/*___INFO__MARK_BEGIN__*/ /************************************************************************* * * The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of * the Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.2 * * Sun Microsystems Inc., March, 2001 * * * Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.2 * ================================================= * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Industry Standards * Source License Version 1.2 (the "License"); You may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the * License at http://gridengine.sunsource.net/Gridengine_SISSL_license.html * * Software provided under this License is provided on an "AS IS" basis, * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, * WITHOUT LIMITATION, WARRANTIES THAT THE SOFTWARE IS FREE OF DEFECTS, * MERCHANTABLE, FIT FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR NON-INFRINGING. * See the License for the specific provisions governing your rights and * obligations concerning the Software. * * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is: Sun Microsystems, Inc. * * Copyright: 2001 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * * All Rights Reserved. * ************************************************************************/ /*___INFO__MARK_END__*/ #include #include #include "rmon/sgermon.h" #include "uti/sge_log.h" #include "uti/sge_unistd.h" #include "uti/sge_parse_num_par.h" #include "uti/sge_dstring.h" #include "sched/sge_urgency.h" #include "sgeobj/sge_all_listsL.h" #include "sgeobj/sge_binding.h" #include "sgeobj/sge_feature.h" #include "sgeobj/sge_job.h" #include "sgeobj/sge_var.h" #include "sgeobj/sge_range.h" #include "sgeobj/sge_ulong.h" #include "sgeobj/sge_centry.h" #include "sgeobj/sge_cqueue.h" #include "sgeobj/sge_qinstance_state.h" #include "sgeobj/sge_answer.h" #include "sgeobj/cull_parse_util.h" #include "sgeobj/sge_mailrec.h" #include "sgeobj/sge_usage.h" #include "gdi/sge_gdi.h" #include "show_job.h" #include "parse_qsub.h" #include "get_path.h" #include "symbols.h" #include "msg_clients_common.h" static void sge_show_checkpoint(int how, int op); static void sge_show_y_n(int op, int how); static void show_ce_type_list(lList *cel, const char *indent, const char *separator, bool display_resource_contribution, lList *centry_list, int slots); void cull_show_job(lListElem *job, int flags, bool show_binding) { const char *delis[] = {NULL, ",", "\n"}; time_t ultime; /* used to be u_long32, but problem w/ 64 bit times */ DENTER(TOP_LAYER, "cull_show_job"); if(!job) { DEXIT; return; } if (!(flags & FLG_QALTER)) { if (lGetUlong(job, JB_job_number)) printf("job_number: %d\n", (int) lGetUlong(job, JB_job_number)); else printf("job_number: %s\n", MSG_JOB_UNASSIGNED); } if (lGetPosViaElem(job, JB_exec_file, SGE_NO_ABORT)>=0) if (lGetString(job, JB_exec_file)) printf("exec_file: %s\n", lGetString(job, JB_exec_file)); if (lGetPosViaElem(job, JB_submission_time, SGE_NO_ABORT)>=0) if ((ultime = (time_t)lGetUlong(job, JB_submission_time))) { printf("submission_time: %s", ctime((time_t *) &ultime)); } if (lGetPosViaElem(job, JB_deadline, SGE_NO_ABORT)>=0) if ((ultime = (time_t)lGetUlong(job, JB_deadline))) { printf("deadline: %s", ctime((time_t *) &ultime)); } if (lGetPosViaElem(job, JB_owner, SGE_NO_ABORT)>=0) { if (lGetString(job, JB_owner)) printf("owner: %s\n", lGetString(job, JB_owner)); else printf("owner: %s\n", ""); } if (lGetPosViaElem(job, JB_uid, SGE_NO_ABORT)>=0) printf("uid: %d\n", (int) lGetUlong(job, JB_uid)); if (lGetPosViaElem(job, JB_group, SGE_NO_ABORT)>=0) { if (lGetString(job, JB_group)) printf("group: %s\n", lGetString(job, JB_group)); else printf("group: %s\n", ""); } if (lGetPosViaElem(job, JB_gid, SGE_NO_ABORT)>=0) printf("gid: %d\n", (int) lGetUlong(job, JB_gid)); { const char *name[] = { "O_HOME", "O_LOGNAME", "O_PATH", "O_SHELL", "O_TZ", "O_WORKDIR", "O_HOST", NULL }; const char *fmt_string[] = { "sge_o_home: %s\n", "sge_o_log_name: %s\n", "sge_o_path: %s\n", "sge_o_shell: %s\n", "sge_o_tz: %s\n", "sge_o_workdir: %s\n", "sge_o_host: %s\n", NULL }; int i = -1; while (name[++i] != NULL) { const char *value; char fullname[MAX_STRING_SIZE]; sprintf(fullname, "%s%s", VAR_PREFIX, name[i]); value = job_get_env_string(job, fullname); if (value != NULL) { printf(fmt_string[i], value); } } } if (lGetPosViaElem(job, JB_execution_time, SGE_NO_ABORT)>=0) if ((ultime = (time_t)lGetUlong(job, JB_execution_time))) printf("execution_time: %s", ctime((time_t *) &ultime)); if (lGetPosViaElem(job, JB_account, SGE_NO_ABORT)>=0) if (lGetString(job, JB_account)) printf("account: %s\n", lGetString(job, JB_account)); if (lGetPosViaElem(job, JB_checkpoint_name, SGE_NO_ABORT)>=0) if (lGetString(job, JB_checkpoint_name)) printf("checkpoint_object: %s\n", lGetString(job, JB_checkpoint_name)); if (lGetPosViaElem(job, JB_checkpoint_attr, SGE_NO_ABORT)>=0) if (lGetUlong(job, JB_checkpoint_attr)) { printf("checkpoint_attr: "); sge_show_checkpoint(SGE_STDOUT, lGetUlong(job, JB_checkpoint_attr)); printf("\n"); } if (lGetPosViaElem(job, JB_checkpoint_interval, SGE_NO_ABORT)>=0) if (lGetUlong(job, JB_checkpoint_interval)) { printf("checkpoint_interval: "); printf("%d seconds\n", (int) lGetUlong(job, JB_checkpoint_interval)); } if (lGetPosViaElem(job, JB_cwd, SGE_NO_ABORT)>=0) { if (lGetString(job, JB_cwd)) printf("cwd: %s\n", lGetString(job, JB_cwd)); if (lGetPosViaElem(job, JB_path_aliases, SGE_NO_ABORT)>=0) if (lGetList(job, JB_path_aliases)) { int fields[] = { PA_origin, PA_submit_host, PA_exec_host, PA_translation, 0 }; delis[0] = " "; printf("path_aliases: "); uni_print_list(stdout, NULL, 0, lGetList(job, JB_path_aliases), fields, delis, FLG_NO_DELIS_STRINGS); } } if (lGetPosViaElem(job, JB_directive_prefix, SGE_NO_ABORT)>=0) if (lGetString(job, JB_directive_prefix)) printf("directive_prefix: %s\n", lGetString(job, JB_directive_prefix)); if (lGetPosViaElem(job, JB_stderr_path_list, SGE_NO_ABORT)>=0) if (lGetList(job, JB_stderr_path_list)) { int fields[] = { PN_host, PN_file_host, PN_path, PN_file_staging, 0 }; delis[0] = ":"; printf("stderr_path_list: "); uni_print_list(stdout, NULL, 0, lGetList(job, JB_stderr_path_list), fields, delis, FLG_NO_DELIS_STRINGS); printf("\n"); } if (lGetPosViaElem(job, JB_reserve, SGE_NO_ABORT)>=0) if (lGetBool(job, JB_reserve)) { printf("reserve: "); sge_show_y_n(lGetBool(job, JB_reserve), SGE_STDOUT); printf("\n"); } if (lGetPosViaElem(job, JB_merge_stderr, SGE_NO_ABORT)>=0) if (lGetBool(job, JB_merge_stderr)) { printf("merge: "); sge_show_y_n(lGetBool(job, JB_merge_stderr), SGE_STDOUT); printf("\n"); } if (lGetPosViaElem(job, JB_hard_resource_list, SGE_NO_ABORT)>=0) if (lGetList(job, JB_hard_resource_list)) { printf("hard resource_list: "); sge_show_ce_type_list(lGetList(job, JB_hard_resource_list)); printf("\n"); } if (lGetPosViaElem(job, JB_soft_resource_list, SGE_NO_ABORT)>=0) if (lGetList(job, JB_soft_resource_list)) { printf("soft resource_list: "); sge_show_ce_type_list(lGetList(job, JB_soft_resource_list)); printf("\n"); } if (lGetPosViaElem(job, JB_mail_options, SGE_NO_ABORT)>=0) if (lGetUlong(job, JB_mail_options)) { dstring mailopt = DSTRING_INIT; printf("mail_options: %s\n", sge_dstring_append_mailopt(&mailopt, lGetUlong(job, JB_mail_options))); sge_dstring_free(&mailopt); } if (lGetPosViaElem(job, JB_mail_list, SGE_NO_ABORT)>=0) if (lGetList(job, JB_mail_list)) { int fields[] = { MR_user, MR_host, 0 }; delis[0] = "@"; printf("mail_list: "); uni_print_list(stdout, NULL, 0, lGetList(job, JB_mail_list), fields, delis, FLG_NO_DELIS_STRINGS); } if (lGetPosViaElem(job, JB_notify, SGE_NO_ABORT)>=0) printf("notify: %s\n", (lGetBool(job, JB_notify) ? "TRUE" : "FALSE")); if (lGetPosViaElem(job, JB_job_name, SGE_NO_ABORT)>=0) { if (lGetString(job, JB_job_name)) printf("job_name: %s\n", lGetString(job, JB_job_name)); else printf("job_name: %s\n", ""); } if (lGetPosViaElem(job, JB_stdout_path_list, SGE_NO_ABORT)>=0) if (lGetList(job, JB_stdout_path_list)) { int fields[] = { PN_host, PN_file_host, PN_path, PN_file_staging, 0 }; delis[0] = ":"; printf("stdout_path_list: "); uni_print_list(stdout, NULL, 0, lGetList(job, JB_stdout_path_list), fields, delis, FLG_NO_DELIS_STRINGS); printf("\n"); } if (lGetPosViaElem(job, JB_stdin_path_list, SGE_NO_ABORT)>=0) if (lGetList(job, JB_stdin_path_list)) { int fields[] = { PN_host, PN_file_host, PN_path, PN_file_staging, 0 }; delis[0] = ":"; printf("stdin_path_list: "); uni_print_list(stdout, NULL, 0, lGetList(job, JB_stdin_path_list), fields, delis, FLG_NO_DELIS_STRINGS); printf("\n"); } if (lGetPosViaElem(job, JB_priority, SGE_NO_ABORT)>=0) if (lGetUlong(job, JB_priority) != BASE_PRIORITY) { printf("priority: "); printf("%d\n", (int) lGetUlong(job, JB_priority) - BASE_PRIORITY); } if (lGetPosViaElem(job, JB_jobshare, SGE_NO_ABORT)>=0) { printf("jobshare: "); printf(sge_u32"\n", lGetUlong(job, JB_jobshare)); } if (lGetPosViaElem(job, JB_hard_queue_list, SGE_NO_ABORT)>=0) if (lGetList(job, JB_hard_queue_list)) { int fields[] = {QR_name, 0 }; delis[0] = " "; printf("hard_queue_list: "); uni_print_list(stdout, NULL, 0, lGetList(job, JB_hard_queue_list), fields, delis, FLG_NO_DELIS_STRINGS); } if (lGetPosViaElem(job, JB_soft_queue_list, SGE_NO_ABORT)>=0) if (lGetList(job, JB_soft_queue_list)) { int fields[] = {QR_name, 0 }; delis[0] = " "; printf("soft_queue_list: "); uni_print_list(stdout, NULL, 0, lGetList(job, JB_soft_queue_list), fields, delis, FLG_NO_DELIS_STRINGS); } if (lGetPosViaElem(job, JB_restart, SGE_NO_ABORT)>=0) if (lGetUlong(job, JB_restart)) { printf("restart: "); sge_show_y_n((lGetUlong(job, JB_restart)==2)?0:1, SGE_STDOUT); printf("\n"); } if (lGetPosViaElem(job, JB_shell_list, SGE_NO_ABORT)>=0) if (lGetList(job, JB_shell_list)) { int fields[] = {PN_host, PN_path, 0 }; delis[0] = ":"; printf("shell_list: "); uni_print_list(stdout, NULL, 0, lGetList(job, JB_shell_list), fields, delis, FLG_NO_DELIS_STRINGS); } if (lGetPosViaElem(job, JB_verify, SGE_NO_ABORT)>=0) if (lGetUlong(job, JB_verify)) printf("verify: %s\n", "-verify"); if (lGetPosViaElem(job, JB_env_list, SGE_NO_ABORT)>=0) { int print_new_line = 1; if (lGetList(job, JB_env_list)) { lList *print = NULL; lList *do_not_print = NULL; int fields[] = {VA_variable, VA_value, 0 }; delis[0] = "="; printf("env_list: "); print = lGetList(job, JB_env_list); var_list_split_prefix_vars(&print, &do_not_print, VAR_PREFIX); uni_print_list(stdout, NULL, 0, print, fields, delis, FLG_NO_DELIS_STRINGS); if (lGetNumberOfElem(print) > 0) { print_new_line = 0; } lAddList(print, &do_not_print); } if (print_new_line) { printf("\n"); } } if (lGetPosViaElem(job, JB_job_args, SGE_NO_ABORT)>=0) if (lGetList(job, JB_job_args) || (flags & FLG_QALTER)) { int fields[] = {ST_name, 0 }; delis[0] = ""; printf("job_args: "); uni_print_list(stdout, NULL, 0, lGetList(job, JB_job_args), fields, delis, 0); } if (lGetPosViaElem(job, JB_qs_args, SGE_NO_ABORT)>=0) if (lGetList(job, JB_qs_args) || (flags & FLG_QALTER)) { int fields[] = {ST_name, 0 }; delis[0] = ""; printf("qs_args: "); uni_print_list(stdout, NULL, 0, lGetList(job, JB_qs_args), fields, delis, 0); } if (lGetPosViaElem(job, JB_master_hard_queue_list, SGE_NO_ABORT)>=0) if (lGetList(job, JB_master_hard_queue_list)) { int fields[] = {QR_name, 0 }; delis[0] = " "; printf("master hard queue_list: "); uni_print_list(stdout, NULL, 0, lGetList(job, JB_master_hard_queue_list), fields, delis, FLG_NO_DELIS_STRINGS); } if (lGetPosViaElem(job, JB_job_identifier_list, SGE_NO_ABORT)>=0) if (lGetList(job, JB_job_identifier_list)) { int fields[] = { JRE_job_number, 0 }; delis[0] = ""; printf("job_identifier_list: "); uni_print_list(stdout, NULL, 0, lGetList(job, JB_job_identifier_list), fields, delis, 0); } if (lGetPosViaElem(job, JB_script_size, SGE_NO_ABORT)>=0) if (lGetUlong(job, JB_script_size)) printf("script_size: "sge_uu32"\n", lGetUlong(job, JB_script_size)); if (lGetPosViaElem(job, JB_script_file, SGE_NO_ABORT)>=0) if (lGetString(job, JB_script_file)) printf("script_file: %s\n", lGetString(job, JB_script_file)); if (lGetPosViaElem(job, JB_script_ptr, SGE_NO_ABORT)>=0) if (lGetString(job, JB_script_ptr)) printf("script_ptr: \n%s\n", lGetString(job, JB_script_ptr)); if (lGetPosViaElem(job, JB_pe, SGE_NO_ABORT)>=0) if (lGetString(job, JB_pe)) { dstring range_string = DSTRING_INIT; range_list_print_to_string(lGetList(job, JB_pe_range), &range_string, true, false, false); printf("parallel environment: %s range: %s\n", lGetString(job, JB_pe), sge_dstring_get_string(&range_string)); sge_dstring_free(&range_string); } if (lGetPosViaElem(job, JB_jid_request_list, SGE_NO_ABORT)>=0) if (lGetList(job, JB_jid_request_list) ) { int fields[] = { JRE_job_name, 0 }; delis[0] = ""; printf("jid_predecessor_list (req): "); uni_print_list(stdout, NULL, 0, lGetList(job, JB_jid_request_list), fields, delis, 0); } if (lGetPosViaElem(job, JB_jid_predecessor_list, SGE_NO_ABORT)>=0) if (lGetList(job, JB_jid_predecessor_list)) { int fields[] = { JRE_job_number, 0 }; delis[0] = ""; printf("jid_predecessor_list: "); uni_print_list(stdout, NULL, 0, lGetList(job, JB_jid_predecessor_list), fields, delis, 0); } if (lGetPosViaElem(job, JB_jid_successor_list, SGE_NO_ABORT)>=0) if (lGetList(job, JB_jid_successor_list)) { int fields[] = { JRE_job_number, 0 }; delis[0] = ""; printf("jid_successor_list: "); uni_print_list(stdout, NULL, 0, lGetList(job, JB_jid_successor_list), fields, delis, 0); } if (lGetPosViaElem(job, JB_ja_ad_request_list, SGE_NO_ABORT)>=0) if (lGetList(job, JB_ja_ad_request_list) ) { int fields[] = { JRE_job_name, 0 }; delis[0] = ""; printf("ja_ad_predecessor_list (req): "); uni_print_list(stdout, NULL, 0, lGetList(job, JB_ja_ad_request_list), fields, delis, 0); } if (lGetPosViaElem(job, JB_ja_ad_predecessor_list, SGE_NO_ABORT)>=0) if (lGetList(job, JB_ja_ad_predecessor_list)) { int fields[] = { JRE_job_number, 0 }; delis[0] = ""; printf("ja_ad_predecessor_list: "); uni_print_list(stdout, NULL, 0, lGetList(job, JB_ja_ad_predecessor_list), fields, delis, 0); } if (lGetPosViaElem(job, JB_ja_ad_successor_list, SGE_NO_ABORT)>=0) if (lGetList(job, JB_ja_ad_successor_list)) { int fields[] = { JRE_job_number, 0 }; delis[0] = ""; printf("ja_ad_successor_list: "); uni_print_list(stdout, NULL, 0, lGetList(job, JB_ja_ad_successor_list), fields, delis, 0); } if (lGetPosViaElem(job, JB_verify_suitable_queues, SGE_NO_ABORT)>=0) if (lGetUlong(job, JB_verify_suitable_queues)) printf("verify_suitable_queues: %d\n", (int)lGetUlong(job, JB_verify_suitable_queues)); if (lGetPosViaElem(job, JB_soft_wallclock_gmt, SGE_NO_ABORT)>=0) if ((ultime = (time_t)lGetUlong(job, JB_soft_wallclock_gmt))) { printf("soft_wallclock_gmt: %s", ctime((time_t *) &ultime)); } if (lGetPosViaElem(job, JB_hard_wallclock_gmt, SGE_NO_ABORT)>=0) if ((ultime = (time_t)lGetUlong(job, JB_hard_wallclock_gmt))) { printf("hard_wallclock_gmt: %s", ctime((time_t *) &ultime)); } if (lGetPosViaElem(job, JB_version, SGE_NO_ABORT)>=0) if (lGetUlong(job, JB_version)) printf("version: %d\n", (int) lGetUlong(job, JB_version)); /* ** problem: found no format anywhere */ if (lGetPosViaElem(job, JB_override_tickets, SGE_NO_ABORT)>=0) if (lGetUlong(job, JB_override_tickets)) printf("oticket: %d\n", (int) lGetUlong(job, JB_override_tickets)); if (lGetPosViaElem(job, JB_project, SGE_NO_ABORT)>=0) if (lGetString(job, JB_project)) printf("project: %s\n", lGetString(job, JB_project)); if (lGetPosViaElem(job, JB_ar, SGE_NO_ABORT)>=0) { if (lGetUlong(job, JB_ar)) { printf("ar_id: %d\n", (int) lGetUlong(job, JB_ar)); } } if (lGetPosViaElem(job, JB_ja_structure, SGE_NO_ABORT)>=0) { u_long32 start, end, step; job_get_submit_task_ids(job, &start, &end, &step); if (job_is_array(job)) printf("job-array tasks: "sge_u32"-"sge_u32":"sge_u32"\n", start, end, step); } if (lGetPosViaElem(job, JB_context, SGE_NO_ABORT)>=0) if (lGetList(job, JB_context)) { int fields[] = {VA_variable, VA_value, 0 }; delis[0] = "="; printf("context: "); uni_print_list(stdout, NULL, 0, lGetList(job, JB_context), fields, delis, FLG_NO_DELIS_STRINGS); } /* display online job usage separately for each array job but summarized over all pe_tasks */ #define SUM_UP_JATASK_USAGE(ja_task, dst, attr) \ if ((uep=lGetSubStr(ja_task, UA_name, attr, JAT_scaled_usage_list))) { \ dst += lGetDouble(uep, UA_value); \ } #define SUM_UP_PETASK_USAGE(pe_task, dst, attr) \ if ((uep=lGetSubStr(pe_task, UA_name, attr, PET_scaled_usage))) { \ dst += lGetDouble(uep, UA_value); \ } if (show_binding) { lList *binding_list = lGetList(job, JB_binding); if (binding_list != NULL) { lListElem *binding_elem = lFirst(binding_list); dstring binding_param = DSTRING_INIT; binding_print_to_string(binding_elem, &binding_param); printf("binding: "SFN"\n", sge_dstring_get_string(&binding_param)); sge_dstring_free(&binding_param); } } if (lGetPosViaElem(job, JB_ja_tasks, SGE_NO_ABORT) >= 0) { lListElem *uep, *jatep, *pe_task_ep; for_each (jatep, lGetList(job, JB_ja_tasks)) { int first_task = 1; double cpu, mem, io, vmem, maxvmem; /* jobs whose job start orders were not processed to the end due to a qmaster/schedd collision appear in the JB_ja_tasks list but are not running - thus we may not print usage for those */ if (lGetUlong(jatep, JAT_status)!=JRUNNING && lGetUlong(jatep, JAT_status)!=JTRANSFERING) continue; if (first_task) { printf("usage %4d: ", (int)lGetUlong(jatep, JAT_task_number)); first_task = 0; } else printf(" %4d: ", (int)lGetUlong(jatep, JAT_task_number)); cpu = mem = io = vmem = maxvmem = 0.0; /* master task */ SUM_UP_JATASK_USAGE(jatep, cpu, USAGE_ATTR_CPU); SUM_UP_JATASK_USAGE(jatep, vmem, USAGE_ATTR_VMEM); SUM_UP_JATASK_USAGE(jatep, mem, USAGE_ATTR_MEM); SUM_UP_JATASK_USAGE(jatep, io, USAGE_ATTR_IO); SUM_UP_JATASK_USAGE(jatep, maxvmem, USAGE_ATTR_MAXVMEM); /* slave tasks */ for_each (pe_task_ep, lGetList(jatep, JAT_task_list)) { SUM_UP_PETASK_USAGE(pe_task_ep, cpu, USAGE_ATTR_CPU); SUM_UP_PETASK_USAGE(pe_task_ep, vmem, USAGE_ATTR_VMEM); SUM_UP_PETASK_USAGE(pe_task_ep, mem, USAGE_ATTR_MEM); SUM_UP_PETASK_USAGE(pe_task_ep, io, USAGE_ATTR_IO); /* SUM_UP_PETASK_USAGE(pe_task_ep, io, USAGE_ATTR_MAXVMEM); */ SUM_UP_PETASK_USAGE(pe_task_ep, maxvmem, USAGE_ATTR_MAXVMEM); } { dstring cpu_string = DSTRING_INIT; dstring vmem_string = DSTRING_INIT; dstring maxvmem_string = DSTRING_INIT; double_print_time_to_dstring(cpu, &cpu_string); double_print_memory_to_dstring(vmem, &vmem_string); double_print_memory_to_dstring(maxvmem, &maxvmem_string); printf("cpu=%s, mem=%-5.5f GBs, io=%-5.5f, vmem=%s, maxvmem=%s\n", sge_dstring_get_string(&cpu_string), mem, io, (vmem == 0.0) ? "N/A": sge_dstring_get_string(&vmem_string), (maxvmem == 0.0) ? "N/A": sge_dstring_get_string(&maxvmem_string)); sge_dstring_free(&cpu_string); sge_dstring_free(&vmem_string); sge_dstring_free(&maxvmem_string); } } } if (lGetPosViaElem(job, JB_ja_tasks, SGE_NO_ABORT) >= 0 && show_binding) { lListElem *jatep; for_each (jatep, lGetList(job, JB_ja_tasks)) { int first_task = 1; lListElem *usage_elem; const char *binding_inuse = NULL; if (lGetUlong(jatep, JAT_status) != JRUNNING && lGetUlong(jatep, JAT_status) != JTRANSFERING) { continue; } for_each (usage_elem, lGetList(jatep, JAT_scaled_usage_list)) { const char *binding_name = "binding_inuse"; const char *usage_name = lGetString(usage_elem, UA_name); if (strncmp(usage_name, binding_name, strlen(binding_name)) == 0) { binding_inuse = strstr(usage_name, "="); if (binding_inuse != NULL) { binding_inuse++; } break; } } printf("%s %4d: %s\n", first_task ? "binding" : " ", (int)lGetUlong(jatep, JAT_task_number), binding_inuse != NULL ? binding_inuse : "NONE"); if (first_task) { first_task = 0; } } } if (lGetPosViaElem(job, JB_ja_tasks, SGE_NO_ABORT) >= 0) { lListElem *jatep; for_each (jatep, lGetList(job, JB_ja_tasks)) { bool first_task = true; lListElem *mesobj; for_each(mesobj, lGetList(jatep, JAT_message_list)) { const char *message = lGetString(mesobj, QIM_message); if (message != NULL) { printf(SFN" %4d: "SFN"\n", first_task ? "error reason" : " ", (int)lGetUlong(jatep, JAT_task_number), message); } first_task = false; } } } DEXIT; return; } static void sge_show_checkpoint(int how, int op) { int i = 0; int count = 0; dstring string = DSTRING_INIT; DENTER(TOP_LAYER, "sge_show_checkpoint"); job_get_ckpt_attr(op, &string); if (VALID(SGE_STDOUT, how)) { printf("%s", sge_dstring_get_string(&string)); for (i = count; i < 4; i++) { printf(" "); } } if (VALID(SGE_STDERR, how)) { fprintf(stderr, "%s", sge_dstring_get_string(&string)); for (i = count; i < 4; i++) { fprintf(stderr, " "); } } sge_dstring_free(&string); DRETURN_VOID; } static void sge_show_y_n(int op, int how) { stringT tmp_str; DENTER(TOP_LAYER, "sge_show_y_n"); if (op) sprintf(tmp_str, "y"); else sprintf(tmp_str, "n"); if (VALID(how, SGE_STDOUT)) printf("%s", tmp_str); if (VALID(how, SGE_STDERR)) fprintf(stderr, "%s", tmp_str); DEXIT; return; } void sge_show_ce_type_list(lList *rel) { DENTER(TOP_LAYER, "sge_show_ce_type_list"); show_ce_type_list(rel, "", ",", false, NULL, 0); DEXIT; return; } /*************************************************************/ /* cel CE_Type List */ /* TODO: EB: this function should be replaced by centry_list_append_to_dstring() */ static void show_ce_type_list(lList *cel, const char *indent, const char *separator, bool display_resource_contribution, lList *centry_list, int slots) { bool first = true; const lListElem *ce, *centry; const char *s, *name; double uc = -1; DENTER(TOP_LAYER, "show_ce_type_list"); /* walk through complex entries */ for_each (ce, cel) { if (first) { first = false; } else { printf("%s", separator); printf("%s", indent); } name = lGetString(ce, CE_name); if (display_resource_contribution && (centry = centry_list_locate(centry_list, name))) uc = centry_urgency_contribution(slots, name, lGetDouble(ce, CE_doubleval), centry); s = lGetString(ce, CE_stringval); if(s) { if (!display_resource_contribution) printf("%s=%s", name, s); else printf("%s=%s (%f)", name, s, uc); } else { if (!display_resource_contribution) printf("%s", name); else printf("%s (%f)", name, uc); } } DEXIT; return; } /*************************************************************/ /* rel CE_Type List */ void sge_show_ce_type_list_line_by_line(const char *label, const char *indent, lList *rel, bool display_resource_contribution, lList *centry_list, int slots) { DENTER(TOP_LAYER, "sge_show_ce_type_list_line_by_line"); printf("%s", label); show_ce_type_list(rel, indent, "\n", display_resource_contribution, centry_list, slots); printf("\n"); DEXIT; return; }