes Widget XmtCreateLayoutDialog(Widget parent, String name, ArgList al, Cardinal ac) #else Widget XmtCreateLayoutDialog(parent, name, al, ac) Widget parent; String name; ArgList al; Cardinal ac; #endif { Widget shell, w; String shell_name; shell_name = XtMalloc(strlen(name) + 7); (void)sprintf(shell_name, "%s_shell", name); shell = XmCreateDialogShell(parent, shell_name, al, ac); XtFree(shell_name); XtVaSetValues(shell, XmNallowShellResize, True, NULL); w = XtCreateWidget(name, xmtLayoutWidgetClass, shell, al, ac); XtAddCallback(w, XtNdestroyCallback, (XtCallbackProc)_XmDestroyParentCallback, NULL); return w; }