Functional Specification Document for 6.2 Advance Reservation

Roland Dittel, Andreas Haas
31 May 2007
Work in progress

1 Introduction

This document describes a project that extends N1 Grid Engine with Advance Reservation capabilities. In the specification document "Resource Reservation and Backfilling" Advance Reservation (AR) was defined as:

        A reservation (possibly independent of a particular job) that can 
        be requested by a user or administrator and gets created by the 
        scheduler. The reservation causes the associated resources be blocked
        for other jobs.
The GRAAP-WG Advance Reservation definition is:
        A advance reservation is a possibly limited or restricted delegation
        of a particular resource capability over a defined time interval,
        obtained by the requester from the resource owner through a negotiation
A possibly better way to explain what AR will be adding to Grid Engine is by using the analogy of a flight reservation system: With Grid Engine 6.0 Resource Reservation (RR) capabilities an administrator can guarantee that passenger's will get their flights in the order they arrive at the airport. This is sufficient for last-minute travelers, yet it does not allow adequate travel planning. The purpose of AR is to fill this gap, so that administrators can arrange a passengers travel in advance based on an allocation schema that gets considered by the Grid Engine scheduler.

2 Project Overview

2.1 Project Aim

Aim is to enhance Grid Engine with Advance Reservation capabilities. Cornerstones for the enhancement are

4 Functional Definition

4.3 Diagnostics

4.4 User Experience

4.4.1 Command Line (CLI)

End users are allowed to create, delete, show and use an AR.

4.4.2 Graphical User Interface (GUI)

The GUI will provide the same functionality as the CLI interface

4.4.3 JGDI (API)

JGDI will provide the same functionality as the CLI interface

5.1 Component Clients

5.1.1 Overview

The clients are uses by end users for requesting, deleting, showing and using an AR. It's also desired to modify an AR.

The new clients are:

command description
qrsub create a new AR
qralter (desired) modify AR
qrdel delete an AR
qrstat view status of ARs

Enhanced clients:

command description
qsub submit a job
qstat show the status of jobs and queues
qmon submit/delete/show AR
qacct view finished jobs

5.1.2 Functionality

5.1.3 Interfaces qrsub - submit a advance reservation to N1 Grid Engine Overview
Command Line Switches:
switch/argument description
-a date_time start time in [[CC]YY]MMDDhhmm[.SS]
-alloc allocation_rule slot_range (desired) reserve more than one slots
-A account_string AR name in accounting record
-ckpt ckpt-name reserve in queue with ckpt method
-d time duration in TIME format
-e date_time end time in [[CC]YY]MMDDhhmm[.SS]
-he yes/no hard error handling
-help print this help
-l resource_list request the given resources
-m b/e/a/n define mail notification events
-masterq wc_queue_list bind master task to queue(s)
-now reserve in queues with qtype interactive
-M user[@host],... notify these e-mail addresses
-N name AR name
-w e/v validate availability of AR request, default e
-pe pe_name slot_range reserve slot range for parallel jobs
-q wc_queue_list reserve in queue(s)
-u wc_user access list Description
Qrsub submits a Advance Reservation to the N1 Grid Engine queuing system.

For qrsub the administrator and the user may define default request files (analogous to sge_request for qsub) which can contain any of the possible command line options. The file names are $SGE_ROOT/$SGE_CELL/common/sge_ar_request (global defaults file) and $HOME/.sge_ar_request (user private defaults file).

The most of the options are already specified for qsub and defined in submit(1)

Additional switches are:

Available for qrsub only.

Specifies the end time for the Advance Reservation in [[CC]YY]MMDDhhmm[.SS] format (see -a option). The use of this switch is optional if the start time with the -a option and the duration with the -d option is requested.

Available for qrsub only

Specifies the duration of the Advance Reservation in TIME format. Refer to queue_conf(5) for a format description. The use of this switch is optional if the start time with the -a option and the end time with the -e option is requested.

Behavior for qrsub

Specifies the access list for the new Advance Reservation. Only users defined in this list are allowed to request the AR handle for their jobs. By default only the user who requested the AR has access. A access list is differentiated from a user name by prefixing the group name with a '@' sign.

Defines or redefines under which circumstances mail is to be sent to the AR owner or to the users defined with the -M option described below. The option arguments have the following meaning:

flag description
'b' Mail is sent at the beginning of the AR
'e' Mail is sent at the end of the AR
'a' Mail is sent when the AR when goes into error state or is valid again
'n' No mail is sent

Specifies the behavior when the AR goes into error state. A hard error means as long as the AR is in error state no jobs using the reservation will be scheduled. If soft error is specified the reservation stays usable with the remaining resources.

