/*****************************************************************************\ * xcgroup.c - cgroup related primitives ***************************************************************************** * Copyright (C) 2009 CEA/DAM/DIF * Written by Matthieu Hautreux * * This file is part of Slurm, a resource management program. * For details, see . * Please also read the included file: DISCLAIMER. * * Slurm is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under * the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free * Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) * any later version. * * In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders give permission * to link the code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library under * certain conditions as described in each individual source file, and * distribute linked combinations including the two. You must obey the GNU * General Public License in all respects for all of the code used other than * OpenSSL. If you modify file(s) with this exception, you may extend this * exception to your version of the file(s), but you are not obligated to do * so. If you do not wish to do so, delete this exception statement from your * version. If you delete this exception statement from all source files in * the program, then also delete it here. * * Slurm is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY * WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more * details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with Slurm; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. \*****************************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "slurm/slurm.h" #include "slurm/slurm_errno.h" #include "src/common/log.h" #include "src/common/xmalloc.h" #include "src/common/xstring.h" #include "src/slurmd/slurmstepd/slurmstepd_job.h" #include "xcgroup.h" /* internal functions */ size_t _file_getsize(int fd); int _file_read_uint32s(char* file_path, uint32_t** pvalues, int* pnb); int _file_write_uint32s(char* file_path, uint32_t* values, int nb); int _file_read_uint64s(char* file_path, uint64_t** pvalues, int* pnb); int _file_write_uint64s(char* file_path, uint64_t* values, int nb); int _file_read_content(char* file_path, char** content, size_t *csize); int _file_write_content(char* file_path, char* content, size_t csize); /* * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * xcgroup_ns primitives xcgroup_ns primitives xcgroup_ns primitives * xcgroup_ns primitives xcgroup_ns primitives xcgroup_ns primitives * xcgroup_ns primitives xcgroup_ns primitives xcgroup_ns primitives * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* * create a cgroup namespace for tasks containment * * returned values: * - XCGROUP_ERROR * - XCGROUP_SUCCESS */ int xcgroup_ns_create(xcgroup_ns_t *cgns, char *mnt_args, char *subsys) { slurm_cgroup_conf_t *cg_conf; /* read cgroup configuration */ slurm_mutex_lock(&xcgroup_config_read_mutex); cg_conf = xcgroup_get_slurm_cgroup_conf(); cgns->mnt_point = xstrdup_printf("%s/%s", cg_conf->cgroup_mountpoint, subsys); cgns->mnt_args = xstrdup(mnt_args); cgns->subsystems = xstrdup(subsys); /* check that freezer cgroup namespace is available */ if (!xcgroup_ns_is_available(cgns)) { if (cg_conf->cgroup_automount) { if (xcgroup_ns_mount(cgns)) { error("unable to mount %s cgroup " "namespace: %s", subsys, slurm_strerror(errno)); goto clean; } info("cgroup namespace '%s' is now mounted", subsys); } else { error("cgroup namespace '%s' not mounted. aborting", subsys); goto clean; } } slurm_mutex_unlock(&xcgroup_config_read_mutex); return XCGROUP_SUCCESS; clean: slurm_mutex_unlock(&xcgroup_config_read_mutex); xcgroup_ns_destroy(cgns); return XCGROUP_ERROR; } /* * destroy a cgroup namespace */ void xcgroup_ns_destroy(xcgroup_ns_t* cgns) { xfree(cgns->mnt_point); xfree(cgns->mnt_args); xfree(cgns->subsystems); } /* * mount a cgroup namespace * * returned values: * - XCGROUP_ERROR * - XCGROUP_SUCCESS * * If an error occurs, errno will be set. */ int xcgroup_ns_mount(xcgroup_ns_t* cgns) { int fstatus; char* options; char opt_combined[1024]; char* mnt_point; char* p; mode_t cmask; mode_t omask; cmask = S_IWGRP | S_IWOTH; omask = umask(cmask); fstatus = mkdir(cgns->mnt_point, 0755); if (fstatus && errno != EEXIST) { if (cgns->mnt_point[0] != '/') { debug("unable to create cgroup ns directory '%s'" " : do not start with '/'", cgns->mnt_point); umask(omask); return XCGROUP_ERROR; } mnt_point = xstrdup(cgns->mnt_point); p = mnt_point; while ((p = xstrchr(p+1, '/')) != NULL) { *p = '\0'; fstatus = mkdir(mnt_point, 0755); if (fstatus && errno != EEXIST) { debug("unable to create cgroup ns required " "directory '%s'", mnt_point); xfree(mnt_point); umask(omask); return XCGROUP_ERROR; } *p='/'; } xfree(mnt_point); fstatus = mkdir(cgns->mnt_point, 0755); } if (fstatus && errno != EEXIST) { debug("unable to create cgroup ns directory '%s'" " : %m", cgns->mnt_point); umask(omask); return XCGROUP_ERROR; } umask(omask); if (cgns->mnt_args == NULL || strlen(cgns->mnt_args) == 0) options = cgns->subsystems; else { if (snprintf(opt_combined, sizeof(opt_combined), "%s,%s", cgns->subsystems, cgns->mnt_args) >= sizeof(opt_combined)) { debug2("unable to build cgroup options string"); return XCGROUP_ERROR; } options = opt_combined; } #if defined(__APPLE__) || defined(__FreeBSD__) if (mount("cgroup", cgns->mnt_point, MS_NOSUID|MS_NOEXEC|MS_NODEV, options)) #else if (mount("cgroup", cgns->mnt_point, "cgroup", MS_NOSUID|MS_NOEXEC|MS_NODEV, options)) #endif return XCGROUP_ERROR; return XCGROUP_SUCCESS; } /* * umount a cgroup namespace * * returned values: * - XCGROUP_ERROR * - XCGROUP_SUCCESS * * If an error occurs, errno will be set. */ int xcgroup_ns_umount(xcgroup_ns_t* cgns) { if (umount(cgns->mnt_point)) return XCGROUP_ERROR; return XCGROUP_SUCCESS; } /* * check that a cgroup namespace is ready to be used * * returned values: * - XCGROUP_ERROR : not available * - XCGROUP_SUCCESS : ready to be used */ int xcgroup_ns_is_available(xcgroup_ns_t* cgns) { int fstatus = 0; char* value; size_t s; xcgroup_t cg; if (xcgroup_create(cgns, &cg, "/", 0, 0) == XCGROUP_ERROR) return 0; if (xcgroup_get_param(&cg, "release_agent", &value, &s) != XCGROUP_SUCCESS) fstatus = 0; else { xfree(value); fstatus = 1; } xcgroup_destroy(&cg); return fstatus; } /* * Look for the cgroup in a specific cgroup namespace that owns * a particular pid * * returned values: * - XCGROUP_ERROR * - XCGROUP_SUCCESS */ int xcgroup_ns_find_by_pid(xcgroup_ns_t* cgns, xcgroup_t* cg, pid_t pid) { int fstatus = SLURM_ERROR; char file_path[PATH_MAX]; char* buf; size_t fsize; char* p; char* e; char* entry; char* subsys; /* build pid cgroup meta filepath */ if (snprintf(file_path, PATH_MAX, "/proc/%u/cgroup", pid) >= PATH_MAX) { debug2("unable to build cgroup meta filepath for pid=%u : %m", pid); return XCGROUP_ERROR; } /* * read file content * multiple lines of the form : * num_mask:subsystems:relative_path */ fstatus = _file_read_content(file_path, &buf, &fsize); if (fstatus == XCGROUP_SUCCESS) { fstatus = XCGROUP_ERROR; p = buf; while ((e = xstrchr(p, '\n')) != NULL) { *e='\0'; /* get subsystems entry */ subsys = xstrchr(p, ':'); p = e + 1; if (subsys == NULL) continue; subsys++; /* get relative path entry */ entry = xstrchr(subsys, ':'); if (entry == NULL) continue; *entry='\0'; /* check subsystem versus ns one */ if (xstrcmp(cgns->subsystems, subsys) != 0) { debug("skipping cgroup subsys %s(%s)", subsys, cgns->subsystems); continue; } entry++; fstatus = xcgroup_load(cgns, cg, entry); break; } xfree(buf); } return fstatus; } int xcgroup_ns_load(xcgroup_ns_t *cgns, char *subsys) { slurm_cgroup_conf_t *cg_conf; /* read cgroup configuration */ slurm_mutex_lock(&xcgroup_config_read_mutex); cg_conf = xcgroup_get_slurm_cgroup_conf(); cgns->mnt_point = xstrdup_printf("%s/%s", cg_conf->cgroup_mountpoint, subsys); slurm_mutex_unlock(&xcgroup_config_read_mutex); cgns->mnt_args = NULL; cgns->subsystems = xstrdup(subsys); return XCGROUP_SUCCESS; } /* * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * xcgroup primitives xcgroup primitives xcgroup primitives xcgroup primitives * xcgroup primitives xcgroup primitives xcgroup primitives xcgroup primitives * xcgroup primitives xcgroup primitives xcgroup primitives xcgroup primitives * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ int xcgroup_create(xcgroup_ns_t* cgns, xcgroup_t* cg, char* uri, uid_t uid, gid_t gid) { int fstatus = XCGROUP_ERROR; char file_path[PATH_MAX]; /* build cgroup absolute path*/ if (snprintf(file_path, PATH_MAX, "%s%s", cgns->mnt_point, uri) >= PATH_MAX) { debug2("unable to build cgroup '%s' absolute path in ns '%s' " ": %m", uri, cgns->subsystems); return fstatus; } /* fill xcgroup structure */ cg->ns = cgns; cg->name = xstrdup(uri); cg->path = xstrdup(file_path); cg->uid = uid; cg->gid = gid; return XCGROUP_SUCCESS; } void xcgroup_destroy(xcgroup_t* cg) { cg->ns = NULL; xfree(cg->name); xfree(cg->path); cg->uid = -1; cg->gid = -1; } int xcgroup_lock(xcgroup_t* cg) { int fstatus = XCGROUP_ERROR; if (cg->path == NULL) return fstatus; if ((cg->fd = open(cg->path, O_RDONLY)) < 0) { debug2("%s: error from open of cgroup '%s' : %m", __func__, cg->path); return fstatus; } if (flock(cg->fd, LOCK_EX) < 0) { debug2("%s: error locking cgroup '%s' : %m", __func__, cg->path); close(cg->fd); } else fstatus = XCGROUP_SUCCESS; return fstatus; } int xcgroup_unlock(xcgroup_t* cg) { int fstatus = XCGROUP_ERROR; if (flock(cg->fd, LOCK_UN) < 0) { debug2("%s: error unlocking cgroup '%s' : %m", __func__, cg->path); } else fstatus = XCGROUP_SUCCESS; close(cg->fd); return fstatus; } int xcgroup_instantiate(xcgroup_t* cg) { int fstatus = XCGROUP_ERROR; mode_t cmask; mode_t omask; char* file_path; uid_t uid; gid_t gid; /* init variables based on input cgroup */ file_path = cg->path; uid = cg->uid; gid = cg->gid; /* save current mask and apply working one */ cmask = S_IWGRP | S_IWOTH; omask = umask(cmask); /* build cgroup */ if (mkdir(file_path, 0755)) { if (errno != EEXIST) { error("%s: unable to create cgroup '%s' : %m", __func__, file_path); umask(omask); return fstatus; } else { debug("%s: cgroup '%s' already exists", __func__, file_path); } } umask(omask); /* change cgroup ownership as requested */ if (chown(file_path, uid, gid)) { error("%s: unable to chown %d:%d cgroup '%s' : %m", __func__, uid, gid, file_path); return fstatus; } /* following operations failure might not result in a general * failure so set output status to success */ fstatus = XCGROUP_SUCCESS; /* set notify on release flag */ xcgroup_set_param(cg, "notify_on_release", "0"); return fstatus; } int xcgroup_load(xcgroup_ns_t* cgns, xcgroup_t* cg, char* uri) { int fstatus = XCGROUP_ERROR; char file_path[PATH_MAX]; struct stat buf; /* build cgroup absolute path*/ if (snprintf(file_path, PATH_MAX, "%s%s", cgns->mnt_point, uri) >= PATH_MAX) { debug2("unable to build cgroup '%s' absolute path in ns '%s' " ": %m", uri, cgns->subsystems); return fstatus; } if (stat((const char*)file_path, &buf)) { debug2("%s: unable to get cgroup '%s' entry '%s' properties" ": %m", __func__, cgns->mnt_point, file_path); return fstatus; } /* fill xcgroup structure */ cg->ns = cgns; cg->name = xstrdup(uri); cg->path = xstrdup(file_path); cg->uid = buf.st_uid; cg->gid = buf.st_gid; return XCGROUP_SUCCESS; } int xcgroup_delete(xcgroup_t* cg) { /* * Simply delete cgroup with rmdir(2). If cgroup doesn't * exist, do not propagate error back to caller. */ if (cg && cg->path && (rmdir(cg->path) < 0) && (errno != ENOENT)) { debug2("%s: rmdir(%s): %m", __func__, cg->path); return XCGROUP_ERROR; } return XCGROUP_SUCCESS; } static char *_cgroup_procs_check (xcgroup_t *cg, int check_mode) { struct stat st; // If possible use cgroup.procs to add the processes atomically char *path = xstrdup_printf("%s/%s", cg->path, "cgroup.procs"); if (!((stat (path, &st) >= 0) && (st.st_mode & check_mode))) { xfree(path); path = xstrdup_printf("%s/%s", cg->path, "tasks"); } return path; } static char *_cgroup_procs_readable_path (xcgroup_t *cg) { return _cgroup_procs_check(cg, S_IRUSR); } static char *_cgroup_procs_writable_path (xcgroup_t *cg) { return _cgroup_procs_check(cg, S_IWUSR); } /* This call is not intended to be used to move thread pids */ int xcgroup_add_pids(xcgroup_t* cg, pid_t* pids, int npids) { int fstatus = XCGROUP_ERROR; char* path = _cgroup_procs_writable_path(cg); fstatus = _file_write_uint32s(path, (uint32_t*)pids, npids); if (fstatus != XCGROUP_SUCCESS) debug2("%s: unable to add pids to '%s'", __func__, cg->path); xfree(path); return fstatus; } /* This call is not intended to be used to get thread pids */ int xcgroup_get_pids(xcgroup_t* cg, pid_t **pids, int *npids) { int fstatus = XCGROUP_ERROR; char* path = NULL; if (pids == NULL || npids == NULL) return SLURM_ERROR; path = _cgroup_procs_readable_path(cg); fstatus = _file_read_uint32s(path, (uint32_t**)pids, npids); if (fstatus != XCGROUP_SUCCESS) debug2("%s: unable to get pids of '%s'", __func__, cg->path); xfree(path); return fstatus; } int xcgroup_set_param(xcgroup_t* cg, char* param, char* content) { int fstatus = XCGROUP_ERROR; char file_path[PATH_MAX]; char* cpath = cg->path; if (!content) { debug2("%s: no content given, nothing to do.", __func__); return fstatus; } if (snprintf(file_path, PATH_MAX, "%s/%s", cpath, param) >= PATH_MAX) { debug2("unable to build filepath for '%s' and" " parameter '%s' : %m", cpath, param); return fstatus; } fstatus = _file_write_content(file_path, content, strlen(content)); if (fstatus != XCGROUP_SUCCESS) debug2("%s: unable to set parameter '%s' to '%s' for '%s'", __func__, param, content, cpath); else debug3("%s: parameter '%s' set to '%s' for '%s'", __func__, param, content, cpath); return fstatus; } int xcgroup_wait_pid_moved(xcgroup_t* cg, const char *cg_name) { pid_t *pids = NULL; int npids = 0; int cnt = 0; int i = 0; pid_t pid = getpid(); /* * There is a delay in the cgroup system when moving the * pid from one cgroup to another. This is usually * short, but we need to wait to make sure the pid is * out of the step cgroup or we will occur an error * leaving the cgroup unable to be removed. */ do { xcgroup_get_pids(cg, &pids, &npids); for (i = 0 ; ipath; if (snprintf(file_path, PATH_MAX, "%s/%s", cpath, param) >= PATH_MAX) { debug2("unable to build filepath for '%s' and" " parameter '%s' : %m", cpath, param); } else { fstatus = _file_read_content(file_path, content, csize); if (fstatus != XCGROUP_SUCCESS) debug2("%s: unable to get parameter '%s' for '%s'", __func__, param, cpath); } return fstatus; } int xcgroup_set_uint32_param(xcgroup_t* cg, char* param, uint32_t value) { int fstatus = XCGROUP_ERROR; char file_path[PATH_MAX]; char* cpath = cg->path; if (snprintf(file_path, PATH_MAX, "%s/%s", cpath, param) >= PATH_MAX) { debug2("unable to build filepath for '%s' and" " parameter '%s' : %m", cpath, param); return fstatus; } fstatus = _file_write_uint32s(file_path, &value, 1); if (fstatus != XCGROUP_SUCCESS) debug2("%s: unable to set parameter '%s' to '%u' for '%s'", __func__, param, value, cpath); else debug3("%s: parameter '%s' set to '%u' for '%s'", __func__, param, value, cpath); return fstatus; } int xcgroup_get_uint32_param(xcgroup_t* cg, char* param, uint32_t* value) { int fstatus = XCGROUP_ERROR; char file_path[PATH_MAX]; char *cpath = cg->path; uint32_t *values = NULL; int vnb; if (snprintf(file_path, PATH_MAX, "%s/%s", cpath, param) >= PATH_MAX) { debug2("unable to build filepath for '%s' and" " parameter '%s' : %m", cpath, param); } else { fstatus = _file_read_uint32s(file_path, &values, &vnb); if (fstatus != XCGROUP_SUCCESS) { debug2("%s: unable to get parameter '%s' for '%s'", __func__, param, cpath); } else if (vnb < 1) { debug2("%s: empty parameter '%s' for '%s'", __func__, param, cpath); } else { *value = values[0]; fstatus = XCGROUP_SUCCESS; } xfree(values); } return fstatus; } int xcgroup_set_uint64_param(xcgroup_t* cg, char* param, uint64_t value) { int fstatus = XCGROUP_ERROR; char file_path[PATH_MAX]; char* cpath = cg->path; if (snprintf(file_path, PATH_MAX, "%s/%s", cpath, param) >= PATH_MAX) { debug2("unable to build filepath for '%s' and" " parameter '%s' : %m", cpath, param); return fstatus; } fstatus = _file_write_uint64s(file_path, &value, 1); if (fstatus != XCGROUP_SUCCESS) debug2("%s: unable to set parameter '%s' to '%"PRIu64"' for " "'%s'", __func__, param, value, cpath); else debug3("%s: parameter '%s' set to '%"PRIu64"' for '%s'", __func__, param, value, cpath); return fstatus; } int xcgroup_get_uint64_param(xcgroup_t* cg, char* param, uint64_t* value) { int fstatus = XCGROUP_ERROR; char file_path[PATH_MAX]; char *cpath = cg->path; uint64_t *values = NULL; int vnb; if (snprintf(file_path, PATH_MAX, "%s/%s", cpath, param) >= PATH_MAX) { debug2("unable to build filepath for '%s' and" " parameter '%s' : %m", cpath, param); } else { fstatus = _file_read_uint64s(file_path, &values, &vnb); if (fstatus != XCGROUP_SUCCESS) { debug2("%s: unable to get parameter '%s' for '%s'", __func__, param, cpath); } else if (vnb < 1) { debug2("%s: empty parameter '%s' for '%s'", __func__, param, cpath); } else { *value = values[0]; fstatus = XCGROUP_SUCCESS; } xfree(values); } return fstatus; } static int cgroup_move_process_by_task (xcgroup_t *cg, pid_t pid) { DIR *dir; struct dirent *entry; char path[PATH_MAX]; if (snprintf(path, PATH_MAX, "/proc/%d/task", (int) pid) >= PATH_MAX) { error("xcgroup: move_process_by_task: path overflow!"); return XCGROUP_ERROR; } dir = opendir(path); if (!dir) { error("%s: opendir(%s): %m", __func__, path); return XCGROUP_ERROR; } while ((entry = readdir(dir))) { if (entry->d_name[0] != '.') xcgroup_set_param(cg, "tasks", entry->d_name); } closedir(dir); return XCGROUP_SUCCESS; } int xcgroup_move_process (xcgroup_t *cg, pid_t pid) { char *path = _cgroup_procs_writable_path(cg); if (!path) return cgroup_move_process_by_task (cg, pid); xfree(path); return xcgroup_set_uint32_param (cg, "cgroup.procs", pid); } /* * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * internal primitives internal primitives internal primitives * internal primitives internal primitives internal primitives * internal primitives internal primitives internal primitives * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ size_t _file_getsize(int fd) { int rc; size_t fsize; off_t offset; char c; /* store current position and rewind */ offset = lseek(fd, 0, SEEK_CUR); if (offset < 0) return -1; if (lseek(fd, 0, SEEK_SET) < 0) error("%s: lseek(0): %m", __func__); /* get file size */ fsize = 0; do { rc = read(fd, (void*)&c, 1); if (rc > 0) fsize++; } while ((rc < 0 && errno == EINTR) || rc > 0); /* restore position */ if (lseek(fd, offset, SEEK_SET) < 0) error("%s: lseek(): %m", __func__); if (rc < 0) return -1; else return fsize; } int _file_write_uint64s(char* file_path, uint64_t* values, int nb) { int fstatus; int rc; int fd; char tstr[256]; uint64_t value; int i; /* open file for writing */ fd = open(file_path, O_WRONLY, 0700); if (fd < 0) { debug2("%s: unable to open '%s' for writing : %m", __func__, file_path); return XCGROUP_ERROR; } /* add one value per line */ fstatus = XCGROUP_SUCCESS; for (i = 0; i < nb ; i++) { value = values[i]; rc = snprintf(tstr, sizeof(tstr), "%"PRIu64"", value); if (rc < 0) { debug2("unable to build %"PRIu64" string value, " "skipping", value); fstatus = XCGROUP_ERROR; continue; } do { rc = write(fd, tstr, strlen(tstr)+1); } while (rc < 0 && errno == EINTR); if (rc < 1) { debug2("%s: unable to add value '%s' to file '%s' : %m", __func__, tstr, file_path); if (errno != ESRCH) fstatus = XCGROUP_ERROR; } } /* close file */ close(fd); return fstatus; } int _file_read_uint64s(char* file_path, uint64_t** pvalues, int* pnb) { int rc; int fd; size_t fsize; char* buf; char* p; uint64_t* pa=NULL; int i; /* check input pointers */ if (pvalues == NULL || pnb == NULL) return XCGROUP_ERROR; /* open file for reading */ fd = open(file_path, O_RDONLY, 0700); if (fd < 0) { debug2("%s: unable to open '%s' for reading : %m", __func__, file_path); return XCGROUP_ERROR; } /* get file size */ fsize=_file_getsize(fd); if (fsize == -1) { close(fd); return XCGROUP_ERROR; } /* read file contents */ buf = xmalloc(fsize + 1); do { rc = read(fd, buf, fsize); } while (rc < 0 && errno == EINTR); close(fd); buf[fsize]='\0'; /* count values (splitted by \n) */ i=0; if (rc > 0) { p = buf; while (xstrchr(p, '\n') != NULL) { i++; p = xstrchr(p, '\n') + 1; } } /* build uint64_t list */ if (i > 0) { pa = (uint64_t*) xmalloc(sizeof(uint64_t) * i); p = buf; i = 0; while (xstrchr(p, '\n') != NULL) { long long unsigned int ll_tmp; sscanf(p, "%llu", &ll_tmp); pa[i++] = ll_tmp; p = xstrchr(p, '\n') + 1; } } /* free buffer */ xfree(buf); /* set output values */ *pvalues = pa; *pnb = i; return XCGROUP_SUCCESS; } int _file_write_uint32s(char* file_path, uint32_t* values, int nb) { int fstatus; int rc; int fd; char tstr[256]; uint32_t value; int i; /* open file for writing */ fd = open(file_path, O_WRONLY, 0700); if (fd < 0) { debug2("%s: unable to open '%s' for writing : %m", __func__, file_path); return XCGROUP_ERROR; } /* add one value per line */ fstatus = XCGROUP_SUCCESS; for (i=0 ; i < nb ; i++) { value = values[i]; rc = snprintf(tstr, sizeof(tstr), "%u", value); if (rc < 0) { debug2("unable to build %u string value, skipping", value); fstatus = XCGROUP_ERROR; continue; } do { rc = write(fd, tstr, strlen(tstr)+1); } while (rc < 0 && errno == EINTR); if (rc < 1) { debug2("%s: unable to add value '%s' to file '%s' : %m", __func__, tstr, file_path); if (errno != ESRCH) fstatus = XCGROUP_ERROR; } } /* close file */ close(fd); return fstatus; } int _file_read_uint32s(char* file_path, uint32_t** pvalues, int* pnb) { int rc; int fd; size_t fsize; char* buf; char* p; uint32_t* pa=NULL; int i; /* check input pointers */ if (pvalues == NULL || pnb == NULL) return XCGROUP_ERROR; /* open file for reading */ fd = open(file_path, O_RDONLY, 0700); if (fd < 0) { debug2("%s: unable to open '%s' for reading : %m", __func__, file_path); return XCGROUP_ERROR; } /* get file size */ fsize =_file_getsize(fd); if (fsize == -1) { close(fd); return XCGROUP_ERROR; } /* read file contents */ buf = xmalloc(fsize + 1); do { rc = read(fd, buf, fsize); } while (rc < 0 && errno == EINTR); close(fd); buf[fsize]='\0'; /* count values (splitted by \n) */ i=0; if (rc > 0) { p = buf; while (xstrchr(p, '\n') != NULL) { i++; p = xstrchr(p, '\n') + 1; } } /* build uint32_t list */ if (i > 0) { pa = (uint32_t*) xmalloc(sizeof(uint32_t) * i); p = buf; i = 0; while (xstrchr(p, '\n') != NULL) { sscanf(p, "%u", pa+i); p = xstrchr(p, '\n') + 1; i++; } } /* free buffer */ xfree(buf); /* set output values */ *pvalues = pa; *pnb = i; return XCGROUP_SUCCESS; } int _file_write_content(char* file_path, char* content, size_t csize) { int fstatus; int rc; int fd; /* open file for writing */ fd = open(file_path, O_WRONLY, 0700); if (fd < 0) { debug2("%s: unable to open '%s' for writing : %m", __func__, file_path); return XCGROUP_ERROR; } /* write content */ do { rc = write(fd, content, csize); } while (rc < 0 && errno == EINTR); /* check read size */ if (rc < csize) { debug2("%s: unable to write %lu bytes to file '%s' : %m", __func__, (long unsigned int) csize, file_path); fstatus = XCGROUP_ERROR; } else fstatus = XCGROUP_SUCCESS; /* close file */ close(fd); return fstatus; } int _file_read_content(char* file_path, char** content, size_t *csize) { int fstatus; int rc; int fd; size_t fsize; char* buf; fstatus = XCGROUP_ERROR; /* check input pointers */ if (content == NULL || csize == NULL) return fstatus; /* open file for reading */ fd = open(file_path, O_RDONLY, 0700); if (fd < 0) { debug2("%s: unable to open '%s' for reading : %m", __func__, file_path); return fstatus; } /* get file size */ fsize=_file_getsize(fd); if (fsize == -1) { close(fd); return fstatus; } /* read file contents */ buf = xmalloc(fsize + 1); buf[fsize]='\0'; do { rc = read(fd, buf, fsize); } while (rc < 0 && errno == EINTR); /* set output values */ if (rc >= 0) { *content = buf; *csize = rc; fstatus = XCGROUP_SUCCESS; } else { xfree(buf); } /* close file */ close(fd); return fstatus; }