// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// File: RaftDispatcher.cc
// Author: Georgios Bitzes - CERN
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
* quarkdb - a redis-like highly available key-value store *
* Copyright (C) 2016 CERN/Switzerland *
* *
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
* *
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *
* GNU General Public License for more details. *
* *
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License *
* along with this program. If not, see .*
#include "raft/RaftDispatcher.hh"
#include "raft/RaftUtils.hh"
#include "raft/RaftJournal.hh"
#include "raft/RaftWriteTracker.hh"
#include "raft/RaftState.hh"
#include "raft/RaftReplicator.hh"
#include "redis/LeaseFilter.hh"
#include "StateMachine.hh"
#include "Formatter.hh"
#include "utils/ParseUtils.hh"
#include "utils/CommandParsing.hh"
#include "Version.hh"
using namespace quarkdb;
RaftDispatcher::RaftDispatcher(RaftJournal &jour, StateMachine &sm, RaftState &st, RaftHeartbeatTracker &rht, RaftWriteTracker &wt, RaftReplicator &rep, Publisher &pub)
: journal(jour), stateMachine(sm), state(st), heartbeatTracker(rht), redisDispatcher(sm, pub), writeTracker(wt), replicator(rep), publisher(pub) {
void RaftDispatcher::notifyDisconnect(Connection *conn) {
LinkStatus RaftDispatcher::dispatchInfo(Connection *conn, RedisRequest &req) {
if(req.size() == 2 && caseInsensitiveEquals(req[1], "leader")) {
return conn->string(state.getSnapshot()->leader.toString());
return conn->statusVector(this->info().toVector());
LinkStatus RaftDispatcher::dispatch(Connection *conn, Transaction &transaction) {
return this->service(conn, transaction);
LinkStatus RaftDispatcher::dispatchPubsub(Connection *conn, RedisRequest &req) {
// Only leaders should service pubsub requests.
RaftStateSnapshotPtr snapshot = state.getSnapshot();
if(snapshot->status != RaftStatus::LEADER) {
if(snapshot->leader.empty()) {
return conn->raw(Formatter::err("unavailable"));
// Redirect.
return conn->raw(Formatter::moved(0, snapshot->leader));
// We're good, submit to publisher.
return publisher.dispatch(conn, req);
// Check if the removal of the given node would be acceptable
bool RaftDispatcher::checkIfNodeRemovalAcceptable(const RaftServer &srv) {
// Build a replication status object with how the full members would
// look like after the node removal
ReplicationStatus replicationStatus = replicator.getStatus();
ReplicaStatus leaderStatus = { state.getMyself(), true, journal.getLogSize() };
if(replicationStatus.contains(srv)) {
return replicationStatus.quorumUpToDate(leaderStatus.logSize);
LinkStatus RaftDispatcher::dispatch(Connection *conn, RedisRequest &req) {
if(req.getCommandType() == CommandType::PUBSUB) {
return dispatchPubsub(conn, req);
switch(req.getCommand()) {
case RedisCommand::RAFT_INFO: {
// safe, read-only request, does not need authorization
return dispatchInfo(conn, req);
case RedisCommand::RAFT_LEADER_INFO: {
// safe, read-only request, does not need authorization
RaftStateSnapshotPtr snapshot = state.getSnapshot();
if(snapshot->status != RaftStatus::LEADER) {
if(snapshot->leader.empty()) {
return conn->err("unavailable");
return conn->moved(0, snapshot->leader);
return dispatchInfo(conn, req);
case RedisCommand::RAFT_FETCH_LAST: {
// safe, read-only request, does not need authorization
if(req.size() != 2 && req.size() != 3) return conn->errArgs(req[0]);
int64_t nentries;
if(!ParseUtils::parseInt64(req[1], nentries) || nentries <= 0) return conn->err(SSTR("could not parse " << req[1]));
bool raw = false;
if(req.size() == 3) {
if(req[2] == "raw") {
raw = true;
else {
return conn->err(SSTR("could not parse " << req[2]));
std::vector entries;
journal.fetch_last(nentries, entries);
