#ifndef __MSG_SGEOBJLIB_H #define __MSG_SGEOBJLIB_H /*___INFO__MARK_BEGIN__*/ /************************************************************************* * * The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of * the Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.2 * * Sun Microsystems Inc., March, 2001 * * * Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.2 * ================================================= * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Industry Standards * Source License Version 1.2 (the "License"); You may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the * License at http://gridengine.sunsource.net/Gridengine_SISSL_license.html * * Software provided under this License is provided on an "AS IS" basis, * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, * WITHOUT LIMITATION, WARRANTIES THAT THE SOFTWARE IS FREE OF DEFECTS, * MERCHANTABLE, FIT FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR NON-INFRINGING. * See the License for the specific provisions governing your rights and * obligations concerning the Software. * * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is: Sun Microsystems, Inc. * * Copyright: 2001 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * * All Rights Reserved. * ************************************************************************/ /*___INFO__MARK_END__*/ #define MSG_ANSWER_NOANSWERLIST _MESSAGE(64000, _("no answer list - gdi request failed")) #define MSG_CKPTREFINJOB_SU _MESSAGE(64001, _("Checkpointing object "SFQ" is still referenced in job " sge_U32CFormat".")) #define MSG_GDI_INVALIDPRODUCTMODESTRING_S _MESSAGE(64005, _("invalid security mode string "SFQ)) #define MSG_GDI_SWITCHFROMTO_SS _MESSAGE(64007, _("switching from "SFQ" to "SFQ" feature set")) #define MSG_HOSTREFINQUEUE_SS _MESSAGE(64008, _("Host object "SFQ" is still referenced in cluster queue "SFQ".")) #define MSG_HOSTREFINHGRP_SS _MESSAGE(64011, _("Host object "SFQ" is still referenced in host group "SFQ".")) #define MSG_GDI_CONFIGNOARGUMENTGIVEN_S _MESSAGE(64012, _("no argument given in config option: "SFN)) #define MSG_GDI_CONFIGMISSINGARGUMENT_S _MESSAGE(64013, _("missing configuration attribute "SFQ)) #define MSG_GDI_CONFIGADDLISTFAILED_S _MESSAGE(64014, _("can't add "SFQ" to list")) #define MSG_GDI_CONFIGARGUMENTNOTDOUBLE_SS _MESSAGE(64016, _("value for attribute "SFN" "SFQ" is not a double")) #define MSG_GDI_CONFIGARGUMENTNOTTIME_SS _MESSAGE(64017, _("value for attribute "SFN" "SFQ" is not time")) #define MSG_GDI_CONFIGARGUMENTNOMEMORY_SS _MESSAGE(64018, _("value for attribute "SFN" "SFQ" is not memory")) #define MSG_GDI_CONFIGINVALIDQUEUESPECIFIED _MESSAGE(64019, _("reading conf file: invalid queue type specified")) #define MSG_GDI_CONFIGREADFILEERRORNEAR_SS _MESSAGE(64020, _("reading conf file: "SFN" error near "SFQ)) #define MSG_GDI_READCONFIGFILESPECGIVENTWICE_SS _MESSAGE(64021, _("reading config file: specifier "SFQ" given twice for "SFQ)) #define MSG_GDI_READCONFIGFILEUNKNOWNSPEC_SS _MESSAGE(64022, _("reading conf file: unknown specifier "SFQ" for "SFN)) #define MSG_GDI_READCONFIGFILEEMPTYSPEC_S _MESSAGE(64023, _("reading conf file: empty specifier for "SFQ)) #define MSG_JOB_XISINVALIDJOBTASKID_S _MESSAGE(64024, _("ERROR! "SFQ" is an invalid job-task identifier")) #define MSG_JOB_LONELY_TOPTION_S _MESSAGE(64025, _("found lonely '-t "SFN"' option (The -t option needs a leading job name).")) #define MSG_JOB_JLPPNULL _MESSAGE(64028, _("jlpp == NULL in job_add_job()")) #define MSG_JOB_JEPNULL _MESSAGE(64029, _("jep == NULL in job_add_job()")) #define MSG_JOB_JOBALREADYEXISTS_S _MESSAGE(64030, _("can't add job "SFN" - job already exists") ) #define MSG_JOB_NULLNOTALLOWEDT _MESSAGE(64031, _("job rejected: 0 is an