// ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // File: XrdMqOfs.cc // Author: Andreas-Joachim Peters - CERN // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- /************************************************************************ * EOS - the CERN Disk Storage System * * Copyright (C) 2011 CERN/Switzerland * * * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * * GNU General Public License for more details. * * * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * * along with this program. If not, see .* ************************************************************************/ #include "XrdVersion.hh" #include "XrdOss/XrdOss.hh" #include "XrdOuc/XrdOucTrace.hh" #include "XrdSys/XrdSysError.hh" #include "XrdSys/XrdSysLogger.hh" #include "XrdSys/XrdSysTimer.hh" #include "XrdSec/XrdSecInterface.hh" #include "XrdSfs/XrdSfsAio.hh" #include "XrdNet/XrdNetUtils.hh" #include "XrdNet/XrdNetAddr.hh" #include "mq/XrdMqOfs.hh" #include "mq/XrdMqMessage.hh" #include "mq/XrdMqOfsTrace.hh" #include "common/PasswordHandler.hh" #include "common/Strerror_r_wrapper.hh" #include "common/StringUtils.hh" #include "namespace/ns_quarkdb/qclient/include/qclient/QClient.hh" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define XRDMQOFS_FSCTLPATHLEN 1024 std::string XrdMqOfs::sLeaseKey {"master_lease"}; XrdSysError gMqOfsEroute(0); XrdOucTrace gMqOfsTrace(&gMqOfsEroute); XrdMqOfs* gMqFS = 0; #ifdef COVERAGE_BUILD // Forward declaration of gcov flush API extern "C" void __gcov_flush(); #endif //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Shutdown handler //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void xrdmqofs_shutdown(int sig) { exit(0); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Coverage report handler //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void xrdmqofs_coverage(int sig) { #ifdef COVERAGE_BUILD eos_static_notice("printing coverage data"); __gcov_flush(); return; #endif eos_static_notice("compiled without coverage support"); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // File open //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ int XrdMqOfsFile::open(const char* queuename, XrdSfsFileOpenMode openMode, mode_t createMode, const XrdSecEntity* client, const char* opaque) { EPNAME("open"); tident = error.getErrUser(); SetLogId(nullptr, tident); eos_info("connecting queue: %s", queuename); MAYREDIRECT; mQueueName = queuename; XrdSysMutexHelper scope_lock(gMqFS->mQueueOutMutex); // printf("%s %s %s\n",mQueueName.c_str(),gMqFS->QueuePrefix.c_str(),opaque); // check if this queue is accepted by the broker if (mQueueName.find(gMqFS->QueuePrefix.c_str()) != 0) { // this queue is not supported by us return gMqFS->Emsg(epname, error, EINVAL, "connect queue - the broker does not serve the requested queue"); } if (gMqFS->mQueueOut.count(mQueueName)) { fprintf(stderr, "EBUSY: Queue %s is busy\n", mQueueName.c_str()); // this is already open by 'someone' return gMqFS->Emsg(epname, error, EBUSY, "connect queue - already connected", queuename); } mMsgOut = new XrdMqMessageOut(queuename); // check if advisory messages are requested XrdOucEnv queueenv((opaque) ? opaque : ""); bool advisorystatus = false; bool advisoryquery = false; bool advisoryflushbacklog = false; const char* val; if ((val = queueenv.Get(XMQCADVISORYSTATUS))) { advisorystatus = atoi(val); } if ((val = queueenv.Get(XMQCADVISORYQUERY))) { advisoryquery = atoi(val); } if ((val = queueenv.Get(XMQCADVISORYFLUSHBACKLOG))) { advisoryflushbacklog = atoi(val); } mMsgOut->AdvisoryStatus = advisorystatus; mMsgOut->AdvisoryQuery = advisoryquery; mMsgOut->AdvisoryFlushBackLog = advisoryflushbacklog; mMsgOut->BrokenByFlush = false; gMqFS->mQueueOut.insert(std::make_pair(mQueueName, mMsgOut)); eos_info("connected queue: %s", mQueueName.c_str()); mIsOpen = true; return SFS_OK; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // File stat //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ int XrdMqOfsFile::stat(struct stat* buf) { EPNAME("stat"); int port = 0; XrdOucString host = ""; if (gMqFS->ShouldRedirect(host, port)) { // we have to close this object to make the client reopen it to be redirected // this->close(); eos_static_info("%s", "msg=\"stat force close - should redirect\""); return gMqFS->Emsg(epname, error, EINVAL, "stat - forced close - you should be redirected"); } MAYREDIRECT; gMqFS->Statistics(); if (mMsgOut) { mMsgOut->DeletionSem.Wait(); // this should be the case always ... ZTRACE(stat, "Waiting for message"); gMqFS->AdvisoryMessages++; // Submit an advisory message XrdAdvisoryMqMessage amg("AdvisoryQuery", mQueueName.c_str(), true, XrdMqMessageHeader::kQueryMessage); XrdMqMessageHeader::GetTime(amg.kMessageHeader.kSenderTime_sec, amg.kMessageHeader.kSenderTime_nsec); XrdMqMessageHeader::GetTime(amg.kMessageHeader.kBrokerTime_sec, amg.kMessageHeader.kBrokerTime_nsec); amg.kMessageHeader.kSenderId = gMqFS->BrokerId; amg.Encode(); // amg.Print(); XrdSmartOucEnv* env = new XrdSmartOucEnv(amg.GetMessageBuffer()); XrdMqOfsMatches matches(gMqFS->QueueAdvisory.c_str(), env, tident, XrdMqMessageHeader::kQueryMessage, mQueueName.c_str()); if (!gMqFS->Deliver(matches)) { delete env; } ZTRACE(stat, "Grabbing message"); memset(buf, 0, sizeof(struct stat)); buf->st_blksize = 1024; buf->st_dev = 0; buf->st_rdev = 0; buf->st_nlink = 1; buf->st_uid = 0; buf->st_gid = 0; buf->st_size = mMsgOut->RetrieveMessages(); buf->st_atime = 0; buf->st_mtime = 0; buf->st_ctime = 0; buf->st_blocks = 1024; buf->st_ino = 0; buf->st_mode = S_IXUSR | S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR | S_IFREG; mMsgOut->DeletionSem.Post(); if (buf->st_size == 0) { gMqFS->NoMessages++; } return SFS_OK; } ZTRACE(stat, "No message queue"); return SFS_ERROR; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // File read //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ XrdSfsXferSize XrdMqOfsFile::read(XrdSfsFileOffset fileOffset, char* buffer, XrdSfsXferSize buffer_size) { EPNAME("read"); ZTRACE(read, "read"); if (mMsgOut) { unsigned int mlen = mMsgOut->mMsgBuffer.length(); ZTRACE(read, "reading size:" << buffer_size); if ((unsigned long) buffer_size < mlen) { memcpy(buffer, mMsgOut->mMsgBuffer.c_str(), buffer_size); mMsgOut->mMsgBuffer.erase(0, buffer_size); return buffer_size; } else { memcpy(buffer, mMsgOut->mMsgBuffer.c_str(), mlen); mMsgOut->mMsgBuffer.clear(); mMsgOut->mMsgBuffer.reserve(0); return mlen; } } error.setErrInfo(-1, ""); return SFS_ERROR; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // File close //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ int XrdMqOfsFile::close() { if (!mIsOpen) { return SFS_OK; } mIsOpen = false; eos_info("disconnecting queue: %s", mQueueName.c_str()); { XrdSysMutexHelper scope_lock(gMqFS->mQueueOutMutex); if ((gMqFS->mQueueOut.count(mQueueName)) && (mMsgOut = gMqFS->mQueueOut[mQueueName])) { // hmm this could create