Functional Specification Document for Non-Multiplied Consumable Requests for Parallel Jobs ========================================================================================== Version Comments Date Author ---------------------------------------------------- 0.1 Initial Version 24-09-08 RD 0.2 Incoperated Community Feedback 28-10-08 RD 1 Introduction ============== By default SGE multiplies a consumable resource request by the number of slots allocated for the parallel job. This behavior is applicable for some resources but not for license consumables where resources count per job or node 2 Project Overview ================== 2.1 Project Aim The goal is to allow an administrator to define whether a consumable should be debited per slot (current behavior), per job or per node. The issues targeted with this project are: Issue Description 74 Support maxujobs on a per host level 1254 Entry in PE to change multiplication of resource limits 2.2 Project Benefit Allow a more flexible use of consumable resources and avoid strange requests like: # qsub -pe mpi 4 -l lic=0.25 2.3 Project Duration 2.4 Project Dependencies There are no known dependencies with other projects 3 System Architecture ===================== 3.1 Enhancement Functions The Consumable row in the complex definition will be enhanced to allow, beside of YES and NO, the value JOB and HOST. In case of "JOB" the requested amount of the resource is debited as requested (without multiplication) from the allocated master queue. The resource needs not to be available for the slave task queues. Example: Queue setup: queuename qtype resv/used/tot. load_avg arch states --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- all.q@host1 BIPC 0/0/2 0.03 sol-amd64 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- all.q@host2 BIPC 0/0/2 0.14 sol-amd64 Complex definition: #name shortcut type relop requestable consumable default urgency #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- jobs j INT <= YES JOB 0 1000 Submitting a PE Job running on two queue instances: # qsub -masterq "all.q@host1" -pe round_robin 4 -l jobs=1 would debit in job: -> 1 in Resource Quota limit -> 1 on global -> 1 on host1 -> 1 in queue instance all.q@host1 (HOST consumables are currently not implemented) In case of "HOST" the requested amount of the resource is debited as requested (without multiplication) in every allocated queue. Such "host"-consumables can not be attached with a positive resource amount to queues because of potential host overlap which would lead to scheduling conflicts. Example: Queue setup: same as for example above. Complex definition: #name shortcut type relop requestable consumable default urgency #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- hjobs hj INT <= YES HOST 0 1000 Submitting a PE Job running on two queue instances: # qsub -masterq "all.q@host1" -pe round_robin 4 -l jobs=1 would debit in job: -> 1 in Resource Quota limit for each host -> 2 on global -> 1 on host1 -> 1 on host2