SuperDoctor 5 (SD5) Release Notes ================================================ sd5-version=5.1.0 Software Release Version: SuperDoctor5_5.1.0_build.563 Release Date: 10/03/2014 Introduction ============ SuperDoctor 5 (SD5) is an agent system that runs on monitored hosts designed by Supermicro to provide local system health and information. SD5 supports a web-based interface program (SD5 Web) and a command line interface program (sdc) for server management. Requirements ============ * Hardware: Supermicro baseboard Free Disk Space: 200 MB Available RAM: 64 MB An Ethernet network interface card * Operating system: Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server 5.x Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server 6.x Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server 7.x SUSE Linux Enterprise 11.x Windows 2008 Server R2 Windows 2012 Server R2 Note that SuperDoctor 5 might be run on the operating systems not in the support list but not fully validated by Supermicro. * Web browser on a client Internet Explorer 8.x or higher version Firefox 3.x or higher version Package Contents ============ - crc32.txt CRC code - ReleaseNote.txt Release note - SSM MIB files - SuperDoctor5Installer_5.[x].[y]_build.###_linux_x86_[YYYYMMDDHHmmss].bin SuperDoctor 5 installer for 32-bit Linux - SuperDoctor5Installer_5.[x].[y]_build.###_linux_x64_[YYYYMMDDHHmmss].bin SuperDoctor 5 installer for 64-bit Linux - SuperDoctor5Installer_5.[x].[y]_build.###_windows_x86_[YYYYMMDDHHmmss].exe SuperDoctor 5 installer for 32-bit Windows - SuperDoctor5Installer_5.[x].[y]_build.###_windows_x64_[YYYYMMDDHHmmss].exe SuperDoctor 5 installer for 64-bit Windows - SuperDoctor5_UserGuide.pdf SuperDoctor 5 User's Guide Installation and Upgrade Instructions ===================================== Please refer to the user guide. Version History =============== SuperDoctor5_5.1.0_build.563 ======================== Additions --------- 1. 1. Add X10DRL-CT, X10DRL-IT, X10DRL-C, B9QR7, B10DRT Series, X10DRD-I, X10QBL, X10QBL-CT, C7X99-OCE, X10SRA, A1SRM-LN7F-2758, A1SRM-LN5F-2358, A1SRM-LN7F-2358, X10DRT-HIBF, X10DRW-E, X10DRW-ET, X10DRW-N, X10DRW-NT, X10DRH-I, X10DRH-IT, X10DRH-CT, and X10DRH-C sensor reading supports. Fixes ----- 1. Fixed SD5 cannot correctly read power supply overall status at PWS-1K66P-1R. 2. Fixed SD5 cannot provide correctly SNMP information pass through SNMP getnext command. 3. Fixed airflow temperature check mechanism in S.M.A.R.T. check. Removals -------- 1. Remove LAN Temp for X10DRT-P, X10DRT-PIBQ, and X10DRT-PIBF. SuperDoctor5_5.1.0_build.547 ======================== Additions --------- 1. Added X9DRD-C/I(N)T+, X10SRA-F, X10SRG-F, X10DRU-I+, X10DRI, X10DRI-T, X10DRG-H, X10DRG-HT, X10DRU-X, X10DRG-Q, X10DBT-T, X10DBT, X10DRT-H, and X10DAX sensor reading supports. 2. Added C7X99-OCE-F, C7Z97-M, C7Z97-MF, H9SKV-420, A1SRM-LN7F/LN5F, A1SA2-2350F, B9QR7, B10DRi, B1SL1 and B1SL1-F sensor reading supports. 3. Added sensor support of PWS-1K28D-240, PWS-503D-240, PWS-706P-1R, PWS-707P-1R, PWS-656P-1H, PWS-656S-1H, PWS-661P-1R, PWS-662P-1R, PWS-1K68A-1R, PWS-655P-1HS, PWS-1K02A-1R, PWS-1K66P-1R, and PWS-750P-1R. 4. Added 3 system information types to the SystemInfo of SD5 Web including OEM Strings, System Configuration Options, and Power Supply. 5. Added "Version", "Serial Number", "SKU Number", and "Family" fields to Computer System of SystemInfo of SD5 Web. 6. Added "Type" and "OEM-Defined Value" fields to Chassis of SystemInfo of SD5 Web. 7. Added "Manufacturing Date" and "Speed" fields to Physical Memory of SystemInfo of SD5 Web. 8. Added system information support on RHEL 7 including Disk Drive, Network, Service, Time Zone and OS caption. 9. Enhanced the updating status of BIOS flashing to SD5 Web and sdc. Changes ------- 1. Changed slave address for sensor reading supports of X9DRD-C/INT+, X9DRT-P, X9DRT-PT, X9DRT-PIBQ, X9DRT-PIBF REV1.02, and X10QBI. 2. Added TR1 and TR2 temperature support for A1SA7. 3. Changed system temperature to peripheral temperature for X10SBA and X10SBA-L. 4. Returned OK status even the check result of X10SBA fan is critical when RT2 temperature is low. 5. Changed the layout of Network on SystemInfo of SD5 Web. 6. Changed the host address to host name (host address) in the title of E-Mail Alert. Fixes ----- 1. Fixed total size on Physical Memory page of SystemInfo of SD5 Web on Linux. Removals -------- 1. Removed chassis intrusion support for X10SRE-DS018. 2. Removed power supply support for X10DAI. SuperDoctor5_5.1.0_build.524 ======================== Additions --------- 1. Added BIOS flashing supports on X10 Windows platforms (Intel Grantley platform is not included in the support list). 2. Added all-in-one health status in SSM MIB files to represent the health of all built-in hardware sensor readings such as fan speeds, temperature, and so on. 3. Added X10SLH-N6-ST031, X10DDW-I, X10DDW-I3, X9DRD-C/INT+, A1SA7 and A1SA2-2350F sensor reading supports. 4. Added SD5 installer supports to install on 64-bit RHEL 7 platforms. SuperDoctor5_5.1.0_build.516 ======================== Additions --------- 1. Added sensor reading supports for Wellsburg SMBus Controller. 2. Added model and revision information of power supply to sdc. Changes ------- 1. Changed layout and logo in SD5 user's guide. 2. Renamed Dimm to DIMM for X10 UP sensors. Removals -------- 1. Removed useless raid definitions in SSM MIB files. Fixes ----- 1. Fixed SD5 cannot retrieve RAID information when CacheCade is configured. 2. Fixed wrong ME FW Version when NM is 3.0. SuperDoctor5_5.1.0_build.509 ======================== Additions --------- 1. Added X10DAI, X10SRH-F, X10DRFR, X10DRFR-T, B1SA4-2750F, and B1SA4-2550F sensor reading supports. 2. Added "KCS Base Address" field to IPMI of SystemInfo of SD5 Web. Changes ------- 1. Change default user name and password to ADMIN and ADMIN. Fixes ----- 1. Fixed missing hard drives on the Disk Drive of SystemInfo of SD5 Web on Ubuntu Server. 2. Provided a workaround for avoid taking long time to get BBU states in RAID while using SNMP walk. SuperDoctor5_5.1.0_build.494 ======================== Additions --------- 1. Added "IPv6 Address" field to Network of SystemInfo of SD5 Web. 2. Added "NM Revision" and "ME FW Version" fields to IPMI of SystemInfo of SD5 Web. 3. Added X10QBi, X10SRE-DS018, X10SRW-F, X10SRL-F, X10SAE, X10SAT, X10SRI-F, X10DRFF, X10DRW-I, X10DRW-IT, X10DRT-P, X10DRT-PT, X10DRT-PIBQ, X10DRT-PIBF, X10DRL-I, X10DRC-T4+, X10DRi-T4+, X10DRC-LN4+, X10DRi-LN4+, X9DAi, X9ORG-OF, X9SAE-V, X9DRG-O(T)F, X9DB3-CPU-AI026, C7Z97-OCE, C7Z87, C7Z87-OCE, and A1SA2-F sensor reading supports. 4. Added user guide document to Windows menu item and to Linux desktop. 5. Added self test function to Windows menu item and to Linux desktop. 6. Added a download link of user guide on SD5 Web. Changes ------- 1. Check OS environment to avoid 32-bit SD5 installer installing on 64-bit OS. 2. Upgraded used Java Native Access library in SD5 to version 3.5.2. Fixes ----- 1. Fixed missing hard drives on the Disk Drive of SystemInfo of SD5 Web on Ubuntu Server. 2. Fixed SD5 service cannot start on servers with some time zones by upgrading Java Service Wrapper library to version 3.5.23. SuperDoctor5_5.1.0_build.443 ======================== Additions --------- 1. Added user-defined threshold functions for monitored items on SD5 Web and sdc. 2. Added support for completing SD5 installation without restarting the Windows operating system. 3. Added A1SRI, A1SAM-2750F, A1SAM-2550F, A1SAM-2758F, A1SAM-2558F, A1SRM-2558F, A1SRM-2758F, B1SA4-F, X9SKV, X9SAE-V, X9DRH-iF, X9DRT-P, X9DRT-PT, X9DRT-PIBQ, X9DRT-PIBF, X10SRE-DS018, X10SLL-F, X10SLL-SF, X10SLL, X10SLL-S, X10SLL-F-CKD, X10SLX-F, X10SBA and X10SBA-L sensor reading supports. 4. Added support for monitoring of SMART health on Windows and it requires the smartctl utility to be installed first. Changes ------- 1. Changed default install folder of SD5 to C:\Program Files\Supermicro\SuperDoctor5 on Windows and /opt/Supermicro/SuperDoctor5 on Linux. 2. Upgraded used MegaCli tool in SD5 to Windows version 8.07.07 and Linux version 8.07.10. 3. Changed the implementation of parsing physical drive to reflect the MegaCli output changes. 4. Changed the supported language names on SD5 Web. 5. Redefined variables in the silent mode installation property file. Removals -------- 1. Removed max clock speed (MHz) of processors in the system information page. Fixes ----- 1. Fixed user account in the system information page got timed out in some Windows domain environment. 2. Fixed invalid page returned while the testing SNMP trap receiver is not available. SuperDoctor5_5.0.1_build.428 ======================== Additions --------- 1. Added FRU information to the SystemInfo of SD5 Web. 2. Added more system information types for SD5 Windows platform including Computer System, Desktop Monitor, Floppy, Keyboard, Port Connector, Parallel Port, Pointing Device, Serial Port, Computer Summary, Startup Command, and Video Controller. 3. Added power control functions to SD5 Web and sdc. 4. Added BIOS flashing functions to SD5 Web and sdc (H8, X8 and X9 series MBs; SD5 Windows platform only). 5. Added system tray support (pop-up alerts) on SD5 desktop. (SD5 Windows platform only) 6. Added X10SLL+-F, X9DRG-HTF+II, X9DRG-HF+II, X9DRG-HF+II/HTF+II, X9DBS-F(-2U), X10SEAA, X10SAT, X10SLV, X10SLE-DF, X9DRW-CF/CTF , X9SKV-B915, X9SKV-1125, X10SLV-Q, X10SLL-HF-CKD, A1SAi, A1SAi-2550F, and A1SAi-2750F sensor reading supports. 7. Added "Send Test Trap" button on SD5 Web. Fixes ----- 1. Fixed missing PCH temperature sensor on X10SAE/X10SAT/C7Z87/X10SLQ motherboards. 2. Fixed incorrect reading of CPU temperature sensor on X10SAE/X10SAT/C7Z87/X10SLQ motherboards. 3. Fixed the message "The I2C/SMBus device isnot available" shown on the SD5 Web on X10SAE/X10SAT/C7Z87/X10SLQ motherboards. 4. Fixed invalid enterprise value in the content of SNMP trap sent by SD5. 5. Fixed incorrect physical disk number returned in SD5 while using check_nrpe -c compound_health in Nagios. SuperDoctor5_5.0.0_build.421 ======================== Additions --------- 1. Based on last stable version of SSM Agent released on April 18th, 2013 to initially release as SuperDoctor 5 (SD5). Fixes ----- 1. Fixed missing power supply sensor on the SD5 Web on X9DRG-HF+II motherboard. 2. Fixed network adapter information on SystemInfo of SD5 Web on Windows that contains some virtual devices. 3. Fixed incorrect version information in the SuperDoctor 5 command line program(sdc). Known Issues, Limitations & Restrictions ======================================== 1. SD5 does not support the hardware monitoring on SuperBlade servers. 2. Memory health information is supported on Linux platforms only and does not support Supermicro desktop motherboards. 3. SMART status of Storage health information requires the smartctl utility to be installed first. 4. All RAID related function in SD5 supports LSI MegaRAID 2108 and 2208 controllers only. 5. X8DTT-F version 1.02 does not support power supply information. 6. All functions in SD5 supports Supermicro X8 and newer motherboards only. 7. BIOS flashing function in SD5 supports H8, X8, X9 and X10 (Intel Grantley platform is not included) motherboard series and is supported on Windows platforms only. 8. System tray function is supported on Windows platforms only. 9. The system information contents are platform dependent. Types including Desktop Monitor, Floppy, Keyboard, Port Connector, Parallel Port, Pointing Device, Serial Port, Computer Summary, Startup Command, and Video Controller are supported on Windows platforms only. Technical Support ================= Web Site: Headquarters: European Branch: Asian Branch: