 * @project        XRootD SSI/Protocol Buffer Interface Project
 * @brief          Output stream to send a stream of protocol buffers from server to client
 * @copyright      Copyright 2018 CERN
 * @license        This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 *                 it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 *                 the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 *                 (at your option) any later version.
 *                 This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 *                 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 *                 GNU General Public License for more details.
 *                 You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 *                 along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

#pragma once

#include <XrdSsi/XrdSsiStream.hh>
#include <google/protobuf/io/coded_stream.h>

namespace XrdSsiPb {

 * Output Stream Buffer class.
 * This class binds XrdSsiStream::Buffer to the stream interface.
 * This is a naïve implementation, where memory is allocated and deallocated on every use. It favours
 * computation efficiency over memory efficiency: the buffer allocated is twice the hint size, but data
 * copying is minimized.
 * A more performant implementation could be implemented using a buffer pool, using the Recycle()
 * method to return buffers to the pool.
template<typename DataType>
class OStreamBuffer : public XrdSsiStream::Buffer
    * Constructor
    * data is a public member of XrdSsiStream::Buffer. It is an unmanaged char* pointer. We initialize
    * it to double the hint size, with the implicit rule that the size of an individual serialized
    * record on the wire cannot exceed the hint size.
   OStreamBuffer(uint32_t hint_size) : XrdSsiStream::Buffer(new char[hint_size * 2]),
      m_data_size(0) {
      Log::Msg(Log::DEBUG, LOG_SUFFIX, "Called OStreamBuffer() constructor");

   ~OStreamBuffer() {
      Log::Msg(Log::DEBUG, LOG_SUFFIX, "Called ~OStreamBuffer() destructor");

      delete[] data;

    * Get the data size
   uint32_t Size() const {
      return m_data_size;

    * Push a protobuf into the queue
    * @retval    true     The buffer has been filled and is ready for sending
    * @retval    false    There is room in the buffer for more records
   bool Push(const DataType &record) {
      Log::Msg(Log::PROTOBUF, LOG_SUFFIX, "Push(): adding record to stream:");
      Log::DumpProtobuf(Log::PROTOBUF, &record);

      uint32_t bytesize = record.ByteSizeLong();

      if(m_data_size + bytesize > m_hint_size * 2) {
         throw XrdSsiException("OStreamBuffer::Push(): Stream buffer overflow");

      // Write the size of the next record into the buffer
      google::protobuf::io::CodedOutputStream::WriteLittleEndian32ToArray(bytesize, reinterpret_cast<google::protobuf::uint8*>(m_data_ptr));
      m_data_ptr += sizeof(uint32_t);

      // Serialize the Protocol Buffer
      record.SerializeToArray(m_data_ptr, bytesize);
      m_data_ptr += bytesize;

      m_data_size += sizeof(uint32_t) + bytesize;

      return m_data_size >= m_hint_size;

    * Called by the XrdSsi framework when it is finished with the object
   virtual void Recycle() {
      Log::Msg(Log::DEBUG, LOG_SUFFIX, "Called Recycle()");
      delete this;

   // Member variables

   const uint32_t   m_hint_size;    //!< Requested size of the buffer from the XRootD framework
   char            *m_data_ptr;     //!< Pointer to the raw storage
   uint32_t         m_data_size;    //!< Total size of the buffer on the wire

   std::vector<std::pair<uint32_t, DataType>> m_protobuf_q; //!< Queue of protobufs to be serialized

   static constexpr const char* const LOG_SUFFIX = "Pb::OStreamBuffer";   //!< Identifier for log messages

} // namespace XrdSsiPb