/*****************************************************************************\ * mcs_group.c - Define mcs management functions for groups ***************************************************************************** * Copyright (C) 2015 CEA/DAM/DIF * Written by Aline Roy * * This file is part of Slurm, a resource management program. * For details, see . * Please also read the included file: DISCLAIMER. * * Slurm is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under * the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free * Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) * any later version. * * In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders give permission * to link the code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library under * certain conditions as described in each individual source file, and * distribute linked combinations including the two. You must obey the GNU * General Public License in all respects for all of the code used other than * OpenSSL. If you modify file(s) with this exception, you may extend this * exception to your version of the file(s), but you are not obligated to do * so. If you do not wish to do so, delete this exception statement from your * version. If you delete this exception statement from all source files in * the program, then also delete it here. * * Slurm is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY * WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more * details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with Slurm; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. \*****************************************************************************/ #include #include #include "slurm/slurm_errno.h" #include "src/common/slurm_mcs.h" #include "src/common/uid.h" #include "src/common/xstring.h" #define MAX_GROUPS 128 /* * These variables are required by the generic plugin interface. If they * are not found in the plugin, the plugin loader will ignore it. * * plugin_name - a string giving a human-readable description of the * plugin. There is no maximum length, but the symbol must refer to * a valid string. * * plugin_type - a string suggesting the type of the plugin or its * applicability to a particular form of data or method of data handling. * If the low-level plugin API is used, the contents of this string are * unimportant and may be anything. Slurm uses the higher-level plugin * interface which requires this string to be of the form * * / * * where is a description of the intended application of * the plugin (e.g., "task" for task control) and is a description * of how this plugin satisfies that application. Slurm will only load * a task plugin if the plugin_type string has a prefix of "task/". * * plugin_version - an unsigned 32-bit integer containing the Slurm version * (major.minor.micro combined into a single number). */ const char plugin_name[] = "mcs group plugin"; const char plugin_type[] = "mcs/group"; const uint32_t plugin_version = SLURM_VERSION_NUMBER; /*********************** local variables *********************/ static uint32_t *array_mcs_parameter = NULL; static uint32_t nb_mcs_groups = 0; static char *mcs_params_specific = NULL; static int _get_user_groups(uint32_t user_id, uint32_t group_id, gid_t *groups, int max_groups, int *ngroups); static int _check_and_load_params(); static int _find_mcs_label(gid_t *groups, int ngroups, char **result); static int _check_mcs_label(job_record_t *job_ptr, char *label); /* * init() is called when the plugin is loaded, before any other functions * are called. Put global initialization here. */ extern int init(void) { debug("%s loaded", plugin_name); mcs_params_specific = slurm_mcs_get_params_specific(); if (_check_and_load_params() != 0) { info("mcs: plugin warning : no group in %s", mcs_params_specific); xfree(mcs_params_specific); /* no need to check others options : default values used */ return SLURM_SUCCESS; } xfree(mcs_params_specific); return SLURM_SUCCESS; } /* * fini() is called when the plugin is removed. Clear any allocated * storage here. */ extern int fini(void) { xfree(array_mcs_parameter); return SLURM_SUCCESS; } /* * Get a list of groups associated with a specific user_id * Return 0 on success, -1 on failure */ static int _get_user_groups(uint32_t user_id, uint32_t group_id, gid_t *groups, int max_groups, int *ngroups) { int rc = SLURM_ERROR; char *user_name; user_name = uid_to_string((uid_t) user_id); *ngroups = max_groups; #if defined(__APPLE__) /* * macOS has (int *) for the third argument instead * of (gid_t *) like FreeBSD, NetBSD, and Linux. */ rc = getgrouplist(user_name, (gid_t) group_id, (int *) groups, ngroups); #else rc = getgrouplist(user_name, (gid_t) group_id, groups, ngroups); #endif if (rc < 0) { error("getgrouplist(%s): %m", user_name); rc = SLURM_ERROR; } else { *ngroups = rc; rc = SLURM_SUCCESS; } xfree(user_name); return rc; } /* * Check params format */ static int _check_and_load_params(void) { int i, n; int nb_valid_group = 0; char *tmp_params = NULL, *name_ptr = NULL, *groups_names = NULL; char *name_ptr2 = NULL; gid_t gid; if (mcs_params_specific == NULL) { nb_mcs_groups = 0; info("mcs: no group"); array_mcs_parameter = xmalloc(nb_mcs_groups * sizeof(uint32_t)); slurm_mcs_reset_params(); return SLURM_ERROR; } n = strlen(mcs_params_specific); for (i = 0 ; i < n ; i++) { if (mcs_params_specific[i] == '|') nb_mcs_groups = nb_mcs_groups + 1; } if (nb_mcs_groups == 0) { /* no | in param : just one group */ if (mcs_params_specific != NULL) { if (gid_from_string(mcs_params_specific, &gid ) != 0 ) { info("mcs: Only one invalid group : %s. ondemand, ondemandselect set", mcs_params_specific); nb_mcs_groups = 0; array_mcs_parameter = xmalloc(nb_mcs_groups * sizeof(uint32_t)); slurm_mcs_reset_params(); return SLURM_ERROR; } else { nb_mcs_groups = 1; array_mcs_parameter = xmalloc(nb_mcs_groups * sizeof(uint32_t)); array_mcs_parameter[0] = gid; return SLURM_SUCCESS; } } else { /* no group */ info("mcs: no group in MCSParameters. ondemand, ondemandselect set"); nb_mcs_groups = 0; array_mcs_parameter = xmalloc(nb_mcs_groups * sizeof(uint32_t)); slurm_mcs_reset_params(); return SLURM_ERROR; } return SLURM_SUCCESS; } nb_mcs_groups = nb_mcs_groups + 1; array_mcs_parameter = xmalloc(nb_mcs_groups * sizeof(uint32_t)); tmp_params = xstrdup(mcs_params_specific); groups_names = strtok_r(tmp_params, "|", &name_ptr); i = 0; while (groups_names) { if (i == (nb_mcs_groups - 1)) { /* last group, test : */ if (strstr(groups_names, ":")) { groups_names = strtok_r(groups_names, ":", &name_ptr2); } } if ( gid_from_string( groups_names, &gid ) != 0 ) { info("mcs: Invalid group : %s", groups_names); array_mcs_parameter[i] = -1; } else { array_mcs_parameter[i] = gid; nb_valid_group = nb_valid_group + 1; } i = i + 1; groups_names = strtok_r(NULL, "|", &name_ptr); } /* if no valid group : deselect all params */ if (nb_valid_group == 0) { slurm_mcs_reset_params(); info ("mcs: No valid groups : ondemand, ondemandselect set"); xfree(tmp_params); return SLURM_ERROR; } xfree(tmp_params); return SLURM_SUCCESS; } /* * _find_mcs_label() is called to check mcs_label in the parameter's list. */ static int _find_mcs_label(gid_t *groups, int ngroups, char **result) { int rc = SLURM_SUCCESS; int i = 0; int j = 0; uint32_t tmp_group ; struct group *gr; if (ngroups == 0) return SLURM_ERROR; for (i = 0; i < nb_mcs_groups; i++) { for (j = 0; j < ngroups; j++) { tmp_group = (uint32_t) groups[j]; if (array_mcs_parameter[i] == tmp_group) { if ((gr = getgrgid(groups[j]))) { *result = gr->gr_name; } else { error("%s: getgrgid(%u): %m", __func__, (uint32_t) groups[j]); rc = SLURM_ERROR; } return rc; } } } rc = SLURM_ERROR; return rc; } /* * _check_mcs_label() is called to check a mcs_label of a job */ static int _check_mcs_label(job_record_t *job_ptr, char *label) { int rc = SLURM_ERROR; int i = 0; gid_t gid; uint32_t tmp_group ; gid_t groups[MAX_GROUPS]; int ngroups = -1; /* test if real unix group */ if (gid_from_string(label, &gid ) != 0) return rc; /* test if this group is owned by the user */ rc = _get_user_groups(job_ptr->user_id, job_ptr->group_id, groups, MAX_GROUPS, &ngroups); if (rc) /* Failed to get groups */ return rc; rc = SLURM_ERROR; for (i = 0; i < ngroups; i++) { tmp_group = (uint32_t) groups[i]; if (gid == tmp_group) { rc = SLURM_SUCCESS; break; } } if (rc == SLURM_ERROR) return rc; rc = SLURM_ERROR; /* test if mcs_label is in list of possible mcs_label */ for (i = 0; i < nb_mcs_groups; i++) { if (array_mcs_parameter[i] == gid) { rc = SLURM_SUCCESS; return rc; } } return rc; } /* * mcs_p_set_mcs_label() is called to obtain/check mcs_label. * Return job_ptr->mcs_label value must be xfreed */ extern int mcs_p_set_mcs_label(job_record_t *job_ptr, char *label) { char *result = NULL; gid_t groups[MAX_GROUPS]; int ngroups = -1; int rc; if (label == NULL) { if ((slurm_mcs_get_enforced() == 0) && job_ptr->details && (job_ptr->details->whole_node != WHOLE_NODE_MCS)) return SLURM_SUCCESS; rc = _get_user_groups(job_ptr->user_id,job_ptr->group_id, groups, MAX_GROUPS, &ngroups); if (rc) { /* Failed to get groups */ if (slurm_mcs_get_enforced() == 0) return SLURM_SUCCESS; else return SLURM_ERROR; } rc = _find_mcs_label(groups, ngroups, &result); if (rc) { return SLURM_ERROR; } else { xfree(job_ptr->mcs_label); job_ptr->mcs_label = xstrdup(result); return SLURM_SUCCESS; } } else { if (_check_mcs_label(job_ptr, label) == 0 ) return SLURM_SUCCESS; else return SLURM_ERROR; } } /* * mcs_p_check_mcs_label() is called to check mcs_label. */ extern int mcs_p_check_mcs_label (uint32_t user_id, char *mcs_label) { int rc = SLURM_ERROR; int i = 0; gid_t gid; gid_t slurm_user_gid; uint32_t tmp_group ; gid_t groups[MAX_GROUPS]; uint32_t group_id; int ngroups = -1; if (mcs_label != NULL) { /* test if real unix group */ if (gid_from_string(mcs_label, &gid ) != 0) return rc; /* test if this group is owned by the user */ slurm_user_gid = gid_from_uid(user_id); group_id = (uint32_t) slurm_user_gid; rc = _get_user_groups(user_id, group_id, groups, MAX_GROUPS, &ngroups); if (rc) /* Failed to get groups */ return rc; rc = SLURM_ERROR; for (i = 0; i < ngroups; i++) { tmp_group = (uint32_t) groups[i]; if (gid == tmp_group) { rc = SLURM_SUCCESS; break; } } } else rc = SLURM_SUCCESS; return rc; }