return conn->raw(Formatter::raftEntries(entries, raw));
case RedisCommand::RAFT_FETCH: {
// safe, read-only request, does not need authorization
if(req.size() != 2 && req.size() != 3) return conn->errArgs(req[0]);
LogIndex index;
if(!ParseUtils::parseInt64(req[1], index)) return conn->err(SSTR("could not parse " << req[1]));
bool raw = false;
if(req.size() == 3) {
if(req[2] == "raw") {
raw = true;
else {
return conn->err(SSTR("could not parse " << req[2]));
RaftEntry entry;
std::vector ret;
if(this->fetch(index, entry)) {
return conn->raw(Formatter::raftEntry(entry, raw));
return conn->null();
case RedisCommand::RAFT_HEARTBEAT: {
if(!conn->raftAuthorization) return conn->err("not authorized to issue raft commands");
RaftHeartbeatRequest dest;
if(!RaftParser::heartbeat(std::move(req), dest)) {
return conn->err("malformed request");
RaftHeartbeatResponse resp = heartbeat(std::move(dest));
return conn->vector(resp.toVector());
case RedisCommand::RAFT_APPEND_ENTRIES: {
Connection::FlushGuard guard(conn);
if(!conn->raftAuthorization) return conn->err("not authorized to issue raft commands");
RaftAppendEntriesRequest dest;
if(!RaftParser::appendEntries(std::move(req), dest)) {
return conn->err("malformed request");
RaftAppendEntriesResponse resp = appendEntries(std::move(dest));
return conn->vector(resp.toVector());
case RedisCommand::RAFT_SET_FSYNC_POLICY: {
if(req.size() != 2u) return conn->errArgs(req[0]);
FsyncPolicy policy;
if(!parseFsyncPolicy(req[1], policy)) {
return conn->err(SSTR("could not parse '" << req[1] << "', available choices: always,async,sync-important-updates"));
return conn->ok();
case RedisCommand::RAFT_REQUEST_PRE_VOTE: {
if(!conn->raftAuthorization) return conn->err("not authorized to issue raft commands");
RaftVoteRequest votereq;
if(!RaftParser::voteRequest(req, votereq)) {
return conn->err("malformed request");
RaftVoteResponse resp = requestVote(votereq, true);
return conn->vector(resp.toVector());
case RedisCommand::RAFT_REQUEST_VOTE: {
if(!conn->raftAuthorization) return conn->err("not authorized to issue raft commands");
RaftVoteRequest votereq;
if(!RaftParser::voteRequest(req, votereq)) {
return conn->err("malformed request");
RaftVoteResponse resp = requestVote(votereq);
return conn->vector(resp.toVector());
case RedisCommand::RAFT_HANDSHAKE: {
conn->raftAuthorization = false;
if(req.size() != 4) return conn->errArgs(req[0]);
if(req[2] != journal.getClusterID()) {
qdb_misconfig("received handshake with wrong cluster id: " << req[2] << " (mine is " << journal.getClusterID() << ")");
return conn->err("wrong cluster id");
if(req[3] != heartbeatTracker.getTimeouts().toString()) {
qdb_misconfig("received handshake with different raft timeouts (" << req[3] << ") than mine (" << heartbeatTracker.getTimeouts().toString() << ")");
return conn->err("incompatible raft timeouts");
conn->raftAuthorization = true;
return conn->ok();
case RedisCommand::RAFT_ATTEMPT_COUP: {
RaftStateSnapshotPtr snapshot = state.getSnapshot();
if(snapshot->leader.empty()) {
return conn->err("I have no leader, cannot start a coup");
if(snapshot->leader == state.getMyself()) {
return conn->err("I am the leader! I can't revolt against myself, you know.");
if(!contains(journal.getMembership().nodes, state.getMyself())) {
return conn->err("I am not a full cluster member, pointless to start a coup. First promote me from observer status.");
qdb_event("Received request to attempt a coup d'etat against the current leader.");
return conn->status("vive la revolution");
case RedisCommand::RAFT_ADD_OBSERVER:
case RedisCommand::RAFT_REMOVE_MEMBER:
case RedisCommand::RAFT_DEMOTE_TO_OBSERVER: {
std::scoped_lock lock(raftCommand);
// We need to lock the journal for writes during a membership update.
