/*___INFO__MARK_BEGIN__*/ /************************************************************************* * * The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of * the Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.2 * * Sun Microsystems Inc., March, 2001 * * * Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.2 * ================================================= * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Industry Standards * Source License Version 1.2 (the "License"); You may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the * License at http://gridengine.sunsource.net/Gridengine_SISSL_license.html * * Software provided under this License is provided on an "AS IS" basis, * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, * WITHOUT LIMITATION, WARRANTIES THAT THE SOFTWARE IS FREE OF DEFECTS, * MERCHANTABLE, FIT FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR NON-INFRINGING. * See the License for the specific provisions governing your rights and * obligations concerning the Software. * * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is: Sun Microsystems, Inc. * * Copyright: 2001 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * * All Rights Reserved. * ************************************************************************/ /*___INFO__MARK_END__*/ #include #include #include #include #include "sge_uidgid.h" #include #include #include #include #include "config_file.h" #include "err_trace.h" #include "wingrid.h" #include "windows_gui.h" /****** wingrid/wl_start_job_remote() **************************************** * NAME * wl_start_job_remote() -- Sends a job to the N1GE Helper Service and * requests it's start * * SYNOPSIS * int wl_start_job_remote(const char *filename, * char **args, * char **env, * const char *job_user, * const char *user_passwd, * int *pwin32_exit_status, * enum en_JobStatus *pjob_status, * char *err_str) * * FUNCTION * Sends a job start request to the N1GE Helper Service, waits blocking * for job end. * * INPUTS * const char *filename - The path of the job file * char **args - The argument list of the job * char **env - The environment of the job * const char *job_user - The name of the job user * const char *user_passwd - The passwd of the job user * * OUTPUTS * int *pwin32_exit_status - The exit status of the job * enum en_JobStatus *pJob_status - The status of the job * char *err_str - In case of error: Error description * * RESULTS * int - 0: Job was started, job exit code received * >0: errno * 254: Job already existed in job list, job was rejected * 255: not all data was sent, but send() returned no error, job was * not started. * * NOTES * MT-NOTE: ******************************************************************************/ int wl_start_job_remote(const char *filename, char **args, char **env, const char *job_user, const char *user_passwd, int *pwin32_exit_status, enum en_JobStatus *pjob_status, char *err_str) { int ret, comm_sock; int i = 0; int nargs = 0; char str_nargs[10]; char job[4096]; char unix_conf[4096]; char domain[MAX_STRING_SIZE]; const size_t req_size = 32*1024; char request[req_size]; char *ptr = request; char str_nenv[10]; int ienv, nenv; int nconf; char *pconf = NULL; char str_nconf[10]; ret = wl_connect_to_service(&comm_sock, err_str, MAX_STRING_SIZE); if(ret != 0) { wl_disconnect_from_service(&comm_sock); return ret; } /* Clear request string */ memset(request, 0, req_size); /* Set request type to 0 = req_job_start */ ptr = request+4; /* Set job name */ unixpath2win(filename, 0, job, 4095); strcpy(ptr, job); ptr += strlen(job)+1; /* Set number of args */ while(args[nargs]!