Grid Engine Kerberization Implementation

Kerberos support is implemented in Grid Engine primarily through the use of a set of library routines. The source code for the library is in krb/krb_lib.c.
The header file is krb/krb_lib.h. There are two routines, krb_send_message() and krb_receive_message() which replace the normal send_message() and receive_message() routines used by all Grid Engine daemons and client processes.
The krb_send_message() and krb_receive_message() routines take care of authenticating and encrypting messages which are passed between processes.
The original design is outlined below.
To build a Kerberized version of Grid Engine proceed as follows:

% aimk clean
check and adapt the corresponding Kerberos V related paths (Kerberos can be obtained from

% aimk -kerberos

Install the system as usual, the setup of Kerberos itself is beyond the scope of this document. Additional hints can be found in the ReleaseNotes.


Authentication of Grid Engine clients and daemons to the qmaster is accomplished within the krb_send_message() and krb_receive_message() routines.
Each message sent from a Grid Engine client or daemon to the qmaster contains the necessary information for the qmaster to authenticate the sender of the message (i.e. a Kerberos AP_REQ packet).
The actual data in the message is also encrypted in the session key, which is a key obtained from the KDC which is private between the Grid Engine client/daemon and the qmaster.

The message may also contain a forwarded TGT which is also encrypted in the session key.
A connection list is maintained by the library routines in the qmaster to track the state of each qmaster client (including the Grid Engine daemons).
The connection list is keyed based on the client name, host name, and connection ID. Client connections are removed from the connection list after a period of inactivity in the krb_check_for_idle_clients() routine, which is called regularly in qmaster.
The connection list is primarily used as a holding place for client-specific information passed between the kerberos library and higher level routines. For example, upon receiving an GDI request, the qmaster verifies that the user name passed in the GDI request matches the user name used during Kerberos authentication by calling krb_verify_user() and passing the client information and the user name as a parameter. The user name associated with connection entry is looked up based on the client information, and if the user names do not match, then the GDI request is denied.

Message Encryption

All message data passed between a Grid Engine client or daemon and the qmaster is encrypted in a session key which is private between the Grid Engine client or daemon and the qmaster.

Forwarding TGTs

Kerberized Grid Engine also automatically forwards ticket-granting-tickets (TGTs) to the execution host. In order for TGT forwarding to work, the client must have requested "forwardable" tickets in the initial kinit(1) request. This allows jobs submitted using Grid Engine to automatically have Kerberos tickets and to run kerberized applications without the user having to login to each execution host and execute a kinit(1).

When a job is submitted from qmon, qsub, or qsh, the sge_gdi_multi() routine (sge_gdi_request.c) calls krb_set_client_flags() (krb_lib.c) to set the KRB_FORWARD_TGT flag, which informs the kerberos library to forward the TGT for any subsequent krb_send_message() messages.
When the krb_send_message() routine is called to send the job to the qmaster, the TGT is acquired, encoded, and sent as part of the encoded message to the qmaster. The TGT is encrypted in the private session key of the client process and the qmaster.

After sending the message, the sge_gdi_multi() routine calls krb_set_client_flags() to clear the KRB_FORWARD_TGT flag. When the message is received by the qmaster, the TGT is stored in the client connection entry maintained by the Grid Engine kerberos library routines.
When the job is added to the job list in the sge_gdi_add_job() routine (sge_job.c), the TGT is retrieved from the connection entry using krb_get_tgt() (krb_lib.c), and is then encrypted in the qmaster's private key using krb_encrypt_tgt_creds() (krb_lib.c), and is converted to a string using krb_bin2str() (krb_lib.c), and is stored in the job entry in the JB_tgt field.