By default the soft error handling is used.

It's desired to implement IZ 285 that describes a switch to define the allocation rule and how many slots are requested at submission time. The multiplication will also happen but the slots are now separated from the other resources.


* Request 2 slots per host, on 2 quad CPU hosts, with two compiler licenses

    -alloc 2 4 -l license=1/2
* Request 10 slots, as much as possible on one host
    -alloc $fill_up 10 Examples

Reserve an slot in queue all.q on host1 or host2 or host3

qrsub -q all.q -l "h=host1|host2|host3" -u $user -a 01121200 -d 1:0:0
qrsub -q "*@host1,*@host2,*@host3" -u $user -a 01121200 -d 1:0:0

Reserve 4 slots on a host with arch=sol-sparc64

qrsub -pe alloc_pe_slots 4 -l h=sol-sparc64 -u $user -a 01121200 -d 1:0:0 qralter

Skipped due to time constrains
Currently not decided to implement qrdel Overview
Command Line Switches:
switch/argument description
-help print this help
-f force action (jobs referring to AR will be deleted)
-u wc_user_list delete all users ARs
ar_list delete all ARs given in list Description
Qrdel provides a means for a operator, manager or user referenced in arusers access list to delete one or more Advance Reservations. The AR identifiers can either AR-IDs or AR names. Qrdel deletes ARs in the order in which their identifiers are presented.

Jobs referring to a Advance Reservation tagged for deletion will also be removed. Only if all jobs referring an AR are removed from the N1 Grid Engine database the Reservation will also be removed.

Prints a listing of all options. Force action for ARs with jobs referring to the AR. The job(s) are deleted from the list of jobs registered at sge_qmaster(8) even if the sge_execd(8) controlling the job(s) does not respond to the delete request by the sge_qmaster(8). A list of users, which ARs should be deleted. A list of ARs, which should be deleted. qrstat Overview

Command Line Switches:

switch/argument description
-help print this help
-ar ar_id show scheduler advance reservation information
-u user_list view only ARs requested by this user
-explain explain error
-xml print output in XML format Description
Qrstat shows the current status of the granted N1 Grid Engine Advance Reservations. Selection options allow you to get information about specific ARs or users. Without any options qrstat will display an overview of all reservations.

Prints a list of all options. Displays various information for all ARs contained in the ar_list. The ar_list can contain ar_ids, ar_names or patterns. Displays information only for those ARs being requested by one of the users from the given list.

The string $user is a placeholder for the current user name. An asterisk "*" can be used as user name wildcard to request any users ARs be displayed.

Displays the reason for a Advance Reservation error state.

Possible reasons are:

The output format for the error reasons is one line per reason.

This option can be used with all other options and changes the output to XML. The used scheme is defined in Appendix #3 - qrstat XML schema. The output is printed to stdout. Examples

% qrstat
AR-ID   name       owner        state start at            end at              duration
    192 project_xy user1        r     12/14/2006 14:47:23 12/14/2006 14:57:33 0:10:10
    193            user2        w     12/18/2006 10:00:00 12/19/2006 10:00:10 24:0:10

% qrstat -ar 193
id:                         193
submission_time:            Mon Nov 27 17:11:34 2006
owner:                      user1
acl_list:                   user1,user2
start_time:                 Mon Dec 18 10:00:00 2006
end_time:                   Tue Dec 19 10:00:10 2006
duration:                   24:0:10
granted_slots:              all.q@host1=2,all.q@host2=1
resource_list:              myapp=2,myapp=1
... qsub/qalter Overview
Command Line Switches:
switch/argument description
-ar request AR with the ar_id
ar_id positive integer Description

Selects the Advance Reservation to be used by the job.

Modifying the AR-ID with qalter will be denied if the job is already running. qstat Overview
Command Line Switches:
switch/argument description
-j show scheduler job information Description

  1. qstat -j
    The qstat -j prints out all job data. Because the job object will now have a AR-ID requested for this job this must be also shown by 'qstat -j'
  2. qstat
    The qstat -f output is often to search for unused hosts. To represent if a host is reserved and can not be used by non-AR jobs the used/tot. field need to be enhanced to print out how many slots are reserved.