// Otherwise, a different client might race to acquire the same position
// in the journal to place a different entry, and cause a crash.
if(req.size() != 2) return conn->errArgs(req[0]);
RaftServer srv;
if(!parseServer(req[1], srv)) {
return conn->err(SSTR("cannot parse server: " << req[1]));
RaftStateSnapshotPtr snapshot = state.getSnapshot();
if(snapshot->status != RaftStatus::LEADER) return conn->err("not a leader");
if(srv == state.getMyself()) return conn->err("cannot perform membership changes on current leader");
std::string err;
bool rc;
if(req.getCommand() == RedisCommand::RAFT_ADD_OBSERVER) {
rc = journal.addObserver(snapshot->term, srv, err);
else if(req.getCommand() == RedisCommand::RAFT_REMOVE_MEMBER) {
if(!checkIfNodeRemovalAcceptable(srv)) {
return conn->err("membership update blocked, new cluster would not have an up-to-date quorum");
rc = journal.removeMember(snapshot->term, srv, err);
else if(req.getCommand() == RedisCommand::RAFT_PROMOTE_OBSERVER) {
ReplicationStatus replicationStatus = replicator.getStatus();
if(!replicationStatus.getReplicaStatus(srv).upToDate(journal.getLogSize())) {
return conn->err("membership update blocked, observer is not up-to-date");
rc = journal.promoteObserver(snapshot->term, srv, err);
else if(req.getCommand() == RedisCommand::RAFT_DEMOTE_TO_OBSERVER) {
if(!checkIfNodeRemovalAcceptable(srv)) {
return conn->err("membership update blocked, new cluster would not have an up-to-date quorum");
rc = journal.demoteToObserver(snapshot->term, srv, err);
else {
qdb_throw("should never happen");
if(!rc) return conn->err(err);
// All clear, propagate the update
return conn->ok();
case RedisCommand::ACTIVATE_STALE_READS: {
conn->raftStaleReads = true;
return conn->ok();
case RedisCommand::RAFT_JOURNAL_SCAN: {
if(req.size() <= 1) {
return conn->errArgs(req[0]);
ScanCommandArguments args = parseScanCommand(req.begin()+1, req.end(), true);
if(!args.error.empty()) {
return conn->err(args.error);
LogIndex cursor;
if(!ParseUtils::parseInt64(args.cursor, cursor)) {
return conn->err(SSTR("invalid cursor: " << args.cursor));
std::vector entries;
LogIndex nextCursor;
rocksdb::Status st = journal.scanContents(cursor, args.count, args.match, entries, nextCursor);
if(!st.ok()) {
return conn->raw(Formatter::fromStatus(st));
return conn->raw(Formatter::journalScan(nextCursor, entries));
if(req.size() != 1) {
return conn->errArgs(req[0]);
return conn->fromStatus(journal.manualCompaction());
case RedisCommand::RAFT_OBSERVE_TERM: {
if(req.size() != 2) {
return conn->errArgs(req[0]);
RaftTerm term = 0;
if(!ParseUtils::parseInt64(req[1], term) || term < 0) {
return conn->err(SSTR("cannot parse term: " << req[1]));
qdb_event("Artificially observing raft term " << term);
bool outcome = state.observed(term, {});
return conn->integer(outcome);
default: {
// Must be either a read, or write at this point.
qdb_assert(req.getCommandType() == CommandType::WRITE || req.getCommandType() == CommandType::READ);
Transaction tx(std::move(req));
return this->service(conn, tx);
LinkStatus RaftDispatcher::service(Connection *conn, Transaction &tx) {
// if not leader, redirect... except if this is a read,
// and stale reads are active!
