#ifndef __MSG_QMASTER_H #define __MSG_QMASTER_H /*___INFO__MARK_BEGIN__*/ /************************************************************************* * * The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of * the Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.2 * * Sun Microsystems Inc., March, 2001 * * * Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.2 * ================================================= * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Industry Standards * Source License Version 1.2 (the "License"); You may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the * License at http://gridengine.sunsource.net/Gridengine_SISSL_license.html * * Software provided under this License is provided on an "AS IS" basis, * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, * WITHOUT LIMITATION, WARRANTIES THAT THE SOFTWARE IS FREE OF DEFECTS, * MERCHANTABLE, FIT FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR NON-INFRINGING. * See the License for the specific provisions governing your rights and * obligations concerning the Software. * * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is: Sun Microsystems, Inc. * * Copyright: 2001 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * * All Rights Reserved. * ************************************************************************/ /*___INFO__MARK_END__*/ #include "basis_types.h" /* ** sge_ckptobj.c */ #define MSG_OBJ_CKPT _MESSAGE(33005, _("checkpointing environment")) /* ** sge_follow.c */ #define MSG_JOB_IGNORE_DELETED_TASK_UU _MESSAGE(33013, _("ignoring obtained start order for deleted task: "sge_U32CFormat"."sge_U32CFormat)) #define MSG_JOB_NOJOBID _MESSAGE(33014, _("can't get job id")) #define MSG_JOB_NOORDERTASK_US _MESSAGE(33015, _("invalid task number 0 for job "sge_U32CFormat" in "SFQ" order")) #define MSG_JOB_FINDJOB_U _MESSAGE(33016, _("unable to find job "sge_U32CFormat" from the scheduler order package")) #define MSG_JOB_FINDJOBTASK_UU _MESSAGE(33017, _("unable to find task "sge_U32CFormat" of job "sge_U32CFormat)) #define MSG_ORD_OLDVERSION_UUU _MESSAGE(33018, _("scheduler sent a order for a modified job "sge_U32CFormat"."sge_U32CFormat" (Version: "sge_U32CFormat)) #define MSG_ORD_TWICE_UU _MESSAGE(33019, _("scheduler tries to schedule job "sge_U32CFormat"."sge_U32CFormat" twice")) #define MSG_OBJ_UNABLE2FINDPE_S _MESSAGE(33021, _("unable to find pe "SFQ)) #define MSG_OBJ_NOQNAME _MESSAGE(33022, _("can't get q_name")) #define MSG_ORD_QVERSION_SUU _MESSAGE(33023, _("scheduler sent an order for a changed queue "SFQ" (version: old "sge_U32CFormat" new "sge_U32CFormat)) #define MSG_ORD_USRPRJVERSION_SUU _MESSAGE(33024, _("scheduler sent an order for a changed user/project "SFQ" (version: old "sge_U32CFormat") new "sge_U32CFormat)) #define MSG_JOB_JOBACCESSQ_US _MESSAGE(33025, _("job "sge_U32CFormat" has no access to queue "SFQ)) #define MSG_JOB_FREESLOTS_USUU _MESSAGE(33026, _("not enough ("sge_U32CFormat") free slots in queue "SFQ" for job "sge_U32CFormat"."sge_U32CFormat)) #define MSG_JOB_QMARKEDERROR_S _MESSAGE(33027, _("queue "SFQ" is marked QERROR") ) #define MSG_JOB_QSUSPCAL_S _MESSAGE(33028, _("while scheduling queue "SFQ" was suspended on calendar")) #define MSG_JOB_QDISABLECAL_S _MESSAGE(33029, _("while scheduling queue "SFQ" was disabled on calendar")) #define MSG_JOB_UNABLE2FINDHOST_S _MESSAGE(33030, _("unable to locate host in exechost list "SFQ)) #define MSG_JOB_UNABLE2STARTJOB_US _MESSAGE(33031, _("unable to start job "sge_U32CFormat" before cleanup on host "SFN" has finished")) #define MSG_JOB_HOSTNAMERESOLVE_US _MESSAGE(33032, _("failed starting job "sge_U32CFormat" - probably hostname resolving problem with "SFQ) ) #define MSG_JOB_JOBDELIVER_UU _MESSAGE(33033, _("failed delivering job "sge_U32CFormat"."sge_U32CFormat)) #define MSG_JOB_UNABLE2FINDJOBORD_U _MESSAGE(33034, _("unable to find job \""sge_U32CFormat"\" from the ticket order") ) #define MSG_JOB_CHANGETICKETS_UUU _MESSAGE(33035, _("scheduler tries to change tickets of a non running job "sge_U32CFormat" task "sge_U32CFormat"(state "sge_U32CFormat")")) #define MSG_JOB_CHANGEPTICKETS_UU _MESSAGE(33036, _("scheduler tries to change pending tickets of a non pending job "sge_U32CFormat" task "sge_U32CFormat)) #define MSG_JOB_REMOVENOTFINISHED_U _MESSAGE(33037, _("scheduler tried to remove job "sge_U32CFormat" which is not in state JFINISHED")) #define MSG_JOB_REMOVENONINTERACT_U _MESSAGE(33038, _("scheduler tried to remove non interactive job "sge_U32CFormat" by use of a ORT_remove_immediate_job order")) #define MSG_JOB_REMOVENONIMMEDIATE_U _MESSAGE(33039, _("scheduler tried to remove non immediate job "sge_U32CFormat" by use of a ORT_remove_immediate_job order")) #define MSG_JOB_REMOVENOTIDLEIA_U _MESSAGE(33040, _("scheduler tried to remove interactive job "sge_U32CFormat" but it is not in JIDLE state")) #define MSG_JOB_NOFREERESOURCEIA_UU _MESSAGE(33041, _("no free resource for interactive job "sge_U32CFormat"."sge_U32CFormat" for user "SFQ)) #define MSG_MAIL_CREDITLOWSUBJ_SUS SFN": Credit low for job " sge_U32CFormat " ("SFN")" #define MSG_JOB_ORDERDELINCOMPLETEJOB_UU _MESSAGE(33042, _("scheduler tried to remove a incomplete job "sge_U32CFormat"."sge_U32CFormat)) #define MSG_JOB_SUSPOTNOTRUN_UU _MESSAGE(33043, _("got ORT_suspend_on_threshold order for non running task "sge_U32CFormat"."sge_U32CFormat)) #define MSG_JOB_UNSUSPOTNOTRUN_UU _MESSAGE(33044, _("got ORT_unsuspend_on_threshold order for non running task "sge_U32CFormat"."sge_U32CFormat)) #define MSG_JOB_UNSUSPOT_UUS _MESSAGE(33045, _("unsuspending job "sge_U32CFormat"."sge_U32CFormat" according to suspend threshold of queue "SFQ)) #define MSG_JOB_UNABLE2FINDMQ_SU _MESSAGE(33046, _("unable to find master queue "SFN" of job "sge_U32CFormat)) #define MSG_JOB_SUSPTQ_UUS _MESSAGE(33047, _("suspending job "sge_U32CFormat"."sge_U32CFormat" according to suspend threshold of queue "SFQ)) #define MSG_JOB_MISSINGJOBTASK_UU _MESSAGE(33048, _("missing job "sge_U32CFormat"."sge_U32CFormat" appeared in ticket orders list")) #define MSG_ORD_UNABLE2FINDHOST_S _MESSAGE(33049, _("unable to lookup host for queue "SFN" in parallel job ticket order")) /* ** parse_onoff.c */ #define MSG_TOKEN_UNRECOGNIZEDSTRING_S _MESSAGE(33050, _("unrecognized string "SFQ)) #define MSG_ANSWER_ERRORINDISABLYEAROFCALENDARXY_SS _MESSAGE(33051, _("error in disabled_year of calendar "SFQ": "SFN)) #define MSG_ANSWER_GOTEQUALWITHOUTDAYTIMERANGEORSTATE _MESSAGE(33052, _("got \"=\" without daytime_range/state")) #define MSG_ANSWER_FIRSTYESTERDAYINRANGEMUSTBEBEFORESECONDYESTERDAY _MESSAGE(33053, _("first yearday in range must be before second yearday")) #define MSG_PARSE_MISSINGPOINTAFTERDAY _MESSAGE(33054, _("missing \".\" after day")) #define MSG_PARSE_MISSINGPOINTAFTERMONTH _MESSAGE(33055, _("missing \".