invalid task id")) #define MSG_JOB_NOIDNOTALLOWED _MESSAGE(64032, _("job rejected: Job comprises no tasks in its id lists") ) #define MSG_JOB_JOB_ID_U _MESSAGE(64033, _(sge_U32CFormat)) #define MSG_JOB_JOB_JATASK_ID_UU _MESSAGE(64034, _(sge_U32CFormat"."sge_U32CFormat)) #define MSG_JOB_JOB_JATASK_PETASK_ID_UUS _MESSAGE(64035, _(sge_U32CFormat"."sge_U32CFormat" task "SFN)) #define MSG_JOB_NODISPLAY_S _MESSAGE(64036, _("no DISPLAY variable found with interactive job "SFN)) #define MSG_JOB_EMPTYDISPLAY_S _MESSAGE(64037, _("empty DISPLAY variable delivered with interactive job "SFN)) #define MSG_JOB_LOCALDISPLAY_SS _MESSAGE(64038, _("local DISPLAY variable "SFQ" delivered with interactive job "SFN)) #define MSG_ERRORPARSINGVALUEFORNM_S _MESSAGE(64040, _("error parsing value "SFQ)) #define MSG_PARSE_STARTTIMETOOLONG _MESSAGE(64041, _("Starttime specifier field length exceeds maximum")) #define MSG_PARSE_INVALIDSECONDS _MESSAGE(64042, _("Invalid format of seconds field.")) #define MSG_PARSE_INVALIDHOURMIN _MESSAGE(64043, _("Invalid format of date/hour-minute field.")) #define MSG_PARSE_INVALIDMONTH _MESSAGE(64044, _("Invalid month specification.")) #define MSG_PARSE_INVALIDDAY _MESSAGE(64045, _("Invalid day specification.")) #define MSG_PARSE_INVALIDHOUR _MESSAGE(64046, _("Invalid hour specification.")) #define MSG_PARSE_INVALIDMINUTE _MESSAGE(64047, _("Invalid minute specification.")) #define MSG_PARSE_INVALIDSECOND _MESSAGE(64048, _("Invalid seconds specification.")) #define MSG_PARSE_NODATEFROMINPUT _MESSAGE(64049, _("Couldn't generate date from input. Perhaps a date before 1970 was specified.")) #define MSG_PARSE_NODATE _MESSAGE(64050, _("no date specified")) #define MSG_PEREFINJOB_SU _MESSAGE(64059, _("Pe "SFQ" is still referenced in job "sge_U32CFormat".")) #define MSG_GDI_INITIALPORTIONSTRINGNODECIMAL_S _MESSAGE(64060, _("Numerical value invalid!\nThe initial portion of string "SFQ" contains no decimal number")) #define MSG_GDI_RANGESPECIFIERWITHUNKNOWNTRAILER_SS _MESSAGE(64061, _("Range specifier "SFQ" has unknown trailer "SFQ)) #define MSG_GDI_UNEXPECTEDRANGEFOLLOWINGUNDEFINED _MESSAGE(64062, _("unexpected range following \"UNDEFINED\"")) #define MSG_GDI_UNEXPECTEDUNDEFINEDFOLLOWINGRANGE _MESSAGE(64063, _("unexpected \"UNDEFINED\" following range")) #define MSG_GDI_NEGATIVSTEP _MESSAGE(64064, _("Negative or zero step in range is not allowed" )) #define MSG_PARSE_NOALLOCATTRLIST _MESSAGE(64065, _("unable to alloc space for attrib. list")) #define MSG_PARSE_NOALLOCATTRELEM _MESSAGE(64068, _("unable to alloc space for attrib. element")) #define MSG_NONE_NOT_ALLOWED_S _MESSAGE(64079, _("The keyword \"none\" is not allowed in "SFQ)) #define MSG_NOTEXISTING_ATTRIBUTE_SS _MESSAGE(64080, _(SFQ" references not existing complex attribute "SFQ)) #define MSG_WRONGTYPE_ATTRIBUTE_SS _MESSAGE(64081, _("String, CString, ReString or Host attributes are not allowed in "SFQ": " SFQ)) #define MSG_US_INVALIDUSERNAME _MESSAGE(64083, _("userset contains invalid (null) user name")) /* * sge_event.c */ #define MSG_EVENT_ADDOBJECTX_USS _MESSAGE(64090, _(sge_U32CFormat". EVENT ADD "SFN" "SFN)) #define MSG_EVENT_DELOBJECTX_USS _MESSAGE(64091, _(sge_U32CFormat". EVENT DEL "SFN" "SFN)) #define MSG_EVENT_MODOBJECTX_USS _MESSAGE(64092, _(sge_U32CFormat". EVENT MOD "SFN" "SFN)) #define MSG_EVENT_OBJECTLISTXELEMENTS_USI _MESSAGE(64093, _(sge_U32CFormat". EVENT "SFN" LIST %d Elements")) #define MSG_EVENT_MESSAGE_US _MESSAGE(64094, _(sge_U32CFormat". EVENT "SFN)) #define MSG_EVENT_MODSCHEDDPRIOOFJOBXTOY_USI _MESSAGE(64100, _(sge_U32CFormat". EVENT MODIFY SCHEDULING PRIORITY OF JOB "SFN" TO %d")) #define MSG_EVENT_JOBXUSAGE_US _MESSAGE(64101, _(sge_U32CFormat". EVENT JOB "SFN" USAGE")) #define MSG_EVENT_JOBXFINALUSAGE_US _MESSAGE(64102, _(sge_U32CFormat". EVENT JOB "SFN" FINAL USAGE")) #define MSG_EVENT_UNSUSPENDQUEUEXONSUBORDINATE_US _MESSAGE(64103, _(sge_U32CFormat". EVENT UNSUSPEND QUEUE "SFN" ON SUBORDINATE")) #define MSG_EVENT_SUSPENDQUEUEXONSUBORDINATE_US _MESSAGE(64104, _(sge_U32CFormat". EVENT SUSPEND QUEUE "SFN" ON SUBORDINATE")) #define MSG_EVENT_JOBXFINISH_US _MESSAGE(64105, _(sge_U32CFormat". EVENT JOB "SFN" FINISH")) #define MSG_EVENT_DELQINSTANCE_USS _MESSAGE(64106, _(sge_U32CFormat". EVENT DEL QUEUE INSTANCE "SFN"@"SFN)) #define MSG_EVENT_ADDQINSTANCE_USS _MESSAGE(64107, _(sge_U32CFormat". EVENT ADD QUEUE INSTANCE "SFN"@"SFN)) #define MSG_EVENT_MODQINSTANCE_USS _MESSAGE(64108, _(sge_U32CFormat". EVENT MOD QUEUE INSTANCE "SFN"@"SFN)) #define MSG_EVENT_SHARETREEXNODESYLEAFS_UII _MESSAGE(64109, _(sge_U32CFormat". EVENT SHARETREE %d nodes %d leafs")) #define MSG_OBJECT_INVALID_OBJECT_TYPE_SI _MESSAGE(64167, _(SFN": invalid object type %d")) #define MSG_HGRP_UNKNOWNHOST _MESSAGE(64168, _("unable to resolve host "SFQ)) #define MSG_CUSER_NOREMOTE_USER_S _MESSAGE(64169, _("attribute \'"SFQ"\' not available")) #define MSG_SGETEXT_NO_INTERFACE_S _MESSAGE(64174, _("no valid checkpoint interface "SFN)) #define MSG_OBJ_CKPTENV_SSS _MESSAGE(64175, _("parameter "SFN" of ckpt environment "SFQ": "SFN)) #define MSG_CKPT_XISNOTASIGNALSTRING_S _MESSAGE(64176, _(SFQ" is not a signal string (like HUP, INT, " "WINCH, ..)")) #define MSG_PE_STARTPROCARGS_SS _MESSAGE(64177, _("parameter start_proc_args of pe "SFQ": "SFN)) #define MSG_PE_STOPPROCARGS_SS _MESSAGE(64178, _("parameter stop_proc_args of pe "SFQ": "SFN)) #define MSG_ANSWERWITHOUTDIAG _MESSAGE(64179, _("error without diagnosis message")) #define MSG_PEREFDOESNOTEXIST_S _MESSAGE(64180, _("Parallel environment "SFQ" does not exist")) #define MSG_CKPTREFDOESNOTEXIST_S _MESSAGE(64181, _("Ckpt "SFQ" does not exist")) #define MSG_PEREFINQUEUE_SS _MESSAGE(64182, _("Parallel environment "SFQ" is still referenced in queue "SFQ".")) #define MSG_CKPTREFINQUEUE_SS _MESSAGE(64183, _("Ckpt "SFQ" is still referenced in queue "SFQ".")) #define MSG_INVALID_CENTRY_TYPE_S _MESSAGE(64184, _("Invalid complex attribute type ("SFQ")")) #define MSG_INVALID_CENTRY_RELOP_S _MESSAGE(64185, _("Invalid complex attribute for relation operator ("SFQ")")) #define MSG_INVALID_CENTRY_REQUESTABLE_S _MESSAGE(64186, _("Invalid complex attribute for requestable ("SFQ")")) #define MSG_CENTRYREFINQUEUE_SS _MESSAGE(64187, _("Complex attribute "SFQ" is still referenced in queue "SFQ".")) #define MSG_CENTRYREFINHOST_SS _MESSAGE(64188, _("Complex attribute "SFQ" is still referenced in host "SFQ".")) #define MSG_CENTRYREFINSCONF_S _MESSAGE(64189, _("Complex attribute "SFQ" is still referenced in scheduler configuration.")) #define MSG_PARSE_DUPLICATEHOSTINFILESPEC _MESSAGE(64190,_("ERROR! two files are specified for the same host")) #define MSG_EXCL_MUST_BE_CONSUMABLE_S _MESSAGE(64199, _("Exclusive complex "SFQ" must be a consumable")) #define MSG_MUST_BOOL_TO_BE_EXCL_S _MESSAGE(64200, _("Complex "SFQ" must be BOOL to use EXCL as relational operator")) #define MSG_INVALID_CENTRY_EXCL_S _MESSAGE(64201, _("Exclusive complex "SFQ" must have EXCL as relational operator")) #define MSG_INVALID_CENTRY_DEFAULT_S _MESSAGE(64202, _("Complex "SFQ" cannot have a default value")) #define MSG_INVALID_CENTRY_CONSUMABLE_RELOP_S _MESSAGE(64203, _("Consumable "SFQ" can have only <= as an relational operator")) #define MSG_INVALID_CENTRY_CONSUMABLE_TYPE_SS _MESSAGE(64204, _("Complex "SFQ" of type "SFQ" cannot be a consumable")) #define MSG_INVALID_CENTRY_TYPE_RELOP_S _MESSAGE(64205, _("Complex "SFQ" has an invalid relational operator")) #define MSG_INVALID_CENTRY_PARSE_DEFAULT_SS _MESSAGE(64206, _("Complex "SFQ"'s default value should be of type "SFQ)) #define MSG_INVALID_CENTRY_CONSUMABLE_REQ1_S _MESSAGE(64207, _("Consumable "SFQ" needs a default value because it is not requestable.")) #define MSG_INVALID_CENTRY_CONSUMABLE_REQ2_S _MESSAGE(64208, _("Consumable "SFQ" cannot have a default value because it is forced.")) #define MSG_INVALID_CENTRY_TYPE_CHANGE_S _MESSAGE(64209, _("The type of the complex "SFQ" cannot be changed due to its built in status")) #define MSG_CQUEUE_NONDEFNOTALLOWED _MESSAGE(64210, _("Queue domain/instance values are only allowed for cluster queues.")) #define MSG_CQUEUE_PRIORITYNOTINRANGE _MESSAGE(64211, _("Priority not in range -20 to +20")) #define MSG_CQUEUE_UNKNOWNUSERSET_S _MESSAGE(64213, _("Userset "SFQ" does not exist") ) #define MSG_CQUEUE_UNKNOWNPROJECT_S _MESSAGE(64214, _("Project "SFQ" does not exist")) #define MSG_CQUEUE_UNKNOWNCALENDAR_S _MESSAGE(64215, _("Calendar "SFQ" does not exist")) #define MSG_CQUEUE_UNKNOWNINITSTATE_S _MESSAGE(64216, _("Invalid value "SFQ" as initial state")) #define MSG_CQUEUE_UNKNOWNSTARTMODE_S _MESSAGE(64217, _("Invalid value "SFQ" as shell start mode")) #define MSG_ATTR_VALUEMULDEFINED_S _MESSAGE(64218, _("Value for "SFQ" is multiply defined")) #define MSG_ATTR_NONEWATTRSETTING_S _MESSAGE(64219, _("Cannot create new attribute setting for host "SFQ)) #define MSG_ATTR_RESULTUNAMBIGUOUS_S _MESSAGE(64220, _("Modification would result in ambiguous configuration")) #define MSG_ATTR_NOCONFVALUE _MESSAGE(64221, _("No default/hostgroup/host value found")) #define MSG_ATTR_MISSINGCOMMA_S _MESSAGE(64222, _("All list elements must be separated by commas: "SFQ)) #define MSG_ATTR_MISSINGBRACKET_S _MESSAGE(64223, _("The last character of each list item must be enclosed in brackets: "SFQ)) #define MSG_ATTR_EQUALSIGNEXPRECTED _MESSAGE(64224, _("\'=\' has to sepatate host or group from value")) #define MSG_ATTR_TRAILINGCOMMA_S _MESSAGE(64225, _("There is an extra comma at the end of the list: "SFQ)) #define MSG_ATTR_PARSINGERROR_S _MESSAGE(64226, _("Error during parsing of attribute value "SFQ)) #define MSG_ATTR_NOVALUEGIVEN _MESSAGE(64227, _("No value specified")) #define MSG_CQUEUE_NODEFVALUE_S _MESSAGE(64228, _(SFQ" has no default value")) #define MSG_CQUEUE_MULVALNOTALLOWED_S _MESSAGE(64229, _("Multiple values for one queue domain/host ("SFN") are not allowed")) #define MSG_CQUEUE_WRONGCHARINPRIO _MESSAGE(64231, _("Invalid character")) #define MSG_QINSTANCE_ALARM _MESSAGE(64233, _("load alarm")) #define MSG_QINSTANCE_SUSPALARM _MESSAGE(64234, _("suspend alarm")) #define MSG_QINSTANCE_DISABLED _MESSAGE(64235, _("disabled")) #define MSG_QINSTANCE_SUSPENDED _MESSAGE(64236, _("suspended")) #define MSG_QINSTANCE_UNKNOWN _MESSAGE(64237, _("unknown")) #define MSG_QINSTANCE_ERROR _MESSAGE(64238, _("error")) #define MSG_QINSTANCE_SUSPOSUB _MESSAGE(64239, _("suspended on subordinate")) #define MSG_QINSTANCE_CALDIS _MESSAGE(64240, _("calendar disabled")) #define MSG_QINSTANCE_CALSUSP _MESSAGE(64241, _("calendar suspended")) #define MSG_QINSTANCE_CONFAMB _MESSAGE(64242, _("configuration ambiguous")) #define MSG_QINSTANCE_ORPHANED _MESSAGE(64243, _("orphaned")) #define MSG_QINSTANCE_NALARM _MESSAGE(64244, _("no load alarm")) #define MSG_QINSTANCE_NSUSPALARM _MESSAGE(64245, _("no suspend alarm")) #define MSG_QINSTANCE_NDISABLED _MESSAGE(64246, _("enabled")) #define MSG_QINSTANCE_NSUSPENDED _MESSAGE(64247, _("unsuspended")) #define MSG_QINSTANCE_NUNKNOWN _MESSAGE(64248, _("not unknown")) #define MSG_QINSTANCE_NERROR _MESSAGE(64249, _("no error")) #define MSG_QINSTANCE_NSUSPOSUB _MESSAGE(64250, _("no suspended on subordinate")) #define MSG_QINSTANCE_NCALDIS _MESSAGE(64251, _("calendar enabled")) #define MSG_QINSTANCE_NCALSUSP _MESSAGE(64252, _("calendar unsuspended")) #define MSG_QINSTANCE_NCONFAMB _MESSAGE(64253, _("not configuration ambiguous")) #define MSG_QINSTANCE_NORPHANED _MESSAGE(64254, _("not orphaned")) #define MSG_QINSTANCE_MISSLOTS_S _MESSAGE(64255, _("missing \"slots\" entry in consumable actual list of queue "SFQ)) #define MSG_CALENDAR_REFINQUEUE_SS _MESSAGE(64256, _("Calendar "SFQ" is still referenced in queue "SFQ)) #define MSG_STR_INVALIDSTR _MESSAGE(64257, _("Encountered invalid id")) #define MSG_QINSTANCE_INVALIDACTION _MESSAGE(64258, _("Invalid action" )) #define MSG_QINSTANCE_INVALIDOPTION _MESSAGE(64259, _("Invalid option flag")) #define MSG_ID_UNABLETOCREATE _MESSAGE(64260, _("Unable to create id element")) #define MSG_CQUEUE_SUBITSELF_S _MESSAGE(64261, _("Cluster queue "SFQ" can't get subordinated by itself")) #define MSG_CQUEUE_UNKNOWNSUB_SS _MESSAGE(64262, _("Subordinated cluster queue "SFQ" referenced in "SFQ" does not exist")) #define MSG_QREF_QUNKNOWN_S _MESSAGE(64263, _("Job was rejected because job requests unknown queue "SFQ)) #define MSG_QREF_QNOTREQUESTABLE _MESSAGE(64264, _("Job was rejected because job requests a queue while queues are not configured as requestable")) #define MSG_ATTRIB_PARSATTRFAILED_SS _MESSAGE(64265, _("failed parsing attribute "SFQ": "SFN)) #define MSG_OBJECT_NO_LIST_TO_MOD_TYPE_SI _MESSAGE(64266, _("%s: has no master list to modify %d")) #define MSG_INVALID_CENTRY_PARSE_URGENCY_SS _MESSAGE(64267, _("The following error occoured for complex "SFQ", while parsing the urgency value: "SFQ)) #define MSG_ULONG_INCORRECTSTRING _MESSAGE(64268, _("error parsing unsigned long value from string "SFQ)) #define MSG_INT_INCORRECTSTRING _MESSAGE(64269, _("error parsing signed int value from string "SFQ)) #define MSG_CHAR_INCORRECTSTRING _MESSAGE(64270, _("error parsing character value from string "SFQ)) #define MSG_LONG_INCORRECTSTRING _MESSAGE(64271, _("error parsing signed long from string "SFQ)) #define MSG_DOUBLE_INCORRECTSTRING _MESSAGE(64272, _("error parsing double value from string "SFQ)) #define MSG_FLOAT_INCORRECTSTRING _MESSAGE(64273, _("error parsing float value from string "SFQ)) #define MSG_QTYPE_INCORRECTSTRING _MESSAGE(64274, _("error parsing queue type from string "SFQ)) #define MSG_QSTATE_UNKNOWNCHAR_CS _MESSAGE(64275, _("unknown queue state: %c found in string: %s")) #define MSG_QSTAT_WRONGGCHAR_C _MESSAGE(64276, _("wrong character \'%c\' for -g option")) #define MSG_CQUEUE_UNKNOWNCENTRY_S _MESSAGE(64277, _("Complex attribute "SFQ" does not exist")) #define MSG_CONF_USING_SS _MESSAGE(64300, _("using "SFQ" for "SFN)) #define MSG_CONF_NOCONFIGFROMMASTER _MESSAGE(64301, _("could not get configuration from qmaster - using defaults")) #define MSG_CONF_INVALIDPARAM_SSI _MESSAGE(64302, _("invalid setting for "SFQ", attribute "SFQ" - using default %d")) #define MSG_CENTRY_QINOTALLOWED _MESSAGE(64303, _("Queue instance names are not allowed in -l resource requests")) #define MSG_OBJECT_VALUENOTULONG_S _MESSAGE(64304, _(SFQ" is not an u_long32 value")) #define MSG_CQUEUE_INVALIDDOMSETTING_SS _MESSAGE(64305, _("Did not modify "SFQ" for host group "SFQ" which does not exist.")) #define MSG_HGRP_INVALIDHOSTGROUPNAME_S _MESSAGE(64306, _("host group name "SFQ" is not valid")) #define MSG_WEIGHTFACTNONUMB_SS _MESSAGE(64307, _(SFQ" uses "SFQ" as weighting factor (only numbers are allowed)")) #define MSG_MULTIPLEWEIGHTFACT_S _MESSAGE(64308, _(SFQ" may not use multiple weighting factors")) #define MSG_CONF_NR_DYNAMIC_EVENT_CLIENT_EXCEEDS_MAX_FILEDESCR_U _MESSAGE(64309, _("nr of dynamic event clients exceeds max file descriptor limit, setting MAX_DYN_EC="sge_U32CFormat)) #define MSG_QINSTANCE_HOSTFORQUEUEDOESNOTEXIST_SS _MESSAGE(64310, _("can't create queue "SFQ": host "SFQ" is not known")) #define MSG_PE_INVALIDCHARACTERINPE_S _MESSAGE(64311, _("Invalid character in pe name of pe "SFQ)) #define MSG_PE_UNKNOWN_URGENCY_SLOT_SS _MESSAGE(64312, _("unknown urgency_slot_setting "SFQ" for PE "SFQ)) #ifdef SGE_PQS_API #define MSG_PQS_NODYNAMICLIBRARY_S _MESSAGE(64313, _("No dynamic library specified for pe_qsort_args for PE "SFQ)) #define MSG_PQS_UNABLETOOPENLIBRARY_SSS _MESSAGE(64314, _("Unable to open "SFQ" library in pe_qsort_args for PE "SFQ" - "SFQ)) #define MSG_PQS_NOFUNCTIONNAME_S _MESSAGE(64315, _("No function name specified in pe_qsort_args for PE "SFQ)) #define MSG_PQS_UNABLELOCATESYMBOL_SSSS _MESSAGE(64316, _("Unable to locate "SFQ" symbol in "SFQ" library for pe_qsort_args in PE "SFQ" - "SFQ)) #endif #define MSG_CQUEUE_CQUEUEISNULL_SSSII _MESSAGE(64317, _("cqueue_list_locate_qinstance("SFQ"): cqueue == NULL("SFQ", "SFQ", %d, %d")) #define MSG_CQUEUE_FULLNAMEISNULL _MESSAGE(64318, _("cqueue_list_locate_qinstance(): full_name == NULL")) #define MSG_PE_REJECTINGURGENCYSLOTS_S _MESSAGE(64319, _("rejecting invalid urgency_slots setting "SFQ)) #define MSG_CALENDAR_CALCTERMINATED _MESSAGE(64320, _("Calendar calculation terminated due to inf. loop!")) #define MSG_OBJECT_STRUCTURE_ERROR _MESSAGE(64321, _("corrupted cull structure or reduced element")) #define MSG_OBJECT_ULONG_NOT_NULL _MESSAGE(64322, _("object attribute "SFQ" may not be 0")) #define MSG_OBJECT_ULONG_NULL _MESSAGE(64323, _("object attribute "SFQ" may only be 0")) #define MSG_OBJECT_DOUBLE_NULL _MESSAGE(64324, _("object attribute "SFQ" may only be 0")) #define MSG_OBJECT_STRING_NOT_NULL _MESSAGE(64325, _("object attribute "SFQ" may not be NULL")) #define MSG_OBJECT_VARIABLENAME_NOT_EMPTY _MESSAGE(64326, _("variable names may not be empty")) #define MSG_PATH_TOOLONG_I _MESSAGE(64330, _("a path or filename may not exceed %d characters")) #define MSG_PATH_ALIAS_INVALID_PATH _MESSAGE(64331, _("paths may not be empty strings")) #define MSG_HOSTNAME_NOT_EMPTY _MESSAGE(64332, _("hostnames may not be empty string")) #define MSG_EVENT_INVALIDNAME _MESSAGE(64340, _("invalid event client name")) #define MSG_EVENT_ONLYADMINMAYSTARTSPECIALEVC _MESSAGE(64341, _("only admin user or root may start special event clients")) #define MSG_EVENT_INVALIDDTIME_II _MESSAGE(64342, _("invalid event delivery time %d. It has to be between 1 and %d")) #define MSG_EVENT_FLUSHDELAYCANNOTBEGTDTIME _MESSAGE(64343, _("event flush delay may not be greater than event delivery time")) #define MSG_EVENT_INVALIDBUSYHANDLING _MESSAGE(64344, _("invalid value for event client busy handling")) #define MSG_EVENT_INVALIDSESSIONKEY _MESSAGE(64345, _("invalid session key for event client")) #define MSG_EVENT_INVALIDEVENT _MESSAGE(64346, _("invalid event id in event client subscription")) #define MSG_EVENT_INVALIDID _MESSAGE(64347, _("invalid event client id")) #define MSG_EVENT_INVALIDUPDATEFUNCTION _MESSAGE(64348, _("invalid event client update function")) #define MSG_JOB_SCRIPTLENGTHDOESNOTMATCH _MESSAGE(64350, _("Script length does not match declared length")) #define MSG_INVALIDJOB_REQUEST_S _MESSAGE(64352, _("invalid "SFQ" value in job request")) #define MSG_JOB_NAMETOOLONG_I _MESSAGE(64353, _("job name too long, maximum allowed length is %d characters")) #define MSG_INVALID_GDIL _MESSAGE(64355, _("invalid granted destination identifier list")) #define MSG_INVALID_QINSTANCE_NAME_S _MESSAGE(64356, _("invalid queue instance name "SFQ)) #define MSG_JOB_NOJOBNAME _MESSAGE(64357, _("job rejected cause there is no job_name in the request")) #define MSG_RESOURCEQUOTA_INVALIDUSERFILTER _MESSAGE(64366, _("resource quota set contains invalid user filter")) #define MSG_RESOURCEQUOTA_INVALIDPROJECTFILTER _MESSAGE(64367, _("resource