#ifndef __MSG_EXECD_H #define __MSG_EXECD_H /*___INFO__MARK_BEGIN__*/ /************************************************************************* * * The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of * the Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.2 * * Sun Microsystems Inc., March, 2001 * * * Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.2 * ================================================= * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Industry Standards * Source License Version 1.2 (the "License"); You may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the * License at http://gridengine.sunsource.net/Gridengine_SISSL_license.html * * Software provided under this License is provided on an "AS IS" basis, * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, * WITHOUT LIMITATION, WARRANTIES THAT THE SOFTWARE IS FREE OF DEFECTS, * MERCHANTABLE, FIT FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR NON-INFRINGING. * See the License for the specific provisions governing your rights and * obligations concerning the Software. * * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is: Sun Microsystems, Inc. * * Copyright: 2001 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * * All Rights Reserved. * ************************************************************************/ /*___INFO__MARK_END__*/ #include "basis_types.h" /* ** global execd messages */ #define MSG_COM_ACK_UNKNOWN1 _MESSAGE(29000, _("unknown ack event")) /* ** tmpdir.c */ #define MSG_FILE_RECURSIVERMDIR_SS _MESSAGE(29001, _("recursive rmdir("SFN"): "SFN)) /* ** setup_execd.c */ #define MSG_JOB_XREGISTERINGJOBYATPTFDURINGSTARTUP_SU _MESSAGE(29002, _(SFN" registering job \""sge_U32CFormat"\" at ptf during startup")) #define MSG_FAILED _MESSAGE(29003, _("failed")) #define MSG_DELAYED _MESSAGE(29004, _("delayed")) #define MSG_JOB_XREGISTERINGJOBYTASKZATPTFDURINGSTARTUP_SUS _MESSAGE(29005, _(SFN" registering job \""sge_U32CFormat"\" task "SFN" at ptf during startup")) #define MSG_ANSWER_KEEPINGCHANNELFDXOPEN_I _MESSAGE(29006, _("keeping channel fd #%d open")) /* ** reaper_execd.c */ #define MSG_SLAVE _MESSAGE(29008, _("slave ")) #define MSG_COREDUMPED _MESSAGE(29009, _("(core dumped) ")) #define MSG_WAITPIDNOSIGNOEXIT_UI _MESSAGE(29010, _("waitpid() returned for pid "sge_U32CFormat" status %d unequal WIFSIGNALED/WIFEXITED")) #define MSG_SHEPHERD_VSHEPHERDOFJOBWXDIEDTHROUGHSIGNALYZ_SUUSI _MESSAGE(29011, _(SFN"shepherd of job "sge_U32CFormat"."sge_U32CFormat" died through signal "SFN"= %d")) #define MSG_SHEPHERD_WSHEPHERDOFJOBXYEXITEDWITHSTATUSZ_SUUI _MESSAGE(29012, _(SFN"shepherd of job "sge_U32CFormat"."sge_U32CFormat" exited with exit status = %d")) #define MSG_JOB_MISSINGJOBXYINJOBREPORTFOREXITINGJOBADDINGIT_UU _MESSAGE(29013, _("missing job "sge_U32CFormat"."sge_U32CFormat" in job report for exiting job - adding it")) #define MSG_STATUS_LOADSENSORDIEDWITHSIGNALXY_SI _MESSAGE(29014, _("load sensor died through