    The following example illustrates the output. In the example 20 slots reserved on host brag and 1 AR job runs in the AR.

    % qstat
    queuename                      qtype resv/used/tot. load_avg arch          states
    all.q@brag                     BIPC  20/1/20        0.02     darwin-x86
         16 0.55500 Sleeper    rd141302     r     11/28/2006 11:48:26     1 qmon

The "Submit Jobs" and the "Job Control" mask need to be enhanced for the AR-ID.

Qmon will get two new masks:

  1. Submit Advance Reservation
    The mask will be similar to the "Submit Jobs" mask. The most of the input parameter are already used by the "Submit Jobs" mask and some others need to be added.
  2. Show Granted Advance Reservations
    The mask will be similar to the "Job Control" mask. The data will be the same as for the qrstat command. qacct

Because the accounting file will have a new column for the AR_id qacct parsing needs to be enhanced to view the correct output. Because the accounting file can have old entries by jobs prior 6.2 qacct needs to be able parse both formats.

To get a consistent accounting file a update procedure needs to be written that adds the new column for the AR_id to entries prior 6.2 qmaster configuration sge_conf(5)

The number of active (not finished) advance reservations simultaneously allowed in N1 Grid Engine is controlled by this parameter. A value greater than 0 defines the limit. The default value 0 means "unlimited". If the max_advance_reservations limit is exceeded by a AR submission then the submission command exits with exit status 25 and an appropriate error massage.

Changing max_advance_reservations will take immediate effect.

This value is a global configuration parameter only. It cannot be overwritten by the execution host local configuration.

5.1.4 Other Requirements

5.2 Advance Reservation Object

5.2.1 Overview

The Advance Reservation Object represents the requested AR for the N1 Grid Engine System. The request is stored in the internal Qmaster Database like all other object (for example. usersets, complexes).

Every AR is referenced by a unique integer ID. Analog to the Job ID the value is stored in the file "arseqnum" in the qmaster spool dir. The highest AR id is 9999999 like for jobs. If the highest AR is reached a wraparound happens and the next one starts with 1.

AR life time

5.2.2 Functionality AR submit Validate AR request

During the submit at first some basic values are validated.

  1. dissonant time window values
    If start_time, end_time and duration does not match together the request will be rejected. For example a start time of 12:00 PM, end time of 13:00 PM and a duration of 2 hours will be rejected.
  2. reduced granted time window due to DURATION_OFFSET
    The net time window of a granted AR is always reduced due to fixed schedule interval. Additionally the effective job runtime is always longer than the real job runtime because of start/stop overhead and prolog/epilog scripts. To reflect these longer times in the reservation schedule the parameter "DURATION_OFFSET" (see CR 6283308) was introduced.

    To guarantee all jobs are removed from the cluster when AR end time is reached it is necessary to consider the DURATION_OFFSET for Advance Reservation also. This means all jobs submitted to a AR will have a resulting runtime limit of AR duration - DURATION_OFFSET. Jobs requesting a longer runtime will not be scheduled. The AR requester needs to keep this in mind when he creates a new AR. Access Control for creating new AR requests

It's necessary to restrict the users that are allowed to make an AR. This is done by a user list called 'arusers'. Only managers or users contained in the 'arusers' user list are allowed to create an ARs.

The 'arusers' user list will be created at installation time and the SGE admin user will be added to the list. Selecting hosts and reserving resources

The resource selection will be similar as for a regular sequential or parallel job. At first the best suited hosts are selected and at second the desired amount of resources are reserved. The difference between job dispatching is that disabled, unknown or suspended queues are considered as suited queues. Queues in orphaned state are not suited like for job dispatching.

For a Advance Reservation the following restrictions and enhancements for selection the resources are necessary

  1. AR access list and queue acl_list
    Because every user of the access list requested for the AR with the '-u' option need to be able to run a job in the AR only those queue instances can be reserved where all users of the requested user list has access. During the AR granting this needs to be validated and if only one user of the list has no access to the queue instance, this queue instance will not considered for the reservation.

    For example:

    % qconf -sq all.q | grep xuser_list
    % qconf -su denied_users | grep entries
    entries user3
    % qrsub -u user1,user2,user3 -q all.q -a ....
    Error: No queue instances to reserve
  2. Avoiding conflicts with non runtime jobs
    To make AR behavior predictable it's necessary to have the reserved resources free at the time of the AR start. This can be done in conflict cases either by preempting the non-AR jobs or proactive by avoiding conflict cases. Because Grid Engine currently does not support preemption the later one is implemented.

