* EOS - the CERN Disk Storage System *
* Copyright (C) 2018 CERN/Switzerland *
* *
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
* *
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *
* GNU General Public License for more details. *
* *
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License *
* along with this program. If not, see .*
#include "namespace/ns_quarkdb/QdbContactDetails.hh"
#include "namespace/ns_quarkdb/inspector/Inspector.hh"
#include "namespace/ns_quarkdb/inspector/OutputSink.hh"
#include "namespace/ns_quarkdb/inspector/FileMetadataFilter.hh"
#include "common/PasswordHandler.hh"
#include "common/ParseUtils.hh"
#include "common/CLI11.hpp"
#define DBG(message) std::cerr << __FILE__ << ":" << __LINE__ << " -- " << #message << " = " << message << std::endl
struct MemberValidator : public CLI::Validator {
MemberValidator() : Validator("MEMBER")
func_ = [](const std::string & str) {
qclient::Members members;
if (!members.parse(str)) {
return SSTR("Could not parse members: '" << str <<
"'. Expected format is a comma-separated list of servers: example1:1111,example2:2222");
return std::string();
struct IdValidator : public CLI::Validator {
IdValidator() : Validator("ID")
func_ = [](const std::string & str) {
uint64_t parsed;
if (!eos::common::ParseUInt64(str, parsed)) {
return SSTR("Could not parse id, was expecting uint64_t: '" << str << "'");
return std::string();
using namespace eos;
// Given a subcommand, add common-to-all options such as --members
// and --password
void addClusterOptions(CLI::App* subcmd, std::string& membersStr,
MemberValidator& memberValidator, std::string& password,
std::string& passwordFile, unsigned int connectionRetries)
subcmd->add_option("--members", membersStr,
"One or more members of the QDB cluster")
subcmd->add_option("--connection-retries", connectionRetries,
"Number of connection retries - default infinite");
auto passwordGroup = subcmd->add_option_group("Authentication",
"Specify QDB authentication options");
passwordGroup->add_option("--password", password,
"The password for connecting to the QDB cluster - can be empty");
passwordGroup->add_option("--password-file", passwordFile,
"The passwordfile for connecting to the QDB cluster - can be empty");
passwordGroup->require_option(0, 1);
// Control dry-run, common to all dangerous commands
void addDryRun(CLI::App* subcmd, bool& noDryRun)
subcmd->add_flag("--no-dry-run", noDryRun,
"Execute changes for real.\nIf not supplied, planned changes are only shown and not applied.");
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
CLI::App app("Tool to inspect contents of the QuarkDB-based EOS namespace.");
// Basic parameters, common to all subcommands
std::string membersStr;
MemberValidator memberValidator;
std::string password;
std::string passwordFile;
bool noDryRun = false;
std::unique_ptr metadataFilter;
std::string filterExpression;
unsigned int connectionRetries = 0;
// Set-up dump subcommand..
auto dumpSubcommand = app.add_subcommand("dump",
"[DEPRECATED] Recursively dump entire namespace contents under a specific path");
addClusterOptions(dumpSubcommand, membersStr, memberValidator, password,
passwordFile, connectionRetries);
std::string dumpPath;
std::string trimPaths;
std::string attrQuery;
bool relativePaths = false;
bool rawPaths = false;
bool noDirs = false;
bool noFiles = false;
bool showSize = false;
bool showMtime = false;
bool withParents = false;
uint32_t maxDepth = UINT32_MAX;
bool json = false;
bool minimal = false;
dumpSubcommand->add_option("--path", dumpPath, "The target path to dump")
dumpSubcommand->add_option("--attr-query", attrQuery,
"Print the specified extended attribute");
dumpSubcommand->add_flag("--relative-paths", relativePaths,
"Print paths relative to --path");
dumpSubcommand->add_flag("--raw-paths", rawPaths,
"Print the raw paths without path= in front, and nothing else");
dumpSubcommand->add_flag("--no-dirs", noDirs,
"Don't print directories, only files");
dumpSubcommand->add_flag("--no-files", noFiles,
"Don't print files, only directories");
dumpSubcommand->add_flag("--show-size", showSize, "Show file size");
dumpSubcommand->add_flag("--show-mtime", showMtime,
"Show file modification time");
// Set-up scan subcommand..