This allows the TGT to be spooled as part of the job entry but also to be protected since it is encrypted. Once a job is to be executed on an execution host, the send_job routine() (sge_give_jobs.c), just before sending the message, calls krb_str2bin() (krb_lib.c) to convert the TGT stored in the JB_tgt field of the job entry, from string to binary. The TGT is then decrypted using krb_decrypt_tgt_creds() (krb_lib.c), and is stored in the connection entry associated with the execution daemon that the message is being sent to using krb_put_tgt() (krb_lib.c). When the krb_send_message() routine (krb_lib.c) is executed, the TGT is forwarded to the execution daemon. Upon receiving the message in the execution daemon, the krb_receive_message() routine decrypts and saves the TGT locally. The execd_job_exec_() routine (execd_job_exec.c), then calls krb_get_tgt() (krb_lib.c) to retrieve the saved TGT and calls krb_store_forwarded_tgt() (krb_lib.c) which stores in the forwarded TGT in a specific credentials cache created for the user for this job. The credentials cache is stored in /tmp/krb5cc_sge_%d where %d is the job ID. The KRB5CCNAME environment variable for the job is updated to point to this credentials cache.

Any kerberized applications executed by the job will automatically use the TGT located in the credentials cache. When the job completes and is cleaned up, the credentials cache is destroyed by calling krb_destroy_forwarded_tgt() from clean_up_job() (reaper_execd.c).

Renewing TGTs

Kerberized Grid Engine automatically renews the kerberos ticket for the "sge" service which is required by the Grid Engine sge_schedd and sge_execd daemons to authenticate themselves to the Grid Engine qmaster. The ticket is renewed by checking the credentials of the daemon to see if the ticket has expired or is about to expire before sending a message to the qmaster.

Kerberized Grid Engine also handles renewing TGTs on behalf of the client. In order for TGTs to be renewed the client must have requested both forwardable and renewable TGTs in the initial kinit(1) request.
This allows long running jobs or jobs which are queued for a long period of time to still maintain a valid TGT when they are executed on the execution hosts. TGTs are renewed on both the execution host and the qmaster host until the job is complete to ensure that if the job is restarted on a different host, it will still have a valid TGT.

Tickets are renewed in the krb_renew_tgts() routine which is regularly called by both the qmaster and the execution daemon. The krb_renew_tgts() routine, which is executed once per TGT renewal interval, goes through the list of jobs and checks to see if the TGT will expire within the TGT renewal threshold.
If so, a new TGT is acquired from the KDC and is stored back into the job entry. If executing in the execution daemon, the new TGT is also written to the user's credentials cache, where it will be used by any Kerberized applications running in the job.

Original Design Notes

In February 1997 an attempt was made to integrate Grid Engine into a Kerberos environment.

Problems with Kerberizing Grid Engine

Once you have a good understanding of the basics of Kerberos and how the API library works, it appears from the sample client/server code that it would be very easy to kerberize an application. This is not really the case. The sample code deals with an extremely simplistic client/server application. It is very easy to kerberize a simple client/server application. Unfortunately, most existing client/server applications aren't simple. Many of the problems with kerberizing an application are not addressed in this simple example code. For instance, a real server will likely have multiple clients which must be tracked individually. This involves keeping some internal data structures on a per-client basis which may or may not exist in the application.

Another difficult problem is that in an existing "real-life" server application the communications protocol is likely implemented in a separate layer than the application code. This insulates the application code from having to deal with the specifics of the communication layer. This presents some real difficulties in implementing security, because the security protocol needs information from both levels.

Another significant problem with kerberizing Grid Engine deals with tracking clients. In a typical client/server application using stream based sockets to pass messages between the client and the server, the server would initially authenticate the client either before or as part of the first message sent from the client to the server. All communications (i.e. messages) between the client and the server would then be encrypted using the secret session key known only to the client and the server. The server associates messages with the clients based on the socket the message is read from. If a message comes across the socket, the server uses the secret key associated with the client to decrypt the message. If the socket goes down, this indicates that communications between the client and the server have been disrupted and the server can clean up any data structures that the client had. The design of Grid Engine introduces a different communication model. Instead of maintaining a socket per client, Grid Engine servers and clients communicate through a set of services that are part of a communication library. The client and server actually communicate through one or more communication daemons which dynamically manage socket connections. This insulates the application from the details of socket management and handles various problems associated with server communications such as buffering data and running out of file descriptors. It also makes it difficult to know if a client is up or down or reachable at a given time since there is no socket directly associated with the client.