RaftStateSnapshotPtr snapshot = state.getSnapshot();
if(snapshot->status != RaftStatus::LEADER) {
if(snapshot->leader.empty()) {
return conn->raw(Formatter::multiply(Formatter::err("unavailable"), tx.expectedResponses()));
if(conn->raftStaleReads && !tx.containsWrites()) {
// Forward directly to the state machine.
return redisDispatcher.dispatch(conn, tx);
// Redirect.
return conn->raw(Formatter::multiply(Formatter::moved(0, snapshot->leader), tx.expectedResponses()));
// What happens if I was just elected as leader, but my state machine is
// behind leadershipMarker?
// It means I have committed entries on the journal, which haven't been applied
// to the state machine. If I were to service a read, I'd be giving out potentially
// stale values!
// Ensure the state machine is all caught-up before servicing reads, in order
// to prevent a linearizability violation.
// But we do the same thing for writes:
// - Ensures a leader is stable before actually inserting writes into the
// journal.
// - Ensures no race conditions exist between committing the leadership marker
// (which causes a hard-synchronization of the dynamic clock to the static
// one), and the time we service lease requests.
// This adds some latency to writes right after a leader is elected, as we
// need some extra roundtrips to commit the leadership marker. But since
// leaders usually last weeks, who cares.
if(stateMachine.getLastApplied() < snapshot->leadershipMarker) {
// Stall client request until state machine is caught-up, or we lose leadership
while(!stateMachine.waitUntilTargetLastApplied(snapshot->leadershipMarker, std::chrono::milliseconds(500))) {
if(!state.isSnapshotCurrent(snapshot.get())) {
// Ouch, we're no longer a leader.. start from scratch
return this->service(conn, tx);
// If we've made it this far, the state machine should be all caught-up
// by now. Proceed to service this request.
qdb_assert(snapshot->leadershipMarker <= stateMachine.getLastApplied());
if(!tx.containsWrites()) {
// Forward request to the state machine, without going through the
// raft journal.
return conn->addPendingTransaction(&redisDispatcher, std::move(tx));
// At this point, the received command *must* be a write - verify!
// Do lease filtering
ClockValue txTimestamp = stateMachine.getDynamicClock();
LeaseFilter::transform(tx, txTimestamp);
// send request to the write tracker
std::scoped_lock lock(raftCommand);
LogIndex index = journal.getLogSize();
if(!writeTracker.append(index, snapshot->term, std::move(tx), conn->getQueue(), redisDispatcher)) {
// We were most likely hit by the following race:
// - We retrieved the state snapshot.
// - The raft term was changed in the meantime, we lost leadership.
// - The journal rejected the entry due to term mismatch.
// Let's simply retry.
return this->service(conn, tx);
return 1;
RaftHeartbeatResponse RaftDispatcher::heartbeat(const RaftHeartbeatRequest &req) {
RaftStateSnapshotPtr snapshot;
return heartbeat(req, snapshot);
RaftHeartbeatResponse RaftDispatcher::heartbeat(const RaftHeartbeatRequest &req, RaftStateSnapshotPtr &snapshot) {
// This RPC is a custom extension to raft - coupling appendEntries to
// heartbeats creates certain issues: We can't aggressively pipeline the
// replicated entries, for example, out of caution of losing the lease,
// or the follower timing out, since pipelining will affect latencies of
// acknowledgement reception.
// Having a separate RPC which is sent strictly every heartbeat interval in
// addition to appendEntries should alleviate this, and make the cluster
// far more robust against spurious timeouts in the presence of pipelined,
// gigantic in size appendEntries messages.
// We don't lock raftCommand here - this is intentional! We only access
// thread-safe objects, thus preventing the possibility of an appendEntries
// storm blocking the heartbeats.
if(req.leader == state.getMyself()) {
qdb_throw("received heartbeat from myself");
state.observed(req.term, req.leader);
snapshot = state.getSnapshot();
if(snapshot->status == RaftStatus::SHUTDOWN) {
return {snapshot->term, false, "in shutdown"};
if(req.term < snapshot->term) {
return {snapshot->term, false, "My raft term is newer"};
qdb_assert(req.term == snapshot->term);
if(req.leader != snapshot->leader) {
qdb_throw("Received append entries from " << req.leader.toString() << ", while I believe leader for term " << snapshot->term << " is " << snapshot->leader.toString());
return {snapshot->term, true, ""};
RaftAppendEntriesResponse RaftDispatcher::appendEntries(RaftAppendEntriesRequest &&req) {
std::scoped_lock lock(raftCommand);
// An appendEntries RPC also serves as a heartbeat. We need to preserve the
// state snapshot taken inside heartbeat.