a dead lock // mMsgOut->DeletionSem.Wait(); // Take away all pending messages mMsgOut->RetrieveMessages(); gMqFS->mQueueOut.erase(mQueueName); delete mMsgOut; } mMsgOut = nullptr; } { gMqFS->AdvisoryMessages++; // submit an advisory message XrdAdvisoryMqMessage amg("AdvisoryStatus", mQueueName.c_str(), false, XrdMqMessageHeader::kStatusMessage); XrdMqMessageHeader::GetTime(amg.kMessageHeader.kSenderTime_sec, amg.kMessageHeader.kSenderTime_nsec); XrdMqMessageHeader::GetTime(amg.kMessageHeader.kBrokerTime_sec, amg.kMessageHeader.kBrokerTime_nsec); amg.kMessageHeader.kSenderId = gMqFS->BrokerId; amg.Encode(); // amg.Print(); XrdSmartOucEnv* env = new XrdSmartOucEnv(amg.GetMessageBuffer()); XrdMqOfsMatches matches(gMqFS->QueueAdvisory.c_str(), env, tident, XrdMqMessageHeader::kStatusMessage, mQueueName.c_str()); if (!gMqFS->Deliver(matches)) { delete env; } } eos_info("disconnected queue: %s", mQueueName.c_str()); return SFS_OK; } /******************************************************************************/ /* G e t F i l e S y s t e m */ /******************************************************************************/ // Set the version information XrdVERSIONINFO(XrdSfsGetFileSystem, MqOfs); extern "C" XrdSfsFileSystem* XrdSfsGetFileSystem(XrdSfsFileSystem* native_fs, XrdSysLogger* lp, const char* configfn) { // Do the herald thing gMqOfsEroute.SetPrefix("MqOfs_"); gMqOfsEroute.logger(lp); gMqOfsEroute.Say("++++++ (c) 2018 CERN/IT-DSS ", VERSION); static XrdMqOfs myFS(&gMqOfsEroute); lp->setRotate(0); // disable XRootD log rotation gMqFS = &myFS; gMqFS->ConfigFN = (configfn && *configfn ? strdup(configfn) : 0); if (gMqFS->Configure(gMqOfsEroute)) { return 0; } // All done, we can return the callout vector to these routines. return gMqFS; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Constructor //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ XrdMqOfs::XrdMqOfs(XrdSysError* ep): myPort(1097), mDeliveredMessages(0ull), mFanOutMessages(0ull), mMaxQueueBacklog(MQOFSMAXQUEUEBACKLOG), mRejectQueueBacklog(MQOFSREJECTQUEUEBACKLOG), mQdbCluster(), mQdbPassword(), mQdbContactDetails(), mQcl(nullptr), mMgmId() { ConfigFN = 0; StartupTime = time(0); LastOutputTime = time(0); ReceivedMessages = 0; AdvisoryMessages = 0; UndeliverableMessages = 0; DiscardedMonitoringMessages = 0; BacklogDeferred = NoMessages = QueueBacklogHits = 0; MaxMessageBacklog = MQOFSMAXMESSAGEBACKLOG; (void) signal(SIGINT, xrdmqofs_shutdown); if (getenv("EOS_COVERAGE_REPORT")) { (void) signal(SIGPROF, xrdmqofs_coverage); } HostName = 0; HostPref = 0; eos_info("Addr:mQueueOutMutex: 0x%llx", &mQueueOutMutex); eos_info("Addr:MessageMutex: 0x%llx", &mMsgsMutex); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // OFS plugin configure //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ int XrdMqOfs::Configure(XrdSysError& Eroute) { int rc = 0; char* var; const char* val; int cfgFD; StatisticsFile = "/var/log/eos/mq/proc/stats"; QueuePrefix = "/xmessage/"; QueueAdvisory = "/xmessage/*"; // extract the manager from the config file XrdOucStream Config(&Eroute, getenv("XRDINSTANCE")); { // borrowed from XrdOfs char buff[256], *bp; int i; // Obtain port number we will be using myPort = (bp = getenv("XRDPORT")) ? strtol(bp, (char**)0, 10) : 0; // Establish our hostname and IPV4 address const char* errtext = 0; HostName = XrdNetUtils::MyHostName(0, &errtext); if (!HostName) { return Eroute.Emsg("Config", errno, "cannot get hostname : %s", errtext); } XrdNetAddr* addrs = 0; int nAddrs = 0; const char* err = XrdNetUtils::GetAddrs(HostName, &addrs, nAddrs, XrdNetUtils::allIPv64, XrdNetUtils::NoPortRaw); if (err || nAddrs == 0) { sprintf(buff, "[::]:%d", myPort); } else { int len = XrdNetUtils::IPFormat(addrs[0].SockAddr(), buff, sizeof(buff), XrdNetUtils::noPort | XrdNetUtils::oldFmt); delete [] addrs; if (len == 0) { sprintf(buff, "[::]:%d", myPort); } else { sprintf(buff + len, ":%d", myPort); } } for (i = 0; HostName[i] && HostName[i] != '.'; i++); HostName[i] = '\0'; HostPref = strdup(HostName); HostName[i] = '.'; Eroute.Say("=====> mq.hostname: ", HostName, ""); Eroute.Say("=====> mq.hostpref: ", HostPref, ""); ManagerId = HostName; ManagerId += ":"; ManagerId += (int)myPort; Eroute.Say("=====> mq.managerid: ", ManagerId.c_str(), ""); int mgm_port = 1094; char* ptr = getenv("EOS_MGM_DAEMON_PORT_FOR_MQ"); if (ptr) { (void) eos::common::StringToNumeric(std::string(ptr), mgm_port); } mMgmId = SSTR(HostName << ':' << mgm_port).c_str(); } gMqOfsTrace.What = TRACE_getstats | TRACE_close | TRACE_open; if (!ConfigFN || !*ConfigFN) { // this error will be reported by gMqFS->Configure } else { // Try to open the configuration file. if ((cfgFD = open(ConfigFN, O_RDONLY, 0)) < 0) { return Eroute.Emsg("Config", errno, "open config file fn=", ConfigFN); } Config.Attach(cfgFD); // Now start reading records until eof. while ((var = Config.GetMyFirstWord())) { if (!strncmp(var, "mq.", 3)) { var += 3; if (!strcmp("queue", var)) { if ((val = Config.GetWord())) { QueuePrefix = val; QueueAdvisory = QueuePrefix; QueueAdvisory += "*"; } } if (!strcmp("maxmessagebacklog", var)) { if ((val = Config.GetWord())) { (void) sscanf(val, "%lld", &MaxMessageBacklog); } } if (!strcmp("maxqueuebacklog", var)) { if ((val = Config.GetWord())) { uint64_t tmp_val {0}; (void) sscanf(val, "%lu", &tmp_val); mMaxQueueBacklog = tmp_val; } } if (!strcmp("rejectqueuebacklog", var)) { if ((val = Config.GetWord())) { uint64_t tmp_val {0}; (void) sscanf(val, "%lu", &tmp_val); mRejectQueueBacklog = tmp_val; } } if (!strcmp("trace", var)) { if ((val = Config.GetWord())) { auto& g_logging = eos::common::Logging::GetInstance(); g_logging.SetLogPriority(LOG_INFO); g_logging.SetUnit(SSTR("mq@" << ManagerId).c_str()); XrdOucString tracelevel = val; if (tracelevel == "low") { gMqOfsTrace.What = TRACE_close | TRACE_open; g_logging.SetLogPriority(LOG_INFO); } if (tracelevel == "medium") { gMqOfsTrace.What = TRACE_getstats | TRACE_open | TRACE_close; g_logging.SetLogPriority(LOG_NOTICE); } if (tracelevel == "high") { gMqOfsTrace.What = TRACE_ALL; g_logging.SetLogPriority(LOG_DEBUG); } } } if (!strcmp("statfile", var)) { if ((val = Config.GetWord())) { StatisticsFile = val; } } if (!strcmp("qdbcluster", var)) { while ((val = Config.GetWord())) { mQdbCluster += val; mQdbCluster += " "; } Eroute.Say("=====> mq.qdbcluster : ", mQdbCluster.c_str()); mQdbContactDetails.members.parse(mQdbCluster); } if (!strcmp("qdbpassword", var)) { while ((val = Config.GetWord())) { mQdbPassword += val; } // Trim whitespace at the end mQdbPassword.erase(mQdbPassword.find_last_not_of(" \t\n\r\f\v") + 1); std::string pwlen = std::to_string(mQdbPassword.size()); Eroute.Say("=====> mq.qdbpassword length : ", pwlen.c_str()); mQdbContactDetails.password = mQdbPassword; } if (!strcmp("qdbpassword_file", var)) { std::string path; while ((val = Config.GetWord())) { path += val; } if (!eos::common::PasswordHandler::readPasswordFile(path, mQdbPassword)) { Eroute.Emsg("Config", "failed to open path pointed by qdbpassword_file"); rc = 1; } std::string pwlen = std::to_string(mQdbPassword.size()); Eroute.Say("=====> mq.qdbpassword length : ", pwlen.c_str()); mQdbContactDetails.password = mQdbPassword; } } } Config.Close(); } if (rc) { eos_err("msg=\"failed while parsing the configuration file\""); return rc; } if (!mQdbContactDetails.members.empty() && mQdbContactDetails.password.empty()) { Eroute.Say("=====> Configuration error: Found QDB cluster members, but no password." " EOS will only connect to password-protected QDB instances. (mqofs.qdbpassword / mqofs.qdbpassword_file missing)"); return 1; } // Create a qclient object if cluster information provided if (!mQdbCluster.empty()) { mQcl = std::make_unique(mQdbContactDetails.members, mQdbContactDetails.constructOptions()); } XrdOucString basestats = StatisticsFile; basestats.erase(basestats.rfind("/")); XrdOucString mkdirbasestats = "mkdir -p "; mkdirbasestats += basestats; mkdirbasestats += " 2>/dev/null"; rc = system(mkdirbasestats.c_str()); if (rc) { fprintf(stderr, "error {%s/%s/%d}: system command failed;retc=%d", __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, __LINE__, WEXITSTATUS(rc)); } BrokerId = "root://"; BrokerId += ManagerId; BrokerId += "/"; BrokerId += QueuePrefix; Eroute.Say("=====> mq.queue: ", QueuePrefix.c_str()); Eroute.Say("=====> mq.brokerid: ", BrokerId.c_str()); return rc; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // File system stat //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ int XrdMqOfs::stat(const char* queuename, struct stat* buf, XrdOucErrInfo& error, const XrdSecEntity* client, const char* opaque) { EPNAME("stat"); const char* tident = error.getErrUser(); if (!strcmp(queuename, "/eos/")) { // this is just a ping test if we are alive memset(buf, 0, sizeof(struct stat)); buf->st_blksize = 1024; buf->st_dev = 0; buf->st_rdev = 0; buf->st_nlink = 1; buf->st_uid = 0; buf->st_gid = 0; buf->st_size = 0; buf->st_atime = 0; buf->st_mtime = 0; buf->st_ctime = 0; buf->st_blocks = 1024; buf->st_ino = 0; buf->st_mode = S_IXUSR | S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR | S_IFREG; return SFS_OK; } MAYREDIRECT; XrdMqMessageOut* msg_out = nullptr; Statistics(); ZTRACE(stat, "stat by buf: " << queuename); std::string squeue = queuename; { XrdSysMutexHelper scope_lock(mQueueOutMutex); if ((!gMqFS->mQueueOut.count(squeue)) || (!(msg_out = gMqFS->mQueueOut[squeue]))) { return gMqFS->Emsg(epname, error, EINVAL, "check queue - no such queue"); } msg_out->DeletionSem.Wait(); } { gMqFS->AdvisoryMessages++; // submit an advisory message XrdAdvisoryMqMessage amg("AdvisoryQuery", queuename, true, XrdMqMessageHeader::kQueryMessage); XrdMqMessageHeader::GetTime(amg.kMessageHeader.kSenderTime_sec, amg.kMessageHeader.kSenderTime_nsec); XrdMqMessageHeader::GetTime(amg.kMessageHeader.kBrokerTime_sec, amg.kMessageHeader.kBrokerTime_nsec); amg.kMessageHeader.kSenderId = gMqFS->BrokerId; amg.Encode(); // amg.Print(); XrdSmartOucEnv* env = new XrdSmartOucEnv(amg.GetMessageBuffer()); XrdMqOfsMatches matches(gMqFS->QueueAdvisory.c_str(), env, tident, XrdMqMessageHeader::kQueryMessage, queuename); if (!gMqFS->Deliver(matches)) { delete env; } } // this should be the case always ... ZTRACE(stat, "Waiting for message"); ZTRACE(stat, "Grabbing message"); memset(buf, 0, sizeof(struct