    Conflicts can happen if jobs will not finish at the desired end of scheduled time slot. This is the case for jobs with no run time limit (h_rt) because jobs requested h_rt will be deleted automatically by Grid Engine if they exceed the requested time.

    The solution to avoid such conflicts is by keeping non-runtime-limit jobs diverged from AR jobs. Because every job has a implicit slot count that refers to a queue instance this can be done by not reserving a AR on hosts where jobs with no run-time-limit are running and at the same time by not scheduling a non-runtime-limit job on a queue instance with a AR.

    The following example illustrates the behavior:

    % qstat -f
    queuename                      qtype used/tot. load_avg arch          states
    all.q@host1                   BIPC  1/1      0.01     sol-amd64
       3001 0.55500 Sleeper    rd141302     r     12/14/2006 10:20:47     1
    all.q@host2                     BIPC  0/1      0.09     sol-amd64
    % qrsub -a 12141200 -d 0:30:0 -u user1 -h host1
    denied: Reservation can't be granted
    % qrsub -a 12141200 -d 0:30:0 -u user1 -h host2
    Your reservation 1 has been granted
    % qsub -w e -l h=host2 job_script
    Unable to run job: error: no suitable queues.
  3. AR and Resource Quotas
    The interaction between AR and resource quotas raises the questions whether it's necessary to honor quotas for AR jobs. Honoring AR reservation in resource quotas raises some issues with to much reserved resources or inefficient AR time frames. Therefore we've decided not to honor AR reservation and resource usage for AR jobs in the resource quotas.

    The reason why we are able to ignore RQS reservation and resource usage in conjunction with AR is that Quotas does not represent the capacity of a resource. The capacity is defined a global/queue/host level and must of course honored for AR requests. This means ignoring RQS will not lead in a resource overload, only the quota share for a special request may be exceed for the time the AR time window is open.

    The following examples illustrates the behavior:

    • resource quota: limit users user1 to slots=10
    • AR: start time now for user1 with slots=10.

    1. user1 can use 20 slots (10 with and 10 without AR)
    2. if all slots are used qquota output will show 10 of 10 used slots (the 10 AR slots are not booked) AR open time window AR error state

An already granted AR would become invalid for several reasons like configuration changes on reserved hosts, user set changes, or queue changes. All of these foreseeable events need to be rejected. A list of foreseeable events is:

The cases that are not foreseeable are the outage of a host or a queue instance error, disable or suspend. In such cases the affected AR goes into error state. If error mail sending is enabled the AR requester and all email addresses specified by the -M option will get a mail when the AR became invalid (earliest at AR start time when the error is detected) and when the AR is satisfied again.

The error handling can be specified at AR submit time. A hard error blocks the fault AR and the scheduled does not dispatch the referring AR-jobs. With soft error the AR stays usable with the remaining resources. AR influence by removing a reserved queue

A granted Advance Reservation influence when a administrator removes a reserved queue instance. If this happens the removed queue will go into "orphaned" state. This is analogue when removing a queue with a running job. The queue will disappear when all advance reservations are ended.

Normally queues in orphaned state are not considered for job dispatching. Because the AR was requested and granted this is different for jobs requesting a AR. These jobs can be scheduled to the reserved orphaned queue. AR cleanup

When the AR end time is reached at first all jobs referring to the AR will be deleted and at second the AR itself will be deleted. No jobs can request the AR handle any longer.

5.2.3 Interfaces AR States

State Description
w waiting - granted but start time not reached
r running - start time reached
x exited - end time reached and doing cleanup
d deleted - manual deletion
W warning - AR became invalid but AR start time is not reached
E error - AR became invalid and AR start time is reached Additional GDI Requests

This request adds the advance reservations in the specified list. The list elements are full specified advance reservations. The request is used for implementing qrsub command.

This request deletes all advance reservation in the specified list. The list elements needs only to specify the name or ID of the advance reservation to be removed. The request is used for implementing the qrdel command.

This request allows for retrieving advance reservations. CULL 'where' expressions can be used for selecting particular ARs, CULL 'what' expressions can be used for selecting particular AR fields. Additional Event Client requests

This event is sent each time when a new advance reservation has been created. It contains the full advance reservation object, but no usage information.

This event is sent each time when an existing advance reservation is removed. The event contains only the name of the advance reservation to be removed.