RaftStateSnapshotPtr snapshot;
RaftHeartbeatResponse heartbeatResponse = heartbeat({req.term, req.leader}, snapshot);
if(!heartbeatResponse.nodeRecognizedAsLeader) {
return {heartbeatResponse.term, journal.getLogSize(), false, heartbeatResponse.err};
// The contacting node is recognized as leader, proceed with the
// requested journal modifications, if any.
writeTracker.flushQueues(Formatter::moved(0, snapshot->leader));
publisher.purgeListeners(Formatter::moved(0, snapshot->leader));
if(!journal.matchEntries(req.prevIndex, req.prevTerm)) {
return {snapshot->term, journal.getLogSize(), false, "Log entry mismatch"};
// Four cases.
// 1. All entries are new; we're grand. By far the most common case.
// 2. The leader is sligthly confused and is sending entries that I have
// already. Perform a quick check to ensure they're identical to mine and
// continue on like nothing happened.
// 3. Some of the entries are different than mine. This can be caused by mild
// log inconsistencies when switching leaders. This is normal and expected
// to happen rarely, so let's remove the inconsistent entries.
// 4. Some of the entries are different, AND they've already been committed
// or applied. This is a major safety violation and should never happen.
LogIndex firstInconsistency = journal.compareEntries(req.prevIndex+1, req.entries);
LogIndex appendFrom = firstInconsistency - (req.prevIndex+1);
// check if ALL entries are duplicates. If so, I don't need to do anything.
if(appendFrom < LogIndex(req.entries.size()) ) {
if(firstInconsistency <= journal.getCommitIndex()) {
qdb_throw("detected inconsistent entries for index " << firstInconsistency << ". "
<< " Leader attempted to overwrite a committed entry with one with different contents.");
if(firstInconsistency != journal.getLogSize() && firstInconsistency <= stateMachine.getLastApplied()) {
qdb_throw("raft invariant violation: Attempted to remove already applied entries as inconsistent. (first inconsistency: " << firstInconsistency << ", last applied: " << stateMachine.getLastApplied());
for(size_t i = appendFrom; i < req.entries.size(); i++) {
if(!journal.append(req.prevIndex+1+i, req.entries[i], false)) {
qdb_warn("something odd happened when adding entries to the journal.. probably a race condition, but should be harmless");
return {snapshot->term, journal.getLogSize(), false, "Unknown error"};
journal.setCommitIndex(std::min(journal.getLogSize()-1, req.commitIndex));
return {snapshot->term, journal.getLogSize(), true, ""};
void RaftDispatcher::warnIfLagging(LogIndex leaderCommitIndex) {
const LogIndex threshold = 10000;
LogIndex entriesBehind = leaderCommitIndex - journal.getCommitIndex();
if(entriesBehind > threshold &&
std::chrono::steady_clock::now() - lastLaggingWarning > std::chrono::seconds(10)) {
qdb_warn("My commit index is " << entriesBehind << " entries behind that of the leader.");
lastLaggingWarning = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
else if(entriesBehind <= threshold && lastLaggingWarning != std::chrono::steady_clock::time_point()) {
qdb_info("No longer lagging significantly behind the leader. (" << entriesBehind << " entries)");
lastLaggingWarning = {};
RaftVoteResponse RaftDispatcher::requestVote(const RaftVoteRequest &req, bool preVote) {
std::string reqDescr = req.describe(preVote);
std::scoped_lock lock(raftCommand);
if(req.candidate == state.getMyself()) {
qdb_throw("received vote request from myself: " << reqDescr);
// Defend against disruptive servers.
// A node that has been removed from the cluster will often not know that,
// and will repeatedly start elections trying to depose the current leader,
// effectively making the cluster unavailable.
// If this node is not part of the cluster (that I know of) and I am already
// in contact with the leader, completely ignore its vote request, and don't
// take its term into consideration.
// If I don't have a leader, the situation is different though. Maybe this
// node was added later, and I just don't know about it yet. Process the
// request normally, since there's no leader to depose of, anyway.
if(!contains(state.getNodes(), req.candidate)) {
RaftStateSnapshotPtr snapshot = state.getSnapshot();
if(!snapshot->leader.empty()) {
qdb_misconfig("Non-voting " << req.candidate.toString() << " attempted to disrupt the cluster by starting an election for term " << req.term << ". Ignoring its request - shut down that node!");
return {snapshot->term, RaftVote::VETO};
qdb_warn("Non-voting " << req.candidate.toString() << " is requesting a vote, even though it is not a voting member of the cluster as far I know. Will still process its request, since I have no leader.");
if(!preVote) {
state.observed(req.term, {});
RaftStateSnapshotPtr snapshot = state.getSnapshot();
// If the contacting node were to be elected, would they potentially overwrite
// any of my committed entries?
// Raft should prevent this, but let's be extra paranoid and send a 'veto'
// vote if that's the case. Even a single 'veto' response will prevent a node
// from ascending, even if they have a quorum of positive votes.
// If this safety mechanism doesn't work for some reason (the network loses
// the message, or whatever), this node will simply crash later on
// with an exception instead of overwriting committed entries, in case the
// candidate does ascend.
// Under normal circumstances, a 'veto' vote should never affect the outcome
// of an election, and it ought to be identical to a 'refused' vote.
if(req.lastIndex <= journal.getCommitIndex()) {
if(req.lastIndex < journal.getLogStart()) {
qdb_event("Vetoing " << reqDescr << " because its lastIndex (" << req.lastIndex << ") is before my log start (" << journal.getLogStart() << ") - way too far behind me.");
return {snapshot->term, RaftVote::VETO};
RaftTerm myLastIndexTerm;
if(!journal.fetch(req.lastIndex, myLastIndexTerm).ok()) {
qdb_critical("Error when reading journal entry " << req.lastIndex << " when trying to determine if accepting a vote request could potentially overwrite my committed entries.");
// It could be that I just have a corrupted journal - don't prevent the
// node from ascending in this case... If I crash afterwards during
// replication, so be it.
return {snapshot->term, RaftVote::REFUSED};
// If the node were to ascend, it'll try and remove my req.lastIndex entry
// as inconsistent, which I consider committed already... Veto!
if(req.lastTerm != myLastIndexTerm) {
qdb_event("Vetoing " << reqDescr << " because its ascension would overwrite my committed entry with index " << req.lastIndex);
return {snapshot->term, RaftVote::VETO};
if(req.lastIndex+1 <= journal.getCommitIndex()) {
// If the node were to ascend, it would add a leadership marker, and try
// to remove my committed req.lastIndex+1 entry as conflicting. Veto!
qdb_event("Vetoing " << reqDescr << " because its ascension would overwrite my committed entry with index " << req.lastIndex+1 << " through the addition of a leadership marker.");
return {snapshot->term, RaftVote::VETO};
if(snapshot->term > req.term) {
qdb_event("Rejecting " << reqDescr << " because of term mismatch: " << snapshot->term << " vs " << req.term);
return {snapshot->term, RaftVote::REFUSED};
if(!preVote) {
qdb_assert(snapshot->term == req.term);
if(snapshot->term == req.term) {
if(!snapshot->votedFor.empty() && snapshot->votedFor != req.candidate) {
qdb_event("Rejecting " << reqDescr << " since I've voted already in this term (" << snapshot->term << ") for " << snapshot->votedFor.toString());
return {snapshot->term, RaftVote::REFUSED};
LogIndex myLastIndex = journal.getLogSize()-1;
RaftTerm myLastTerm;
if(!journal.fetch(myLastIndex, myLastTerm).ok()) {
qdb_critical("Error when reading journal entry " << myLastIndex << " when processing request vote.");
return {snapshot->term, RaftVote::REFUSED};
if(req.lastTerm < myLastTerm) {
qdb_event("Rejecting " << reqDescr << " since my journal is more up-to-date, based on last term: " << myLastIndex << "," << myLastTerm << " vs " << req.lastIndex << "," << req.lastTerm);
return {snapshot->term, RaftVote::REFUSED};
if(req.lastTerm == myLastTerm && req.lastIndex < myLastIndex) {
qdb_event("Rejecting " << reqDescr << " since my journal is more up-to-date, based on last index: " << myLastIndex << "," << myLastTerm << " vs " << req.lastIndex << "," << req.lastTerm);
return {snapshot->term, RaftVote::REFUSED};
// Grant vote - be generous with the heartbeats to increase robustness.
