* EOS - the CERN Disk Storage System *
* Copyright (C) 2018 CERN/Switzerland *
* *
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
* *
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *
* GNU General Public License for more details. *
* *
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License *
* along with this program. If not, see .*
//! @author Georgios Bitzes
//! @brief Class to retrieve metadata from the backend - no caching!
#pragma once
#include "namespace/interface/Identifiers.hh"
#include "namespace/interface/IContainerMD.hh"
#include "namespace/interface/IFileMD.hh"
#include "namespace/interface/IContainerMD.hh"
#include "namespace/Namespace.hh"
#include "proto/FileMd.pb.h"
#include "proto/ContainerMd.pb.h"
//! Forward declaration
namespace qclient {
class QClient;
namespace folly {
class Executor;
//! Class MetadataFetcher
class MetadataFetcher
//! Fetch file metadata info for current id
//! @param qcl qclient object
//! @param id file id
//! @return future holding the file metadata object
static folly::Future
getFileFromId(qclient::QClient& qcl, FileIdentifier id);
//! Fetch container metadata info for current id
//! @param qcl qclient object
//! @param id container id
//! @return future holding the container metadata object
static folly::Future
getContainerFromId(qclient::QClient& qcl, ContainerIdentifier id);
//! Check if given container id exists on the namespace
//! @param qcl qclient object
//! @param id container id
//! @return future holding whether given file exists
static folly::Future
doesContainerMdExist(qclient::QClient& qcl, ContainerIdentifier id);
//! Check if given file id exists on the namespace
//! @param qcl qclient object
//! @param id file id
//! @return future holding whether given file exists
static folly::Future
doesFileMdExist(qclient::QClient& qcl, FileIdentifier id);
//! Fetch file map for a container id
//! @param qcl qclient object
//! @param id container id
//! @return future the map of files
static folly::Future
getFileMap(qclient::QClient& qcl, ContainerIdentifier container);
//! Fetch all FileMDs contained within the given FileMap. Vector is sorted
//! by filename.
static std::vector>
getFilesFromFilemap(qclient::QClient& qcl, const IContainerMD::FileMap &fileMap);
//! Same as above, but fileMap is passed as a value.
static std::vector>
getFilesFromFilemapV(qclient::QClient& qcl, IContainerMD::FileMap fileMap);
//! Fetch all file metadata within the given container.
static folly::Future>>
getFileMDsInContainer(qclient::QClient& qcl, ContainerIdentifier container,
folly::Executor *executor);
//! Fetch all container metadata within the given container.
static folly::Future>>
getContainerMDsInContainer(qclient::QClient& qcl,
ContainerIdentifier container, folly::Executor *executor);
//! Fetch subcontainers map for a container id
//! @param qcl qclient object
//! @param id container id
//! @return future the map of subcontainers
static folly::Future
getContainerMap(qclient::QClient& qcl, ContainerIdentifier container);
//! Fetch all ContainerMDs contained within the given ContainerMap.
//! Vector is sorted by filename.
static std::vector>
getContainersFromContainerMap(qclient::QClient& qcl,
const IContainerMD::ContainerMap &containerMap);
//! Same as above, but containerMap is passed as a value.
static std::vector>
getContainersFromContainerMapV(qclient::QClient& qcl,
IContainerMD::ContainerMap containerMap);
//! Fetch a file id given its parent and its name
//! @param qcl qclient object
//! @param parent_id parent container id
//! @param name file name
//! @return future holding the id of the file
static folly::Future
getFileIDFromName(qclient::QClient& qcl, ContainerIdentifier parent_id,
const std::string& name);
//! Fetch a container id given its parent and its name
//! @param qcl qclient object
//! @param parent_id parent container id
//! @param name subcontainer name
//! @return future holding the id of the subcontainer
static folly::Future
getContainerIDFromName(qclient::QClient& qcl, ContainerIdentifier parent_id,
const std::string& name);
//! Resolve FileMdProto from parent ID + name
static folly::Future
getFileFromName(qclient::QClient& qcl, ContainerIdentifier parent_id,
const std::string& name);
//! Resolve ContainerMdProto from parent ID + name
static folly::Future
getContainerFromName(qclient::QClient& qcl, ContainerIdentifier parent_id,
const std::string& name);
//! Is the given location of a FileID contained in the FsView?
static folly::Future
locationExistsInFsView(qclient::QClient& qcl, FileIdentifier id, int64_t location,
bool unlinked);
//! Resolve container's full path. Throws an exception if this is a container
//! detached from "/".
static folly::Future
resolveFullPath(qclient::QClient& qcl, ContainerIdentifier containerID);
//! Resolve a path to an ID - no symlink support yet.
static folly::Future
resolvePathToID(qclient::QClient& qcl, const std::string &path);
//! Count how many files and containers are in the given directory
static std::pair, folly::Future>
countContents(qclient::QClient& qcl, ContainerIdentifier containerID);
//! Construct hmap key of subcontainers in container
//! @param id container id
//! @return string representing the key
static std::string keySubContainers(IContainerMD::id_t id);
//! Construct hmap key of files in container
//! @param id container id
//! @return string representing the key
static std::string keySubFiles(IContainerMD::id_t id);