This event is sent each time when an existing advance reservation has changed. It contains the full advance reservation object. AR Cull Specification

see Appendix #1 - Cull AR_Type definition

5.2.4 Other Requirements

5.3 AR Job Object

5.3.1 Overview

The AR Job Object is not a new Component, it's a enhancement of the regular N1GE Job Object to deal with Advance Reservations. All previous 6.1 job properties are still valid will work for AR and non AR jobs.

AR job life time

5.3.2 Functionality Job Submission Validate AR request

At job submit time some additional verifications are done. If one of the verifications fails the job will be rejected.

The verifications are:

  1. AR-ID is valid
    Verify that the requested AR-ID has the correct syntax and the AR exists.
  2. AR access list
    Ensure the job submit user has access to the selected AR.
  3. job run time
    Ensure the runtime selected with hr_t is a valid time frame. At first the runtime must be smaller than the AR time window duration and at second the the runtime must be smaller than the AR end time minus the current time.
  4. job resource requests
    A job can only request the resources already reserved by the AR. It's not possible for jobs to use more or other resources than requested in the AR. The verification is implemented by a implicit '-w e' request when -ar was requested. This behavior can be changed by submitting AR jobs with '-w n' to the normal qsub default behaviour. Job Scheduling

Jobs requesting an AR will only be scheduled if the AR start time is already reached, which means the AR is active and in state running.

Additionally it needs to be ensured the resources requested by the job are all reserved and free. If other jobs are running using the AR and the resources are already in use the job will not dispatched. Job Execution

To be sure jobs requesting an AR can not use more resources than reserved by the AR it's necessary to debit the AR job usage. This is done before the job starts. At job end the usage needs to be undebited.

All jobs (pending or running) will be deleted when the AR refereed by the job ends or will be deleted.

5.3.3 Interfaces AR Cull Enhancements

The Cull Object JB_Type defined in /lib/sgeobj/sge_jobL.h will get a new field JB_ar_id.


5.3.4 Other Requirements

5.4 Component Accounting

5.4.1 Overview

After a AR end it's necessary to detect if a resource was reserved but not used over the complete time, only used partial or not used at all. Thus we need to add billing capabilities by enhancing the current accounting and reporting files. In addition dbwriter , arco and qacct needs to be enhanced.

The Accounting Component is part of the qmaster.

5.4.2 Functionality ARCo Queries

Accounting per AR
type: Advanced
view: pivot
sql: SELECT time, ar_number, cpu, mem, io FROM (SELECT date_trunc('month', start_time)::date AS time, ar_number, SUM(cpu) AS cpu, SUM(mem) AS mem, SUM(io) AS io FROM view_accounting WHERE start_time > (current_timestamp - interval '1 year') AND ar_number > 0 GROUP BY time, ar_number) AS tmp;

Advanced Reservation Attributes
type: Simple
view: NONE
latebinding: ar_number
sql: SELECT "ar_number", "owner", "submission_time", "name", "account", "start_time", "end_time", "granted_pe", FROM (SELECT ar_number, owner, submission_time, name, account, start_time, end_time, granted_pe FROM view_ar_attribute) AS tmp WHERE "ar_number" = '';

Advanced Reservation Log
type: Simple
view: NONE
latebinding: ar_number
sql: SELECT "ar_number", "time", "event", "state", "message" FROM(SELECT ar_number, time, event, state, message FROM view_ar_log ) AS tmp WHERE "ar_number" = '';

Advanced Reservation Time Usage
type: Advanced
view: NONE
sql: SELECT ar_number, job_duration, ar_duration, age(('1970-01-01'::date + ar_duration::interval)::timestamp, ('1970-01-01'::date + job_duration::interval)::timestamp) AS unused_time FROM view_ar_time_usage WHERE ar_number IN (SELECT ARL.ar_number FROM view_ar_log ARL WHERE event = 'TERMINATED');

Advanced Reservation by User
type: Simple
view: NONE
latebinding: ar_owner
sql: SELECT "ar_number", "submission_time" FROM(SELECT ar_number, ar_submission_time FROM sge_ar ) AS tmp WHERE "ar_owner" = '';

Number of Jobs Completed per AR
type: Advanced
view: NONE
SELECT ar_number AS ar_number, date_trunc('day', start_time) AS day, COUNT(job_number) AS jobs FROM view_job_times WHERE start_time > (current_timestamp - interval '1 year') AND ar_number > 0 GROUP BY day, ar_number;

