// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// File: RaftVoteRegistry.cc
// Author: Georgios Bitzes - CERN
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
* quarkdb - a redis-like highly available key-value store *
* Copyright (C) 2020 CERN/Switzerland *
* *
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
* *
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *
* GNU General Public License for more details. *
* *
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License *
* along with this program. If not, see .*
#include "raft/RaftVoteRegistry.hh"
#include "raft/RaftUtils.hh"
#include "raft/RaftState.hh"
#include "raft/RaftLease.hh"
namespace quarkdb {
// Constructor
RaftVoteRegistry::RaftVoteRegistry(RaftTerm term, bool prevote)
: mTerm(term), mPreVote(prevote) {}
// Register vote
void RaftVoteRegistry::registerVote(const RaftServer &srv, RaftVoteResponse resp) {
qdb_assert(mContents.find(srv) == mContents.end());
SingleVote vote;
vote.netError = false;
vote.parseError = false;
vote.resp = resp;
mContents[srv] = vote;
// Register vote
void RaftVoteRegistry::registerParseError(const RaftServer &srv) {
qdb_assert(mContents.find(srv) == mContents.end());
SingleVote vote;
vote.netError = false;
vote.parseError = true;
mContents[srv] = vote;
// Register vote
void RaftVoteRegistry::registerNetworkError(const RaftServer &srv) {
qdb_assert(mContents.find(srv) == mContents.end());
SingleVote vote;
vote.netError = true;
vote.parseError = false;
mContents[srv] = vote;
// Determine outcome
ElectionOutcome RaftVoteRegistry::determineOutcome() const {
size_t positives = 0;
for(auto it = mContents.begin(); it != mContents.end(); it++) {
const SingleVote& sv = it->second;
if(sv.netError) {
else if(sv.parseError) {
if(mPreVote) {
// Does not support pre-vote... assume granted
else if(sv.resp.vote == RaftVote::GRANTED) {
else if(sv.resp.vote == RaftVote::VETO) {
return ElectionOutcome::kVetoed;
// Implicit vote for myself
if(positives >= calculateQuorumSize(mContents.size()+1)) {
return ElectionOutcome::kElected;
return ElectionOutcome::kNotElected;
// Count a specific type of vote
size_t RaftVoteRegistry::count(RaftVote vote) const {
size_t num = 0;
for(auto it = mContents.begin(); it != mContents.end(); it++) {
const SingleVote& sv = it->second;
if(sv.netError || sv.parseError) {
if(sv.resp.vote == vote) {
return num;
// Count network errors
size_t RaftVoteRegistry::countNetworkError() const {
size_t num = 0;
for(auto it = mContents.begin(); it != mContents.end(); it++) {
const SingleVote& sv = it->second;
if(sv.netError) {
return num;
// Count parse errors
size_t RaftVoteRegistry::countParseError() const {
size_t num = 0;
for(auto it = mContents.begin(); it != mContents.end(); it++) {
const SingleVote& sv = it->second;
if(sv.parseError) {
return num;
// Register vote
void RaftVoteRegistry::registerVote(const RaftServer &srv, std::future &fut, std::chrono::steady_clock::time_point deadline) {
if(fut.wait_until(deadline) != std::future_status::ready) {
return registerNetworkError(srv);
qclient::redisReplyPtr reply = fut.get();
if(reply == nullptr) {
return registerNetworkError(srv);
RaftVoteResponse resp;
if(!RaftParser::voteResponse(reply, resp)) {
if(!mPreVote) {
qdb_critical("Could not parse vote response from " << srv.toString() << ": " << qclient::describeRedisReply(reply));
return registerParseError(srv);
return registerVote(srv, resp);
// Describe outcome
std::string RaftVoteRegistry::describeOutcome() const {
std::ostringstream ss;
if(mPreVote) {
ss << "Pre-vote round";
else {
ss << "Election round";
const ElectionOutcome outcome = determineOutcome();
const size_t granted = count(RaftVote::GRANTED);
const size_t refused = count(RaftVote::REFUSED);
const size_t veto = count(RaftVote::VETO);
if(outcome == ElectionOutcome::kElected) {
ss << " successful";
else {
ss << " unsuccessful";
ss << " for term " << mTerm << ". Contacted " << mContents.size() << " nodes,";
ss << " received " << granted+refused+veto << " replies with a tally of ";
ss << granted << " positive votes, " << refused << " refused votes, and ";
ss << veto << " vetoes.";
if(granted >= calculateQuorumSize(mContents.size()+1) && veto > 0) {
qdb_critical("Received a quorum of positive votes (" << granted << ") plus vetoes: " << veto);
return ss.str();
// Observe terms and leases
void RaftVoteRegistry::observeTermsAndLeases(RaftState &state, RaftLease &lease,
std::chrono::steady_clock::time_point broadcastTimepoint) {
for(auto it = mContents.begin(); it != mContents.end(); it++) {
const SingleVote& sv = it->second;
if(sv.netError || sv.parseError) {
state.observed(sv.resp.term, {});
if(sv.resp.vote == RaftVote::GRANTED) {