Source Code Review Form ======================= (version 1.4) Date: 2009-01-26 1 Identification GH-2009-01-26-0: Bugfix: Subordinate suspension state can not be changed Bugster: 6793687 Issue: 2886 Review: DG 2 Conforms to specification 2 [ ] yes 2 [ ] no 2 [x] n/a 3 Documentation 3.1 user/admin guide OK, or doc CR filed? 3.1 [ ] yes 3.1 [ ] no 3.1 [x] n/a 3.2 man pages and online help (user view) correct? 3.2 [ ] yes 3.2 [ ] no 3.2 [x] n/a 3.3 -help output correct and complete? 3.3 [ ] yes 3.3 [ ] no 3.3 [x] n/a 3.4 core: documented interfaces (at least GDI, EVI, libs, ADOC format) correct, updated? Java projects: API (javadoc format) correct, updated? 3.4 [ ] yes 3.4 [ ] no 3.4 [x] n/a 3.5 messages, output formats and defines OK? 3.5 [ ] yes 3.5 [ ] no 3.5 [x] n/a 3.6 Bugster CR/MR complete and correct? 3.6 [x] yes 3.6 [ ] no 3.7 Issuezilla entry complete and correct? 3.7 [x] yes 3.7 [ ] no 3.7 [ ] n/a 4 Source review 4.1 Style guide compliant? 4.1 [x] yes 4.1 [ ] no 4.2 core: Considered potential memory leaks? Java projects: Considered clean up of resources? 4.2 [x] yes 4.2 [ ] no 4.2 [ ] n/a 4.3 Considered thread safety? 4.3 [ ] yes 4.3 [ ] no 4.3 [x] n/a 4.4 Security preserved, user access and file permissions correct? 4.4 [ ] yes 4.4 [ ] no 4.4 [x] n/a SGE only: 4.5 GDI compatibility taken care of? 4.5 [x] yes 4.5 [ ] no 4.5 [ ] n/a 5 Tests 5.1 core: Compiled code on all platforms (raimk)? Java projects: Project built successfully? 5.1 [x] yes 5.1 [ ] no 5.1 [ ] n/a SGE only: 5.2 Used memory leak debugger? 5.2 [ ] yes 5.2 [ ] no 5.2 [x] n/a ------------------------------------------------------------ Optional (SGE only): 5.3 Are checked in files lint free (up to a certain level)? 5.3 [ ] yes 5.3 [ ] no 5.3 [x] n/a ------------------------------------------------------------ 5.4 Manual tests 5.4.1 Description Use reproducible test suite as described in bugtraq. 5.4.2 Successful execution 5.4.2 [x] yes 5.4.2 [ ] no 5.4.2 [ ] n/a ARCo only: 5.4.3 Database used for tests 5.4.3 [ ] Oracle 5.4.3 [ ] PostgreSQL 5.4.3 [ ] MySQL 5.5 Testsuite already covered issue 5.5 [ ] yes 5.5 [x] no 5.5 [ ] n/a 5.6 If 5.5 = no: New testsuite test or module test created? 5.6 [ ] yes - path: 5.6 [x] no - justification: none. 5.7 If 5.6 = no: Testsuite issue created? 5.7 [x] yes - IZ: 277 5.7 [ ] no - justification: 5.8 Testsuite run successful 5.8 [ ] yes 5.8 [ ] no 5.9 [x] comment: n/a 6 Comments 7 Accepted 7 [x] yes 7 [ ] no