Qmake - a distributed parallel make
qmake provides a parallel distributed make utility integrated with Grid Engine.

It is based on GNU make Revision 3.78.1 which is copyrighted under the GNU General Public License (see file COPYING).

qmake uses GNU make's remote stub mechanism (see source code remote-stub.c) to start each make task as a task in a Grid Engine parallel job.

To create a Grid Engine parallel job, qmake submits itsself using qrsh and requests a parallel environment with a certain number of slots.
In the resulting parallel job, qmake starts the single make tasks using the Grid Engine feature "qrsh -inherit" - see documentation of qrsh.

For additional information and usage see the manual page qmake.1 and autodoc headers included in the source code remote-sge.c.

The following changes have been made to the GNU make source tree: