/*****************************************************************************\ * federation_functions.c - functions dealing with Federations in the * accounting system. ***************************************************************************** * Copyright (C) 2016 SchedMD LLC. * Written by Brian Christiansen * * This file is part of Slurm, a resource management program. * For details, see . * Please also read the included file: DISCLAIMER. * * Slurm is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under * the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free * Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) * any later version. * * In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders give permission * to link the code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library under * certain conditions as described in each individual source file, and * distribute linked combinations including the two. You must obey the GNU * General Public License in all respects for all of the code used other than * OpenSSL. If you modify file(s) with this exception, you may extend this * exception to your version of the file(s), but you are not obligated to do * so. If you do not wish to do so, delete this exception statement from your * version. If you delete this exception statement from all source files in * the program, then also delete it here. * * Slurm is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY * WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more * details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with Slurm; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. \*****************************************************************************/ #include "src/sacctmgr/sacctmgr.h" static int _set_cond(int *start, int argc, char **argv, slurmdb_federation_cond_t *federation_cond, List format_list) { int i; int set = 0; int end = 0; int command_len = 0; for (i=(*start); icluster_list = list_create(slurmdb_destroy_cluster_rec); while((name = list_next(itr))) { if (name[0] == '\0') continue; slurmdb_cluster_rec_t *cluster = xmalloc(sizeof(slurmdb_cluster_rec_t)); slurmdb_init_cluster_rec(cluster, 0); cluster->name = xstrdup(name); list_append(fed->cluster_list, cluster); } list_iterator_destroy(itr); FREE_NULL_LIST(cluster_names); set = 1; } else if (!xstrncasecmp(argv[i], "Flags", MAX(command_len, 2))) { fed->flags = str_2_federation_flags(argv[i]+end, option); if (fed->flags == FEDERATION_FLAG_NOTSET) { char *tmp_char = NULL; fed->flags = INFINITE; fed->flags &= (~FEDERATION_FLAG_NOTSET & ~FEDERATION_FLAG_ADD & ~FEDERATION_FLAG_REMOVE); tmp_char = slurmdb_federation_flags_str( fed->flags); printf(" Unknown federation flag used in:\n" " '%s'\n" " Valid federation flags are\n '%s'\n", argv[i]+end, tmp_char); xfree(tmp_char); exit_code = 1; } else set = 1; } else { exit_code = 1; printf(" Unknown option: %s\n" " Use keyword 'where' to modify condition\n", argv[i]); } } (*start) = i; return set; } static int _verify_federations(List name_list, bool report_existing) { int rc = SLURM_SUCCESS; char *name = NULL; List temp_list = NULL; ListIterator itr = NULL; ListIterator itr_c = NULL; slurmdb_federation_cond_t fed_cond; if (!name_list || !list_count(name_list)) return SLURM_SUCCESS; slurmdb_init_federation_cond(&fed_cond, 0); fed_cond.federation_list = name_list; temp_list = slurmdb_federations_get(db_conn, &fed_cond); if (!temp_list) { fprintf(stderr, " Problem getting federations from database. " "Contact your admin.\n"); return SLURM_ERROR; } itr_c = list_iterator_create(name_list); itr = list_iterator_create(temp_list); while((name = list_next(itr_c))) { slurmdb_federation_rec_t *fed_rec = NULL; list_iterator_reset(itr); while((fed_rec = list_next(itr))) { if (!strcasecmp(fed_rec->name, name)) break; } if (fed_rec && report_existing) { printf(" This federation %s already exists. " "Not adding.\n", name); list_delete_item(itr_c); } else if (!fed_rec && !report_existing) { printf(" The federation %s doesn't exist.\n", name); rc = SLURM_ERROR; } } list_iterator_destroy(itr); list_iterator_destroy(itr_c); FREE_NULL_LIST(temp_list); if (!list_count(name_list) || rc != SLURM_SUCCESS) { return SLURM_ERROR; } return SLURM_SUCCESS; } static int _remove_existing_feds(List name_list) { return _verify_federations(name_list, 1); } extern int verify_federations_exist(List name_list) { return _verify_federations(name_list, 0); } /* Verify that clusters exist in the database. * Will remove clusters from list if they are already on the federation or if * a cluster is being removed and it doesn't exist on the federation. * * IN cluster_list: list of slurmdb_cluster_rec_t's with cluster names set. * IN fed_name: (optional) Name of federation that is being added/modified. * OUT existing_fed: Will be set to TRUE if a cluster in cluster_list is * assigned to a federation that is not fed_name. If fed_name * is set to NULL and a cluster is assigned to federation then * existing_fed will be set to TRUE. */ extern int verify_fed_clusters(List cluster_list, const char *fed_name, bool *existing_fed) { char *missing_str = NULL; char *existing_str = NULL; List temp_list = NULL; ListIterator itr_db = NULL; ListIterator itr_c = NULL; slurmdb_cluster_rec_t *cluster_rec = NULL; slurmdb_cluster_cond_t cluster_cond; /* Get existing clusters from database */ slurmdb_init_cluster_cond(&cluster_cond, 0); cluster_cond.cluster_list = list_create(xfree_ptr); itr_c = list_iterator_create(cluster_list); while ((cluster_rec = list_next(itr_c))) { char *tmp_name = cluster_rec->name; if (!tmp_name) continue; if (tmp_name && (tmp_name[0] == '+' || tmp_name[0] == '-')) tmp_name++; list_append(cluster_cond.cluster_list, xstrdup(tmp_name)); } temp_list = slurmdb_clusters_get(db_conn, &cluster_cond); FREE_NULL_LIST(cluster_cond.cluster_list); if (!temp_list) { fprintf(stderr, " Problem getting clusters from database. " "Contact your admin.\n"); list_iterator_destroy(itr_c); return SLURM_ERROR; } /* See if the clusters we are looking to add are in the cluster list * from the db. */ list_iterator_reset(itr_c); itr_db = list_iterator_create(temp_list); while((cluster_rec = list_next(itr_c))) { slurmdb_cluster_rec_t *db_rec = NULL; char *tmp_name = cluster_rec->name; if (!tmp_name) continue; if (tmp_name[0] == '+' || tmp_name[0] == '-') tmp_name++; list_iterator_reset(itr_db); while((db_rec = list_next(itr_db))) { if (!strcasecmp(db_rec->name, tmp_name)) break; } if (!db_rec) { xstrfmtcat(missing_str, " The cluster %s doesn't exist." " Please add first.\n", tmp_name); } else if (*cluster_rec->name != '-' && db_rec->fed.name && *db_rec->fed.name) { if (fed_name && !xstrcmp(fed_name, db_rec->fed.name)) { fprintf(stderr, " The cluster %s is already " "assigned to federation %s\n", db_rec->name, db_rec->fed.name); list_delete_item(itr_c); } else { xstrfmtcat(existing_str, " The cluster %s is " "assigned to federation %s\n", db_rec->name, db_rec->fed.name); } } else if (*cluster_rec->name == '-' && fed_name && xstrcmp(fed_name, db_rec->fed.name)) { fprintf(stderr, " The cluster %s isn't assigned to " "federation %s\n", db_rec->name, fed_name); list_delete_item(itr_c); } else if (db_rec->flags & CLUSTER_FLAG_EXT) { xstrfmtcat(missing_str, " The cluster %s is an external cluster and can't be added to a federation.\n", db_rec->name); } } list_iterator_destroy(itr_db); list_iterator_destroy(itr_c); FREE_NULL_LIST(temp_list); if (missing_str) { fprintf(stderr, "%s", missing_str); xfree(missing_str); return SLURM_ERROR; } else if (existing_str) { *existing_fed = true; fprintf(stderr, "%s", existing_str); } xfree(existing_str); return SLURM_SUCCESS; } extern int sacctmgr_add_federation(int argc, char **argv) { int rc = SLURM_SUCCESS; int i = 0, limit_set = 0; slurmdb_federation_rec_t *start_fed = xmalloc(sizeof(slurmdb_federation_rec_t)); List name_list = list_create(xfree_ptr); List federation_list; ListIterator itr = NULL; char *name = NULL; slurmdb_init_federation_rec(start_fed, 0); for (i=0; i 1) && start_fed && start_fed->cluster_list && list_count(start_fed->cluster_list)) { slurmdb_destroy_federation_rec(start_fed); FREE_NULL_LIST(name_list); fprintf(stderr, " Can't assign clusters to multiple " "federations.\n"); return SLURM_ERROR; } if (start_fed && start_fed->cluster_list && list_count(start_fed->cluster_list)) { bool existing_feds = false; if (list_count(name_list) > 1){ slurmdb_destroy_federation_rec(start_fed); FREE_NULL_LIST(name_list); fprintf(stderr, " Can't assign clusters to " "multiple federations.\n"); return SLURM_ERROR; } /* ensure that clusters exist in db */ /* and if the clusters are already assigned to another fed. */ if (verify_fed_clusters(start_fed->cluster_list, NULL, &existing_feds)) { FREE_NULL_LIST(name_list); slurmdb_destroy_federation_rec(start_fed); return SLURM_ERROR; } else if (existing_feds) { char *warning = "\nAre you sure you want to continue?"; if (!commit_check(warning)) { FREE_NULL_LIST(name_list); slurmdb_destroy_federation_rec(start_fed); return SLURM_ERROR; } } } printf(" Adding Federation(s)\n"); federation_list = list_create(slurmdb_destroy_federation_rec); itr = list_iterator_create(name_list); while((name = list_next(itr))) { slurmdb_federation_rec_t *fed = NULL; if (!name[0]) { fprintf(stderr, " Skipping blank fed name.\n"); continue; } fed = xmalloc(sizeof(slurmdb_federation_rec_t)); slurmdb_init_federation_rec(fed, 0); list_append(federation_list, fed); slurmdb_copy_federation_rec(fed, start_fed); fed->name = xstrdup(name); printf(" %s\n", fed->name); } list_iterator_destroy(itr); FREE_NULL_LIST(name_list); if (limit_set) { printf(" Settings\n"); sacctmgr_print_federation(start_fed); } slurmdb_destroy_federation_rec(start_fed); if (!list_count(federation_list)) { printf(" Nothing new added.\n"); rc = SLURM_ERROR; goto end_it; } notice_thread_init(); rc = slurmdb_federations_add(db_conn, federation_list); notice_thread_fini(); if (rc == SLURM_SUCCESS) { if (commit_check("Would you like to commit changes?")) { slurmdb_connection_commit(db_conn, 1); } else { printf(" Changes Discarded\n"); slurmdb_connection_commit(db_conn, 0); } } else { exit_code = 1; fprintf(stderr, " Problem adding federation(s): %s\n", slurm_strerror(rc)); rc = SLURM_ERROR; } end_it: FREE_NULL_LIST(federation_list); return rc; } extern int sacctmgr_list_federation(int argc, char **argv) { int rc = SLURM_SUCCESS; slurmdb_federation_cond_t *federation_cond = xmalloc(sizeof(slurmdb_federation_cond_t)); List federation_list; int i=0; ListIterator itr = NULL; ListIterator itr2 = NULL; slurmdb_federation_rec_t *fed = NULL; bool print_clusters = false; int field_count = 0; print_field_t *field = NULL; List format_list = list_create(xfree_ptr); List print_fields_list; /* types are of print_field_t */ slurmdb_init_federation_cond(federation_cond, 0); federation_cond->federation_list = list_create(xfree_ptr); for (i=0; itype) { case PRINT_CLUSTER: case PRINT_FEDSTATE: case PRINT_FEDSTATERAW: case PRINT_ID: print_clusters = true; break; } } list_iterator_reset(itr2); while ((fed = list_next(itr))) { int curr_inx = 1; char *tmp_str = NULL; uint32_t tmp_uint32 = 0; slurmdb_cluster_rec_t *tmp_cluster = NULL; ListIterator itr3 = list_iterator_create(fed->cluster_list); if (!tree_display && print_clusters) tmp_cluster = list_next(itr3); do { while((field = list_next(itr2))) { switch(field->type) { /* Federation Specific Fields */ case PRINT_FEDERATION: if (tree_display && tmp_cluster) tmp_str = NULL; else tmp_str = fed->name; field->print_routine( field, tmp_str, (curr_inx == field_count)); break; case PRINT_FLAGS: if (tree_display && tmp_cluster) tmp_str = NULL; else { tmp_str = slurmdb_federation_flags_str( fed->flags); } field->print_routine( field, tmp_str, (curr_inx == field_count)); if (tmp_str) xfree(tmp_str); break; /* Cluster Specific Fields */ case PRINT_CLUSTER: if (!tmp_cluster) tmp_str = NULL; else tmp_str = tmp_cluster->name; field->print_routine( field, tmp_str, (curr_inx == field_count)); break; case PRINT_FEATURES: { List tmp_list = NULL; if (tmp_cluster) tmp_list = tmp_cluster-> fed.feature_list; field->print_routine( field, tmp_list, (curr_inx == field_count)); break; } case PRINT_FEDSTATE: if (!tmp_cluster) tmp_str = NULL; else { tmp_str = slurmdb_cluster_fed_states_str( tmp_cluster->fed.state); } field->print_routine( field, tmp_str, (curr_inx == field_count)); break; case PRINT_FEDSTATERAW: if (!tmp_cluster) tmp_uint32 = NO_VAL; else tmp_uint32 = tmp_cluster->fed.state; field->print_routine( field, tmp_uint32, (curr_inx == field_count)); break; case PRINT_ID: if (!tmp_cluster) tmp_uint32 = NO_VAL; else tmp_uint32 = tmp_cluster->fed.id; field->print_routine( field, tmp_uint32, (curr_inx == field_count)); break; default: field->print_routine( field, NULL, (curr_inx == field_count)); break; } curr_inx++; } list_iterator_reset(itr2); printf("\n"); } while(print_clusters && (tmp_cluster = list_next(itr3))); list_iterator_destroy(itr3); } list_iterator_destroy(itr2); list_iterator_destroy(itr); FREE_NULL_LIST(federation_list); FREE_NULL_LIST(print_fields_list); return rc; } /* Add clusters to be removed if "setting" a federation to a specific set of * clusters or clearing all clusters. * * IN cluster_list: list of slurmdb_cluster_rec_t's with cluster names set that * are to be "set" on the federation the federation. * IN federation: name of the federation that is being added/modified. */ static int _add_clusters_to_remove(List cluster_list, const char *federation) { List db_list = NULL; ListIterator db_itr = NULL; slurmdb_federation_cond_t db_cond; slurmdb_federation_rec_t *db_rec = NULL; slurmdb_cluster_rec_t *db_cluster = NULL; slurmdb_init_federation_cond(&db_cond, 0); db_cond.federation_list = list_create(xfree_ptr); list_append(db_cond.federation_list, xstrdup(federation)); db_list = slurmdb_federations_get(db_conn, &db_cond); if (!db_list || !list_count(db_list)) { fprintf(stderr, " Problem getting federations " "from database. Contact your admin.\n"); return SLURM_ERROR; } FREE_NULL_LIST(db_cond.federation_list); db_rec = list_peek(db_list); db_itr = list_iterator_create(db_rec->cluster_list); while ((db_cluster = list_next(db_itr))) { bool found_cluster = false; slurmdb_cluster_rec_t *orig_cluster = NULL; ListIterator orig_itr = list_iterator_create(cluster_list); /* Figure out if cluster in cluster_list is already on the * federation. If if is, don't add to list to remove */ while ((orig_cluster = list_next(orig_itr))) { char *db_name = db_cluster->name; if (*db_name == '+' || *db_name == '-') ++db_name; if (!xstrcmp(orig_cluster->name, db_name)) { found_cluster = true; break; } } list_iterator_destroy(orig_itr); if (found_cluster) continue; slurmdb_cluster_rec_t *cluster = xmalloc(sizeof(slurmdb_cluster_rec_t)); slurmdb_init_cluster_rec(cluster, 0); cluster->name = xstrdup_printf("-%s", db_cluster->name); list_append(cluster_list, cluster); } list_iterator_destroy(db_itr); FREE_NULL_LIST(db_list); return SLURM_SUCCESS; } /* Change add mode of clusters to be added to federation to += mode. * A cluster that is already part of a federation will be removed from the list * to set the federation clusters to, so all assigns need to be changed to '+' * plus modes. Clusters that are to be removed from the federation clustesr will * have already been added to the list in '-' mode. */ static int _change_assigns_to_adds(List cluster_list) { int rc = SLURM_SUCCESS; ListIterator itr = list_iterator_create(cluster_list); slurmdb_cluster_rec_t *cluster = NULL; while ((cluster = list_next(itr))) { if (cluster->name && *cluster->name && (*cluster->name != '-' && *cluster->name != '+')) { char *tmp_name = xstrdup_printf("+%s", cluster->name); xfree(cluster->name); cluster->name = tmp_name; } } return rc; } extern int sacctmgr_modify_federation(int argc, char **argv) { int rc = SLURM_SUCCESS; int i=0; int cond_set = 0, prev_set = 0, rec_set = 0, set = 0; List ret_list = NULL; slurmdb_federation_cond_t *federation_cond = xmalloc(sizeof(slurmdb_federation_cond_t)); slurmdb_federation_rec_t *federation = xmalloc(sizeof(slurmdb_federation_rec_t)); slurmdb_init_federation_cond(federation_cond, 0); slurmdb_init_federation_rec(federation, 0); for (i=0; ifederation_list)) { rc = SLURM_ERROR; goto end_it; } if (federation->cluster_list) { bool existing_feds = false; char *mod_fed = NULL; slurmdb_cluster_rec_t *tmp_c = NULL; List cluster_list = federation->cluster_list; if (!federation_cond->federation_list || (list_count(federation_cond->federation_list) != 1)) { fprintf(stderr, " Can't assign clusters to multiple federations.\n"); rc = SLURM_ERROR; goto end_it; } /* Add all clusters that need to be removed if clearing all * clusters or add clusters that will be removed if setting * clusters to specific set. */ mod_fed = list_peek(federation_cond->federation_list); if ((!list_count(cluster_list) || ((tmp_c = list_peek(cluster_list)) && *tmp_c->name != '-' && *tmp_c->name != '+')) && ((rc = _add_clusters_to_remove(cluster_list, mod_fed)) || (rc = _change_assigns_to_adds(cluster_list)))) { goto end_it; } else if ((rc = verify_fed_clusters(cluster_list, mod_fed, &existing_feds))) { goto end_it; } else if (!list_count(cluster_list)) { printf("Nothing to change\n"); rc = SLURM_ERROR; goto end_it; } else if (existing_feds) { char *warning = "\nAre you sure you want to continue?"; if (!commit_check(warning)) { rc = SLURM_ERROR; goto end_it; } } } printf(" Setting\n"); sacctmgr_print_federation(federation); notice_thread_init(); ret_list = slurmdb_federations_modify(db_conn, federation_cond, federation); if (ret_list && list_count(ret_list)) { char *object = NULL; ListIterator itr = list_iterator_create(ret_list); printf(" Modified federation...\n"); while((object = list_next(itr))) { printf(" %s\n", object); } list_iterator_destroy(itr); set = 1; } else if (ret_list) { printf(" Nothing modified\n"); rc = SLURM_ERROR; } else { exit_code=1; fprintf(stderr, " Error with request: %s\n", slurm_strerror(errno)); rc = SLURM_ERROR; } FREE_NULL_LIST(ret_list); notice_thread_fini(); if (set) { if (commit_check("Would you like to commit changes?")) slurmdb_connection_commit(db_conn, 1); else { printf(" Changes Discarded\n"); slurmdb_connection_commit(db_conn, 0); } } end_it: slurmdb_destroy_federation_cond(federation_cond); slurmdb_destroy_federation_rec(federation); return rc; } extern int sacctmgr_delete_federation(int argc, char **argv) { int rc = SLURM_SUCCESS; slurmdb_federation_cond_t *fed_cond = xmalloc(sizeof(slurmdb_federation_cond_t)); int i=0; List ret_list = NULL; int cond_set = 0, prev_set; slurmdb_init_federation_cond(fed_cond, 0); fed_cond->federation_list = list_create(xfree_ptr); for (i=0; ifederation_list)) { exit_code=1; fprintf(stderr, "problem with delete request. " "Nothing given to delete.\n"); slurmdb_destroy_federation_cond(fed_cond); return SLURM_SUCCESS; } notice_thread_init(); ret_list = slurmdb_federations_remove(db_conn, fed_cond); rc = errno; notice_thread_fini(); slurmdb_destroy_federation_cond(fed_cond); if (ret_list && list_count(ret_list)) { char *object = NULL; ListIterator itr = list_iterator_create(ret_list); printf(" Deleting federations...\n"); while((object = list_next(itr))) { printf(" %s\n", object); } list_iterator_destroy(itr); if (commit_check("Would you like to commit changes?")) { slurmdb_connection_commit(db_conn, 1); } else { printf(" Changes Discarded\n"); slurmdb_connection_commit(db_conn, 0); } } else if (ret_list) { printf(" Nothing deleted\n"); rc = SLURM_ERROR; } else { exit_code=1; fprintf(stderr, " Error with request: %s\n", slurm_strerror(errno)); rc = SLURM_ERROR; } FREE_NULL_LIST(ret_list); return rc; }