signal "SFN"= %d")) #define MSG_STATUS_LOADSENSOREXITEDWITHEXITSTATUS_I _MESSAGE(29015, _("load sensor exited with exit status = %d")) #define MSG_STATUS_MAILERDIEDTHROUGHSIGNALXY_SI _MESSAGE(29016, _("mailer died through signal "SFN" = %d")) #define MSG_STATUS_MAILEREXITEDWITHEXITSTATUS_I _MESSAGE(29017, _("mailer exited with exit status = %d")) #define MSG_JOB_REAPINGJOBXPTFCOMPLAINSY_US _MESSAGE(29018, _("reaping job \""sge_U32CFormat"\" ptf complains: "SFN)) #define MSG_JOB_CLEANUPJOBCALLEDWITHINVALIDPARAMETERS _MESSAGE(29019, _("clean_up_job() called with invalid parameters")) #define MSG_JOB_CANTFINDDIRXFORREAPINGJOBYZ_SS _MESSAGE(29020, _("can't find directory "SFN" for reaping job "SFN)) #define MSG_JOB_CANTREADCONFIGFILEFORJOBXY_S _MESSAGE(29021, _("can't read config file for job "SFN)) #define MSG_STATUS_ABNORMALTERMINATIONOFSHEPHERDFORJOBXY_S _MESSAGE(29022, _("abnormal termination of shepherd for job "SFN": no \"exit_status\" file")) #define MSG_STATUS_ABNORMALTERMINATIONFOSHEPHERDFORJOBXYEXITSTATEFILEISEMPTY_S _MESSAGE(29023, _("abnormal termination of shepherd for job "SFN": \"exit_status\" file is empty")) #define MSG_SHEPHERD_DIEDTHROUGHSIGNAL _MESSAGE(29024, _("shepherd died through signal")) #define MSG_SHEPHERD_NOPIDFILE _MESSAGE(29025, _("no \"pid\" file for shepherd")) #define MSG_SHEPHERD_EXITEDWISSTATUS_IS _MESSAGE(29026, _("shepherd exited with exit status %d: %s")) #define MSG_JOB_CANTREADERRORFILEFORJOBXY_S _MESSAGE(29027, _("can't read error file for job "SFN)) #define MSG_JOB_CANTREADUSAGEFILEFORJOBXY_S _MESSAGE(29028, _("can't read usage file for job "SFN)) #define MSG_JOB_WXDIEDTHROUGHSIGNALYZ_SSI _MESSAGE(29029, _("job "SFN" died through signal "SFN" (%d)")) #define MSG_JOB_CANTREADUSEDRESOURCESFORJOB _MESSAGE(29030, _("can't read used resources for job")) #define MSG_JOB_CANTOPENJOBPIDFILEFORJOBXY_S _MESSAGE(29031, _("can't open \"job_pid\" file for job "SFN)) #define MSG_SHEPHERD_REMOVEACKEDJOBEXITCALLEDWITHX_U _MESSAGE(29032, _("remove_acked_job_exit called with "sge_U32CFormat".0")) #define MSG_JOB_XYHASNOTASKZ_UUS _MESSAGE(29033, _("job "sge_U32CFormat"."sge_U32CFormat" has no task "SFQ)) /* #define MSG_SHEPHERD_CANTSTARTXFORJOBY_SU _message(29034, _("can't start command "SFQ" for job " sge_U32CFormat " to delete credentials")) __TS Removed automatically from testsuite!! TS__*/ /* #define MSG_SHEPHERD_CANTDELCREDENTIALSFORJOBXCOMMANDYFAILEDWITHCODEZ_USI _message(29035, _("could not delete credentials for job " sge_U32CFormat" - command "SFQ" failed with return code %d")) __TS Removed automatically from testsuite!! TS__*/ /* #define MSG_SHEPHERD_CANTDELCREDENTIALSFORJOBXYBINARYNOTEXIST_US _message(29036, _("could not delete credentials for job " sge_U32CFormat" - "SFN" binary does not exist")) __TS Removed automatically from testsuite!! TS__*/ #define MSG_FILE_CANTREMOVEDIRECTORY_SS _MESSAGE(29037, _("can't remove directory "SFQ": "SFN)) #define MSG_SHEPHERD_ACKNOWLEDGEFORUNKNOWNJOBXYZ_UUS _MESSAGE(29038, _("acknowledge for unknown job "sge_U32CFormat"."sge_U32CFormat"/"SFN)) #define MSG_SHEPHERD_NOMOREOLDJOBSAFTERSTARTUP _MESSAGE(29039, _("no more old jobs after startup")) #define MSG_SHEPHERD_CANTFINDACTIVEJOBSDIRXFORREAPINGJOBY_SU _MESSAGE(29040, _("can't find active jobs directory "SFQ" for reaping job "sge_U32CFormat )) #define MSG_SHEPHERD_INCORRECTCONFIGFILEFORJOBXY_UU _MESSAGE(29041, _("incorrect config file for job "sge_U32CFormat"."sge_U32CFormat"")) #define MSG_SHEPHERD_CANTSTARTJOBXY_US _MESSAGE(29042, _("can't start job \""sge_U32CFormat"\": "SFN)) #define MSG_SHEPHERD_PROBLEMSAFTERSTART_DS _MESSAGE(29043, _("problems after job start \""sge_U32CFormat"\": "SFN)) #define MSG_SHEPHERD_JATASKXYISKNOWNREPORTINGITTOQMASTER _MESSAGE(29044, _("ja-task \"" sge_U32CFormat"."sge_U32CFormat"\" is unknown - reporting it to qmaster")) #define MSG_SHEPHERD_CKECKINGFOROLDJOBS _MESSAGE(29045, _("checking for old jobs")) #define MSG_SHEPHERD_NOOLDJOBSATSTARTUP _MESSAGE(29046, _("no old jobs at startup")) #define MSG_SHEPHERD_CANTGETPROCESSESFROMPSCOMMAND _MESSAGE(29047, _("can't get processes from ps command")) #define MSG_SHEPHERD_XISNOTAJOBDIRECTORY_S _MESSAGE(29048, _(SFQ" is not a job directory")) #define MSG_SHEPHERD_FOUNDACTIVEJOBDIRXWHILEMISSINGJOBDIRREMOVING_S _MESSAGE(29049, _("found active job directory "SFQ" while missing job directory - removing")) #define MSG_SHEPHERD_CANTSTATXY_SS _MESSAGE(29050, _("can't stat "SFQ": "SFN)) #define MSG_FILE_XISNOTADIRECTORY_S _MESSAGE(29051, _(SFQ" is not a directory")) #define MSG_SHEPHERD_FOUNDDIROFJOBX_S _MESSAGE(29052, _("found directory of job "SFQ)) #define MSG_SHEPHERD_CANTREADPIDFILEXFORJOBYSTARTTIMEZX_SSUS _MESSAGE(29053, _("can't read pid file "SFQ" of shepherd for job "SFQ" - starttime: "sge_U32CFormat" cleaning up: "SFN)) #define MSG_SHEPHERD_MISSINGJOBXINJOBREPORTFOREXITINGJOB_U _MESSAGE(29054, _("missing job \""sge_U32CFormat"\" in job report for exiting job")) #define MSG_SHEPHERD_CANTREADPIDFROMPIDFILEXFORJOBY_SS _MESSAGE(29055, _("can't read pid from pid file "SFQ" of shepherd for job "SFN)) #define MSG_SHEPHERD_SHEPHERDFORJOBXHASPIDYANDISZALIVE_SU _MESSAGE(29056, _("shepherd for job "SFN" has pid \""sge_U32CFormat"\" and is alive")) #define MSG_SHEPHERD_SHEPHERDFORJOBXHASPIDYANDISNOTALIVE_SU _MESSAGE(29057, _("shepherd for job "SFN" has pid \""sge_U32CFormat"\" and is not alive")) #define MSG_SHEPHERD_INCONSISTENTDATAFORJOBX_U _MESSAGE(29058, _("inconsistent data for job \""sge_U32CFormat"\"")) #define MSG_SHEPHERD_MISSINGJOBXYINJOBREPORT_UU _MESSAGE(29059, _("Missing job "sge_U32CFormat"."sge_U32CFormat" in job report")) #define MSG_SHEPHERD_CANTOPENPIDFILEXFORJOBYZ_SUU _MESSAGE(29060, _("can't open pid file "SFQ" for job "sge_U32CFormat"."sge_U32CFormat)) #define MSG_SHEPHERD_CANTOPENUSAGEFILEXFORJOBYZX_SUUS _MESSAGE(29061, _("can't open usage file "SFQ" for job "sge_U32CFormat"."sge_U32CFormat": "SFN)) #define MSG_SHEPHERD_EXECDWENTDOWNDURINGJOBSTART _MESSAGE(29062, _("execd went down during job start")) #define MSG_JR_ERRSTR_EXECDDONTKNOWJOB _MESSAGE(29068, _("execd doesn't know this job")) #define MSG_EXECD_GOTACKFORPETASKBUTISNOTINSTATEEXITING_S _MESSAGE(29069, _("get exit ack for pe task "SFN" but task is not in state exiting")) /* ** ptf.c */ #define MSG_SYSTEM_SYSINFO_SI_RELEASE_CALL_FAILED_S _MESSAGE(29070, _("sysinfo(SI_RELEASE) call failed - "SFN)) #define MSG_SCHEDD_JOBXPIDYSCHEDCTLFAILUREX_UUS _MESSAGE(29071, _("job "sge_U32CFormat" pid "sge_U32CFormat" schedctl failure: "SFN)) #define MSG_PRIO_JOBXPIDYSETPRIORITYFAILURE_UUS _MESSAGE(29072, _("job "sge_U32CFormat" pid "sge_U32CFormat" setpriority failure: "SFN)) #define MSG_SCHEDD_JOBXPIDYSCHEDSETSCHEDULERFAILURE_UUS _MESSAGE(29073, _("job "sge_U32CFormat" pid "sge_U32CFormat" sched_setscheduler failure: "SFN)) #define MSG_PRIO_JOBXNICEMFAILURE_S _MESSAGE(29074, _("job "sge_U32CFormat" nicem failure: "SFN)) #define MSG_PRIO_JOBXNICEJFAILURE_S _MESSAGE(29075, _("job "sge_U32CFormat" nicej failure: "SFN)) /* #define MSG_PRIO_JOBXSETPRIORITYFAILURE_US _message(29076, _("job "sge_U32CFormat" setpriority failure: "SFN)) __TS Removed automatically from testsuite!! TS__*/ #define MSG_WHERE_FAILEDTOBUILDWHERECONDITION _MESSAGE(29077, _("failed to build where-condition")) #define MSG_PRIO_PTFMINMAX_II _MESSAGE(29078, _("PTF_MAX_PRIORITY=%d, PTF_MIN_PRIORITY=%d")) #define MSG_PRIO_NICEMFAILED_S _MESSAGE(29079, _("nicem failed: "SFN)) #define MSG_PRIO_SETPRIOFAILED_S _MESSAGE(29080, _("setpriority failed: "SFN)) #define MSG_ERROR_UNKNOWNERRORCODE _MESSAGE(29081, _("Unknown error code")) #define MSG_ERROR_NOERROROCCURED _MESSAGE(29082, _("No error occurred")) #define MSG_ERROR_INVALIDARGUMENT _MESSAGE(29083, _("Invalid argument")) #define MSG_ERROR_JOBDOESNOTEXIST _MESSAGE(29084, _("Job does not exist")) #define MSG_ERROR_UNABLETODUMPJOBUSAGELIST _MESSAGE(29087, _("Unable to dump job usage list")) /* ** load_avg.c */ #define MSG_LOAD_NOMEMINDICES _MESSAGE(29088, _("failed retrieving memory indices")) #define MSG_LOAD_NOPTFUSAGE_S _MESSAGE(29089, _("ptf failed to determine job usage: "SFN)) #define MSG_SGETEXT_NO_LOAD _MESSAGE(29090, _("can't get load values")) /* ** job_report_execd.c */ #define MSG_JOB_TYPEMALLOC _MESSAGE(29091, _("runtime type error or malloc failure in add_job_report")) #define MSG_PARSE_USAGEATTR_SSU _MESSAGE(29092, _("failed parsing "SFQ" passed as usage attribute "SFQ" of job "sge_U32CFormat) ) /* ** get_path.c */ #define MSG_EXECD_INVALIDUSERNAME_S _MESSAGE(29093, _("invalid user name "SFQ)) #define MSG_EXECD_NOHOMEDIR_S _MESSAGE(29094, _("missing home directory for user "SFQ)) /* #define MSG_BUFFEROFSIZETOOSMALLFOR_DS _message(29095, _("buffer of size %d is too small for path "SFN"...")) __TS Removed automatically from testsuite!! TS__*/ /* ** execd_ticket.c */ #define MSG_JOB_TICKETFORMAT _MESSAGE(29096, _("format error in ticket request")) #define MSG_JOB_TICKETPASS2PTF_IS _MESSAGE(29097, _("passing %d new tickets ptf complains: "SFN)) /* ** exec_job.c */ #define MSG_FILE_RMDIR_SS _MESSAGE(29098, _("can't remove directory "SFQ": "SFN)) /* #define MSG_FILE_CREATEDIRDEL_SS _message(29099, _("can't create directory "SFN" after deletion: "SFN)) __TS Removed automatically from testsuite!! TS__*/ #define MSG_FILE_CREATEDIR_SS _MESSAGE(29100, _("can't create directory "SFN": "SFN)) #define MSG_EXECD_NOSGID _MESSAGE(29101, _("supplementary group ids could not be found in /proc")) #define MSG_EXECD_NOPARSEGIDRANGE _MESSAGE(29102, _("can not parse gid_range")) #define MSG_EXECD_NOADDGID _MESSAGE(29103, _("can not find an unused add_grp_id")) #define MSG_MAIL_MAILLISTTOOLONG_U _MESSAGE(29104, _("maillist for job " sge_U32CFormat " too long")) #define MSG_EXECD_NOXTERM _MESSAGE(29105, _("unable to find xterm executable for interactive job, not configured")) #define MSG_EXECD_NOSHEPHERD_SSS _MESSAGE(29108, _("unable to find shepherd executable neither in architecture directory "SFN" nor in "SFN": "SFN)) #define MSG_EXECD_NOSHEPHERDWRAP_SS _MESSAGE(29109, _("unable to find shepherd wrapper command "SFN": "SFN)) #define MSG_DCE_NOSHEPHERDWRAP_SS _MESSAGE(29110, _("unable to find DCE shepherd wrapper command "SFN": "SFN)) #define MSG_EXECD_NOCOSHEPHERD_SSS _MESSAGE(29111, _("unable to find coshepherd executable neither in architecture directory "SFN" nor in "SFN": "SFN)) #define MSG_EXECD_AFSCONFINCOMPLETE _MESSAGE(29112, _("incomplete AFS configuration - set_token_cmd and token_extend_time must be configured")) #define MSG_EXECD_NOCREATETOKENFILE_S _MESSAGE(29113, _("can't create token file: "SFN)) #define MSG_EXECD_TOKENZERO _MESSAGE(29114, _("AFS token does not exist or has zero length")) #define MSG_EXECD_NOWRITETOKEN_S _MESSAGE(29115, _("can't write token to token file: "SFN)) /* CR: don't localize mail subject, until we send it in Mime format! * The message definition is not l10n'ed (no _() macro used)!!! */ #define MSG_MAIL_STARTSUBJECT_UUS "Job-array task "sge_U32CFormat"."sge_U32CFormat" ("SFN") Started" #define MSG_MAIL_STARTBODY_UUSSSSS _MESSAGE(29116, _("Job-array task "sge_U32CFormat"."sge_U32CFormat" ("SFN") Started\n User = "SFN"\n Queue = "SFN"\n Host = "SFN"\n Start Time = "SFN) ) /* CR: don't localize mail subject, until we send it in Mime format! * The message definition is not l10n'ed (no _() macro used)!!! */ #define MSG_MAIL_STARTSUBJECT_US "Job "sge_U32CFormat" ("SFN") Started" #define MSG_MAIL_STARTBODY_USSSSS _MESSAGE(29117, _("Job "sge_U32CFormat" ("SFN") Started\n User = "SFN"\n Queue = "SFN"\n Host = "SFN"\n Start Time = "SFN) ) #define MSG_FILE_CHDIR_SS _MESSAGE(29118, _("can't change dir to "SFN": "SFN)) #define MSG_EXECD_NOFORK_S _MESSAGE(29119, _("fork failed: "SFN)) #define MSG_EXECD_NOSTARTSHEPHERD _MESSAGE(29120, _("unable to start shepherd process")) #define MSG_SYSTEM_CANTMAKETMPDIR _MESSAGE(29122, _("can't make tmpdir")) #define MSG_SYSTEM_CANTGETTMPDIR _MESSAGE(29123, _("can't get tmpdir")) #define MSG_EXECD_UNABLETOFINDSCRIPTFILE_SS _MESSAGE(29124, _("unable to find script file "SFN": "SFN)) /* ** execd_ck_to_do.c */ #define MSG_JOB_EXCEEDHLIM_USSFF _MESSAGE(29126, _("job "sge_U32CFormat" exceeds job hard limit "SFQ" of queue "SFQ" (%8.5f > limit:%8.5f) - sending SIGKILL")) #define MSG_JOB_EXCEEDSLIM_USSFF _MESSAGE(29127, _("job "sge_U32CFormat" exceeds job soft limit "SFQ" of queue "SFQ" (%8.5f > limit:%8.5f) - sending SIGXCPU")) #define MSG_EXECD_EXCEEDHWALLCLOCK_UU _MESSAGE(29128, _("job "sge_U32CFormat"."sge_U32CFormat" exceeded hard wallclock time - initiate terminate method")) #define MSG_EXECD_EXCEEDSWALLCLOCK_UU _MESSAGE(29129, _("job "sge_U32CFormat"."sge_U32CFormat" exceeded soft wallclock time - initiate soft notify method")) #define MSG_EXECD_NOADDGIDOPEN_SSS _MESSAGE(29130, _("failed opening addgrpid file "SFN" of job "SFN": "SFN)) #define MSG_JOB_NOREGISTERPTF_SS _MESSAGE(29131, _("failed registering job "SFN" at ptf: "SFN)) #define MSG_EXECD_NOOSJOBIDOPEN_SSS _MESSAGE(29132, _("failed opening os jobid file "SFN" of job "SFN": "SFN)) /* #define MSG_EXECD_NOOSJOBIDREAD_SUUS _message(29133, _("failed reading os jobid file "SFN" of job "sge_U32CFormat"."sge_U32CFormat": "SFN)) __TS Removed automatically from testsuite!! TS__*/ /* ** execd_job_exec.c */ #define MSG_COM_UNPACKFEATURESET _MESSAGE(29134, _("unpacking featureset from job execution message")) #define MSG_COM_UNPACKJOB _MESSAGE(29135, _("unpacking job from job execution message")) #define MSG_JOB_MISSINGQINGDIL_SU _MESSAGE(29138, _("missing queue "SFQ" found in gdil of job "sge_U32CFormat)) #define MSG_EXECD_NOWRITESCRIPT_SIUS _MESSAGE(29139, _("can't write script file "SFQ" wrote only %d of "sge_U32CFormat" bytes: "SFN)) #define MSG_JOB_TASKWITHOUTJOB_U _MESSAGE(29140, _("received task belongs to job "sge_U32CFormat" but this job is not here")) #define MSG_JOB_TASKNOTASKINJOB_UU _MESSAGE(29141, _("received task belongs to job "sge_U32CFormat" but this job is here but the JobArray task "sge_U32CFormat" is not here")) #define MSG_JOB_TASKNOSUITABLEJOB_U _MESSAGE(29142, _("received task belongs to job "sge_U32CFormat" but this job is not suited for starting tasks")) #define MSG_JOB_NOFREEQ_USSS _MESSAGE(29145, _("no free queue for job "sge_U32CFormat" of user "SFN"@"SFN" (localhost = "SFN")")) #define MSG_JOB_INVALIDJATASK_REQUEST _MESSAGE(29146, _("invalid task list in job start request")) #define MSG_JOB_SAMEPATHSFORINPUTANDOUTPUT_SSS _MESSAGE(29147, _("same paths given for stdin ("SFQ") and "SFN" ("SFQ")")) #define MSG_DENIED_PETASKREQUEST_WRONG_USER_SS _MESSAGE(29148, _("denied request of user "SFQ" to start a pe task in job of user "SFQ)) /* ** execd_kill_execd.c */ #define MSG_JOB_INITCKPTSHUTDOWN_U _MESSAGE(29149, _("initiate checkpoint at shutdown: job "sge_U32CFormat"")) #define MSG_JOB_KILLSHUTDOWN_U _MESSAGE(29150, _("killing job at shutdown: job "sge_U32CFormat"")) /* ** execd_signal_queue.c */ #define MSG_JOB_INITMIGRSUSPQ_U _MESSAGE(29151, _("initiate migration at queue suspend for job "sge_U32CFormat)) #define MSG_JOB_SIGNALTASK_UUS _MESSAGE(29152, _("SIGNAL jid: " sge_U32CFormat " jatask: " sge_U32CFormat " signal: "SFN)) #define MSG_EXECD_WRITESIGNALFILE_S _MESSAGE(29153, _("error writing file "SFN" for signal transfer to shepherd")) #define MSG_JOB_DELIVERSIGNAL_ISSIS _MESSAGE(29154, _("failed to deliver signal %d to job "SFN" for "SFN" (shepherd with pid %d): "SFN)) #define MSG_JOB_INITMIGRSUSPJ_UU _MESSAGE(29155, _("initiate migration at job suspend for job "sge_U32CFormat" task "sge_U32CFormat"")) /* ** sge_load_sensor.c */ #define MSG_LS_STOPLS_S _MESSAGE(29161, _("stopping load sensor "SFN)) #define MSG_LS_STARTLS_S _MESSAGE(29162, _("starting load sensor "SFN)) #define MSG_LS_RESTARTLS_S _MESSAGE(29163, _("restarting load sensor "SFN)) /* #define MSG_LS_NORESTARTLS _message(29164, _("load sensor not restarted because load sensor file was not modified")) __TS Removed automatically from testsuite!! TS__*/ #define MSG_LS_NOMODTIME_SS _MESSAGE(29165, _("can't get mod_time from load sensor file "SFN": "SFN)) #define MSG_LS_FORMAT_ERROR_SS _MESSAGE(29166, _("Format error of loadsensor "SFQ". Received: \"%100s\"")) #define MSG_LS_USE_EXTERNAL_LS_S _MESSAGE(29167, _("execd cannot retrieve load values on platform "SFQ" - please configure an external load sensor")) /* ** execd.c */ #define MSG_FILE_REDIRECTFD_I _MESSAGE(29168, _("can't redirect file descriptor #%d")) #define MSG_EXECD_NOSTARTPTF _MESSAGE(29172, _("could not start priority translation facility (ptf)")) #define MSG_EXECD_STARTPDCANDPTF _MESSAGE(29173, _("successfully started PDC and PTF")) #define MSG_COM_RECEIVEREQUEST_S _MESSAGE(29174, _("can't receive request: "SFN)) #define MSG_COM_CANTREGISTER_SS _MESSAGE(29175, _("can't register at qmaster "SFQ": "SFN)) #define MSG_COM_ERROR _MESSAGE(29176, _("abort qmaster registration due to communication errors")) #define MSG_PARSE_INVALIDARG_S _MESSAGE(29178, _("invalid command line argument "SFQ)) #define MSG_PARSE_TOOMANYARGS _MESSAGE(29179, _("too many command line options")) #define MSG_EXECD_CANT_GET_CONFIGURATION_EXIT _MESSAGE(29186, _("can't get configuration qmaster - terminating")) #define MSG_EXECD_REGISTERED_AT_QMASTER_S _MESSAGE(29187, _("registered at qmaster host "SFQ)) #define MSG_EXECD_INVALIDJOBREQUEST_SS _MESSAGE(29188, _("invalid job start order from commproc "SFQ" on host"SFQ)) #define MSG_EXECD_INVALIDTASKREQUEST_SS _MESSAGE(29189, _("invalid pe task start order from commproc "SFQ" on host"SFQ)) #define MSG_EXECD_ENABLEDELEAYDJOBREPORTING _MESSAGE(29190, _("Reconnected to qmaster - enabled delayed job reporting period")) #define MSG_EXECD_DISABLEDELEAYDJOBREPORTING _MESSAGE(29191, _("Delayed job reporting period finished")) #define MSG_EXECD_ENABLEDELEAYDREPORTINGFORJOB_U _MESSAGE(29192, _("Enable delayed job reporting for job "sge_U32CFormat"")) #endif /* __MSG_EXECD_H */