5.4.3 Interfaces accounting file

To get an overview what finished jobs were running in a previous AR the job entry in the accounting field needs an additional field for the AR-ID. reporting file


The format of the "acct" entry will be changed. An additional column will be added which contains the ar number:

ar_number (u_long32)

The AR number or 0


The new_ar job record is written whenever a new advance reservervation enters the system. It has the following fields:

submission_time (u_long32)

Time (GMT unix time stamp) when the ar was submitted
ar_number (u_long32)

The AR number
ar_owner (char *)

The AR owner


The ar_attribute record is written whenever a new advance reservation was added or the attributes of a existing attributes has changed. It has the following fields:

event_time (u_long32)

Time (GMT unix time stamp) when the event was generated.
submission_time (u_long32)

Time (GMT unix time stamp) when the ar was submitted
ar_number (u_long32)

The AR number
ar_name (char *)

The AR name
ar_account (char *)

The account string specified for the AR (from -A submission option)
ar_start_time (u_long32)

Start time (GMT unix time stamp)
ar_end_time (u_long32)

End time (GMT unix time stamp)
ar_granted_pe (u_long32)

The parallel environment which was selected for that AR
ar_granted_resources (char * e.g. res1=3,res2=7,... )

The resources which were granted to the advanced reservation


The ar_log record is written whenever a advance reservation is changing status. A status change can be from pending to active, but can also be triggered by system events like host outage. It has the following fields:

state_change_time (u_long32)

Time (GMT unix time stamp) when the change was generated
submission_time (u_long32)

Time (GMT unix time stamp) when the ar was submitted
ar_number (u_long32)

The AR number
ar_state (char *)

The AR state
ar_event (char *)

The event id triggered the state change
ar_message (char *)

A message describing the event which triggered the state change


Records of type ar_acct are accounting recoreds. They are written for every queue instance whenever a advance reservation terminates. Advance reservation accounting records comprise the following fields:

ar_termination_time (u_long32)

Time (GMT unix time stamp) when the ar terminated
submission_time (u_long32)

Time (GMT unix time stamp) when the ar was submitted
ar_number (u_long32)

The AR number
ar_qname (char *)

Name of the cluster queue in which the AR reserved
ar_hostname (char *)

The name of the execution host
ar_slots (u_long32)

The number of slots which were reserved database model

see Appendix #2 - ARCo database model

5.4.4 Other Requirements

Appendix - Appendix #1 - Cull AR_Type definition

defined in libs/sgeobj/sge_advance_reservationL.h
#include "sge_boundaries.h"
#include "cull.h"

#ifdef  __cplusplus
extern "C" {

/* values for AR_verify */
enum {

/* AR states for AR_state */
enum {
   AR_UNKNOWN = 0,  /* should never be seen. only used for variable initialisation */

   AR_WAITING,      /* w    waiting - granted but start time not reached */
   AR_RUNNING,      /* r    running - start time reached */
   AR_EXITED,       /* x    exited - end time reached and doing cleanup */
   AR_DELETED,      /* d    deleted - manual deletion */
   AR_ERROR,        /* E    error - AR became invalid and start time is reached */
   AR_WARNING       /* W    error - AR became invalid but start time not reached */

/* Advance Reservation Object */
enum {


   AR_state,               /* state of the AR */     



   AR_reserved_queues,          /* runtime value */


   AR_type                      /* -now switch */






   SGE_LIST(AR_resource_utilization, RUE_Type, CULL_DEFAULT | CULL_JGDI_RO)

   SGE_LIST(AR_granted_slots, JG_Type, CULL_SPOOL | CULL_JGDI_RO)

   SGE_LIST(AR_master_queue_list, QR_Type, CULL_DEFAULT | CULL_SPOOL)










#define ARS sizeof(ARN)/sizeof(char*)

/* Advance Reservation ACL Entry Object */
enum {
   ARA_name = ARA_LOWERBOUND,   /* user or userset */
   ARA_group                    /* group name for user */



#define ARAS sizeof(ARAN)/sizeof(char*)
/* *INDENT-ON* */ 

#ifdef  __cplusplus

Appendix - Appendix #2 - ARCo database model

<version id="5" name="6.2">
       <description>Create table sge_ar</description>
         CREATE TABLE sge_ar (
            ar_id integer,
            ar_number integer,
            ar_owner text,
            ar_submission_time timestamp,
            PRIMARY KEY (ar_id)
       <description>Create index sge_ar_idx0</description>
       <sql>CREATE INDEX sge_ar_idx0 ON sge_ar (ar_number)</sql>       
       <description>Create index sge_ar_idx1</description>
       <sql>CREATE INDEX sge_ar_idx1 ON sge_ar (ar_owner)</sql>       
       <description>Create table sge_ar_attribute</description>
         CREATE TABLE sge_ar_attribute (
            ara_id integer,
            ara_parent integer,
            ara_curr_time timestamp,
            ara_name text,
            ara_account text,
            ara_start_time timestamp,
            ara_end_time timestamp,
            ara_granted_pe text,
            PRIMARY KEY (ara_id),
            FOREIGN KEY (ara_parent) REFERENCES sge_ar (ar_id)
       <description>Create index sge_ar_attribute_idx0</description>
       <sql>CREATE INDEX sge_ar_attribute_idx0 ON sge_ar_attribute (ara_end_time)</sql>       
      <description>Create table sge_ar_usage</description>
         CREATE TABLE sge_ar_usage (
            aru_id integer,
            aru_parent integer,
            aru_termination_time timestamp,
            aru_qname text,
            aru_hostname text,
            aru_slots integer,
            PRIMARY KEY (aru_id),
            FOREIGN KEY (aru_parent) REFERENCES sge_ar (ar_id)
      <description>Create table sge_ar_log</description>
         CREATE TABLE sge_ar_log (
            arl_id integer,
            arl_parent integer,
            arl_time timestamp,
            arl_event text,
            arl_state text,
            arl_host text,
            arl_message text,
            PRIMARY KEY (arl_id),
            FOREIGN KEY (arl_parent) REFERENCES sge_ar (ar_id)
       <description>Create index sge_ar_log_idx0</description>
       <sql>CREATE INDEX sge_ar_log_idx0 ON sge_ar_log (arl_event)</sql>       
       <description>Create table sge_ar_resource_usage</description>
         CREATE TABLE sge_ar_resource_usage (
             arru_id integer,
             arru_parent integer,
             arru_variable text,
             arru_value text,
             PRIMARY KEY (arru_id),
             FOREIGN KEY (arru_parent) REFERENCES sge_ar (ar_id)
       <description>Adds the column ar_number to sge_job_usage table</description>
          ALTER TABLE sge_job_usage ADD COLUMN ju_ar_number integer DEFAULT 0
       <description>Create index on column ar_number</description>
          CREATE INDEX sge_job_usage_idx1 ON sge_job_usage (ju_ar_number)
       <description>Drop view view_job_times</description>
         DROP VIEW view_job_times
       <description>Drop view view_accounting</description>
         DROP VIEW view_accounting
       <description>Create updated view view_accounting</description>
         CREATE VIEW view_accounting AS 
            SELECT j_job_number AS job_number, j_task_number AS task_number, 
                   j_pe_taskid AS pe_taskid,
                   j_job_name AS name, j_group AS group, j_owner AS username,
                   j_account AS account, 
                   j_project AS project, j_department AS department,
                   j_submission_time AS submission_time, 
                   ju_ar_number AS ar_number,
                   ju_start_time AS start_time, ju_end_time as end_time,
                   (ju_start_time - j_submission_time)::interval AS wait_time,
                   (ju_end_time - j_submission_time)::interval AS turnaround_time,
                   (ju_end_time - ju_start_time)::interval AS job_duration,
                   ju_ru_wallclock AS wallclock_time,
                   ju_cpu AS cpu, ju_mem AS mem, ju_io AS io, ju_iow AS iow, 
                   ju_maxvmem AS maxvmem
            FROM sge_job, sge_job_usage
            WHERE j_id = ju_parent
              AND j_submission_time > '1970-01-02' 
              AND ju_start_time >= j_submission_time
        <description>Update view view_job_times</description>
          CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW view_job_times AS
                       SELECT * FROM view_accounting
                       WHERE pe_taskid = 'NONE'
       <description>Create view view_ar_attribute</description>
         CREATE VIEW view_ar_attribute AS
            SELECT ar_number AS ar_number,
                   ar_owner AS owner,
                   ar_submission_time AS submission_time,
                   ara_name AS name,
                   ara_account AS account,
                   ara_start_time AS start_time,
                   ara_end_time AS end_time,
                   ara_granted_pe AS granted_pe
            FROM sge_ar, sge_ar_attribute
            WHERE ar_id = ara_parent       
       <description>Create view view_ar_log</description>
          CREATE VIEW view_ar_log AS
            SELECT ar_number AS ar_number,
                   arl_time AS time,
                   arl_event AS event,
                   arl_state AS state,
                   arl_message AS message
            FROM sge_ar, sge_ar_log
            WHERE ar_id = arl_parent
       <description>Create view view_ar_usage</description>
          CREATE VIEW view_ar_usage AS 
            SELECT ar_number AS ar_number,
                   aru_termination_time AS termination_time,
                   aru_qname AS queue,
                   aru_hostname AS hostname,
                   aru_slots AS slots
             FROM sge_ar, sge_ar_usage
             WHERE ar_id = aru_parent
        <description>Create view view_ar_resource_usage</description>
           CREATE VIEW view_ar_resource_usage AS
             SELECT ar_number AS ar_number,
                    arru_variable AS variable,
                    arru_value AS value
             FROM sge_ar, sge_ar_resource_usage
             WHERE ar_id = arru_parent
       <description>Create view view_ar_time_usage</description>
          CREATE VIEW view_ar_time_usage AS
            SELECT ART.ar_number AS ar_number, 
                   SUM(job_duration)::interval AS job_duration,                   
                   (ART.end_time - ART.start_time)::interval AS ar_duration
            FROM view_ar_attribute ART LEFT OUTER JOIN view_accounting ACC 
            ON (ART.ar_number = ACC.ar_number) 
            GROUP BY ART.ar_number, ar_duration ORDER BY ART.ar_number
        <description>Update version table</description>
          INSERT INTO sge_version (v_id, v_version, v_time)
                      VALUES(5, '6.2', current_timestamp)

Appendix - Appendix #3 - qrstat XML schema

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<xs:schema xmlns:xs=""

    <!-- ======================================= -->
    <!-- qrstat output                           -->

    <xs:complexType name="ar_summary_t">
            <xs:element name="id" type="xs:unsignedInt"/>
            <xs:element name="name" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/>
            <xs:element name="account" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/>
            <xs:element name="owner" type="xs:string"/>

            <xs:element name="submission_time" type="xs:dateTime"/>
            <xs:element name="start_time" type="xs:dateTime"/>
            <xs:element name="end_time" type="xs:dateTime"/>
            <xs:element name="duration" type="xs:unsignedInt"/>

            <xs:element name="state" type="xs:string"/>
            <xs:element name="message" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/>

            <xs:element name="resource_list" type="resource_list_t"/>
            <xs:element name="granted_slots" type="granted_slots_list_t"/>
            <xs:element name="granted_parallel_environment" type="granted_pe_t" minOccurs="0"/>
            <xs:element name="checkpoint_name" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/>

            <xs:element name="mail_options" type="xs:string"/>
            <xs:element name="mail_list" type="mail_list_t" minOccurs="0"/>

            <xs:element name="acl_list" type="acl_list_t" minOccurs="0"/>
            <xs:element name="xacl_list" type="acl_list_t" minOccurs="0"/>

    <!-- ======================================= -->

    <xs:complexType name="resource_list_t">
            <xs:element name="resource" type="resource_t" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>

    <xs:complexType name="resource_t">
        <xs:attribute name="name" type="xs:string" use="required"/>
        <xs:attribute name="type" type="xs:string" use="required"/>

    <xs:complexType name="granted_slots_list_t">
            <xs:element name="granted_slots" type="granted_slots_t" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>

    <xs:complexType name="granted_slots_t">
        <xs:attribute name="queue_instance" type="xs:string" use="required"/>
        <xs:attribute name="slots" type="xs:unsignedInt" use="required"/>

    <xs:complexType name="granted_pe_t">
            <xs:element name="parallel_environment" type="xs:string" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1"/>
            <xs:element name="slots" type="xs:unsignedInt" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1"/>

    <xs:complexType name="mail_list_t">
             <xs:element name="mail" type="mail_t" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>

    <xs:complexType name="mail_t">
        <xs:attribute name="user" type="xs:string" use="required"/>
        <xs:attribute name="host" type="xs:string" use="required"/>

    <xs:complexType name="acl_list_t">
        <xs:element name="acl" type="acl_t" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>

    <xs:complexType name="acl_t">
        <xs:attribute name="user" type="xs:string" use="required"/>