One possible solution for handling the connectionless nature of Grid Engine communications was to authenticate each individual message passed between the client and the server. However, upon further investigation, this proved to be an inadequate solution. One reason for this is that a simple transaction consisting of a client sending a request to the server and getting back the response generates two messages. One from the client to the server and one from the server back to the client. It makes sense for the server to authenticate the client, but the client should not have to explicitly authenticate the server.

Even a simple transaction has an implied state. A request is sent from the client, the server performs some service on behalf of the client, and a response is sent back to the client. Because the response is tied to the request, there exists an implied state. The server must, at minimum, authenticate the request, decrypt it, and encrypt the response back to the client sufficiently that only the client can read the response. This means that the server must at least maintain the state of the client internally for the length of the transaction. An outgrowth of the design for handling this case is that the server can actually handle additional messages from the client without having to reauthenticate each message. Instead, each message after the first is decrypted using the secret client/server session key.

Grid Engine Kerberization Level of Effort Scope

There are two levels of effort in Kerberizing Grid Engine. The first level of effort is the authentication of Grid Engine clients and servers. It turns out that the authentication of Grid Engine clients and the authentication between the Grid Engine servers are both actually accomplished with the same design and code. The basic design for this first level of effort was completed by Shannon Davidson and Andre Alefeld as part of the February 8-13, 1997 trip to GENIAS. The second level of effort in kerberizing Grid Engine is the acquisition of Kerberos tickets on behalf of the client's job on the execution host. This involves issues such as acquiring ticket-granting-tickets on behalf of a client, handling/preventing ticket expirations, storing tickets for future use, and forwarding tickets to the execution host. There are also a number of design and performance related issues associated with the second level of kerberizing Grid Engine. Some of these issues were identified during the February 8-13 trip, but the actual design work has not yet been completed.

Grid Engine Kerberization - First Level of Effort

First Level Kerberization is handled by replacing the generic send_message and receive_message routines in the commd library with kerberized versions. The kerberized versions of the routines will maintain the state of the connection and take care of the authentication of clients, as well as encrypting and decrypting messages passed between clients and servers. Handling authentication at this level means that any code using the standard commd library will automatically have authentication. These routines will ensure that a user is who he says he is. Higher level routines are responsible for determining if that user is actually an authorized user of Grid Engine. These routines will behave differently when acting on behalf of a client or server. In this model, the qmaster acts as the server, and all other Grid Engine daemons and client programs act as clients. When acting as a server, these routines will maintain a connection list which tracks the clients. When a client first connects to a server, the client will be authenticated. If authentication fails, a failure message will be sent back to the client indicating the failure. If the client is not a Grid Engine daemon the failure message will be displayed on the screen. If the client is successfully authenticated, a connection entry will be created and added to the connection list. The connection entry contains enough information to uniquely identify the client based on information received in the receive_message routine. All later messages received from or sent to this client will be encrypted. If the connection is idle for a period of time (i.e. no messages sent or received on the connection), the connection entry will be removed from the connection list. A specific routine will be written which will check for connections which have "timed-out" and "clean them up". This routine will be called from the send_message and/or receive_message routines and may also be called separately from within a chk_to_do routine in a Grid Engine daemon.

Grid Engine Kerberization Level One Design

    call krb5_init
    if we are a grid engine daemon
        setup connection lists
        set internal is_sge_daemon flag
    set connection ID to 0
    if (is_sge_daemon)
        get TGT from keytab file
    if (!qmaster)
        go get ticket for the qmaster/sge service

    if (!qmaster && !connected)
        build an AP_REQ authentication packet AP_REQ
    if (qmaster)
        lookup auth_context using commd triple
        use the local auth_context
    if (!qmaster)
        put connection ID in the buffer
    call krb5_mk_priv to encrypt message
    call send_message to send [ AP_REQ + ] message

    call recv_message to receive message
    if (*tag == TAG_AUTHENTICATE)
        if (qmaster) {
            call krb5_rd_req to authenticate client
            if authentication fails
                send TAG_AUTHENTICATE message back to the client
        } else (is_a_daemon) {
            set reconnect flag
        } else /* its a normal client */ {
            print TAG_AUTHENTICATE message to stderr
            set reconnect flag
        } endif
        if (qmaster)
            get connection ID
            look up connection ID in connection list
            get auth_context from connetion list
            get connection ID from msg
            compare connection ID to connection ID in msg
            set auth_context to local auth_context
        decrypt message
        if decryption fails
            send TAG_AUTHENTICATE message back to client
        return message