\" after month")) #define MSG_PARSE_WOUTSIDEOFRANGEXYZ_SIIS _MESSAGE(33056, _(SFQ" outside of range %d-%d of "SFN)) #define MSG_PARSE_XISNOTAY_SS _MESSAGE(33057, _(SFQ" is not a "SFN)) #define MSG_PARSE_MISSINGDASHINDAYTIMERANGE _MESSAGE(33058, _("missing '-' in daytime range")) #define MSG_PARSE_RANGEBEGISEQUALTOEND _MESSAGE(33059, _("range begin is equal to end - use 0-24 instead")) #define MSG_PARSE_DAYTIMESBEYOND24HNOTALLOWED _MESSAGE(33060, _("daytimes may not be beyond 24:00")) #define MSG_PARSE_HOURSPEC _MESSAGE(33061, _("hour specification")) #define MSG_PARSE_MINUTESPEC _MESSAGE(33062, _("minute specification")) #define MSG_PARSE_SECONDSSPEC _MESSAGE(33063, _("seconds specification")) #define MSG_PARSE_XISNOTASTATESPECIFIER_S _MESSAGE(33064, _(SFQ" is not a state specifier")) #define MSG_PARSE_UNRECOGNIZEDTOKENATEND _MESSAGE(33065, _("unrecognized token at end")) #define MSG_PARSE_ERRORINDISABLEDWEEKOFCALENDAR_SS _MESSAGE(33066, _("error in disabled_week of calendar "SFQ": "SFN"")) #define MSG_PARSE_FOUNDUSELESSWEEKDAYRANGE _MESSAGE(33067, _("found useless weekday range")) #define MSG_PARSE_EXPECTEDSTRINGFORWEEKDAY _MESSAGE(33068, _("expected string for weekday")) #define MSG_PARSE_XISNOTAWEEKDAY_S _MESSAGE(33069, _(SFQ" is not a weekday")) #define MSG_PARSE_OVERFLOWERRORWHILEPARSING _MESSAGE(33070, _("overflow error while parsing")) /* ** global qmaster messages */ /* ** gdi_utility_qmaster.c */ #define MSG_GDI_SIG_DIGIT_SS _MESSAGE(33071, _("denied: attribute "SFQ" contains invalid value "SFQ)) #define MSG_GDI_APATH_S _MESSAGE(33073, _("denied: path given for "SFQ" must start with an \"/\"")) #define MSG_GDI_VARS_SS _MESSAGE(33074, _("parameter "SFQ": "SFN)) #define MSG_GDI_VALUE_S _MESSAGE(33075, _("denied: attribute "SFQ" contains invalid value (null)")) #define MSG_GDI_TYPE_MEM_SS _MESSAGE(33076, _("value for attribute "SFN" "SFQ" is not a memory value")) #define MSG_GDI_TYPE_TIME_SS _MESSAGE(33077, _("value for attribute "SFN" "SFQ" is not a time value")) #define MSG_GDI_KEYSTR_NULL_S _MESSAGE(33078, _("NULL pointer passed as object name for "SFQ)) #define MSG_GDI_MULTIPLE_OCCUR_SSSS _MESSAGE(33079, _("denied: multiple occurances of "SFN" "SFQ" in "SFN" "SFQ)) #define MSG_GDI_KEYSTR_FIRSTCHAR_SC _MESSAGE(33081, _(SFN" (\'%c\') not allowed as first character of objectname") ) #define MSG_GDI_KEYSTR_FIRSTCHAR_S _MESSAGE(33082, _(SFN" not allowed as first character of objectname") ) #define MSG_GDI_KEYSTR_MIDCHAR_SC _MESSAGE(33083, _(SFN" (\'%c\') not allowed in objectname") ) #define MSG_GDI_KEYSTR_MIDCHAR_S _MESSAGE(33084, _(SFN" not allowed in objectname") ) #define MSG_GDI_KEYSTR_KEYWORD_SS _MESSAGE(33085, _(SFN" ("SFQ") not allowed as objectname") ) #define MSG_GDI_KEYSTR_KEYWORD _MESSAGE(33086, _("Keyword")) #define MSG_GDI_KEYSTR_DOT _MESSAGE(33087, _("Dot")) #define MSG_GDI_KEYSTR_HASH _MESSAGE(33088, _("Hash")) #define MSG_GDI_KEYSTR_RETURN _MESSAGE(33089, _("Return")) #define MSG_GDI_KEYSTR_TABULATOR _MESSAGE(33090, _("Tabulator")) #define MSG_GDI_KEYSTR_CARRIAGERET _MESSAGE(33091, _("Carriage return")) #define MSG_GDI_KEYSTR_SPACE _MESSAGE(33092, _("Space")) #define MSG_GDI_KEYSTR_SLASH _MESSAGE(33093, _("Slash")) #define MSG_GDI_KEYSTR_COLON _MESSAGE(33094, _("Colon")) #define MSG_GDI_KEYSTR_QUOTE _MESSAGE(33095, _("Quote")) #define MSG_GDI_KEYSTR_DBLQUOTE _MESSAGE(33096, _("Double quote")) #define MSG_GDI_KEYSTR_BACKSLASH _MESSAGE(33097, _("Backslash")) #define MSG_GDI_KEYSTR_BRACKETS _MESSAGE(33098, _("Brackets")) #define MSG_GDI_KEYSTR_BRACES _MESSAGE(33099, _("Braces")) #define MSG_GDI_KEYSTR_PARENTHESIS _MESSAGE(33100, _("Parenthesis")) #define MSG_GDI_KEYSTR_AT _MESSAGE(33101, _("At")) #define MSG_GDI_KEYSTR_PIPE _MESSAGE(33102, _("Pipe")) #define MSG_GDI_KEYSTR_PERCENT _MESSAGE(33103, _("Percent")) #define MSG_GDI_KEYSTR_ASTERISK _MESSAGE(33104, _("Asterisk")) /* ** ck_to_do_qmaster.c */ /* ** sge_c_ack.c */ #define MSG_COM_ACK_S _MESSAGE(33105, _("ack event from "SFN) ) #define MSG_COM_ACKEVENTFORUNKOWNJOB_U _MESSAGE(33106, _("ack event for unknown job "sge_U32CFormat)) #define MSG_COM_ACKEVENTFORUNKNOWNTASKOFJOB_UU _MESSAGE(33107, _("ack event for unknown task " sge_U32CFormat " of job " sge_U32CFormat)) #define MSG_COM_UNKNOWN_TAG _MESSAGE(33108, _("received unknown ack tag "sge_U32CFormat)) #define MSG_COM_ACK_U _MESSAGE(33109, _("signalling acknowledged for unknown job " sge_U32CFormat)) /* #define MSG_COM_ACK_UU _message(33110, _("signalling acknowledged for unknown task " sge_U32CFormat " of job " sge_U32CFormat)) __TS Removed automatically from testsuite!! TS__*/ #define MSG_COM_ACK_QUEUE_S _MESSAGE(33112, _("ack event for unknown queue "SFQ)) #define MSG_COM_ACK_UNKNOWN _MESSAGE(33113, _("unknown ack event")) /* ** sge_c_gdi.c */ #define MSG_GDI_WRONG_GDI_SSISS _MESSAGE(33115, _("denied: client ("SFN"/"SFN"/%d) uses old GDI version "SFN" while qmaster uses newer version "SFN)) #define MSG_GDI_WRONG_GDI_SSIUS _MESSAGE(33116, _("denied: client ("SFN"/"SFN"/%d) uses newer GDI version "sge_U32CFormat" while qmaster uses older version "SFN)) #define MSG_GDI_NULL_IN_GDI_SSS _MESSAGE(33117, _("denied: got NULL in "SFN"/"SFN" of gdi request from host "SFQ)) #define MSG_GDI_OKNL _MESSAGE(33118, _("ok")) #define MSG_MEM_MALLOC _MESSAGE(33121, _("malloc failure")) #define MSG_SGETEXT_UNKNOWNOP _MESSAGE(33122, _("unknown operation")) #define MSG_SGETEXT_OPNOIMPFORTARGET _MESSAGE(33125, _("operation not implemented for target")) #define MSG_SGETEXT_NOADMINHOST_S _MESSAGE(33126, _("denied: host "SFQ" is no admin host")) #define MSG_SGETEXT_NOSUBMITHOST_S _MESSAGE(33127, _("denied: host "SFQ" is no submit host")) #define MSG_SGETEXT_NOSUBMITORADMINHOST_S _MESSAGE(33128, _("denied: host "SFQ" is neither submit nor admin host")) #define MSG_SGETEXT_ALREADYEXISTS_SS _MESSAGE(33129, _(""SFN" "SFQ" already exists")) #define MSG_SGETEXT_JOBINFOMESSAGESOUTDATED _MESSAGE(33130, _("Can not get job info messages, scheduler is not available")) #define MSG_GDI_EVENTCLIENTIDFORMAT_S _MESSAGE(33131, _("invalid event client id format " SFQ)) /* ** sge_calendar_qmaster.c */ #define MSG_OBJ_CALENDAR _MESSAGE(33132, _("calendar")) #define MSG_EVE_TE4CAL_S _MESSAGE(33133, _("got timer event for unknown calendar "SFQ)) #define MSG_EVE_TE4AR_U _MESSAGE(33134, _("got timer event for unknown AR "sge_U32CFormat)) #define MSG_SGETEXT_REMOVEDFROMLIST_SSSS _MESSAGE(33135, _(""SFN"@"SFN" removed "SFQ" from "SFN" list")) #define MSG_INVALID_CENTRY_DEL_S _MESSAGE(33136, _("The built-in complex "SFQ" cannot be deleted")) /* ** sge_give_jobs.c */ #define MSG_COM_CANT_DELIVER_UNHEARD_SSU _MESSAGE(33137, _("got max. unheard timeout for target "SFQ" on host "SFQ", can't deliver job \""sge_U32CFormat"\"")) #define MSG_OBJ_UNABLE2FINDCKPT_S _MESSAGE(33138, _("can't find checkpointing object "SFQ)) #define MSG_OBJ_UNABLE2CREATECKPT_SU _MESSAGE(33139, _("can't create checkpointing object "SFQ" for job " sge_U32CFormat)) /* EB: remove #define MSG_SEC_NOCRED_USSI _MESSAGE(33140, _("could not get credentials for job " sge_U32CFormat " for execution host "SFN" - command "SFQ" failed with return code %d")) #define MSG_SEC_NOCREDNOBIN_US _MESSAGE(33141, _("could not get client credentials for job " sge_U32CFormat" - "SFN" binary does not exist")) */ #define MSG_COM_SENDJOBTOHOST_US _MESSAGE(33142, _("can't send job \"" sge_U32CFormat"\" to host "SFQ)) #define MSG_COM_RESENDUNKNOWNJOB_UU _MESSAGE(33143, _("cannot resend unknown job "sge_U32CFormat"."sge_U32CFormat)) #define MSG_JOB_UNKNOWNGDIL4TJ_UU _MESSAGE(33144, _("transfering job "sge_U32CFormat"."sge_U32CFormat" has an invalid gdi list --- deleting")) #define MSG_JOB_NOQUEUE4TJ_SUU _MESSAGE(33145, _("queue "SFQ" in transiting job "sge_U32CFormat"."sge_U32CFormat" doesn't exist. deleting task")) #define MSG_JOB_NOHOST4TJ_SUU _MESSAGE(33146, _("execution host "SFQ" for transfering job "sge_U32CFormat"."sge_U32CFormat" doesn't exist. deleting task")) #define MSG_JOB_NOPE4TJ_SUU _MESSAGE(33147, _("parallel environment "SFQ" for transfering job "sge_U32CFormat"." sge_U32CFormat" doesn't exist. deleting job")) #define MSG_JOB_DELIVER2Q_UUS _MESSAGE(33148, _("failed to deliver job "sge_U32CFormat"."sge_U32CFormat" to queue "SFQ)) #define MSG_JOB_RESCHEDULE_UU _MESSAGE(33159, _("rescheduling job "sge_U32CFormat"."sge_U32CFormat) ) #define MSG_RU_CANCELED_S _MESSAGE(33160, _("Due to a modification of the reschedule_unknown timeout rescheduling for host "SFN" was canceled.")) /* CR: don't localize mail subject, until we send it in Mime format! * The message definition is not l10n'ed (no _() macro used)!!! */ #define MSG_RU_MAILSUB_SS "Pushed rescheduling of "SFN" "SFN #define MSG_RU_REAPING_NOT_RESTARTABLE_SS _MESSAGE(33162, _("Reaping not restartable "SFN" "SFN)) #define MSG_RU_MAILBODY_SSSS _MESSAGE(33163, _("Your "SFN" "SFN" is was running on host "SFN". "SFN" manually/automatic rescheduling for this "SFN".")) #define MSG_RU_MAILTYPE _MESSAGE(33164, _("job rescheduling")) #define MSG_RU_PUSHEDR _MESSAGE(33165, _("Pushed")) #define MSG_RU_FORCEDR _MESSAGE(33166, _("Forced")) #define MSG_RU_MSGFILEINFO _MESSAGE(33167, _(SFN" rescheduling of "SFN" "SFN" on host "SFN)) #define MSG_RU_TYPEJOBARRAY _MESSAGE(33168, _("job-array task")) #define MSG_RU_TYPEJOB _MESSAGE(33169, _("job")) #define MSG_RU_JR_ERRSTR _MESSAGE(33170, _("manual/auto rescheduling") ) #define MSG_RU_NOT_RESTARTABLE_SS _MESSAGE(33171, _("The "SFN" "SFN" is not restartable")) #define MSG_RU_INTERACTIVEJOB_SSS _MESSAGE(33172, _(SFN" is a qsh, qlogin, qrsh or a qrlogin "SFN". These types of "SFN" are not restartable")) #define MSG_RU_CKPTNOTVALID_SSS _MESSAGE(33173, _(SFN" requests ckpt object "SFN". Therefore this "SFN" is not restartable.")) #define MSG_RU_CKPTEXIST_SS _MESSAGE(33174, _(SFN" requests ckpt object "SFN". This ckpt object does not exist.")) #define MSG_RU_INDELETEDSTATE_SS _MESSAGE(33175, _("The "SFN" "SFN" is already in deleted state. No rescheduling!")) #define MSG_RU_NORERUNQUEUE_SSS _MESSAGE(33176, _("The "SFN" "SFN" is running in queue "SFN" where jobs are not rerunable.")) /* ** sge_host_qmaster.c */ #define MSG_OBJ_DELGLOBALHOST _MESSAGE(33177, _("denied: pseudo host \"global\" may not be deleted")) #define MSG_OBJ_LOADREPORTIVAL_SS _MESSAGE(33178, _("host "SFQ": "SFQ" is not a valid time value for \"load_report_time\" - assuming 120 seconds") ) #define MSG_OBJ_RESCHEDULEUNKN_SS _MESSAGE(33179, _("host "SFQ": "SFQ" is not a valid time value for \"reschedule_unknown\" - assuming 0 => no auto rescheduling")) #define MSG_OBJ_SHUTDOWNPERMS _MESSAGE(33180, _("shutting down execd requires manager privileges")) #define MSG_OBJ_NOEXECDONHOST_S _MESSAGE(33181, _("no execd known on host "SFN)) #define MSG_COM_NONOTIFICATION_SSS _MESSAGE(33182, _("failed sending "SFN" notification to "SFN" execd host "SFN)) #define MSG_COM_NOTIFICATION_SSS _MESSAGE(33184, _("sent "SFN" notification to "SFN" execd host "SFN)) #define MSG_MAIL_AROKBODY_USSS _MESSAGE(33185, _("Advance Reservation "sge_U32CFormat" ("SFN") Error resolved\n User = "SFN"\n Error resolved Time = "SFN)) #define MSG_OBJ_UNKNOWN _MESSAGE(33186, _("unknown")) #define MSG_NOTIFY_SHUTDOWNANDKILL _MESSAGE(33187, _("shutdown and kill")) #define MSG_NOTIFY_SHUTDOWN _MESSAGE(33188, _("shutdown")) /* CR: don't localize mail subject, until we send it in Mime format! * The message definition is not l10n'ed (no _() macro used)!!! */ #define MSG_MAIL_JOBKILLEDSUBJ_US "Job " sge_U32CFormat " ("SFN") Killed" #define MSG_MAIL_ARSTARTEDSUBJ_US "Advance Reservation " sge_U32CFormat " ("SFN") Started" #define MSG_MAIL_AREXITEDSUBJ_US "Advance Reservation " sge_U32CFormat " ("SFN") Finished" #define MSG_MAIL_ARDELETEDSUBJ_US "Advance Reservation " sge_U32CFormat " ("SFN") Deleted" #define MSG_MAIL_ARERRORSUBJ_US "Advance Reservation " sge_U32CFormat " ("SFN") Error" #define MSG_MAIL_AROKSUBJ_US "Advance Reservation " sge_U32CFormat " ("SFN") Error resolved" #define MSG_MAIL_JOBKILLEDBODY_USS _MESSAGE(33189, _("Job " sge_U32CFormat " ("SFN") was killed due to a kill execd on host "SFN)) #define MSG_OBJ_INVALIDHOST_S _MESSAGE(33190, _("invalid hostname "SFQ)) #define MSG_OBJ_NOADDHOST_S _MESSAGE(33191, _("adding host "SFQ" failed")) #define MSG_LOG_REGISTER_SS _MESSAGE(33192, _(SFN" on "SFN" registered")) #define MSG_OBJ_NOSCALING4HOST_SS _MESSAGE(33193, _("denied: scaling attribute "SFQ" is not configured for host "SFQ)) #define MSG_SGETEXT_ISNOEXECHOST_S _MESSAGE(33194, _(SFQ" is not an execution host")) #define MSG_SGETEXT_NOEXECHOSTS _MESSAGE(33195, _("there are no execution hosts to kill")) #define MSG_SGETEXT_CANTDELADMINQMASTER_S _MESSAGE(33196, _("denied: can't delete master host "SFQ" from admin host list") ) #define MSG_MAIL_ARSTARTBODY_USSS _MESSAGE(33197, _("Advance Reservation "sge_U32CFormat" ("SFN") Started\n User = "SFN"\n Start Time = "SFN)) #define MSG_MAIL_AREXITBODY_USSS _MESSAGE(33198, _("Advance Reservation "sge_U32CFormat" ("SFN") Finished\n User = "SFN"\n End Time = "SFN)) #define MSG_MAIL_ARDELETETBODY_USSS _MESSAGE(33199, _("Advance Reservation "sge_U32CFormat" ("SFN") Deleted\n User = "SFN"\n Delete Time = "SFN)) #define MSG_MAIL_ARERRORBODY_USSS _MESSAGE(33200, _("Advance Reservation "sge_U32CFormat" ("SFN") Error\n User = "SFN"\n Error Time = "SFN)) #define MSG_CANT_ASSOCIATE_LOAD_SS _MESSAGE(33201, _("got load report from host "SFQ" - reports load value for host "SFQ)) /* ** sge_job.c */ #define MSG_JOB_NORESUBPERMS_SSS _MESSAGE(33202, _("job rejected: "SFN"@"SFN" is not allowed to resubmit jobs of user "SFN)) #define MSG_JOB_NOPERMS_SS _MESSAGE(33203, _("job rejected: "SFN"@"SFN" is not allowed to submit jobs")) #define MSG_JOB_MORETASKSTHAN_U _MESSAGE(33204, _("job rejected: You try to submit a job with more than "sge_U32CFormat" tasks")) #define MSG_JOB_UID2LOW_II _MESSAGE(33205, _("job rejected: your user id %d is lower than minimum user id %d of cluster configuration")) #define MSG_JOB_GID2LOW_II _MESSAGE(33206, _("job rejected: your group id %d is lower than minimum group id %d of cluster configuration")) #define MSG_JOB_ALLOWEDJOBSPERUSER_UU _MESSAGE(33207, _("job rejected: Only "sge_U32CFormat" jobs are allowed per user (current job count: "sge_U32CFormat")")) #define MSG_JOB_ALLOWEDJOBSPERCLUSTER _MESSAGE(33208, _("job rejected: Only "sge_U32CFormat" jobs are allowed per cluster")) #define MSG_JOB_NOSCRIPT _MESSAGE(33211, _("job rejected: no script in your request")) #define MSG_JOB_PEUNKNOWN_S _MESSAGE(33212, _("job rejected: the requested parallel environment "SFQ" does not exist")) #define MSG_JOB_CKPTUNKNOWN_S _MESSAGE(33213, _("job rejected: the requested checkpointing environment "SFQ" does not exist")) #define MSG_JOB_CKPTMINUSC _MESSAGE(33215, _("job rejected: checkpointing with \"-c n\" requested")) #define MSG_JOB_NOCKPTREQ _MESSAGE(33216, _("job rejected: checkpointing without checkpointing environment requested")) #define MSG_JOB_CKPTDENIED _MESSAGE(33217, _("checkpointing denied") ) #define MSG_JOB_NOTINANYQ_S _MESSAGE(33218, _("warning: "SFN" your job is not allowed to run in any queue")) #define MSG_JOB_PRJUNKNOWN_S _MESSAGE(33219, _("job rejected: the requested project "SFQ" does not exist")) #define MSG_JOB_USRUNKNOWN_S _MESSAGE(33220, _("job rejected: the user "SFQ" does not exist")) /* #define MSG_JOB_CRED4PRJLOW_FSF _message(33221, _("credit %.2f of project '"SFN"' is below credit limit %.2f")) __TS Removed automatically from testsuite!! TS__*/ #define MSG_JOB_PRJNOSUBMITPERMS_S _MESSAGE(33222, _("job rejected: project "SFQ" is not allowed to submit jobs")) #define MSG_JOB_PRJREQUIRED _MESSAGE(33223, _("job rejected: no project was supplied and only certain projects are allowed to submit jobs")) #define MSG_JOB_NODEADLINEUSER_S _MESSAGE(33224, _("job rejected: the user "SFQ" is no deadline initiation user")) #define MSG_JOB_NONADMINPRIO _MESSAGE(33225, _("job rejected: positive submission priority requires operator privileges")) #define MSG_JOB_NOWRITE_US _MESSAGE(33227, _("job "sge_U32CFormat" was rejected cause it can't be written: "SFN)) #define MSG_JOB_NOWRITE_U _MESSAGE(33228, _("job "sge_U32CFormat" was rejected cause it couldn't be written")) #define MSG_JOB_DEPENDENCY_CYCLE_UU _MESSAGE(33229, _("job "sge_U32CFormat" dependency change would generate a dependency cycle with job "sge_U32CFormat)) #define MSG_JOB_SUBMITJOB_US _MESSAGE(33234, _("Your job "sge_U32CFormat" ("SFQ") has been submitted")) #define MSG_JOB_SUBMITJOBARRAY_UUUUS _MESSAGE(33235, _("Your job-array "sge_U32CFormat"."sge_U32CFormat"-"sge_U32CFormat":"sge_U32CFormat" ("SFQ") has been submitted")) #define MSG_LOG_NEWJOB _MESSAGE(33236, _("new job")) /* #define MSG_JOB_MODIFYALL _message(33237, _("modify all jobs")) __TS Removed automatically from testsuite!! TS__*/ #define MSG_JOB_JOB _MESSAGE(33239, _("Job")) #define MSG_JOB_FORCEDDELETEPERMS_S _MESSAGE(33240, _(SFQ" - forcing a job deletion requires manager privileges")) #define MSG_DELETEPERMS_SSU _MESSAGE(33241, _(SFN" - you do not have the necessary privileges to delete the "SFN" \"" sge_U32CFormat "\"")) #define MSG_JOB_DELETETASK_SUU _MESSAGE(33242, _(SFN" has deleted job-array task "sge_U32CFormat"."sge_U32CFormat)) #define MSG_JOB_DELETETASKS_SSU _MESSAGE(33243, _(SFN" has deleted job-array tasks "SFN" of job "sge_U32CFormat)) #define MSG_JOB_DELETEX_SSU _MESSAGE(33244, _(SFN" has deleted "SFN" "sge_U32CFormat)) #define MSG_JOB_DISCONTINUEDTRANS_SU _MESSAGE(33245, _("Discontinued delete transaction of user "SFQ" after job "sge_U32CFormat)) #define MSG_JOB_UNABLE2FINDQOFJOB_S _MESSAGE(33246, _("can't locate the queue "SFQ" associated with this job")) /* CR: don't localize mail subject, until we send it in Mime format! * The message definition is not l10n'ed (no _() macro used)!!! */ #define MSG_MAIL_TASKKILLEDSUBJ_UUS "Job-array task "sge_U32CFormat"."sge_U32CFormat" ("SFN") Killed" #define MSG_MAIL_TASKKILLEDBODY_UUSSS _MESSAGE(33247, _("Job-array task "sge_U32CFormat"."sge_U32CFormat" ("SFN") was killed by "SFN"@"SFN)) #define MSG_MAIL_JOBKILLEDBODY_USSS _MESSAGE(33248, _("Job " sge_U32CFormat " ("SFN") was killed by "SFN"@"SFN)) #define MSG_MAIL_BECAUSE _MESSAGE(33249, _("because ")) #define MSG_JOB_FORCEDDELTASK_SUU _MESSAGE(33250, _("warning: "SFN" forced the deletion of job-array task "sge_U32CFormat"."sge_U32CFormat)) #define MSG_JOB_FORCEDDELJOB_SU _MESSAGE(33251, _("warning: "SFN" forced the deletion of job "sge_U32CFormat)) #define MSG_COM_NOSYNCEXECD_SU _MESSAGE(33252, _(SFN" unable to sync state with remote execd for the deletion of job \"" sge_U32CFormat "\"")) #define MSG_JOB_REGDELTASK_SUU _MESSAGE(33253, _(SFN" has registered the job-array task "sge_U32CFormat"."sge_U32CFormat" for deletion")) #define MSG_JOB_REGDELX_SSU _MESSAGE(33254, _(SFN" has registered the "SFN" "sge_U32CFormat" for deletion")) #define MSG_JOB_CHANGEATTR _MESSAGE(33255, _("change job attributes")) #define MSG_JOB_NOALTERNOWRITE_U _MESSAGE(33256, _("alternation of job "sge_U32CFormat" was rejected cause it couldn't be written")) #define MSG_JOB_CHANGESHAREFUNC _MESSAGE(33257, _("change share of job functional tickets")) #define MSG_JOB_SETSHAREFUNC_SSUUU _MESSAGE(33258, _(SFN"@"SFN" sets job functional ticket share of job "sge_U32CFormat"."sge_U32CFormat" to "sge_U32CFormat)) #define MSG_JOB_RMHOLDMNG _MESSAGE(33259, _("remove manager hold")) #define MSG_JOB_SETHOLDMNG _MESSAGE(33260, _("set manager hold")) #define MSG_JOB_RMHOLDOP _MESSAGE(33261, _("remove operator hold")) #define MSG_JOB_SETHOLDOP _MESSAGE(33262, _("set operator hold")) #define MSG_JOB_RMHOLDUSER _MESSAGE(33263, _("remove user hold")) #define MSG_JOB_SETHOLDUSER _MESSAGE(33264, _("set user hold")) #define MSG_JOB_HOLD _MESSAGE(33265, _("hold")) #define MSG_JOB_NOJOBARRAY_U _MESSAGE(33266, _(sge_U32CFormat " is no job array")) #define MSG_JOB_CHANGEOVERRIDETICKS _MESSAGE(33267, _("change amount of override tickets")) #define MSG_JOB_SETOVERRIDETICKS_SSUU _MESSAGE(33268, _(SFN"@"SFN" sets override tickets of job "sge_U32CFormat" to "sge_U32CFormat)) #define MSG_JOB_PRIOINC _MESSAGE(33269, _("increase job priority")) #define MSG_JOB_JOBSHARESET_SSUU _MESSAGE(33270, _(SFN"@"SFN" sets job share of job "sge_U32CFormat" to "sge_U32CFormat)) #define MSG_JOB_ACCOUNT _MESSAGE(33271, _("account")) #define MSG_JOB_WD _MESSAGE(33272, _("working directory")) #define MSG_JOB_STARTTIME _MESSAGE(33273, _("start time")) #define MSG_JOB_STDERRPATHLIST _MESSAGE(33274, _("stderr path list")) #define MSG_JOB_STDOUTPATHLIST _MESSAGE(33275, _("stdout path list")) #define MSG_JOB_HOLDLISTMOD_USS _MESSAGE(33276, _("modified job id hold list of job "sge_U32CFormat"\n blocking jobs: "SFN"\n exited jobs: "SFN)) #define MSG_JOB_MERGEOUTPUT _MESSAGE(33277, _("output merge behaviour")) #define MSG_JOB_RESERVE _MESSAGE(33699, _("reservation behaviour")) #define MSG_JOB_HARDRESOURCELIST _MESSAGE(33278, _("hard resource list")) #define MSG_JOB_SOFTRESOURCELIST _MESSAGE(33279, _("soft resource list")) #define MSG_JOB_MAILOPTIONS _MESSAGE(33280, _("mail options")) #define MSG_JOB_MAILLIST _MESSAGE(33281, _("mail list")) #define MSG_JOB_JOBNAME _MESSAGE(33282, _("job name")) #define MSG_JOB_NOTIFYBEHAVIOUR _MESSAGE(33283, _("notify behaviour")) #define MSG_JOB_SLOTRANGE _MESSAGE(33284, _("slot range")) #define MSG_JOB_HOLDARRAYLISTMOD_USS _MESSAGE(33285, _("modified job id hold array list of job "sge_U32CFormat"\n blocking jobs: "SFN"\n exited jobs: "SFN)) #define MSG_JOB_HARDQLIST _MESSAGE(33286, _("hard queue list")) #define MSG_JOB_SOFTQLIST _MESSAGE(33287, _("soft queue list")) #define MSG_JOB_MASTERHARDQLIST _MESSAGE(33288, _("master hard queue list")) #define MSG_JOB_RESTARTBEHAVIOR _MESSAGE(33289, _("restart behaviour")) #define MSG_JOB_SHELLLIST _MESSAGE(33290, _("shell list")) #define MSG_JOB_ENVLIST _MESSAGE(33291, _("environment")) #define MSG_JOB_QSARGS _MESSAGE(33292, _("qs args")) #define MSG_JOB_SCRIPTARGS _MESSAGE(33293, _("script arguments")) #define MSG_JOB_CONTEXT _MESSAGE(33294, _("context")) #define MSG_JOB_TASK_CONCURRENCY _MESSAGE(33295, _("task concurrency")) #define MSG_NOSEQNRREAD_SSS _MESSAGE(33296, _("can't read "SFN" sequence number in file "SFQ": "SFN)) #define MSG_NOSEQFILEOPEN_SSS _MESSAGE(33297, _("can't open "SFN" sequence number file "SFQ": for reading: "SFN" -- guessing next number")) #define MSG_NOSEQFILECREATE_SSS _MESSAGE(33298, _("can't create "SFN" sequence number file "SFQ": "SFN" - delaying until next job")) #define MSG_JOB_NOSUITABLEQ_S _MESSAGE(33299, _(SFN": no suitable queues")) #define MSG_JOB_VERIFYERROR _MESSAGE(33300, _("error")) #define MSG_JOB_VERIFYWARN _MESSAGE(33301, _("warning")) #define MSG_JOB_VERIFYVERIFY _MESSAGE(33302, _("verification")) #define MSG_JOB_VERIFYFOUNDQ _MESSAGE(33303, _("verification: found suitable queue(s)")) #define MSG_JOB_VERIFYFOUNDSLOTS_I _MESSAGE(33304, _("verification: found possible assignment with %d slots")) #define MSG_JOB_VERIFYRUNNING _MESSAGE(33305, _("verification: job is already running")) #define MSG_NOSEQFILECLOSE_SSS _MESSAGE(33306, _("can't close "SFN" sequence number file "SFQ": for reading: "SFN)) #define MSG_JOB_MOD_SOFTREQCONSUMABLE_S _MESSAGE(33307, _("denied: soft requests on consumables like "SFQ" are not supported")) #define MSG_JOB_MOD_MISSINGRUNNINGJOBCONSUMABLE_S _MESSAGE(33308, _("denied: former resource request on consumable "SFQ" of running job lacks in new resource request")) #define MSG_JOB_MOD_ADDEDRUNNINGJOBCONSUMABLE_S _MESSAGE(33309, _("denied: resource request on consumable "SFQ" of running job was not contained former resource request")) #define MSG_JOB_MOD_CHANGEDRUNNINGJOBCONSUMABLE_S _MESSAGE(33310, _("denied: can't change consumable resource request "SFQ" of running job")) #define MSG_JOB_MOD_GOTOWNJOBIDINHOLDJIDOPTION_U _MESSAGE(33311, _("denied: job \""sge_U32CFormat"\" may not be it's own jobnet predecessor")) #define MSG_JOB_MOD_UNKOWNJOBTOWAITFOR_S _MESSAGE(33312, _("denied: job "SFQ" not found")) #define MSG_JOB_MOD_CANONLYSPECIFYHOLDJIDADWITHADOPT _MESSAGE(33315, _("Can only specify \"-hold_jid_ad\" option with an array job (using \"-t\" option)")) #define MSG_JOB_MOD_ARRAYJOBMUSTHAVESAMERANGEWITHADOPT _MESSAGE(33316, _("This array job must have the same range of sub-tasks as the dependent array job specified with -hold_jid_ad")) #define MSG_SGETEXT_NEEDONEELEMENT_SS _MESSAGE(33317, _("denied: request format error: need at least one element in sublist "SFQ" in "SFN"()")) #define MSG_SGETEXT_CANT_MOD_RUNNING_JOBS_U _MESSAGE(33318, _("job "sge_U32CFormat" can't modify running jobs") ) #define MSG_SGETEXT_MUST_BE_OPR_TO_SS _MESSAGE(33319, _("denied: "SFQ" must be operator to "SFN)) #define MSG_SGETEXT_MOD_JOBS_SU _MESSAGE(33320, _("modified "SFN" of job "sge_U32CFormat) ) #define MSG_SGETEXT_DOESNOTEXIST_SU _MESSAGE(33321, _(""SFN" \"" sge_U32CFormat "\" does not exist")) #define MSG_SGETEXT_DOESNOTEXISTTASK_SUS _MESSAGE(33322, _("job \""SFN"\" task \"" sge_U32CFormat "\" does not exist for user(s) "SFN)) #define MSG_SGETEXT_DOESNOTEXISTTASKRANGE_SUUUS _MESSAGE(33323, _("job \""SFN"\" task id range \"" sge_U32CFormat "-" sge_U32CFormat ":" sge_U32CFormat "\" comprises no tasks under user(s) "SFN)) #define MSG_SGETEXT_NO_PROJECT _MESSAGE(33324, _("job rejected: no project assigned to job") ) #define MSG_SGETEXT_MOD_JATASK_SUU _MESSAGE(33325, _("modified "SFN" of job-array task "sge_U32CFormat"."sge_U32CFormat) ) #define MSG_SGETEXT_MUST_BE_MGR_TO_SS _MESSAGE(33326, _("denied: "SFQ" must be manager to "SFN)) #define MSG_SGETEXT_MUST_BE_JOB_OWN_TO_SUS _MESSAGE(33327, _("denied: "SFQ" must be at least owner of job "sge_U32CFormat" to "SFN)) #define MSG_SGETEXT_NOJOBSDELETED _MESSAGE(33328, _("No jobs deleted")) #define MSG_SGETEXT_NOJOBSMODIFIED _MESSAGE(33329, _("No jobs modified")) #define MSG_SGETEXT_THEREARENOJOBS _MESSAGE(33330, _("There are no jobs registered")) #define MSG_SGETEXT_THEREARENOXFORUSERS_SS _MESSAGE(33331, _("There is no "SFN" registered for the following users: "SFN)) #define MSG_SGETEXT_SPECIFYUSERORID_S _MESSAGE(33332, _("You have to specify a username or "SFN" ids")) #define MSG_SGETEXT_NO_ACCESS2PRJ4USER_SS _MESSAGE(33334, _("job rejected: no access to project "SFQ" for user "SFQ) ) #define MSG_SGETEXT_NOTALLOWEDTOSPECUSERANDJID _MESSAGE(33335, _("it is not allowed to select users and job ids together")) #define MSG_SGETEXT_MODIFIEDINLIST_SSUS _MESSAGE(33336, _(""SFN"@"SFN" modified \"" sge_U32CFormat "\" in "SFN" list")) #define MSG_JOB_MOD_JOBDEPENDENCY_MEMORY _MESSAGE(33337, _("could not create job dependency list")) #define MSG_SGETEXT_SPECIFYONEORALLUSER _MESSAGE(33338, _("The switch for \"all users\" and a specified \"user list\" are not allowed together")) #define MSG_SGETEXT_OPTIONONLEONJOBS_U _MESSAGE(33339, _("The specified option works only on jobs ("sge_U32CFormat")")) #define MSG_SGETEXT_DEL_JOB_SS _MESSAGE(33340, _("The job "SFN" of user(s) "SFN" does not exist")) #define MSG_SGETEXT_DOESNOTEXISTTASK_SU _MESSAGE(33341, _("job \""SFN"\" task \"" sge_U32CFormat "\" does not exist")) #define MSG_SGETEXT_DOESNOTEXISTTASKRANGE_SUUU _MESSAGE(33342, _("job \""SFN"\" task id range \"" sge_U32CFormat "-" sge_U32CFormat ":" sge_U32CFormat "\" comprises no tasks")) #define MSG_JSV_THRESHOLD_UU _MESSAGE(33343, _("JSV for job "sge_U32CFormat" took "sge_U32CFormat" ms")) /* ** sge_manop.c */ #define MSG_OBJ_MANAGER _MESSAGE(33359, _("manager")) #define MSG_OBJ_OPERATOR _MESSAGE(33360, _("operator")) #define MSG_SGETEXT_MAY_NOT_REMOVE_USER_FROM_LIST_SS _MESSAGE(33361, _("may not remove user "SFQ" from "SFN" list")) /* ** sge_pe_qmaster.c */ /* #define MSG_PE_SLOTSTOOLOW_I _message(33362, _("new number of slots may not be less than %d that are in use")) __TS Removed automatically from testsuite!! TS__*/ /* #define MSG_PE_DEBITSLOTS_IS _message(33366, _("debiting %d slots on pe "SFN)) __TS Removed automatically from testsuite!! TS__*/ /* #define MSG_PE_USEDSLOTSBELOWZERO_S _message(33367, _("PE_used_slots of pe "SFN" sunk under 0!")) __TS Removed automatically from testsuite!! TS__*/ /* #define MSG_PE_REVERSESLOTS_IS _message(33368, _("reversing %d slots on pe "SFN)) __TS Removed automatically from testsuite!! TS__*/ #define MSG_PE_USEDSLOTSTOOBIG_S _MESSAGE(33369, _("PE_used_slots of pe "SFN" is greater than PE_slots!") ) /* ** sge_ckpt_qmaster.c */ #define MSG_CKPT_INVALIDWHENATTRIBUTE_S _MESSAGE(33372, _("Invalid \"when\" attribute for ckpt "SFQ)) /* ** sge_qmod_qmaster.c */ #define MSG_LOG_JOBUNKNOWNQMODCMD_U _MESSAGE(33373, _("unknown job command type "sge_U32CFormat)) #define MSG_QUEUE_INVALIDQ_S _MESSAGE(33374, _("invalid queue "SFQ)) #define MSG_QUEUE_INVALIDQORJOB_S _MESSAGE(33375, _("invalid queue or job "SFQ)) #define MSG_QUEUE_NOCHANGEQPERMS_SS _MESSAGE(33376, _(SFN" - you have no permission to modify queue "SFQ)) #define MSG_LOG_QUNKNOWNQMODCMD_U _MESSAGE(33377, _("unknown queue command type "sge_U32CFormat)) #define MSG_JOB_NOMODJOBPERMS_SU _MESSAGE(33378, _(SFN" - you have no permission to modify job \"" sge_U32CFormat "\"")) #define MSG_JOB_CLEARERRORTASK_SSUU _MESSAGE(33379, _(SFN"@"SFN" cleared error state of job-array task "sge_U32CFormat"."sge_U32CFormat)) #define MSG_JOB_CLEARERRORJOB_SSU _MESSAGE(33380, _(SFN"@"SFN" cleared error state of job "sge_U32CFormat)) #define MSG_JOB_NOERRORSTATETASK_UU _MESSAGE(33381, _("Job-array task "sge_U32CFormat"."sge_U32CFormat" is not in error state")) #define MSG_JOB_NOERRORSTATEJOB_UU _MESSAGE(33382, _("Job "sge_U32CFormat" is not in error state")) #define MSG_QUEUE_NORESCHEDULEQPERMS_SS _MESSAGE(33391, _(SFN" - you have no permission to reschedule jobs of queue instance "SFQ)) #define MSG_QUEUE_NOCLEANQPERMS _MESSAGE(33407, _("cleaning a queue requires manager privileges")) #define MSG_QUEUE_PURGEQ_SSS _MESSAGE(33408, _(SFN"@"SFN" purged queue "SFQ)) #define MSG_JOB_NOFORCESUSPENDTASK_SUU _MESSAGE(33409, _(SFN" - can't force suspension job-array task "sge_U32CFormat"."sge_U32CFormat)) #define MSG_JOB_NOFORCESUSPENDJOB_SU _MESSAGE(33410, _(SFN" - can't force suspension job "sge_U32CFormat)) #define MSG_JOB_FORCESUSPENDTASK_SUU _MESSAGE(33411, _(SFN" - forced suspension of job-array task "sge_U32CFormat"."sge_U32CFormat)) #define MSG_JOB_FORCESUSPENDJOB_SU _MESSAGE(33412, _(SFN" - forced suspension of job "sge_U32CFormat)) #define MSG_JOB_ALREADYSUSPENDED_SUU _MESSAGE(33413, _(SFN" - job-array task "sge_U32CFormat"."sge_U32CFormat" is already suspended")) #define MSG_JOB_ALREADYSUSPENDED_SU _MESSAGE(33414, _(SFN" - job "sge_U32CFormat" is already suspended")) #define MSG_JOB_ALREADYUNSUSPENDED_SUU _MESSAGE(33415, _(SFN" - job-array task "sge_U32CFormat"."sge_U32CFormat" is already unsuspended")) #define MSG_JOB_ALREADYUNSUSPENDED_SU _MESSAGE(33416, _(SFN" - job "sge_U32CFormat" is already unsuspended")) #define MSG_JOB_NOSUSPENDTASK_SUU _MESSAGE(33417, _(SFN" - can't suspend job-array task "sge_U32CFormat"."sge_U32CFormat)) #define MSG_JOB_NOSUSPENDJOB_SU _MESSAGE(33418, _(SFN" - can't suspend job "sge_U32CFormat)) #define MSG_JOB_NOUNSUSPENDTASK_SUU _MESSAGE(33419, _(SFN" - can't unsuspend job-array task "sge_U32CFormat"."sge_U32CFormat)) #define MSG_JOB_NOUNSUSPENDJOB_SU _MESSAGE(33420, _(SFN" - can't unsuspend job "sge_U32CFormat)) #define MSG_JOB_SUSPENDTASK_SUU _MESSAGE(33421, _(SFN" - suspended job-array task "sge_U32CFormat"."sge_U32CFormat)) #define MSG_JOB_SUSPENDJOB_SU _MESSAGE(33422, _(SFN" - suspended job " sge_U32CFormat)) /* #define MSG_JOB_RESCHEDULEJOB_SU _message(33423, _(SFN" - reschedule job " sge_U32CFormat)) __TS Removed automatically from testsuite!! TS__*/ #define MSG_JOB_UNSUSPENDTASK_SUU _MESSAGE(33424, _(SFN" - unsuspended job-array task "sge_U32CFormat"."sge_U32CFormat)) #define MSG_JOB_UNSUSPENDJOB_SU _MESSAGE(33425, _(SFN" - unsuspended job " sge_U32CFormat)) #define MSG_JOB_RMADMSUSPENDTASK_SSUU _MESSAGE(33426, _(SFN"@"SFN" removed administrator suspension of job-array task "sge_U32CFormat"."sge_U32CFormat" (suspend threshold is still active)")) #define MSG_JOB_RMADMSUSPENDJOB_SSU _MESSAGE(33427, _(SFN"@"SFN" removed administrator suspension of job "sge_U32CFormat" (suspend threshold is still active)")) #define MSG_JOB_NOADMSUSPENDTASK_SUU _MESSAGE(33428, _(SFN" - job-array task "sge_U32CFormat"."sge_U32CFormat" is not suspended by administrator - modify suspend threshold list of queue to remove suspend state")) #define MSG_JOB_NOADMSUSPENDJOB_SU _MESSAGE(33429, _(SFN" - job "sge_U32CFormat" is not suspended by administrator - modify suspend threshold list of queue to remove suspend state")) #define MSG_JOB_NOFORCEENABLETASK_SUU _MESSAGE(33430, _(SFN" - can't force enabling of job-array task "sge_U32CFormat"."sge_U32CFormat "\"")) #define MSG_JOB_NOFORCEENABLEJOB_SU _MESSAGE(33431, _(SFN" - can't force enabling of job "sge_U32CFormat)) #define MSG_JOB_FORCEENABLETASK_SUU _MESSAGE(33432, _(SFN" - forced enabling of job-array task "sge_U32CFormat"."sge_U32CFormat)) #define MSG_JOB_FORCEENABLEJOB_SU _MESSAGE(33433, _(SFN" - forced enabling of job "sge_U32CFormat)) #define MSG_JOB_FORCEUNSUSPTASK_SSUU _MESSAGE(33434, _(SFN"@"SFN" forced unsuspension of job-array task "sge_U32CFormat"."sge_U32CFormat)) #define MSG_JOB_FORCEUNSUSPJOB_SSU _MESSAGE(33435, _(SFN"@"SFN" forced unsuspension of job "sge_U32CFormat)) #define MSG_EVE_RESENTSIGNALTASK_UU _MESSAGE(33436, _("got resend signal timer event for unknown array task "sge_U32CFormat"."sge_U32CFormat)) #define MSG_EVE_RESENTSIGNALQ_S _MESSAGE(33437, _("got resend signal timer event for unknown queue "SFN)) #define MSG_COM_NOUPDATEQSTATE_IS _MESSAGE(33438, _("can't update remote queue state (%d) on queue "SFQ)) /* ** sge_queue_qmaster.c */ #define MSG_OBJ_QUEUE _MESSAGE(33457, _("queue")) /* ** sge_sharetree_qmaster.c */ #define MSG_STREE_ADDSTREE_SSII _MESSAGE(33474, _(SFN"@"SFN" has added sharetree with %d nodes and %d leafs")) #define MSG_STREE_MODSTREE_SSII _MESSAGE(33475, _(SFN"@"SFN" has modified sharetree with %d nodes and %d leafs")) #define MSG_STREE_PRJINPTJSUBTREE_SS _MESSAGE(33476, _("found project "SFQ" in project "SFQ" sub-tree of share tree")) #define MSG_STREE_PRJTWICE_S _MESSAGE(33477, _("found project "SFQ" twice in share tree")) #define MSG_STREE_USERNONLEAF_S _MESSAGE(33478, _("found user "SFQ" in share tree as a non-leaf node")) #define MSG_STREE_USERTWICEINPRJSUBTREE_SS _MESSAGE(33479, _("found user "SFQ" twice in project "SFQ" sub-tree of share tree")) #define MSG_STREE_USERTNOACCESS2PRJ_SS _MESSAGE(33480, _("found user "SFQ" with no access to project "SFQ" sub-tree of share tree")) #define MSG_STREE_USERPRJTWICE_SS _MESSAGE(33481, _("found "SFN" "SFQ" twice in share tree")) #define MSG_STREE_QMASTERSORCETREE_SS _MESSAGE(33482, _("tree of qmaster has "SFN"node while source tree has "SFN"node")) #define MSG_STREE_NOPLUSSPACE _MESSAGE(33483, _("no ")) #define MSG_STREE_VERSIONMISMATCH_II _MESSAGE(33484, _("trees have different versions: qmaster=%d src=%d") ) #define MSG_STREE_MISSINGNODE_S _MESSAGE(33485, _("missing node "SFQ" in dst trees")) #define MSG_SGETEXT_DOESNOTEXIST_S _MESSAGE(33486, _(""SFN" does not exist")) #define MSG_SGETEXT_REMOVEDLIST_SSS _MESSAGE(33487, _(""SFN"@"SFN" removed "SFN" list")) #define MSG_SGETEXT_FOUND_UP_TWICE_SS _MESSAGE(33488, _("denied: found node "SFQ" twice under node "SFQ)) #define MSG_SGETEXT_UNKNOWN_SHARE_TREE_REF_TO_SS _MESSAGE(33489, _("denied: share tree contains reference to unknown "SFN" "SFQ)) /* ** sge_userprj_qmaster.c */ #define MSG_USERPRJ_PRJXSTILLREFERENCEDINENTRYX_SS _MESSAGE(33490, _("project "SFQ" is still referenced by user "SFQ)) #define MSG_UP_NOADDDEFAULT_S _MESSAGE(33491, _("denied: not allowed add a "SFN" with name \"default\"") ) #define MSG_UP_ALREADYEXISTS_SS _MESSAGE(33492, _("denied: shared namespace between project and user: there is already a "SFN" which is named "SFQ)) #define MSG_UM_CLUSTERUSERXNOTGUILTY_S _MESSAGE(33493, _("cluster user name "SFQ" is not valid")) #define MSG_OBJ_PRJ _MESSAGE(33509, _("project")) #define MSG_OBJ_PRJS _MESSAGE(33510, _("projects")) #define MSG_OBJ_XPRJS _MESSAGE(33511, _("xprojects")) #define MSG_OBJ_EH _MESSAGE(33512, _("exechost")) #define MSG_OBJ_CONF _MESSAGE(33513, _("configuration")) #define MSG_OBJ_GLOBAL _MESSAGE(33514, _("global")) /* #define MSG_JOB_CREDMOD_SSF _message(33516, _(SFN"@"SFN" modified credit to %.2f")) __TS Removed automatically from testsuite!! TS__*/ /* #define MSG_JOB_CREDMODLOW_SSF _message(33517, _(SFN"@"SFN" modified low_credit to %.2f")) __TS Removed automatically from testsuite!! TS__*/ #define MSG_SGETEXT_CANT_DELETE_UP_IN_SHARE_TREE_SS _MESSAGE(33518, _("denied: may not remove "SFN" "SFQ" still referenced in share tree")) #define MSG_SGETEXT_PROJECTSTILLREFERENCED_SSSS _MESSAGE(33519, _("denied: project "SFQ" is still referenced in "SFN" of "SFN" "SFQ)) #define MSG_SGETEXT_UNKNOWNPROJECT_SSSS _MESSAGE(33520, _("denied: project "SFQ" referenced in "SFN" of "SFN" "SFQ" does not exist")) /* ** sge_userset_qmaster.c */ #define MSG_SGETEXT_NO_DEPARTMENT4USER_SS _MESSAGE(33522, _("denied: no matching department for user "SFQ" or group "SFQ)) #define MSG_SGETEXT_USERSETSTILLREFERENCED_SSSS _MESSAGE(33524, _("denied: userset "SFQ" is still referenced in "SFN" of "SFN" "SFQ)) /* ** complex_qmaster.c */ #define MSG_NONAME _MESSAGE(33533, _("")) #define MSG_OBJ_CPLX _MESSAGE(33534, _("complex")) /* ** configuration_qmaster.c */ #define MSG_SGETEXT_CANT_DEL_CONFIG_S _MESSAGE(33541, _("can't delete configuration "SFQ" from list")) #define MSG_SGETEXT_CANT_DEL_CONFIG2_S _MESSAGE(33542, _("can't delete configuration "SFQ" from list: configuration does not exist")) #define MSG_CONF_CANTMERGECONFIGURATIONFORHOST_S _MESSAGE(33546, _("can't merge configuration for host "SFQ)) #define MSG_CONF_NAMEISNULLINCONFIGURATIONLISTOFX_S _MESSAGE(33548, _("name == NULL in configuration list of "SFQ)) #define MSG_CONF_VALUEISNULLFORATTRXINCONFIGURATIONLISTOFY_SS _MESSAGE(33549, _("value == NULL for attribute "SFQ" in configuration list of "SFQ)) #define MSG_CONF_GOTINVALIDVALUEXFORLOGLEVEL_S _MESSAGE(33550, _("denied: got invalid value "SFQ" for loglevel")) #define MSG_CONF_GOTINVALIDVALUEXFORSHELLSTARTMODE_S _MESSAGE(33551, _("denied: got invalid value "SFQ" for shell_start_mode")) #define MSG_CONF_GOTINVALIDVALUEXASADMINUSER_S _MESSAGE(33552, _("denied: got invalid value "SFQ" as admin_user")) #define MSG_CONF_PARAMETERXINCONFIGURATION_SS _MESSAGE(33553, _("denied: parameter "SFQ" in configuration: "SFQ)) #define MSG_CONF_INFNOTALLOWEDFORATTRXINCONFLISTOFY_SS _MESSAGE(33554, _("infinity not allowed for attribute "SFQ" in configuration list of "SFQ)) #define MSG_CONF_FORMATERRORFORXINYCONFIG_SS _MESSAGE(33555, _("format error for "SFQ" in "SFQ" configuration")) #define MSG_CONF_GOTINVALIDVALUEXFORSHELL_S _MESSAGE(33556, _("denied: got invalid value "SFQ" for shell")) /* ** job_exit.c */ #define MSG_OBJ_UNKNOWNQ _MESSAGE(33557, _("")) #define MSG_OBJ_UNKNOWNHOST _MESSAGE(33558, _("")) #define MSG_JOB_WRITEJFINISH_S _MESSAGE(33559, _("writing job finish information: can't locate queue "SFQ)) #define MSG_JOB_JFINISH_UUS _MESSAGE(33560, _("job "sge_U32CFormat"."sge_U32CFormat" finished on host "SFN)) #define MSG_JOB_FAILEDONHOST_UUSSSS _MESSAGE(33561, _("job "sge_U32CFormat"."sge_U32CFormat" failed on host "SFN" "SFN SFN" because: %-.512s")) #define MSG_GENERAL _MESSAGE(33562, _("general ")) #define MSG_JOB_JEXITNOTRUN_UU _MESSAGE(33563, _("received JOB_EXIT for job "sge_U32CFormat"."sge_U32CFormat" which ist NOT running")) #define MSG_LOG_JREMOVED _MESSAGE(33564, _("job removed ")) #define MSG_LOG_JERRORSET _MESSAGE(33565, _("job set in error state ")) #define MSG_LOG_JNOSTARTRESCHEDULE _MESSAGE(33566, _("job never ran -> schedule it again")) #define MSG_LOG_JRERUNRESCHEDULE _MESSAGE(33567, _("job rerun/checkpoint specified -> schedule it again")) #define MSG_LOG_JCKPTRESCHEDULE _MESSAGE(33568, _("job was checkpointed -> schedule it again")) #define MSG_LOG_JNORESRESCHEDULE _MESSAGE(33569, _("job didn't get resources -> schedule it again")) #define MSG_LOG_QERRORBYJOBHOST_SUS _MESSAGE(33571, _("queue "SFN" marked QERROR as result of job "sge_U32CFormat"'s failure at host "SFN)) /* ** job_report_qmaster.c */ #define MSG_JOB_REPORTEXITQ_SUUSSSSS _MESSAGE(33574, _("execd "SFN" reports exiting job ("sge_U32CFormat"."sge_U32CFormat"/"SFN" in queue "SFQ" that was supposed to be in queue "SFQ" at "SFQ" (state = "SFN")")) #define MSG_JOB_REPORTRUNQ_SUUSSU _MESSAGE(33575, _("execd "SFN" reports running state for job ("sge_U32CFormat"."sge_U32CFormat"/"SFN") in queue "SFQ" while job is in state "sge_U32CFormat" ")) #define MSG_JOB_REPORTRUNFALSE_SUUSS _MESSAGE(33576, _("execd@"SFN" reports running job ("sge_U32CFormat"."sge_U32CFormat"/"SFN") in queue "SFQ" that was not supposed to be there - killing")) #define MSG_JOB_REPORTEXITJ_UUU _MESSAGE(33577, _("JEXITING report for job "sge_U32CFormat"."sge_U32CFormat": which is in status "sge_U32CFormat)) #define MSG_JOB_FILESIZEEXCEED_SSUU _MESSAGE(33578, _("file size resource limit exceeded by task "SFN" at "SFN" of job "sge_U32CFormat"."sge_U32CFormat)) #define MSG_JOB_CPULIMEXCEED_SSUU _MESSAGE(33579, _("cpu time resource limit exceeded by task "SFN" at "SFN" of job "sge_U32CFormat"."sge_U32CFormat)) #define MSG_JOB_DIEDTHROUGHSIG_SSUUS _MESSAGE(33580, _("task "SFN" at "SFN" of job "sge_U32CFormat"."sge_U32CFormat" died through signal "SFN)) #define MSG_JOB_TASKFAILED_SSUUU _MESSAGE(33581, _("task "SFN" at "SFN" of job "sge_U32CFormat"."sge_U32CFormat" failed "sge_U32CFormat)) #define MSG_JOB_TASKFINISHED_SSUU _MESSAGE(33582, _("task "SFN" at "SFN" of job "sge_U32CFormat"."sge_U32CFormat" finished")) #define MSG_JOB_JOBTASKFAILED_S _MESSAGE(33583, _("tightly integrated parallel task "SFN" failed - killing job")) #define MSG_OBJ_NOTRUNNING _MESSAGE(33584, _("")) #define MSG_EXECD_UNKNOWNJ_SUUSUS _MESSAGE(33585, _("execd "SFN" reports unknown job ("sge_U32CFormat"."sge_U32CFormat"/"SFN") with unknown state "sge_U32CFormat" in queue "SFQ)) /* ** sge_qmaster_main.c */ #define MSG_STARTUP_BEGINWITHSTARTUP _MESSAGE(33590, _("begin with start up")) #define MSG_STARTUP_SETUPFAILED _MESSAGE(33591, _("setup failed")) #define MSG_CULL_FAILEDINCULLUNPACKLISTREPORT _MESSAGE(33595, _("Failed in cull_unpack_list report")) #define MSG_SHUTDOWN_SHUTTINGDOWNQMASTERREQUIRESMANAGERPRIVILEGES _MESSAGE(33596, _("shutting down qmaster requires manager privileges")) #define MSG_GOTSTATUSREPORTOFUNKNOWNCOMMPROC_S _MESSAGE(33597, _("got load report of unknown commproc "SFQ)) #define MSG_GOTSTATUSREPORTOFUNKNOWNEXECHOST_S _MESSAGE(33598, _("got load report of unknown exec host "SFQ)) #define MSG_CONF_CANTNOTIFYEXECHOSTXOFNEWCONF_S _MESSAGE(33599, _("can't notify exec host "SFQ" of new conf")) #define MSG_LICENCE_ERRORXUPDATINGLICENSEDATA_I _MESSAGE(33600, _("error %d updating license data")) #define MSG_QMASTER_LOCKFILE_ALREADY_EXISTS _MESSAGE(33602, _("Unable to create lock file. Found existing one.")) /* ** qmaster_to_execd.c */ #define MSG_NOXKNOWNONHOSTYTOSENDCONFNOTIFICATION_SS _MESSAGE(33603, _("no "SFN" known on host "SFN" to send conf notification")) /* ** setup_qmaster.c */ #define MSG_SETUP_SETUPMAYBECALLEDONLYATSTARTUP _MESSAGE(33615, _("setup may be called only at startup")) #define MSG_CONFIG_ERRORXMERGINGCONFIGURATIONY_IS _MESSAGE(33618, _("Error %d merging configuration "SFQ)) #define MSG_CONFIG_ADDINGHOSTTEMPLATETOEXECHOSTLIST _MESSAGE(33619, _("adding host template to exechost_list")) #define MSG_CONFIG_ADDINGHOSTGLOBALTOEXECHOSTLIST _MESSAGE(33620, _("adding host global to exechost_list")) #define MSG_CONFIG_CANTWRITEMANAGERLIST _MESSAGE(33621, _("can't write manager list")) #define MSG_CONFIG_CANTWRITEOPERATORLIST _MESSAGE(33622, _("can't write operator list")) #define MSG_CONFIG_NOLOCAL_S _MESSAGE(33623, _("local configuration "SFN" not defined - using global configuration")) #define MSG_CONFIG_NOGLOBAL _MESSAGE(33624, _("global configuration not defined")) #define MSG_CONFIG_CANTFINDQUEUEXREFERENCEDINJOBY_SU _MESSAGE(33648, _("can't find queue "SFQ" referenced in job "sge_U32CFormat)) #define MSG_CONFIG_CANTFINDARXREFERENCEDINJOBY_UU _MESSAGE(33647, _("can't find advance reservation "sge_U32CFormat" referenced in job "sge_U32CFormat)) /* ** sge_qmaster_timed_event.c */ #define MSG_SYSTEM_SYSTEMHASBEENMODIFIEDXSECONDS_I _MESSAGE(33663, _("system clock has been put back (%d seconds)")) #define MSG_SYSTEM_RECEIVEDUNKNOWNEVENT_I _MESSAGE(33664, _("received unkown event: %d")) /* * misc */ #define MSG_SEC_CRED_SSSI _MESSAGE(33673, _("denied: request for user "SFQ" does not match credentials for connection <"SFN","SFN",%d>") ) #define MSG_JOB_STDINPATHLIST _MESSAGE(33676, _("stdin path list")) #define MSG_QMASTER_AUTODEFDEPARTMENT _MESSAGE(33677, _("all users are assigned to the \"defaultdepartment\" automatically")) #define MSG_QMASTER_DEPTFORDEFDEPARTMENT _MESSAGE(33678, _("the \"defaultdepartment\" has to be of type \"DEPT\"")) #define MSG_QMASTER_ACLNOSHARE _MESSAGE(33679, _("not allowed to set \"fshare\" for ACL lists")) #define MSG_QMASTER_ACLNOTICKET _MESSAGE(33680, _("not allowed to set \"oticket\" for ACL lists")) #define MSG_SUSERCNTISALREADYZERO_S _MESSAGE(33681, _("Job counter of user "SFQ" is already 0")) /* */ #define MSG_HGRP_NONAMECHANGE _MESSAGE(33682, _("unable to change hostgroup name")) #define MSG_UME_NONAMECHANGE _MESSAGE(33683, _("unable to change user mapping name")) #define MSG_QMODJOB_NOTENROLLED_UU _MESSAGE(33684, _("Modify operation can not be applied on job-array task " sge_U32CFormat"."sge_U32CFormat " in pending/hold state")) #define MSG_QMODJOB_NOTENROLLED_U _MESSAGE(33685, _("Modify operation can not be applied on job "sge_U32CFormat " in pending/hold state")) #define MSG_JOB_MASTERTASKFAILED_S _MESSAGE(33686, _("master task of job "SFN" failed - killing job")) #define MSG_CQUEUE_NAMENOTGUILTY_S _MESSAGE(33687, _("cluster queue name "SFQ" is not valid")) #define MSG_CQUEUE_NONAMECHANGE _MESSAGE(33688, _("unable to change cluster queue name")) #define MSG_HGROUP_CYCLEINDEF_SS _MESSAGE(33690, _("Hostgroup "SFQ" in specification of "SFQ" would create a cycle")) #define MSG_HGROUP_REFINHGOUP_SS _MESSAGE(33691, _("denied: following hostgroups still reference "SFQ": "SFN)) #define MSG_HGROUP_REFINCUSER_SS _MESSAGE(33692, _("denied: following user mapping entries still reference "SFQ": "SFN)) #define MSG_QINSTANCE_NOSSOS_S _MESSAGE(33694, _("Subordinate suspension prevents unsuspension due to calendar for queue "SFQ)) #define MSG_QINSTANCE_NOSADM_S _MESSAGE(33695, _("Administrator suspension prevents unsuspension due to calendar for queue "SFQ)) #define MSG_QINSTANCE_NOUSSOS_S _MESSAGE(33696, _("no need to suspend queue "SFQ" it's already suspended on subordinate")) #define MSG_QINSTANCE_NOUSADM_S _MESSAGE(33697, _("no need to suspend queue "SFQ" it's already suspended by administrator")) #define MSG_QINSTANCE_STATENOTMOD_S _MESSAGE(33720, _("Queue instance state of "SFQ" not modified: Spooling framework failed")) #define MSG_QINSTANCE_STATENOTMODPERM_S _MESSAGE(33721, _("Queue instance state of "SFQ" not modified: No permission") ) #define MSG_QINSTANCE_HASSTATE_SS _MESSAGE(33722, _("Queue instance "SFQ" is already in the specified state: "SFN)) #define MSG_QINSTANCE_FORCEDSTATE_SSSS _MESSAGE(33723, _(SFN"@"SFN" forced state change of "SFQ" ("SFN")")) #define MSG_QINSTANCE_CHANGEDST_SSSS _MESSAGE(33724, _(SFN"@"SFN" changed state of "SFQ" ("SFN")")) #define MSG_QINSTANCE_QIALREADYHERE_S _MESSAGE(33725, _("Should create queue instance "SFQ" which is already here")) #define MSG_QINSTANCE_NQIFOUND_SS _MESSAGE(33726, _("queue instance "SFQ" not found in "SFQ)) #define MSG_QINSTANCE_SLOTSRESERVED_USS _MESSAGE(33727, _("denied: "sge_U32CFormat" slots are already reserved in "SFN"@"SFN" by an advance reservation")) #define MSG_ATTR_HASAMBVAL_SSS _MESSAGE(33728, _("warning: "SFQ" has ambiguous value ("SFQ", "SFQ")")) #define MSG_CQUEUE_REFINHGOUP_SS _MESSAGE(33729, _("denied: following cluster queues still reference "SFQ": "SFN)) #define MSG_LOG_DELETED _MESSAGE(33800, _("job deleted")) #define MSG_LOG_SENT2EXECD _MESSAGE(33801, _("sent to execd")) #define MSG_LOG_DELIVERED _MESSAGE(33802, _("job received by execd")) #define MSG_LOG_EXITED _MESSAGE(33803, _("job exited")) #define MSG_LOG_WAIT4SGEDEL _MESSAGE(33804, _("job waits for schedds deletion")) #define MSG_LOG_DELSGE _MESSAGE(33805, _("job deleted by schedd")) #define MSG_LOG_DELIMMEDIATE _MESSAGE(33806, _("immediate job deleted by schedd")) #define MSG_LOG_DELFORCED _MESSAGE(33807, _("job deleted by forced deletion request")) #define MSG_QMASTER_UNEXPECTED_SIGNAL_I _MESSAGE(33810, _("received unexpected signal %d")) #define MSG_JOB_DEADLINETIME _MESSAGE(33811, _("deadline time")) #define MSG_COM_NOSCHEDMONPERMS _MESSAGE(33815, _("starting scheduler monitoring requires manager privileges")) #define MSG_COM_NOSCHEDDREGMASTER _MESSAGE(33816, _("no scheduler registered at qmaster")) #define MSG_COM_SCHEDMON_SS _MESSAGE(33817, _(SFN"@"SFN" triggers scheduler monitoring")) #define MSG_QINSTANCE_STILLJOBS _MESSAGE(33818, _("There are still running jobs in the queue. Deletion