* EOS - the CERN Disk Storage System *
* Copyright (C) 2018 CERN/Switzerland *
* *
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
* *
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *
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* GNU General Public License for more details. *
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* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License *
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//! @author Georgios Bitzes
//! @brief Class handling caching and access of individual filesystems
#include "namespace/Namespace.hh"
#include "namespace/interface/IFsView.hh"
#include "namespace/interface/IFileMD.hh"
#include "namespace/ns_quarkdb/accounting/SetChangeList.hh"
#include "qclient/structures/QSet.hh"
#include "common/Assert.hh"
#include "common/SteadyClock.hh"
namespace qclient
class QClient;
class MetadataFlusher;
struct IsNoReplicaListTag {};
//! Iterator to go through the contents of a FileSystemHandler. Keeps
//! the corresponding list read-locked during its lifetime.
class FileListIterator : public ICollectionIterator
//! Constructor.
FileListIterator(const IFsView::FileList& fileList,
std::shared_timed_mutex& mtx)
: pFileList(fileList), mLock(mtx)
mIterator = pFileList.begin();
//! Destructor.
virtual ~FileListIterator() {}
//! Check whether the iterator is still valid.
virtual bool valid() override
return mIterator != pFileList.end();
//! Get current element.
virtual IFileMD::id_t getElement() override
return *mIterator;
//! Progress iterator.
virtual void next() override
const IFsView::FileList& pFileList;
std::shared_lock mLock;
IFsView::FileList::const_iterator mIterator;
//! Streaming iterator to go through the contents of a FileSystemHandler.
//! Elements which are added, or deleted while iteration is ongoing, may or
//! may not be in the results.
//! Also, watch out for races related to the flusher.. Use only if a weakly
//! consistent view is acceptable.
class StreamingFileListIterator : public ICollectionIterator
//! Constructor.
StreamingFileListIterator(qclient::QClient& qcl, const std::string& key)
: mQSet(qcl, key), it(mQSet.getIterator()) {}
//! Destructor.
virtual ~StreamingFileListIterator() {}
//! Check whether the iterator is still valid.
virtual bool valid() override
return it.valid();
//! Get current element.
virtual IFileMD::id_t getElement() override
return std::stoull(it.getElement());
//! Progress iterator.
virtual void next() override
return it.next();
qclient::QSet mQSet;
qclient::QSet::Iterator it;
class FileSystemHandler
//! Constructor.
//! @param location file system ID
//! @param qcl QClient object to use for loading the view from QDB
//! @param flusher Flusher object for propagating updates to the backend
//! @param unlinked whether we want the unlinked file list, or the regular one
//! @param fake_clock if true is fake clock implementation for tests
FileSystemHandler(IFileMD::location_t location, folly::Executor* pExecutor,
qclient::QClient* qcl, MetadataFlusher* flusher,
bool unlinked, bool fake_clock = false);
//! Constructor for the special case of "no replica list".
//! @param location file system ID
//! @param qcl QClient object to use for loading the view from QDB
//! @param flusher Flusher object for propagating updates to the backend
//! @param Tag for dispatching to this constructor overload
FileSystemHandler(folly::Executor* pExecutor, qclient::QClient* qcl,
MetadataFlusher* flusher, IsNoReplicaListTag tag);
//! Ensure contents have been loaded into the cache. If so, returns
//! immediatelly. Otherwise, does requests to QDB to retrieve its contents.
//! Return value: "this" pointer.
FileSystemHandler* ensureContentsLoaded();
//! Async version of ensureContentsLoaded.
folly::Future ensureContentsLoadedAsync();
//! Insert item.
void insert(FileIdentifier identifier);
//! Erase item.
void erase(FileIdentifier identifier);
//! Get size. Careful with calling this function, it'll load all contents if
//! not already there.
uint64_t size();
//! Return redis key holding our target filesystem list.
std::string getRedisKey() const;
//! Return iterator for this file system. Note that the iterator keeps
//! this filesystem read-locked during its entire lifetime.
//! Retrieve streaming iterator to go through the contents of a
//! FileSystemHandler.
//! Elements which are added, or deleted while iteration is ongoing, may or
//! may not be in the results.
//! Also, watch out for races related to the flusher.. Use only if a weakly
//! consistent view is acceptable.
//! Delete the entire filelist.
void nuke();
//! Get an approximately random file in the filelist.
bool getApproximatelyRandomFile(IFileMD::id_t& res);
//! Check whether a given id_t is contained in this filelist
bool hasFileId(IFileMD::id_t file);
//! Clear cache if given timeout is exceeded
//! @param inactive_timeout timeout in seconds since the last time there was
//! a call that required the entries to be actually loaded in memory.
//! If inactive timeout is 0 then the cache is cleared immediately. By
//! default once every 30 minutes.
void clearCache(std::chrono::seconds inactive_timeout =
std::chrono::seconds(30 * 60));
//! Cache status states
enum class CacheStatus {
CacheStatus mCacheStatus =
CacheStatus::kNotLoaded; ///< Stores caching status for this fs
enum class Target {
Target target; ///< The filesystem list type this class is targetting.
IFileMD::location_t location; ///< Filesystem ID, if available
folly::Executor* pExecutor; ///< Folly executor
qclient::QClient* pQcl; ///< QClient object
MetadataFlusher* pFlusher; ///< Metadata flusher object
mutable std::shared_timed_mutex mMutex; ///< Object mutex
//! Actual contents. May be incomplete if mCacheStatus != kLoaded.
IFsView::FileList mContents;
//! ChangeList for what happens when cache loading is in progress.
SetChangeList mChangeList;
folly::FutureSplitter mSplitter;
//! Timestamp of the last mandatory cache load attempt. This value will be
//! used to decide when the cache contents can be dropped.
std::atomic mLastCacheLoadTS;
eos::common::SteadyClock mClock;
//! Trigger cache load. Must only be called once.
FileSystemHandler* triggerCacheLoad();
//! Get cache status
inline CacheStatus getCacheStatus() const
std::unique_lock lock(mMutex);
return mCacheStatus;