Data Structures

connection list
list of connection entry for each client

connection entry
connection ID
commd host triple <host, commproc,ID>

global client/server data
is_sge_daemon flag
auth_context (client)

Design Notes

Q. Is there a unique ID in the auth_context or available from the KDC which could be used as the connection ID? It would need to be unique for every client and also unique for each instantiation of a client. If there is no unique ID that we can get from the KDC, then we may need to use a transaction when authenticating the client in order to get back a connection ID from the server.


Q. Do we need to maintain an auth_context for each client?

A. It appears that we need to maintain an auth_context for each client for the life of the connection in the connection entry. The Kerberos libraries maintain certain information such as the sequence number, etc. in this data structure.

Q. Why is there a connection ID?

A. The connection ID is used to uniquely identify a client connection by the server. Since the Grid Engine communication mechanism is basically connectionless there is nothing like a socket to uniquely identify a client. A client can be identified using the commd triple which consists of the host, process name, and ID, but this would not be unique for cycled processes. The connection ID can either be assigned by the KDC (if possible - see the first question) or assigned by the server itself during the initial authentication process. Assignment by the server guarrantees uniqueness of all clients regardless

Q. Is there any way to avoid maintaining a connection list in the qmaster?

A. It doesn't appear so. The connection list is needed so that the server will know how to encrypt any messages going back from the server to the client. The only way to make this association from with the sec_krb_send_message routine is to map the parameters on the send_msg routine to a client in the connection list and then use the auth_context from the connection entry to encrypt the message.

Q. What happens when the qmaster is cycled?

A. The connection list is not spooled to disk, so when the qmaster is cycled, all clients must reauthenticate. If the qmaster receives a message from an unauthenticated client, the message will be thrown away and an error message will be sent back to the client. (Would it make sense to return the original offending message back to the client where it could be retried?) This reauthentication could be handled in one of two ways. The first method is that is a message ever fails then the client must reauthenticate using an authentication transaction. The response of the authentication request would contain the connection ID assigned by the server to the client. Another possibility would be to include the reauthentication information information (AP_REQ) in every message sent from the client to the server. If the client was already authenticated in the server this portion of the message would be ignored by the server. If the client was not already authenticated by the server, he would be reauthenticated by the server. This would also handle cases where messages destined for the qmaster are spooled in the commd while the qmaster is down. Since each message would include authentication info, the messages would not have to be thrown away when the qmaster comes back up.

Q. What happens when other Grid Engine daemons are cycled?

A. When a Grid Engine daemon other than the qmaster is cycled and comes back up, it will initially attempt to contact the qmaster. Any initial message sent to the qmaster will include the authentication info (AP_REQ). Any messages queued in the commd will be lost because they will have been encrypted with an old session key. (Is this a problem?)

Q. What happens when a client is cycled?

A. Same as Grid Engine daemon.

Q. Can the other Grid Engine daemons serve as server? This may be needed for the plans that GENIAS has for enhanced parallel job support.

A. We will look into this further during implementation. If possible, we will construct the code such that any Grid Engine daemon can act as a client if a message is received with the authentication information (AP_REQ) attached.

Q. If a client receives a message that it cannot decrypt what should it do?

A. If the client is a Grid Engine the message should be thrown away and an error message logged. If the client is a general purpose client acting on behalf of a user, an error message should be displayed to the user.

Q. How do we make sure that the user doesn't authenticate himself to the security routines and then simply indicate that he is someone else to the higher level routines?

A. The higher level routines (i.e. those which call receive_message) need to call some security routine to verify that the user is who he says he is. This is necessary because the higher level routines currently just check the user ID which is passed in the message. This is not adequate since a knowledgeable user could pass through the lower level security routines as himself while putting a zero user ID into the message and passing himself off as root in the higher level routines. There needs to be a test in the higher level routines to verify that the user authenticated himself as the same user that he indicated he was in the higher level message. This would need to be done in the code which is calling the receive_message routine. A routine needs to be written which verifies that the client is a particular user. The routine could be called sec_krb_verify_client_user and would be passed the user ID (or user name) and the commd triple <host, commproc, ID>. The routine would look up the user in the connection list, compare to the passed user ID, and return true or false.

Grid Engine Kerberization - Second Level of Effort

Second level Grid Engine kerberization will affect a number of different pieces of code. It will probably involve changes in the job submittal client modules (qsub, qmon), the queue master (sge_qmaster), the execution daemon (sge_execd), and possibly the job shepherd process (sge_shepherd). It will also mean changes to, at a minimum, the job structure and the message data structures used to pass job information between the various modules.

A job submitted to Grid Engine needs to have a TGT on the execution host. This is necessary because certain applications that the job may need to access (such as PVM) will need valid Kerberos tickets in order to work. A valid TGT should be provided, since we don't know which services will be needed by the job. A valid TGT on the execution host for the user of the job will allow processes running under the job to get tickets for whatever services the job requires.

A number of steps are involved in order to get a valid TGT on the execution host of the job. In general, a TGT is valid on a particular host or set of hosts. (It is possible to get a TGT that is valid on any host in the Kerberos domain, but this is not recommended.) First, the qsub or qmon client program gets a forwardable TGT for the host where the qmaster is executing. This TGT is passed along with the job request to the qmaster. The qmaster stores this TGT in the job entry. After the decision to run the job on a particular host is made, the qmaster uses the TGT in the job entry to acquire a TGT which is valid on the execution host and then passes that TGT to the execution daemon along with the job request. The sge_execd or the sge_shepherd then stores that TGT in the user's credentials cache and starts the job. The job then has access to a valid TGT on the execution host.

A potential performance problem of getting a TGT on the execution host of the job occurs when the sge_qmaster has to get a TGT which is valid on the execution host. This is a problem because the sge_qmaster must contact the KDC and wait for a response before it can send the job to the execution host. If this transaction is executed synchronously, the qmaster will be blocked for a period of time (maybe 100 ms average) for each job. This should certainly be avoided if possible. One option would be to use an asynchronous request, but this has the disadvantage of significantly complicating the code due to handling the asynchronous request and having an additional job state (i.e. WAITING_FOR_TGT) for each outstanding job. We would also have to investigate if this is even possible using the Kerberos API C library. A more attractive solution to this performance problem is to get a TGT in the client (qsub or qmon) which is valid for any host but to prevent this TGT from being written to the user's credentials cache (Hopefully, not making this TGT available in the user's credential cache would address any security concerns of a wildcard TGT). Then the wild-card TGT could be passed to the qmaster who would store it in the job entry and pass it to the execution host when the job executes. The sge_execd or sge_shepherd could use this wildcard TGT to get a specific TGT valid on the execution host and then destroy the original wild-card TGT.

Grid Engine Kerberization Level Two Design

Data Structures

Design Notes

Q. How do we prevent a job's tickets from expiring while the job is queued?

A. If this is a requirement, then the qmaster (or some other external process such as the scheduler) will need to occasionally go through all of the job entries and look for TGTs which are about to expire and contact the KDC to request a new TGT for that job. Of course, contacting the KDC will impose some overhead and care should be taken that this does not cause performance problems. Grid Engine should also continue to keep the TGT in the qmaster valid for as long as the job is executing, just in case we have to restart the job at a later time. It might also make sense that when the shepherd gets a TGT for the job that it gets a TGT which is valid for a reasonably long period of time.

Q. How can we prevent a job's tickets from expiring while the job is executing?

A. The sge_shepherd could continually renew the TGT of the client on a regular basis. The sge_shepherd could do this directly or spawn a separate process to do it. When the TGT is renewed the new TGT would be placed in the user's credential cache making it available to processes executing as part of the user's job. (Thanks to Fritz for this suggestion.)

Copyright 2001 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.