denied.")) #define MSG_CQUEUE_DEL_ISREFASSUBORDINATE_SS _MESSAGE(33819, _("Cluster queue "SFQ" is referenced in cluster queue "SFQ" as a subordinate. Deletion denied")) /* * sge_persistence_qmaster.c */ #define MSG_PERSISTENCE_WRITE_FAILED_S _MESSAGE(33820, _("error writing object "SFQ" to spooling database")) #define MSG_PERSISTENCE_DELETE_FAILED_S _MESSAGE(33821, _("error deleting object "SFQ" from spooling database")) #define MSG_PERSISTENCE_OPENTRANSACTION_FAILED _MESSAGE(33822, _("error starting a transaction in the spooling database")) #define MSG_PERSISTENCE_CLOSINGTRANSACTION_FAILED _MESSAGE(33823, _("error closing a transaction in the spooling database")) /* * sge_reporting_qmaster.c */ #define MSG_JOBLOG_ACTION_UNKNOWN _MESSAGE(33850, _("unknown")) #define MSG_JOBLOG_ACTION_PENDING _MESSAGE(33851, _("pending")) #define MSG_JOBLOG_ACTION_SENT _MESSAGE(33852, _("sent")) #define MSG_JOBLOG_ACTION_RESENT _MESSAGE(33853, _("resent")) #define MSG_JOBLOG_ACTION_DELIVERED _MESSAGE(33854, _("delivered")) #define MSG_JOBLOG_ACTION_RUNNING _MESSAGE(33855, _("running")) #define MSG_JOBLOG_ACTION_SUSPENDED _MESSAGE(33856, _("suspended")) #define MSG_JOBLOG_ACTION_UNSUSPENDED _MESSAGE(33857, _("unsuspended")) #define MSG_JOBLOG_ACTION_HELD _MESSAGE(33858, _("held")) #define MSG_JOBLOG_ACTION_RELEASED _MESSAGE(33859, _("released")) #define MSG_JOBLOG_ACTION_RESTART _MESSAGE(33860, _("restart")) #define MSG_JOBLOG_ACTION_MIGRATE _MESSAGE(33861, _("migrate")) #define MSG_JOBLOG_ACTION_DELETED _MESSAGE(33862, _("deleted")) #define MSG_JOBLOG_ACTION_FINISHED _MESSAGE(33863, _("finished")) #define MSG_JOBLOG_ACTION_ERROR _MESSAGE(33864, _("error")) #define MSG_REPORTING_INTERMEDIATE_SS _MESSAGE(33865, _("write intermediate accounting record for job "SFQ" at "SFN"")) #define MSG_THREAD_XTERMINATED_S _MESSAGE(33870, _(SFN" thread terminated")) #define MSG_THREAD_XNOTRUNNING_S _MESSAGE(33871, _(SFN" thread is not running")) #define MSG_THREAD_XHASSTARTED_S _MESSAGE(33872, _(SFN" has been started")) #define MSG_THREAD_XSTARTDISABLED_S _MESSAGE(33873, _("start of "SFN" thread is disabled in bootstrap file")) #define MSG_THREAD_XISRUNNING_S _MESSAGE(33874, _(SFN" thread is already running")) /* * other */ #define MSG_JOB_CHANGEJOBSHARE _MESSAGE(33900, _("change job share")) #define MSG_JOB_PRIOSET_SSUI _MESSAGE(33901, _(SFN"@"SFN" sets scheduling priority of job "sge_U32CFormat" to %d")) #define MSG_JOB_PERANGE_ONLY_FOR_PARALLEL _MESSAGE(33902, _("rejected: change request for PE range supported only for parallel jobs")) #define MSG_QMASTER_MAX_FILE_DESCRIPTORS_LIMIT_U _MESSAGE(33903, _("qmaster will use max. "sge_U32CFormat" file descriptors for communication")) #define MSG_QMASTER_MAX_EVC_LIMIT_U _MESSAGE(33905, _("qmaster will accept max. "sge_U32CFormat" dynamic event clients")) #define MSG_QMASTER_COMMUNICATION_ERRORS _MESSAGE(33906, _("abort qmaster startup due to communication errors")) #define MSG_QMASTER_RECEIVED_OLD_LOAD_REPORT_UUS _MESSAGE(33911, _("received old load report ("sge_U32CFormat"< "sge_U32CFormat") from exec host "SFQ)) #define MSG_QMASTER_RECEIVED_EMPTY_LOAD_REPORT_S _MESSAGE(33912, _("received empty load from exec host "SFQ)) #define MSG_QMASTER_FD_SETSIZE_LARGER_THAN_LIMIT_U _MESSAGE(33913, _("FD_SETSIZE is limited to "sge_U32CFormat" file descriptors on this system.")) #define MSG_QMASTER_FD_SETSIZE_COMPILE_MESSAGE1_U _MESSAGE(33914, _("If you want to support more than "sge_U32CFormat" qmaster clients you have to")) #define MSG_QMASTER_FD_SETSIZE_COMPILE_MESSAGE2 _MESSAGE(33915, _("recompile the source code with a higher FD_SETSIZE setting.")) #define MSG_QMASTER_FD_SETSIZE_COMPILE_MESSAGE3 _MESSAGE(33916, _("Bug Link: http://gridengine.sunsource.net/issues/show_bug.cgi?id=1502")) #define MSG_QMASTER_FD_SOFT_LIMIT_SETTINGS_U _MESSAGE(33917, _("qmaster soft descriptor limit is set to "sge_U32CFormat)) #define MSG_QMASTER_FD_HARD_LIMIT_SETTINGS_U _MESSAGE(33918, _("qmaster hard descriptor limit is set to "sge_U32CFormat)) #define MSG_QMASTER_READ_JDB_WITH_X_ENTR_IN_Y_SECS_UU _MESSAGE(33919, _("read job database with "sge_U32CFormat" entries in "sge_U32CFormat" seconds")) #define MSG_QMASTER_INVALIDJOBSUBMISSION_SSS _MESSAGE(33920, _("invalid job object in job submission from user "SFQ", commproc "SFQ" on host "SFQ)) #define MSG_QMASTER_INVALIDEVENTCLIENT_SSS _MESSAGE(33921, _("invalid event client request from user "SFQ", commproc "SFQ" on host "SFQ)) #define MSG_AR_QUEUEDISABLEDINTIMEFRAME _MESSAGE(33923, _("queue "SFQ" is calendar disabled in selected time frame")) #define MSG_AR_QUEUEDNOPERMISSIONS _MESSAGE(33924, _("queue "SFQ" has no permissions for selected users")) /* sge_qmaster_threads.c */ #define MSG_QMASTER_THREADCOUNT_US _MESSAGE(33930, _(sge_U32CFormat" "SFN" threads are enabled")) #define MSG_AR_GRANTED_U _MESSAGE(33931, _("Your advance reservation "sge_U32CFormat" has been granted")) #define MSG_AR_MAXARSPERCLUSTER_U _MESSAGE(33932, _("rejected: only "sge_U32CFormat" advance reservations are allowed per cluster")) #define MSG_JOB_JOBARSET_SSUU _MESSAGE(33934, _(SFN"@"SFN" sets job advance reservation of job "sge_U32CFormat" to "sge_U32CFormat)) #define MSG_JOB_CHANGEJOBAR _MESSAGE(33935, _("changed job advance reservation")) #define MSG_JOB_NOAREXISTS_U _MESSAGE(33936, _("the advance reservation id "sge_U32CFormat" is invalid")) #define MSG_JOB_HRTLIMITTOOLONG_U _MESSAGE(33938, _("the job duration is longer than duration of the advance reservation id "sge_U32CFormat)) #define MSG_JOB_HRTLIMITOVEREND_U _MESSAGE(33939, _("the job duration exceeds the end time of the advance reservation id "sge_U32CFormat)) #define MSG_AR_RESERVEDQUEUEHASERROR_SS _MESSAGE(33940, _("reserved queue "SFN" is "SFN)) #define MSG_OBJECT_VALUEMISSING _MESSAGE(33941, _("Value missing")) #define MSG_OBJECT_ALREADYEXIN_SSS _MESSAGE(33942, _("No modification because "SFQ" already exists in "SFQ" of "SFQ)) #define MSG_QUEUE_MODCMPLXDENYDUETOAR_SS _MESSAGE(33943, _("denied: changing "SFQ" in "SFN" would break advance reservation")) #define MSG_QUEUE_MODNOCMPLXDENYDUETOAR_SS _MESSAGE(33944, _("denied: changing "SFQ" in "SFN" would break advance reservations")) #define MSG_JOB_ARNOLONGERAVAILABE_U _MESSAGE(33945, _("the advance reservation "sge_U32CFormat" is no longer available")) #define MSG_TRIGGER_NOTSUPPORTED_S _MESSAGE(33946, _("thread with name "SFQ" is not supported")) #define MSG_GDI_KEYSTR_QUESTIONMARK _MESSAGE(33947, _("Questionmark")) #define MSG_GDI_KEYSTR_COMMA _MESSAGE(33948, _("Comma")) #define MSG_GDI_KEYSTR_LENGTH_U _MESSAGE(33949, _("string is longer than "sge_U32CFormat", this is not allowed for objectnames") ) #define MSG_TRIGGER_STATENOTSUPPORTED_DS _MESSAGE(33950, _("state transition %d not supported for thread "SFQ)) #define MSG_GOTUSAGEREPORTFORUNKNOWNPETASK_S _MESSAGE(33951, _("got usage report for unknown pe_task "SFQ)) #define MSG_JOB_DISCONTTASKTRANS_SUU _MESSAGE(33952, _("Discontinued delete transaction of user "SFQ" in job "sge_U32CFormat" at task "sge_U32CFormat)) #define MSG_JOB_ALREADYDELETED_U _MESSAGE(33953, _("job "sge_U32CFormat" is already in deletion")) #define MSG_JOB_TERMJOBDUETOLIMIT_UU _MESSAGE(33954, _("terminating job "sge_U32CFormat"."sge_U32CFormat" because runtime limit is reached")) #define MSG_JOB_ADDJOBTRIGGER_UUUU _MESSAGE(33955, _("added trigger to terminate job "sge_U32CFormat"."sge_U32CFormat" when runtime limit is reached ("sge_U32CFormat" + "sge_U32CFormat")")) #define MSG_JOB_DELJOBTRIGGER_UU _MESSAGE(33956, _("removing trigger to terminate job "sge_U32CFormat"."sge_U32CFormat)) #define MSG_JOB_CHGFORCED_UU _MESSAGE(33957, _("changed non-forced request to forced request for job "sge_U32CFormat"."sge_U32CFormat"because host can't be contacted")) #define MSG_JOB_BINDING _MESSAGE(33958, _("binding")) #define MSG_PARSE_LOOP_IN_SSOS_TREE_SS _MESSAGE(33959, _("denied: adding "SFQ" to the subordinate_list of "SFQ" would create a loop in the slotwise preemption configuration!")) #endif