=NULL) { nargs++; } sprintf(str_nargs, "%d", nargs); strcpy(ptr, str_nargs); ptr += strlen(str_nargs)+1; /* Set args */ for(i=0; i0: errno * * NOTES * MT-NOTE: ******************************************************************************/ int wl_getrusage_remote(const char *szjob_id, int *pstatus, struct rusage *prusage, char *pszerrormsg) { int ret, comm_sock; int usagelen = 0; char job_usage[4096]; memset(job_usage, 0, 4096); ret = wl_connect_to_service(&comm_sock, pszerrormsg, MAX_STRING_SIZE); if (ret != 0) { return ret; } ret = wl_request_job_usage(comm_sock, job_usage, &usagelen, pszerrormsg, MAX_STRING_SIZE); wl_disconnect_from_service(&comm_sock); if (ret != 0) { return ret; } memset(prusage, 0, sizeof(struct rusage)); job_usage[usagelen]='\0'; sscanf(job_usage, "%ld %ld %ld %ld %d", (long int*)&(prusage->ru_stime.tv_sec), (long int*)&(prusage->ru_stime.tv_usec), (long int*)&(prusage->ru_utime.tv_sec), (long int*)&(prusage->ru_utime.tv_usec), pstatus); return ret; } /****** wingrid/wl_request_job_usage() *************************************** * NAME * wl_request_job_usage() -- Requests the usage of a job from * N1GE Helper Service * * SYNOPSIS * int wl_request_job_usage(int comm_sock, char *job_results, * int *resultslen, char* errormsg, int errorlen) * * FUNCTION * Requests the job usage from the N1GE Helper Service. * * INPUTS * int comm_sock - socket fd of the connection to N1GE Helper Service * char *job_results - buffer for the usage data * int *resultslen - size of buffer for usage data * char *errormsg - buffer for error message * int errorlen - length of errormsg buffer * * OUTPUTS * char *job_results - the serialized usage data * int *resultslen - size of usage data * char *errormsg - in case of error: the error description * * RESULTS * int - 0: Usage was successfully received * >0: errno * 255: not all data was sent, but send() returned no error. * * NOTES * MT-NOTE: ******************************************************************************/ int wl_request_job_usage(int comm_sock, char *job_results, int *resultslen, char* errormsg, int errorlen) { int ret; char request[4096]; char unix_conf[4096]; char str_nconf[10]; char *ptr = request; char *pconf = NULL; memset(request, 0, 4096); request[0] = (char)1; ptr = request+4; /* Set number of config entries */ pconf = search_conf_val("pe_task_id"); if(pconf) { sprintf(str_nconf, "%d", 7); } else { sprintf(str_nconf, "%d", 6); } strcpy(ptr, str_nconf); ptr += strlen(str_nconf)+1; /* Set config entries */ strcpy(ptr, "stdout_path="); ptr += strlen("stdout_path="); pconf = search_conf_val("stdout_path"); unixpath2win(pconf, 0, unix_conf, 4095); strcpy(ptr, unix_conf); ptr += strlen(unix_conf)+1; strcpy(ptr, "stdin_path="); ptr += strlen("stdin_path="); pconf = search_conf_val("stdin_path"); unixpath2win(pconf, 0, unix_conf, 4095); strcpy(ptr, unix_conf); ptr += strlen(unix_conf)+1; strcpy(ptr, "stderr_path="); ptr += strlen("stderr_path="); pconf = search_conf_val("stderr_path"); unixpath2win(pconf, 0, unix_conf, 4095); strcpy(ptr, unix_conf); ptr += strlen(unix_conf)+1; strcpy(ptr, "cwd="); ptr += strlen("cwd="); pconf = search_conf_val("cwd"); unixpath2win(pconf, 0, unix_conf, 4095); strcpy(ptr, unix_conf); ptr += strlen(unix_conf)+1; strcpy(ptr, "job_id="); ptr += strlen("job_id="); pconf = search_conf_val("job_id"); strcpy(ptr, pconf); ptr += strlen(pconf)+1; strcpy(ptr, "ja_task_id="); ptr += strlen("ja_task_id="); pconf = search_conf_val("ja_task_id"); strcpy(ptr, pconf); ptr += strlen(pconf)+1; pconf = search_conf_val("pe_task_id"); if(pconf) { strcpy(ptr, "pe_task_id="); ptr += strlen("pe_task_id="); strcpy(ptr, pconf); ptr += strlen(pconf)+1; } *ptr = (char)EOF; ret = send(comm_sock, request, ptr-request+1, 0); if(ret == -1) { snprintf(errormsg, errorlen, "send() returned '%s'", strerror(errno)); return errno; } if(ret != ptr-request+1) { snprintf(errormsg, errorlen, "Not all data sent, cancelling job start."); return 255; } ret = wl_wait_for_answer(comm_sock, job_results, resultslen, errormsg, errorlen); return ret; } /****** wingrid/wl_request_job_exit_status() ********************************* * NAME * wl_request_job_exit_status() -- Requests the exit status of a job from * N1GE Helper Service * * SYNOPSIS * int wl_request_job_usage(int comm_sock, char *job_exit_status, * int *exit_status_len, char* errormsg, int errorlen) * * FUNCTION * Requests the job exit status from the N1GE Helper Service. * * INPUTS * int comm_sock - socket fd of the connection to N1GE Helper Service * char *job_exit_status - buffer for the exit status * int *exit_status_len - size of buffer for exit status * char *errormsg - buffer for error message * int errorlen - length of errormsg buffer * * OUTPUTS * char *job_exit_status - the serialized exit status * int *exit_status_len - size of exit status * char *errormsg - in case of error: the error description * * RESULTS * int - 0: Usage was successfully received * >0: errno * 255: not all data was sent, but send() returned no error. * * NOTES * MT-NOTE: ******************************************************************************/ int wl_request_job_exit_status(int comm_sock, char *job_exit_status, int *exit_status_len, char *errormsg, int errorlen) { int ret; char request[4096]; char unix_conf[4096]; char str_nconf[10]; char *ptr = request; char *pconf = NULL; memset(request, 0, 4096); request[0] = (char)1; ptr = request+4; /* Set number of config entries */ pconf = search_conf_val("pe_task_id"); if(pconf) { sprintf(str_nconf, "%d", 7); } else { sprintf(str_nconf, "%d", 6); } strcpy(ptr, str_nconf); ptr += strlen(str_nconf)+1; /* Set config entries */ strcpy(ptr, "stdout_path="); ptr += strlen("stdout_path="); pconf = search_conf_val("stdout_path"); unixpath2win(pconf, 0, unix_conf, 4095); strcpy(ptr, unix_conf); ptr += strlen(unix_conf)+1; strcpy(ptr, "stdin_path="); ptr += strlen("stdin_path="); pconf = search_conf_val("stdin_path"); unixpath2win(pconf, 0, unix_conf, 4095); strcpy(ptr, unix_conf); ptr += strlen(unix_conf)+1; strcpy(ptr, "stderr_path="); ptr += strlen("stderr_path="); pconf = search_conf_val("stderr_path"); unixpath2win(pconf, 0, unix_conf, 4095); strcpy(ptr, unix_conf); ptr += strlen(unix_conf)+1; strcpy(ptr, "cwd="); ptr += strlen("cwd="); pconf = search_conf_val("cwd"); unixpath2win(pconf, 0, unix_conf, 4095); strcpy(ptr, unix_conf); ptr += strlen(unix_conf)+1; strcpy(ptr, "job_id="); ptr += strlen("job_id="); pconf = search_conf_val("job_id"); strcpy(ptr, pconf); ptr += strlen(pconf)+1; strcpy(ptr, "ja_task_id="); ptr += strlen("ja_task_id="); pconf = search_conf_val("ja_task_id"); strcpy(ptr, pconf); ptr += strlen(pconf)+1; pconf = search_conf_val("pe_task_id"); if(pconf) { strcpy(ptr, "pe_task_id="); ptr += strlen("pe_task_id="); strcpy(ptr, pconf); ptr += strlen(pconf)+1; } *ptr = (char)EOF; ret = send(comm_sock, request, ptr-request+1, 0); if(ret == -1) { snprintf(errormsg, errorlen, "send() returned '%s'", strerror(errno)); return errno; } if(ret != ptr-request+1) { snprintf(errormsg, errorlen, "Not all data sent, cancelling job start."); return 255; } ret = wl_wait_for_answer(comm_sock, job_exit_status, exit_status_len, errormsg, errorlen); return ret; } /****** wingrid/wl_forward_signal_to_job() *********************************** * NAME * wl_forward_signal_to_job() -- Forwards a signal to the N1GE Helper Service * which delivers it to the job * * SYNOPSIS * int wl_forward_signal_to_job(const char *szjob_id, int *postponed_signal, * char *errormsg, int errorlen) * * FUNCTION * Forwards a signal to the N1GE Helper Service * * INPUTS * const char *szjob_id - the job ID as string * int *postponed_signal - array of signals that should be forwarded * (currently only signal on index 0 will be forwarded) * char *errormsg - buffer for error message * int errorlen - length of errormsg buffer * * OUTPUTS * char *errormsg - in case of error: the error description * * RESULTS * int - 0: Usage was successfully received * >0: errno * 255: not all data was sent, but send() returned no error. * * NOTES * MT-NOTE: ******************************************************************************/ int wl_forward_signal_to_job(const char *szjob_id, int *postponed_signal, char *errormsg, int errorlen) { int ret; char request[4096]; char str_signal[10]; char str_answer[50]; int answer_len = 50; char *ptr = request; int comm_sock; ret = wl_connect_to_service(&comm_sock, errormsg, errorlen); if(ret != 0) { return ret; } memset(request, 0, 4096); request[0] = (char)2; ptr = request+4; strcpy(ptr, szjob_id); ptr += strlen(szjob_id)+1; sprintf(str_signal, "%d", *postponed_signal); strcpy(ptr, str_signal); ptr += strlen(str_signal); *ptr = (char)EOF; ret = send(comm_sock, request, ptr-request+1, 0); if(ret == -1) { snprintf(errormsg, errorlen, "send() returned '%s'", strerror(errno)); return errno; } if(ret != ptr-request+1) { snprintf(errormsg, errorlen, "Not all data sent, cancelling job start."); return 255; } ret = wl_wait_for_answer(comm_sock, str_answer, &answer_len, errormsg, errorlen); wl_disconnect_from_service(&comm_sock); return ret; } /****** wingrid/wl_read_port_from_registry() ******************************** * NAME * wl_read_port_from_registry() -- reads N1GE Helper Service's port * from the registry * * SYNOPSIS * int wl_read_port_from_registry(int *pPort) * * FUNCTION * Read N1GE Helper Service's port from the Windows registry * * OUTPUTS * int *pPort - the port that gets read from the registry * * RESULT * int - 0: port read from registry. * >0: port not read * * NOTES * MT-NOTE: wl_read_port_from_registry() is MT safe ******************************************************************************/ int wl_read_port_from_registry(int *pPort) { size_t size=sizeof(*pPort); int type; int ret; ret = getreg("\\Registry\\Machine\\Software\\Sun Microsystems\\" "N1 Grid Engine\\Helper Service\\Port", &type, pPort, &size); return ret; } /****** wingrid/wl_connect_to_service() ************************************* * NAME * wl_connect_to_service() -- establishes connection to * N1GE Helper Service * * SYNOPSIS * int wl_connect_to_service(int *comm_sock, char *errormsg, int errorlen) * * FUNCTION * Establishes connection to N1GE Helper Service * * INPUTS * char *errormsg - buffer for error message * int error_len - length of errormsg buffer * * OUTPUTS * int *comm_sock - socket fd of the established connection * char *errormsg - in case of error: the error description * * RESULT * int - 0: connection established * >0: errno * * NOTES * MT-NOTE: wl_connect_to_service() is MT safe ******************************************************************************/ int wl_connect_to_service(int *comm_sock, char *errormsg, int errorlen) { static int port = 0; const char *ip_addr = ""; struct sockaddr_in saddr; int last_error = 0; int ret = 0; int try = 0; if (port == 0) { ret = wl_read_port_from_registry(&port); if (ret != 0) { last_error = errno; snprintf(errormsg, errorlen, "can't read server port from registry! " "%d: %s", errno, strerror(errno)); return last_error; } } saddr.sin_family = AF_INET; saddr.sin_port = htons(port); saddr.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(ip_addr); *comm_sock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0); if (*comm_sock == -1) { last_error = errno; snprintf(errormsg, errorlen, "socket() returned '%s'", strerror(errno)); return last_error; } while ((ret = connect(*comm_sock, (struct sockaddr*)&saddr, sizeof(saddr))) == -1 && try < 3) { /* * Server is perhaps overloaded, give it some time... */ last_error = errno; sleep(1); try++; } if (ret == -1) { snprintf(errormsg, errorlen, "connect(%s, %d) failed: \"%s\" (errno=%d)", ip_addr, port, strerror(last_error), last_error); return last_error; } return 0; } /****** wingrid/wl_request_job_start() *************************************** * NAME * wl_request_job_start() -- sends job start request to * N1GE Helper Service * * SYNOPSIS * int wl_request_job_start(int comm_sock, char *message, int messagelen, * char* errormsg, int errorlen) * * FUNCTION * Sends job start request to the N1GE Helper Service, waits blocking * for job end. * * INPUTS * int comm_sock - The socket fd of the connection to N1GE Helper Service * char *message - The serialized job * int messagelen - length of message * char *errormsg - buffer for error message * int error_len - length of errormsg buffer * * OUTPUTS * char *errormsg - in case of error: the error description * * RESULT * int - 0: request sent * >0: errno * 255: not all data was sent, but send() returned no error. * * NOTES * MT-NOTE: wl_request_job_start() is MT safe ******************************************************************************/ int wl_request_job_start(int comm_sock, char *message, int messagelen, char* errormsg, int errorlen) { int ret; ret = send(comm_sock, message, messagelen, 0); if(ret == -1) { snprintf(errormsg, errorlen, "send() returned '%s'", strerror(errno)); return errno; } if(ret != messagelen) { snprintf(errormsg, errorlen, "Not all data sent, cancelling job start."); return 255; } memset(message, 0, messagelen); ret = wl_wait_for_answer(comm_sock, message, &messagelen, errormsg, errorlen); return ret; } /****** wingrid/wl_wait_for_answer() ***************************************** * NAME * wl_wait_for_answer() -- waits for an answer from * N1GE Helper Service * * SYNOPSIS * int wl_wait_for_answer(int comm_sock, char *buffer, int *bufferlen, * char* errormsg, int errorlen) * * FUNCTION * Waits blocking for an answer from the N1GE Helper Service. * The N1GE Helper Service gives answers to requests, either an * ACK/NAK or the requested information. * * INPUTS * int comm_sock - The socket fd of the connection to N1GE Helper Service * char *buffer - A buffer for the answer * int *bufferlen - The size of the buffer * char *errormsg - buffer for error message * int error_len - length of errormsg buffer * * OUTPUTS * char *buffer - the answer from the N1GE Helper Service * int *bufferlen - the size of the answer * char *errormsg - in case of error: the error description * * RESULT * int - 0: answer received * >0: errno * * NOTES * MT-NOTE: wl_wait_for_answer() is MT safe *****************************************************************************/ int wl_wait_for_answer(int comm_sock, char *buffer, int *bufferlen, char *errormsg, int errorlen) { int idx = 0; int ret = 0; while((ret=recv(comm_sock, buffer+idx, *bufferlen-idx, 0))>0) { idx += ret; if(buffer[idx-1] == EOF) { buffer[idx-1] = '\0'; break; } } if(ret == -1) { snprintf(errormsg, errorlen, "recv() returned '%s'", strerror(errno)); return errno; } return 0; } /****** wingrid/wl_disconnect_from_service() ********************************* * NAME * wl_disconnect_from_service() -- disconnects from * N1GE Helper Service * * SYNOPSIS * int wl_disconnect_from_service(int *comm_sock) * * FUNCTION * Disconnects from N1GE Helper Service * * INPUTS * int *comm_sock - The socket fd of the connection to N1GE Helper Service * * OUTPUTS * int *comm_sock - -1, if the function succeeded. * Otherwise comm_sock is unmodified. * * RESULT * int - 0: successfully disconnected * >0: errno * * NOTES * MT-NOTE: wl_disconnect_from_service() is MT safe *****************************************************************************/ int wl_disconnect_from_service(int *comm_sock) { if(comm_sock && *comm_sock >= 0) { if(shutdown(*comm_sock, SHUT_RDWR) == -1) { return errno; } if(close(*comm_sock) == -1) { return errno; } *comm_sock = -1; } return 0; } /****** wingrid/wl_get_GUI_mode() ******************************************** * NAME * wl_get_GUI_mode() -- Converts configuration value to bool * * SYNOPSIS * bool wl_get_GUI_mode(const char *conf_val) * * FUNCTION * Converts the result of get_conf_val("display_win_gui") to a bool value * * INPUTS * const char *conf_val - The result of get_conv_val("display_win_gui"), * which might be "1", "0" or NULL. * * RESULT * bool - true: if *conv_val is "1", * false: otherwise * * NOTES * MT-NOTE: wl_wait_for_answer() is MT safe *****************************************************************************/ bool wl_get_GUI_mode(const char *conf_val) { bool ret = false; if(conf_val) { ret = (atoi(conf_val) == 1); } return ret; }