auto scanSubcommand = app.add_subcommand("scan",
"Recursively scan and print entire namespace contents under a specific path");
addClusterOptions(scanSubcommand, membersStr, memberValidator, password,
passwordFile, connectionRetries);
scanSubcommand->add_option("--path", dumpPath, "The target path to scan")
scanSubcommand->add_option("--trim", trimPaths,
"REGEX for paths to be excluded");
scanSubcommand->add_flag("--relative-paths", relativePaths,
"Print paths relative to --path");
scanSubcommand->add_flag("--raw-paths", rawPaths,
"Print the raw paths without path= in front, and nothing else");
scanSubcommand->add_flag("--no-dirs", noDirs,
"Don't print directories, only files");
scanSubcommand->add_flag("--no-files", noFiles,
"Don't print files, only directories");
scanSubcommand->add_option("--maxdepth", maxDepth,
"Descend only levels.");
scanSubcommand->add_flag("--json", json, "Use json output");
// Set-up print subcommand..
auto printSubcommand = app.add_subcommand("print",
"Print everything known about a given file, or container");
addClusterOptions(printSubcommand, membersStr, memberValidator, password,
passwordFile, connectionRetries);
printSubcommand->add_flag("--with-parents", withParents,
"Show detailed information for each parent container as well");
uint64_t fid = 0;
uint64_t cid = 0;
auto idGroup = printSubcommand->add_option_group("ID", "Specify what to print");
idGroup->add_option("--fid", fid,
"Specify the FileMD to print, through its ID (decimal form)");
idGroup->add_option("--cid", cid,
"Specify the ContainerMD to print, through its ID (decimal form)");
idGroup->require_option(1, 1);
// Set-up stripediff subcommand..
auto stripediffSubcommand = app.add_subcommand("stripediff",
"Find files which have non-nominal number of stripes (replicas)");
addClusterOptions(stripediffSubcommand, membersStr, memberValidator, password,
passwordFile, connectionRetries);
stripediffSubcommand->add_flag("--json", json, "Use json output");
stripediffSubcommand->add_flag("-m", minimal, "Minimal format (faster) that can be combined with json switch");
// Set-up one-replica-layout subcommand..
auto oneReplicaLayoutSubcommand = app.add_subcommand("one-replica-layout",
"Find all files whose layout asks for a single replica");
addClusterOptions(oneReplicaLayoutSubcommand, membersStr, memberValidator,
password, passwordFile, connectionRetries);
bool showName = false;
bool fullPaths = false;
bool filterInternal = false;
oneReplicaLayoutSubcommand->add_flag("--show-name", showName, "Show filenames");
oneReplicaLayoutSubcommand->add_flag("--full-paths", fullPaths,
"Show full paths, if possible");
oneReplicaLayoutSubcommand->add_flag("--filter-internal", filterInternal,
"Filter internal entries, such as versioning, aborted atomic uploads, etc");
oneReplicaLayoutSubcommand->add_flag("--json", json, "Use json output");
// Set-up scan-dirs subcommand..
auto scanDirsSubcommand = app.add_subcommand("scan-dirs",
"Dump the full list of container metadata across the entire namespace");
addClusterOptions(scanDirsSubcommand, membersStr, memberValidator, password,
passwordFile, connectionRetries);
bool onlyNoAttrs = false;
bool countContents = false;
size_t countThreshold = 0;
scanDirsSubcommand->add_flag("--only-no-attrs", onlyNoAttrs,
"Only show directories which have no extended attributes whatsoever");
scanDirsSubcommand->add_flag("--full-paths", fullPaths,
"Show full container paths, if possible");
scanDirsSubcommand->add_flag("--count-contents", countContents,
"Count how many files and containers are in each directory (non-recursive)");
scanDirsSubcommand->add_option("--count-threshold", countThreshold,
"Only print containers which contain more than the specified number of items. Useful for detecting huge containers on which 'ls' might hang");
scanDirsSubcommand->add_flag("--json", json, "Use json output");
// Set-up scan-files subcommand..
auto scanFilesSubcommand = app.add_subcommand("scan-files",
"Dump the full list of file metadata across the entire namespace");
addClusterOptions(scanFilesSubcommand, membersStr, memberValidator, password,
passwordFile, connectionRetries);
bool onlySizes = false;
bool findUnknownFsids = false;
scanFilesSubcommand->add_flag("--only-sizes", onlySizes,
"Only print file sizes, one per line.");
scanFilesSubcommand->add_flag("--full-paths", fullPaths,
"Show full file paths, if possible");
scanFilesSubcommand->add_flag("--find-unknown-fsids", findUnknownFsids,
"Only print files for which there is one or more unrecognized fsids in location vector.");
scanFilesSubcommand->add_flag("--json", json, "Use json output");
scanFilesSubcommand->add_option("--where", filterExpression,
"Filter results using the given expression.\nNOTE: Filtering is done client side! All results still have to be streamed -- performance is the same.");
// Set-up scan-deathrow subcommand..
auto scanDeathrowSubcommand = app.add_subcommand("scan-deathrow",
"Show all files currently scheduled to be deleted");
addClusterOptions(scanDeathrowSubcommand, membersStr, memberValidator, password,
passwordFile, connectionRetries);
// Set-up check-naming-conflicts subcommand..
auto namingConflictsSubcommand = app.add_subcommand("check-naming-conflicts",
"Scan through the entire namespace looking for naming conflicts");
addClusterOptions(namingConflictsSubcommand, membersStr, memberValidator,
password, passwordFile, connectionRetries);
bool onePerLine = false;
namingConflictsSubcommand->add_flag("--one-per-line", onePerLine,
"Don't group results in a single line - useful to count how many conflicts there are in total");
// Set-up check-cursed-names subcommand..
auto cursedNamesSubcommand = app.add_subcommand("check-cursed-names",
"Scan through the namespace to find files / containers with invalid names");
addClusterOptions(cursedNamesSubcommand, membersStr, memberValidator, password,
passwordFile, connectionRetries);
// Set-up check-orphans subcommand..
auto checkOrphansSubcommand = app.add_subcommand("check-orphans",
"Find files and directories with invalid parents");
addClusterOptions(checkOrphansSubcommand, membersStr, memberValidator, password,
passwordFile, connectionRetries);
// Set-up check-fsview-missing subcommand..
auto checkFsViewMissingSubcommand = app.add_subcommand("check-fsview-missing",
"Check which FileMDs have locations / unlinked locations not present in the filesystem view");
addClusterOptions(checkFsViewMissingSubcommand, membersStr, memberValidator,
password, passwordFile, connectionRetries);
// Set-up check-fsview-extra subcommand..
auto checkFsViewExtraSubcommand = app.add_subcommand("check-fsview-extra",
"Check whether there exist FsView entries without a corresponding FMD location");
addClusterOptions(checkFsViewExtraSubcommand, membersStr, memberValidator,
password, passwordFile, connectionRetries);
// Set-up check-shadow-directories subcommand..
auto checkShadowDirectories = app.add_subcommand("check-shadow-directories",
"Check for naming conflicts between directories inside the same subdirectory");
addClusterOptions(checkShadowDirectories, membersStr, memberValidator, password,
passwordFile, connectionRetries);
// Set-up check-simulated-hardlinks subcommand..
auto checkSimulatedHardlinks = app.add_subcommand("check-simulated-hardlinks",
"Check for corruption in simulated hardlinks");
addClusterOptions(checkSimulatedHardlinks, membersStr, memberValidator,
password, passwordFile, connectionRetries);
// Set-up fix-detached-parent subcommand..
auto fixDetachedParent = app.add_subcommand("fix-detached-parent",
"[CAUTION] Attempt to fix a detached parent of the given fid / cid,\nby re-creating said parent in a given destination");
addClusterOptions(fixDetachedParent, membersStr, memberValidator, password,
passwordFile, connectionRetries);
addDryRun(fixDetachedParent, noDryRun);
std::string destinationPath;
fixDetachedParent->add_option("--destination-path", destinationPath,
"Path in which the detached file / container will be stored.")
auto idGroup2 = fixDetachedParent->add_option_group("ID",
"Specify what to fix");
// idGroup2->add_option("--fid", fid, "Fix the parents of the given file ID (decimal form)");
idGroup2->add_option("--cid", cid,
"Fix the parents of the given container ID (decimal form)");
idGroup2->add_option("--fid", fid,
"Fix the parents of the given file ID (decimal form)");
idGroup2->require_option(1, 1);
// Set-up fix-shadow-file subcommand..
auto fixShadowFileSubcommand = app.add_subcommand("fix-shadow-file",
"[CAUTION] Attempt to fix a shadowed file.\nIf the given fid is indeed shadowed by a different fid / cid, it's moved to the given destination.");
addClusterOptions(fixShadowFileSubcommand, membersStr, memberValidator,
password, passwordFile, connectionRetries);
addDryRun(fixShadowFileSubcommand, noDryRun);
fixShadowFileSubcommand->add_option("--destination-path", destinationPath,
"Path in which the conflicting file will be stored.")
fixShadowFileSubcommand->add_option("--fid", fid,
"Specify the suspected shadowed file")
// Set-up drop-from-deathrow subcommand..
auto dropFromDeathrow = app.add_subcommand("drop-from-deathrow",
"[CAUTION] Delete a FileMD which is currently on deathrow.\nAny pending replicas on the FSTs will not be touched, potentially resulting in dark data!");
addClusterOptions(dropFromDeathrow, membersStr, memberValidator, password,
passwordFile, connectionRetries);
addDryRun(dropFromDeathrow, noDryRun);
dropFromDeathrow->add_option("--fid", fid,
"Specify which file to drop - it should currently be stuck on deathrow")
// Set-up drop-empty-cid subcommand..
auto dropEmptyCid = app.add_subcommand("drop-empty-cid",
"[CAUTION] Drop an empty container. The command will fail if it appears the directory is not empty.");
addClusterOptions(dropEmptyCid, membersStr, memberValidator, password,
passwordFile, connectionRetries);
addDryRun(dropEmptyCid, noDryRun);
dropEmptyCid->add_option("--cid", cid,
"Specify which container ID to drop")
// Change fid protobuf properties
auto changeFidSubcommand = app.add_subcommand("change-fid",
"[DANGEROUS] Change specified properties of a single fid. Better know what you're doing before using this!");
addClusterOptions(changeFidSubcommand, membersStr, memberValidator, password,
passwordFile, connectionRetries);
addDryRun(changeFidSubcommand, noDryRun);
uint64_t newParent = 0ull;
std::string newChecksum;
int64_t newSize = -1;
uint64_t newLayoutId = 0ull;
changeFidSubcommand->add_option("--fid", fid,
"Specify the FileMD to print, through its ID (decimal form)")
changeFidSubcommand->add_option("--new-parent", newParent,
"Change the parent container of the specified fid. "
"This _DOES NOT_ modify the respective container maps, "
"only the protobuf FMD!");
changeFidSubcommand->add_option("--new-checksum", newChecksum,
"Change the checksum of the specified fid.");
changeFidSubcommand->add_option("--new-size", newSize,
"Change the size of the specified fid.");
changeFidSubcommand->add_option("--new-layout-id", newLayoutId,
"Change the layout id of the specified fid.");
// Rename a fid from its current location
std::string newName;
auto renameFidSubcommand = app.add_subcommand("rename-fid",
"[DANGEROUS] Rename a file onto the specified container ID - the respective container maps are modified.");
addClusterOptions(renameFidSubcommand, membersStr, memberValidator, password,
passwordFile, connectionRetries);
addDryRun(renameFidSubcommand, noDryRun);
renameFidSubcommand->add_option("--fid", fid, "Specify the FileMD to rename")
renameFidSubcommand->add_option("--destination-cid", newParent,
"The destination container ID in which to put the FileMD")
renameFidSubcommand->add_option("--new-name", newName,
"The new name of the specified fid - must only contain alphanumeric characters, and can be left empty to preserve old name");
// Rename a cid from its current location
auto renameCidSubcommand = app.add_subcommand("rename-cid",
"[DANGEROUS] Rename a container onto the specified container ID - the respective container maps are modified.");
addClusterOptions(renameCidSubcommand, membersStr, memberValidator, password,
passwordFile, connectionRetries);
addDryRun(renameCidSubcommand, noDryRun);
renameCidSubcommand->add_option("--cid", cid, "Specify the FileMD to rename")
renameCidSubcommand->add_option("--destination-cid", newParent,
"The destination container ID in which to put the FileMD")
renameCidSubcommand->add_option("--new-name", newName,
"The new name of the specified cid - must only contain alphanumeric characters, and can be left empty to preserve old name");
// Set-up overwrite-container subcommand..
auto overwriteContainerSubcommand = app.add_subcommand("overwrite-container",
"[DANGEROUS] Overwrite the given ContainerMD - USE WITH CAUTION");
addClusterOptions(overwriteContainerSubcommand, membersStr, memberValidator,
password, passwordFile, connectionRetries);
addDryRun(overwriteContainerSubcommand, noDryRun);
uint64_t parent;
std::string containerName;
overwriteContainerSubcommand->add_option("--cid", cid,
"Specify which container ID to overwrite")
overwriteContainerSubcommand->add_option("--parent-id", parent,
"Specify which ID to set as parent")
overwriteContainerSubcommand->add_option("--name", containerName,
"Specify the container's name")
// Parse..
try {
app.parse(argc, argv);
} catch (const CLI::ParseError& e) {
return app.exit(e);
bool dryRun = !noDryRun;
// Validate --password and --password-file options..
if (!passwordFile.empty()) {
if (!common::PasswordHandler::readPasswordFile(passwordFile, password)) {
std::cerr << "Could not read passwordfile: '" << passwordFile <<
"'. Ensure the file exists, and its permissions are 400." << std::endl;
return 1;
// Parse any filter expressions
if (!filterExpression.empty()) {
FilterExpressionParser parser(filterExpression, false);
if (!parser.getStatus()) {
std::cerr << parser.getStatus().toString() << std::endl;
return 1;
metadataFilter = parser.getFilter();
// Set-up QClient object towards QDB, ensure sanity
qclient::Members members = qclient::Members::fromString(membersStr);
QdbContactDetails contactDetails(members, password);
qclient::Options opts = contactDetails.constructOptions();
if (connectionRetries) {
opts.retryStrategy = qclient::RetryStrategy::NRetries(connectionRetries);
qclient::QClient qcl(contactDetails.members, std::move(opts));
// Set-up Inspector object, ensure sanity
std::unique_ptr outputSink;
if (json){
if (!minimal) {
outputSink.reset(new JsonStreamSink(std::cout, std::cerr));
outputSink.reset(new JsonLinedStreamSink(std::cout, std::cerr));
outputSink.reset(new StreamSink(std::cout, std::cerr));
Inspector inspector(qcl, *outputSink);
std::string connectionErr;
if (!inspector.checkConnection(connectionErr)) {
std::cerr << connectionErr << std::endl;
return 1;
// Dispatch subcommand
if (dumpSubcommand->parsed()) {
return inspector.dump(dumpPath, relativePaths, rawPaths, noDirs, noFiles,
showSize, showMtime, attrQuery, std::cout);
if (scanSubcommand->parsed()) {
return inspector.scan(dumpPath, relativePaths, rawPaths, noDirs, noFiles,
maxDepth, trimPaths);
if (namingConflictsSubcommand->parsed()) {
return inspector.checkNamingConflicts(onePerLine, std::cout, std::cerr);
if (cursedNamesSubcommand->parsed()) {
return inspector.checkCursedNames(std::cout, std::cerr);
if (printSubcommand->parsed()) {
if (fid > 0) {
return inspector.printFileMD(fid, withParents, std::cout, std::cerr);
return inspector.printContainerMD(cid, withParents, std::cout, std::cerr);
if (scanDirsSubcommand->parsed()) {
return inspector.scanDirs(onlyNoAttrs, fullPaths, countContents,
if (stripediffSubcommand->parsed()) {
return inspector.stripediff(json, minimal);
if (oneReplicaLayoutSubcommand->parsed()) {
return inspector.oneReplicaLayout(showName, fullPaths, filterInternal,
std::cout, std::cerr, json);
if (scanFilesSubcommand->parsed()) {
return inspector.scanFileMetadata(onlySizes, fullPaths, findUnknownFsids);
if (scanDeathrowSubcommand->parsed()) {
return inspector.scanDeathrow(std::cout, std::cerr);
if (checkOrphansSubcommand->parsed()) {
return inspector.checkOrphans(std::cout, std::cerr);
if (checkFsViewMissingSubcommand->parsed()) {
return inspector.checkFsViewMissing(std::cout, std::cerr);
if (checkFsViewExtraSubcommand->parsed()) {
return inspector.checkFsViewExtra(std::cout, std::cerr);
if (checkShadowDirectories->parsed()) {
return inspector.checkShadowDirectories(std::cout, std::cerr);
if (checkSimulatedHardlinks->parsed()) {
return inspector.checkSimulatedHardlinks(std::cout, std::cerr);
if (fixDetachedParent->parsed()) {
if (cid > 0) {
return inspector.fixDetachedParentContainer(dryRun, cid, destinationPath,
std::cout, std::cerr);
} else {
return inspector.fixDetachedParentFile(dryRun, fid, destinationPath, std::cout,
if (fixShadowFileSubcommand->parsed()) {
return inspector.fixShadowFile(dryRun, fid, destinationPath, std::cout,
if (dropFromDeathrow->parsed()) {
return inspector.dropFromDeathrow(dryRun, fid, std::cout, std::cerr);
if (dropEmptyCid->parsed()) {
return inspector.dropEmptyCid(dryRun, cid);
if (changeFidSubcommand->parsed()) {
return inspector.changeFid(dryRun, fid, newParent, newChecksum, newSize,
newLayoutId, std::cout, std::cerr);
if (renameFidSubcommand->parsed()) {
return inspector.renameFid(dryRun, fid, newParent, newName, std::cout,
if (renameCidSubcommand->parsed()) {
return inspector.renameCid(dryRun, cid, newParent, newName, std::cout,
if (overwriteContainerSubcommand->parsed()) {
return inspector.overwriteContainerMD(dryRun, cid, parent, containerName,
std::cout, std::cerr);
std::cerr << "No subcommand was supplied - should never reach here" <<
return 1;