Source Code Review Form ======================= (version 1.3) Date: 2008-05-29 1 Identification RN-2008-05-29-2: Bugfix: o qconf -ae|-Ae return 0 even if exechost exists already o qconf -dxxxx does not set exit status on error o qconf -as, -am, -ao, -Ae, -Acal, -Ackpt, -Ap when msg "already exist" should return not 0 exit code o qconf -acal doesn't return error code 1 when failed Bugster: 6652411,6546280,6704283,6597558 Issue: 2595 Review: JG 2 Conforms to specification 2 [x] yes 2 [ ] no - comment: 3 Documentation 3.1 user/admin guide OK, or doc CR filed? 3.1 [x] yes 3.1 [ ] no - comment: 3.2 man pages (user view) correct? 3.2 [x] yes 3.2 [ ] no - comment: 3.3 -help output correct and complete? 3.3 [x] yes 3.3 [ ] no - comment: 3.4 documented interfaces (at least GDI, EVI, libs, ADOC format) correct, updated? 3.4 [x] yes 3.4 [ ] no - comment: 3.5 messages, output formats and defines OK? 3.5 [x] yes 3.5 [ ] no - comment: 3.6 Bugster CR complete and correct? 3.6 [x] yes 3.6 [ ] no - comment: 3.7 Issuezilla entry (if exists) complete and correct? 3.7 [x] yes 3.7 [ ] no - comment: 4 Source review 4.1 Style guide conformance 4.1 [x] yes 4.1 [ ] no - comment: 4.2 Memory leaks 4.2 [x] yes 4.2 [ ] no - comment: 4.3 Thread safe 4.3 [x] yes 4.3 [ ] no 5 Tests 5.1 Used memory leak debugger 5.1 [x] yes 5.1 [] no - comment: 5.2 Manual tests Description: * Test exit codes for the following qconf options if exit codes = 1, test ran successfully o test 6704283 - qconf -as on existing submit host - qconf -am on existing manager - qconf -ao on existing operator add existing exec host using qconf -Ae add existing calendar using qconf -Acal add existing checkpoint object using qconf -Ackpt add existing pe using qconf -Ap o test 6652411 - qconf -ae on existing host o test 6597558 add cal with invalid year, using qconf -acal cal o test 6546280, qconf -dxxxx exit codes - qconf -dcal calendar_name; - qconf -dckpt ckpt_name; - qconf -dconf host_list; - qconf -de host_list; - qconf -dh host_list; - qconf -dhgrp group; - qconf -drqs rqs_list; - qconf -dm user_list; - qconf -do user_list; - qconf -dp pe-name; - qconf -dprj project_list; - qconf -dq destin_id_list; - qconf -ds host_list; - qconf -dstnode node_list; - qconf -dstree - qconf -du user_list listname_list; - qconf -dul listname_list; - qconf -duser user_list; Test successfull: 5.2 [x] yes 5.2 [ ] no - comment: 5.3 Testsuite covers issue 5.3 [ ] yes 5.3 [x] no - comment: 5.4 If 5.3 = no: New testsuite test or module test created? 5.4 [x] yes, path: extended in check system_tests/clients/qconf 5.4 [ ] no - justification: 5.5 If 5.4 = no: Testsuite issue created? 5.5 [ ] yes, id: 5.5 [ ] no - 5.6 Testsuite run successfull 5.6 [x] yes 5.6 [ ] no - comment: 6 Comments 7 Accepted 7 [x] yes 7 [ ] no - comment: