/*****************************************************************************\ * gres_common.c - common functions for gres plugins ***************************************************************************** * Copyright (C) 2017 SchedMD LLC * Written by Danny Auble * * This file is part of Slurm, a resource management program. * For details, see . * Please also read the included file: DISCLAIMER. * * Slurm is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under * the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free * Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) * any later version. * * In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders give permission * to link the code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library under * certain conditions as described in each individual source file, and * distribute linked combinations including the two. You must obey the GNU * General Public License in all respects for all of the code used other than * OpenSSL. If you modify file(s) with this exception, you may extend this * exception to your version of the file(s), but you are not obligated to do * so. If you do not wish to do so, delete this exception statement from your * version. If you delete this exception statement from all source files in * the program, then also delete it here. * * Slurm is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY * WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more * details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with Slurm; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. \*****************************************************************************/ #include #include "gres_common.h" #include "src/common/xstring.h" #include "src/common/xcgroup_read_config.h" static void _free_name_list(void *x) { free(x); } static int _match_name_list(void *x, void *key) { if (!xstrcmp(x, key)) return 1; /* duplicate file name */ return 0; } /* * Common validation for what was read in from the gres.conf. * IN gres_conf_list * IN gres_name * OUT gres_devices */ extern int common_node_config_load(List gres_conf_list, char *gres_name, List *gres_devices) { int i, tmp, rc = SLURM_SUCCESS; ListIterator itr; gres_slurmd_conf_t *gres_slurmd_conf; hostlist_t hl; char *root_path, *one_name; gres_device_t *gres_device; uint64_t debug_flags; List names_list; int max_dev_num = -1; xassert(gres_conf_list); xassert(gres_devices); debug_flags = slurm_get_debug_flags(); names_list = list_create(_free_name_list); itr = list_iterator_create(gres_conf_list); while ((gres_slurmd_conf = list_next(itr))) { if (!(gres_slurmd_conf->config_flags & GRES_CONF_HAS_FILE) || !gres_slurmd_conf->file || xstrcmp(gres_slurmd_conf->name, gres_name)) continue; root_path = xstrdup(gres_slurmd_conf->file); hl = hostlist_create(root_path); if (!hl) { error("can't parse gres.conf file record (%s)", gres_slurmd_conf->file); xfree(root_path); continue; } while ((one_name = hostlist_shift(hl))) { int digit = -1; if (!*gres_devices) { *gres_devices = list_create(destroy_gres_device); } gres_device = xmalloc(sizeof(gres_device_t)); list_append(*gres_devices, gres_device); gres_device->path = xstrdup(one_name); gres_device->major = gres_device_major( gres_device->path); tmp = strlen(one_name); for (i = 1; i <= tmp; i++) { if (isdigit(one_name[tmp - i])) { digit = tmp - i; continue; } break; } if (digit >= 0) gres_device->dev_num = atoi(one_name + digit); else gres_device->dev_num = -1; if (gres_device->dev_num > max_dev_num) max_dev_num = gres_device->dev_num; if ((rc == SLURM_SUCCESS) && list_find_first(names_list, _match_name_list, one_name)) { error("%s duplicate device file name (%s)", gres_name, one_name); rc = SLURM_ERROR; } (void) list_append(names_list, one_name); } hostlist_destroy(hl); xfree(root_path); } list_iterator_destroy(itr); list_destroy(names_list); if (*gres_devices) { itr = list_iterator_create(*gres_devices); while ((gres_device = list_next(itr))) { if (gres_device->dev_num == -1) gres_device->dev_num = ++max_dev_num; if (debug_flags & DEBUG_FLAG_GRES) { debug("%s device number %d(%s):%s", gres_name, gres_device->dev_num, gres_device->path, gres_device->major); } } list_iterator_destroy(itr); } return rc; } extern bool common_use_local_device_index(void) { slurm_cgroup_conf_t *cg_conf; char *task_plugin; bool use_cgroup = false; static bool use_local_index = false; static bool is_set = false; if (is_set) return use_local_index; is_set = true; task_plugin = slurm_get_task_plugin(); if (!task_plugin) return use_local_index; if (strstr(task_plugin, "cgroup")) use_cgroup = true; xfree(task_plugin); if (!use_cgroup) return use_local_index; /* read cgroup configuration */ slurm_mutex_lock(&xcgroup_config_read_mutex); cg_conf = xcgroup_get_slurm_cgroup_conf(); if (cg_conf->constrain_devices) use_local_index = true; slurm_mutex_unlock(&xcgroup_config_read_mutex); return use_local_index; } extern void common_gres_set_env(List gres_devices, char ***env_ptr, void *gres_ptr, int node_inx, bitstr_t *usable_gres, char *prefix, int *local_inx, uint64_t *gres_per_node, char **local_list, char **global_list, bool reset, bool is_job, int *global_id) { int i, len, first_inx = -1; bitstr_t *bit_alloc = NULL; bool use_local_dev_index = common_use_local_device_index(); bool alloc_cnt = false, set_global_id = false; gres_device_t *gres_device, *first_device = NULL; ListIterator itr; char *global_prefix = "", *local_prefix = ""; char *new_global_list = NULL, *new_local_list = NULL; uint64_t tmp_gres_per_node = 0; if (!gres_devices) return; xassert(global_list); xassert(local_list); if (is_job) { gres_job_state_t *gres_job_ptr = (gres_job_state_t *) gres_ptr; if (gres_job_ptr && (node_inx >= 0) && (node_inx < gres_job_ptr->node_cnt) && gres_job_ptr->gres_bit_alloc && gres_job_ptr->gres_bit_alloc[node_inx]) { bit_alloc = gres_job_ptr->gres_bit_alloc[node_inx]; } else if (gres_job_ptr && ((gres_job_ptr->gres_per_job > 0) || (gres_job_ptr->gres_per_node > 0) || (gres_job_ptr->gres_per_socket > 0) || (gres_job_ptr->gres_per_task > 0))) { alloc_cnt = true; } if (gres_job_ptr) { tmp_gres_per_node = gres_job_ptr->gres_per_node; } } else { gres_step_state_t *gres_step_ptr = (gres_step_state_t *) gres_ptr; if (gres_step_ptr && (gres_step_ptr->node_cnt == 1) && gres_step_ptr->gres_bit_alloc && gres_step_ptr->gres_bit_alloc[0]) { bit_alloc = gres_step_ptr->gres_bit_alloc[0]; } else if (gres_step_ptr && ((gres_step_ptr->gres_per_step > 0) || (gres_step_ptr->gres_per_node > 0) || (gres_step_ptr->gres_per_socket > 0) || (gres_step_ptr->gres_per_task > 0))) { alloc_cnt = true; } if (gres_step_ptr) { tmp_gres_per_node = gres_step_ptr->gres_per_node; } } /* If we are resetting and we don't have a usable_gres we just exit */ if (reset && !usable_gres) return; if (bit_alloc) { int index; len = bit_size(bit_alloc); i = -1; itr = list_iterator_create(gres_devices); while ((gres_device = list_next(itr))) { i++; if (i >= len) { /* * This can happen if GRES count in slurm.conf * and gres.conf differ */ error("%s: gres_list size different from count of gres_devices", __func__); break; } if (!bit_test(bit_alloc, i)) continue; index = use_local_dev_index ? (*local_inx)++ : gres_device->dev_num; if (reset) { if (!first_device) { first_inx = index; first_device = gres_device; } if (!bit_test(usable_gres, use_local_dev_index ? index : i)) continue; } if (global_id && !set_global_id) { *global_id = gres_device->dev_num; set_global_id = true; } xstrfmtcat(new_local_list, "%s%s%d", local_prefix, prefix, index); local_prefix = ","; //info("looking at %d and %d", i, gres_device->dev_num); xstrfmtcat(new_global_list, "%s%s%d", global_prefix, prefix, gres_device->dev_num); global_prefix = ","; } list_iterator_destroy(itr); /* * Handle binding to out-of-bounds and non-allocated devices by * instead binding to the first allocated device */ if (reset && !new_global_list && first_device) { xstrfmtcat(new_local_list, "%s%s%d", local_prefix, prefix, first_inx); (*local_inx) = first_inx; xstrfmtcat(new_global_list, "%s%s%d", global_prefix, prefix, first_device->dev_num); } if (new_global_list) { xfree(*global_list); *global_list = new_global_list; } if (new_local_list) { xfree(*local_list); *local_list = new_local_list; } } else if (alloc_cnt) { /* * The gres.conf file must identify specific device files * in order to set the CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES env var */ debug("%s: unable to set env vars, no device files configured", __func__); } if (gres_per_node) { *gres_per_node = tmp_gres_per_node; } } extern void common_send_stepd(int fd, List gres_devices) { int i; int cnt = 0; gres_device_t *gres_device; ListIterator itr; if (gres_devices) cnt = list_count(gres_devices); safe_write(fd, &cnt, sizeof(int)); if (!cnt) return; itr = list_iterator_create(gres_devices); while ((gres_device = list_next(itr))) { safe_write(fd, &gres_device->dev_num, sizeof(int)); if (gres_device->major) { i = strlen(gres_device->major); safe_write(fd, &i, sizeof(int)); safe_write(fd, gres_device->major, i); } else { i = 0; safe_write(fd, &i, sizeof(int)); } if (gres_device->path) { i = strlen(gres_device->path); safe_write(fd, &i, sizeof(int)); safe_write(fd, gres_device->path, i); } else { i = 0; safe_write(fd, &i, sizeof(int)); } } list_iterator_destroy(itr); return; rwfail: error("%s: failed", __func__); return; } extern void common_recv_stepd(int fd, List *gres_devices) { int i, cnt, len; gres_device_t *gres_device; xassert(gres_devices); safe_read(fd, &cnt, sizeof(int)); if (*gres_devices) { list_destroy(*gres_devices); *gres_devices = NULL; } if (!cnt) return; *gres_devices = list_create(destroy_gres_device); for (i = 0; i < cnt; i++) { gres_device = xmalloc(sizeof(gres_device_t)); /* * Since we are pulling from a list we need to append here * instead of push. */ list_append(*gres_devices, gres_device); safe_read(fd, &gres_device->dev_num, sizeof(int)); safe_read(fd, &len, sizeof(int)); if (len) { gres_device->major = xmalloc(len + 1); safe_read(fd, gres_device->major, len); } safe_read(fd, &len, sizeof(int)); if (len) { gres_device->path = xmalloc(len + 1); safe_read(fd, gres_device->path, len); } /* info("adding %d %s %s", gres_device->dev_num, */ /* gres_device->major, gres_device->path); */ } return; rwfail: error("%s: failed", __func__); return; } /* * A one-liner version of _print_gres_conf_full() */ extern void print_gres_conf(gres_slurmd_conf_t *gres_slurmd_conf, log_level_t log_lvl) { log_var(log_lvl, " GRES[%s] Type:%s Count:%"PRIu64" Cores(%d):%s " "Links:%s Flags:%s File:%s", gres_slurmd_conf->name, gres_slurmd_conf->type_name, gres_slurmd_conf->count, gres_slurmd_conf->cpu_cnt, gres_slurmd_conf->cpus, gres_slurmd_conf->links, gres_flags2str(gres_slurmd_conf->config_flags), gres_slurmd_conf->file); } /* * Print the gres.conf record in a parsable format * Do NOT change the format of this without also changing test39.18! */ static void _print_gres_conf_parsable(gres_slurmd_conf_t *gres_slurmd_conf, log_level_t log_lvl) { log_var(log_lvl, "GRES_PARSABLE[%s](%"PRIu64"):%s|%d|%s|%s|%s|", gres_slurmd_conf->name, gres_slurmd_conf->count, gres_slurmd_conf->type_name, gres_slurmd_conf->cpu_cnt, gres_slurmd_conf->cpus, gres_slurmd_conf->links, gres_slurmd_conf->file); } /* * Prints out each gres_slurmd_conf_t record in the list */ static void _print_gres_list_helper(List gres_list, log_level_t log_lvl, bool parsable) { ListIterator itr; gres_slurmd_conf_t *gres_record; if (gres_list == NULL) return; itr = list_iterator_create(gres_list); while ((gres_record = list_next(itr))) { if (parsable) _print_gres_conf_parsable(gres_record, log_lvl); else print_gres_conf(gres_record, log_lvl); } list_iterator_destroy(itr); } /* * Print each gres_slurmd_conf_t record in the list */ extern void print_gres_list(List gres_list, log_level_t log_lvl) { _print_gres_list_helper(gres_list, log_lvl, false); } /* * Print each gres_slurmd_conf_t record in the list in a parsable manner for * test consumption */ extern void print_gres_list_parsable(List gres_list) { _print_gres_list_helper(gres_list, LOG_LEVEL_INFO, true); }