quota set contains invalid project filter")) #define MSG_RESOURCEQUOTA_INVALIDPEFILTER _MESSAGE(64368, _("resource quota set contains invalid pe filter")) #define MSG_RESOURCEQUOTA_NORULEDEFINED _MESSAGE(64369, _("no resource quota rule specified for modification")) #define MSG_RESOURCEQUOTA_NOVALIDEXPANDEDLIST _MESSAGE(64370, _("no valid expanded list")) #define MSG_RESOURCEQUOTA_DYNAMICLIMITNOTSUPPORTED _MESSAGE(64375, _("dynamic limits are only supported for per host rules")) #define MSG_RESOURCEQUOTA_NORULES _MESSAGE(64377, _("resource quota set has no rules")) #define MSG_RESOURCEQUOTA_NONAME _MESSAGE(64378, _("resource quota set has no name")) #define MSG_CENTRYREFINRQS_SS _MESSAGE(64379, _("Complex attribute "SFQ" is still referenced in resource quota set "SFQ".")) #define MSG_CQUEUE_DEFOVERWRITTEN_SSSSS _MESSAGE(64380, _("default value of "SFQ" is overwritten for hostgroup "SFQ" in queue "SFQ". Not all hosts of "SFQ" are contained in the hostlist specification of queue "SFQ".")) #define MSG_CQUEUE_UNUSEDATTRSETTING_SS _MESSAGE(64381, _("unused setting for attribute "SFQ" and host "SFQ" in queue "SFQ".")) #define MSG_EVAL_EXPRESSION_PARSE_ERROR _MESSAGE(64382, _("Parse error on position %d of the expression "SFQ".")) #define MSG_EVAL_EXPRESSION_LONG_VALUE _MESSAGE(64383, _("Invalid length of value exeed the limit %d characters.")) #define MSG_EVAL_EXPRESSION_LONG_EXPRESSION _MESSAGE(64384, _("Invalid length of expression exeed the limit %d characters.")) #define MSG_RQS_REQUEST_DUPLICATE_NAME_S _MESSAGE(64385, _("Resource quota replacement request contains rqs name "SFQ" multiple times")) #define MSG_AR_MISSING_VALUE_S _MESSAGE(64386, _("missing value for "SFQ" in advance reservation request")) #define MSG_AR_START_END_DURATION_INVALID _MESSAGE(64387, _("difference between end and start time does not correspond to duration")) #define MSG_AR_START_LATER_THAN_END _MESSAGE(64388, _("start time is later than end time")) #define MSG_AR_START_IN_PAST _MESSAGE(64389, _("start time is in the past")) #define MSG_OBJECT_INVALID_NAME_S _MESSAGE(64391, _("denied: "SFQ" is not a valid object name (cannot start with a digit)")) #define MSG_OBJECT_PERANGEMUSTBEGRZERO_S _MESSAGE(64392, _(SFQ" rejected: pe range must be greater than zero")) #define MSG_OBJECT_WILD_RANGE_AMBIGUOUS_S _MESSAGE(64393, _(SFQ" rejected: PEs matching wildcard and jobs slot range would cause ambiguous urgency slot amount")) #define MSG_OBJECT_NODIRECTSLOTS_S _MESSAGE(64394, _(SFQ" denied: use parallel environments instead of requesting slots explicitly")) #define MSG_PARSE_INVALID_ID_MUSTBEUINT _MESSAGE(60395, _("ERROR! invalid id, must be an unsigned integer")) #define MSG_PARSE_MOD_REJECTED_DUE_TO_AR_SSU _MESSAGE(60396, _("denied: removing "SFQ" from "SFN" would break advance reservation "sge_U32CFormat)) #define MSG_PARSE_MOD_REJECTED_DUE_TO_AR_PE_SLOTS_U _MESSAGE(60397, _("denied: lowering slots amount below "sge_U32CFormat" would break advance reservations")) #define MSG_PARSE_MOD2_REJECTED_DUE_TO_AR_SSU _MESSAGE(60398, _("denied: changing "SFQ" to "SFN" would break advance reservation "sge_U32CFormat)) #define MSG_PARSE_MOD3_REJECTED_DUE_TO_AR_SU _MESSAGE(60399, _("denied: the change in "SFQ" would break advance reservation "sge_U32CFormat)) #define MSG_AR_EVENT_STATE_CREATION _MESSAGE(64500, _("CREATED")) #define MSG_AR_EVENT_STATE_STARTIME_REACHED _MESSAGE(64501, _("START TIME REACHED")) #define MSG_AR_EVENT_STATE_ENDTIME_REACHED _MESSAGE(64502, _("END TIME REACHED")) #define MSG_AR_EVENT_STATE_UNSATISFIED _MESSAGE(64503, _("RESOURCES UNSATISFIED")) #define MSG_AR_EVENT_STATE_OK _MESSAGE(64504, _("RESOURCES SATISFIED")) #define MSG_AR_EVENT_STATE_TERMINATED _MESSAGE(64505, _("TERMINATED")) #define MSG_AR_EVENT_STATE_DELETED _MESSAGE(64506, _("DELETED")) #define MSG_AR_EVENT_STATE_UNKNOWN _MESSAGE(64507, _("UNKNOWN")) #define MSG_ATTR_INVALID_ULONGVALUE_USUU _MESSAGE(64508, _(sge_U32CFormat" is an invalid value for the "SFQ" attribute - it must be a value between "sge_U32CFormat" and "sge_U32CFormat)) #define MSG_CQUEUE_UNKNOWNSHELL_S _MESSAGE(64509, _("Invalid value "SFQ" for shell ")) #define MSG_CENTRY_NOTREQUESTABLE_S _MESSAGE(64510, _("Complex attribute "SFQ" is not requestable")) #define MSG_ULNG_INVALIDPRIO_I _MESSAGE(64511, _("invalid priority %d. must be an integer from -1023 to 1024")) #define MSG_ULNG_INVALID_TASK_CONCURRENCY_I _MESSAGE(64512, _("invalid task concurrency number %d. Must be an integer greater or equal to 0.")) #define MSG_ULNG_INVALID_VALUE _MESSAGE(64513, _("Invalid or not existing number.")) #define MSG_JSV_EXISTS_S _MESSAGE(64521, _("JSV file "SFQ" does not exist")) #define MSG_JSV_INSTANCIATE_S _MESSAGE(64522, _("JSV file "SFQ" can't be started")) #define MSG_JSV_START_S _MESSAGE(64523, _("start of JSV "SFQ" failed")) #define MSG_JSV_STARTED_S _MESSAGE(64524, _("JSV "SFQ" has been started")) #define MSG_JSV_STOPPED_S _MESSAGE(64525, _("JSV "SFQ" has been stopped")) #define MSG_JSV_SEND_S _MESSAGE(64526, _("unable to send data to JSV")) #define MSG_JSV_SEND_READY_S _MESSAGE(64527, _("JSV is not ready for send")) #define MSG_JSV_USER_S _MESSAGE(64528, _("specifying user is not allowed in client JSV URLs")) #define MSG_JSV_USER_EXIST_S _MESSAGE(64529, _("user "SFQ" specified in JSV URL does not exist")) #define MSG_JSV_FILE_EXEC_S _MESSAGE(64530, _("JSV "SFQ" is either not a file or not executeable")) #define MSG_JSV_URL_S _MESSAGE(64531, _("JSV URL "SFQ" is invalid")) #define MSG_JSV_URL_TYPE_S _MESSAGE(64532, _("type "SFQ" in JSV URL is invalid")) #define MSG_JSV_STOP_S _MESSAGE(64533, _("JSV instance "SFQ" will be stopped")) #define MSG_JSV_SETTING_S _MESSAGE(64534, _("JSV setting of "SFQ" has changed")) #define MSG_JSV_TIME_S _MESSAGE(64535, _("JSV modification time in "SFQ" has changed")) #define MSG_JSV_REJECTED _MESSAGE(64536, _("JSV rejected job")) #define MSG_JSV_REJECTED_S _MESSAGE(64537, _("JSV "SFQ" rejected job")) #define MSG_JSV_REJECTED_SU _MESSAGE(64538, _("JSV "SFQ" rejected job "sge_u32)) #define MSG_JSV_RESTART_S _MESSAGE(64539, _("JSV "SFQ" will be restarted.")) #define MSG_JSV_PARSE_READ_S _MESSAGE(64540, _("JSV tries to modify read-only parameter "SFQ)) #define MSG_JSV_PARSE_BOOL_S _MESSAGE(64541, _("JSV tries to delete boolean parameter "SFQ)) #define MSG_JSV_PARSE_VAL_SS _MESSAGE(64542, _("JSV tries to set "SFQ" to "SFQ)) #define MSG_JSV_PARSE_NAME_S _MESSAGE(64543, _("JSV tries to delete "SFQ)) #define MSG_JSV_PARSE_OBJECT_S _MESSAGE(64544, _("got "SFQ" as object for SEND command")) #define MSG_JSV_TMPREJECT _MESSAGE(64545, _("JSV temporarily rejected job")) #define MSG_JSV_STATE_S _MESSAGE(64546, _("JSV sent unknown result "SFQ)) #define MSG_JSV_COMMAND_S _MESSAGE(64547, _("JSV got unknown command "SFQ)) #define MSG_JSV_LOG_SS _MESSAGE(64548, _("received "SFQ" from JSV with invalid type "SFQ)) #define MSG_JSV_SWITCH_S _MESSAGE(64549, _("rejected due to jsv_allowed_mod configuration which does not allow: "SFN)) #define MSG_JSV_ALLOWED _MESSAGE(64550, _("No job modification allowed due to jsv_allowed_mod configuration")) #define MSG_JSV_JCOMMAND_S _MESSAGE(64551, _("master got unknown command from JSV: "SFQ)) #define MSG_JSV_LOGMSG_S _MESSAGE(64552, _("JSV stderr: %s")) #define MSG_JSV_STARTPERMISSION _MESSAGE(64553, _("process has not the necessary permission to start JSV as different user")) #define MSG_JSV_MEMBINDING _MESSAGE(64554, _("unable to allocate memory for binding during JSV execution")) #endif /* __MSG_SGEOBJLIB_H */