It is based on GNU make Revision 3.78.1 which is copyrighted under the GNU General Public License (see file COPYING).
qmake uses GNU make's remote stub mechanism (see source code remote-stub.c) to start each make task as a task in a Grid Engine parallel job.
To create a Grid Engine parallel job, qmake submits itsself using qrsh
and requests a parallel environment with a certain number of slots.
In the resulting parallel job, qmake starts the single make tasks using
the Grid Engine feature "qrsh -inherit" - see documentation
of qrsh.
For additional information and usage see the manual page qmake.1 and autodoc headers included in the source code remote-sge.c.
The following changes have been made to the GNU make source tree:
modified main.c: a function call to a function remote_options has been added at the entrance of the main function to allow qmake to separate Grid Engine specific options from GNU make options.