Source Code Review Form ======================= (version 1.4) Date: 2008-10-10 1 Identification GH-2008-10-10-0: Bugfix: scheduler failure when job-id's roll over to 1 Bugster: 6682558 Issue: 2564 Review: EB 2 Conforms to specification 2 [ ] yes 2 [ ] no 2 [x] n/a 3 Documentation 3.1 user/admin guide OK, or doc CR filed? 3.1 [ ] yes 3.1 [ ] no 3.1 [x] n/a 3.2 man pages and online help (user view) correct? 3.2 [ ] yes 3.2 [ ] no 3.2 [x] n/a 3.3 -help output correct and complete? 3.3 [ ] yes 3.3 [ ] no 3.3 [x] n/a 3.4 core: documented interfaces (at least GDI, EVI, libs, ADOC format) correct, updated? Java projects: API (javadoc format) correct, updated? 3.4 [ ] yes 3.4 [ ] no 3.4 [x] n/a 3.5 messages, output formats and defines OK? 3.5 [ ] yes 3.5 [ ] no 3.5 [x] n/a 3.6 Bugster CR/MR complete and correct? 3.6 [x] yes 3.6 [ ] no 3.7 Issuezilla entry complete and correct? 3.7 [x] yes 3.7 [ ] no 3.7 [ ] n/a 4 Source review 4.1 Style guide compliant? 4.1 [x] yes 4.1 [ ] no 4.2 core: Considered potential memory leaks? Java projects: Considered clean up of resources? 4.2 [x] yes 4.2 [ ] no 4.2 [ ] n/a 4.3 Considered thread safety? 4.3 [ ] yes 4.3 [ ] no 4.3 [x] n/a 4.4 Security preserved, user access and file permissions correct? 4.4 [ ] yes 4.4 [ ] no 4.4 [x] n/a SGE only: 4.5 GDI compatibility taken care of? 4.5 [x] yes 4.5 [ ] no 4.5 [ ] n/a 5 Tests 5.1 core: Compiled code on all platforms (raimk)? Java projects: Project built successfully? 5.1 [x] yes 5.1 [ ] no 5.1 [ ] n/a SGE only: 5.2 Used memory leak debugger? 5.2 [ ] yes 5.2 [ ] no 5.2 [x] n/a ------------------------------------------------------------ Optional (SGE only): 5.3 Are checked in files lint free (up to a certain level)? 5.3 [ ] yes 5.3 [ ] no 5.3 [x] n/a ------------------------------------------------------------ 5.4 Manual tests 5.4.1 Description Manipulate qmaster job sequence number file to push jobID's to the range close to max job ID. Next submit number of serial, array jobs using project attributes and functional shares. Note, that weighting of functional shares equates to 0.0, hence effectively disabling this feature and making scheduler work FIFO style. Still, this is important to stress test the code making the assumption of steadily increasing jobID's. 5.4.2 Successful execution 5.4.2 [x] yes 5.4.2 [ ] no 5.4.2 [ ] n/a ARCo only: 5.4.3 Database used for tests 5.4.3 [ ] Oracle 5.4.3 [ ] PostgreSQL 5.4.3 [ ] MySQL 5.5 Testsuite already covered issue 5.5 [ ] yes 5.5 [x] no 5.5 [ ] n/a 5.6 If 5.5 = no: New testsuite test or module test created? 5.6 [x] yes - path: bugs/issuezilla/2564 5.6 [ ] no - justification: 5.7 If 5.6 = no: Testsuite issue created? 5.7 [ ] yes - IZ: 5.7 [ ] no - justification: 5.8 Testsuite run successful 5.8 [x] yes 5.8 [ ] no 5.9 [ ] comment: 6 Comments 7 Accepted 7 [x] yes 7 [ ] no