// A heartbeat that is registered only _after_ grantVote has been called suffers
// from the following race:
// - RaftDirector followerLoop is sleeping in state.wait
// - grantVote triggers RaftDirector to wake up
// - HeartbeatTracker has timed-out - followerLoop attempts to start an election,
// and all this happens before we reach heartbeatTracker.heartbeat in this thread.
// ... even though we JUST voted for a different node!
// Therefore, register the heartbeat twice just to be sure.
if(!preVote) {
if(!state.grantVote(req.term, req.candidate)) {
qdb_warn("RaftState rejected " << reqDescr << " - probably benign race condition?");
return {snapshot->term, RaftVote::REFUSED};
qdb_event("Granted " << reqDescr);
return {snapshot->term, RaftVote::GRANTED};
// Return health information
NodeHealth RaftDispatcher::getHealth() {
std::vector indicators = stateMachine.getHealthIndicators();
// Am I currently part of the quorum?
RaftStateSnapshotPtr snapshot = state.getSnapshot();
if(snapshot->leader.empty()) {
indicators.emplace_back(HealthStatus::kRed, "PART-OF-QUORUM", "No");
else {
indicators.emplace_back(HealthStatus::kGreen, "PART-OF-QUORUM", SSTR("Yes | LEADER " << snapshot->leader.toString()));
// Leader? If so, show replication status
if(snapshot->status == RaftStatus::LEADER) {
ReplicationStatus replicationStatus = replicator.getStatus();
LogIndex logSize = journal.getLogSize();
if(replicationStatus.shakyQuorum) {
indicators.emplace_back(HealthStatus::kYellow, "QUORUM-STABILITY", "Shaky");
else {
indicators.emplace_back(HealthStatus::kGreen, "QUORUM-STABILITY", "Good");
for(auto it = replicationStatus.replicas.begin(); it != replicationStatus.replicas.end(); it++) {
HealthStatus replicaStatus = HealthStatus::kGreen;
if(!it->online) {
replicaStatus = HealthStatus::kYellow;
else if(!it->upToDate(logSize)) {
replicaStatus = HealthStatus::kYellow;
indicators.emplace_back(replicaStatus, "REPLICA", it->toString(logSize));
return NodeHealth(VERSION_FULL_STRING, state.getMyself().toString(), indicators);
RaftInfo RaftDispatcher::info() {
std::scoped_lock lock(raftCommand);
RaftStateSnapshotPtr snapshot = state.getSnapshot();
RaftMembership membership = journal.getMembership();
ReplicationStatus replicationStatus = replicator.getStatus();
HealthStatus nodeHealthStatus = chooseWorstHealth(getHealth().getIndicators());
return {journal.getClusterID(), state.getMyself(), snapshot->leader, nodeHealthStatus, journal.getFsyncPolicy(), membership.epoch, membership.nodes, membership.observers, snapshot->term, journal.getLogStart(),
journal.getLogSize(), snapshot->status, journal.getCommitIndex(), stateMachine.getLastApplied(), writeTracker.size(),
std::chrono::duration_cast(std::chrono::steady_clock::now() - snapshot->timeCreated).count(),
replicationStatus, VERSION_FULL_STRING
bool RaftDispatcher::fetch(LogIndex index, RaftEntry &entry) {
rocksdb::Status st = journal.fetch(index, entry);
return st.ok();