stat)); buf->st_blksize = 1024; buf->st_dev = 0; buf->st_rdev = 0; buf->st_nlink = 1; buf->st_uid = 0; buf->st_gid = 0; buf->st_size = msg_out->RetrieveMessages(); buf->st_atime = 0; buf->st_mtime = 0; buf->st_ctime = 0; buf->st_blocks = 1024; buf->st_ino = 0; buf->st_mode = S_IXUSR | S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR | S_IFREG; msg_out->DeletionSem.Post(); if (buf->st_size == 0) { gMqFS->NoMessages++; } return SFS_OK; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Stat by mode //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ int XrdMqOfs::stat(const char* Name, mode_t& mode, XrdOucErrInfo& error, const XrdSecEntity* client, const char* opaque) { EPNAME("stat"); const char* tident = error.getErrUser(); ZTRACE(stat, "stat by mode"); return SFS_ERROR; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Statistics //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void XrdMqOfs::Statistics() { EPNAME("Statistics"); StatLock.Lock(); static bool startup = true; static struct timeval tstart; static struct timeval tstop; static struct timezone tz; static uint64_t LastDeliveredMessages; static uint64_t LastFanOutMessages; static long long LastReceivedMessages, LastAdvisoryMessages, LastUndeliverableMessages, LastNoMessages, LastDiscardedMonitoringMessages; if (startup) { tstart.tv_sec = 0; tstart.tv_usec = 0; LastDeliveredMessages = LastFanOutMessages = 0ull; LastReceivedMessages = LastAdvisoryMessages = LastUndeliverableMessages = LastNoMessages = LastDiscardedMonitoringMessages = 0; startup = false; } gettimeofday(&tstop, &tz); if (!tstart.tv_sec) { gettimeofday(&tstart, &tz); StatLock.UnLock(); return; } const char* tident = ""; time_t now = time(0); float tdiff = ((tstop.tv_sec - tstart.tv_sec) * 1000) + (tstop.tv_usec - tstart.tv_usec) / 1000; if (tdiff > (10 * 1000)) { // every minute XrdOucString tmpfile = StatisticsFile; tmpfile += ".tmp"; int fd = open(tmpfile.c_str(), O_CREAT | O_RDWR | O_TRUNC, S_IROTH | S_IRGRP | S_IRUSR); if (fd >= 0) { char line[4096]; int rc; sprintf(line, "mq.received %lld\n", ReceivedMessages); rc = write(fd, line, strlen(line)); sprintf(line, "mq.delivered %lu\n", mDeliveredMessages.load()); rc = write(fd, line, strlen(line)); sprintf(line, "mq.fanout %lu\n", mFanOutMessages.load()); rc = write(fd, line, strlen(line)); sprintf(line, "mq.advisory %lld\n", AdvisoryMessages); rc = write(fd, line, strlen(line)); sprintf(line, "mq.undeliverable %lld\n", UndeliverableMessages); rc = write(fd, line, strlen(line)); sprintf(line, "mq.droppedmonitoring %lld\n", DiscardedMonitoringMessages); rc = write(fd, line, strlen(line)); sprintf(line, "mq.total %lld\n", NoMessages); rc = write(fd, line, strlen(line)); sprintf(line, "mq.queued %d\n", (int)Messages.size()); rc = write(fd, line, strlen(line)); sprintf(line, "mq.nqueues %d\n", (int)mQueueOut.size()); rc = write(fd, line, strlen(line)); sprintf(line, "mq.backloghits %lld\n", QueueBacklogHits); rc = write(fd, line, strlen(line)); sprintf(line, "mq.in_rate %f\n", (1000.0 * (ReceivedMessages - LastReceivedMessages) / (tdiff))); rc = write(fd, line, strlen(line)); sprintf(line, "mq.out_rate %f\n", (1000.0 * (mDeliveredMessages - LastDeliveredMessages) / (tdiff))); rc = write(fd, line, strlen(line)); sprintf(line, "mq.fan_rate %f\n", (1000.0 * (mFanOutMessages - LastFanOutMessages) / (tdiff))); rc = write(fd, line, strlen(line)); sprintf(line, "mq.advisory_rate %f\n", (1000.0 * (AdvisoryMessages - LastAdvisoryMessages) / (tdiff))); rc = write(fd, line, strlen(line)); sprintf(line, "mq.undeliverable_rate %f\n", (1000.0 * (UndeliverableMessages - LastUndeliverableMessages) / (tdiff))); rc = write(fd, line, strlen(line)); sprintf(line, "mq.droppedmonitoring_rate %f\n", (1000.0 * (DiscardedMonitoringMessages - LastDiscardedMonitoringMessages) / (tdiff))); rc = write(fd, line, strlen(line)); sprintf(line, "mq.total_rate %f\n", (1000.0 * (NoMessages - LastNoMessages) / (tdiff))); rc = write(fd, line, strlen(line)); close(fd); rc = ::rename(tmpfile.c_str(), StatisticsFile.c_str()); if (rc) { fprintf(stderr, "error {%s/%s/%d}: system command failed;retc=%d", __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, __LINE__, WEXITSTATUS(rc)); } } gettimeofday(&tstart, &tz); ZTRACE(getstats, "*****************************************************"); ZTRACE(getstats, "Received Messages : " << ReceivedMessages); ZTRACE(getstats, "Delivered Messages : " << mDeliveredMessages); ZTRACE(getstats, "FanOut Messages : " << mFanOutMessages); ZTRACE(getstats, "Advisory Messages : " << AdvisoryMessages); ZTRACE(getstats, "Undeliverable Messages : " << UndeliverableMessages); ZTRACE(getstats, "Discarded Monitoring Messages : " << DiscardedMonitoringMessages); ZTRACE(getstats, "No Messages : " << NoMessages); ZTRACE(getstats, "Queue Messages : " << Messages.size()); ZTRACE(getstats, "#Queues : " << mQueueOut.size()); ZTRACE(getstats, "Deferred Messages (backlog) : " << BacklogDeferred); ZTRACE(getstats, "Backlog Messages Hits : " << QueueBacklogHits); char rates[4096]; sprintf(rates, "Rates: IN: %.02f OUT: %.02f FAN: %.02f ADV: %.02f: UNDEV: %.02f DISCMON: %.02f NOMSG: %.02f" , (1000.0 * (ReceivedMessages - LastReceivedMessages) / (tdiff)) , (1000.0 * (mDeliveredMessages - LastDeliveredMessages) / (tdiff)) , (1000.0 * (mFanOutMessages - LastFanOutMessages) / (tdiff)) , (1000.0 * (AdvisoryMessages - LastAdvisoryMessages) / (tdiff)) , (1000.0 * (UndeliverableMessages - LastUndeliverableMessages) / (tdiff)) , (1000.0 * (DiscardedMonitoringMessages - LastDiscardedMonitoringMessages) / (tdiff)) , (1000.0 * (NoMessages - LastNoMessages) / (tdiff))); ZTRACE(getstats, rates); ZTRACE(getstats, "*****************************************************"); LastOutputTime = now; LastReceivedMessages = ReceivedMessages; LastDeliveredMessages = mDeliveredMessages; LastFanOutMessages = mFanOutMessages; LastAdvisoryMessages = AdvisoryMessages; LastUndeliverableMessages = UndeliverableMessages; LastNoMessages = NoMessages; LastDiscardedMonitoringMessages = DiscardedMonitoringMessages; } StatLock.UnLock(); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Get the identity of the current lease holder //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ std::string XrdMqOfs::GetLeaseHolder() { std::string holder; std::future f = mQcl->exec("lease-get", sLeaseKey); qclient::redisReplyPtr reply = f.get(); if ((reply == nullptr) || (reply->type == REDIS_REPLY_NIL)) { eos_debug("%s", "msg=\"lease-get is NULL\""); return holder; } std::string reply_msg = std::string(reply->element[0]->str, reply->element[0]->len); eos_debug("lease-get reply: %s", reply_msg.c_str()); std::string tag {"HOLDER: "}; size_t pos = reply_msg.find(tag); if (pos == std::string::npos) { return holder; } pos += tag.length(); size_t pos_end = reply_msg.find('\n', pos); if (pos_end == std::string::npos) { holder = reply_msg.substr(pos); } else { holder = reply_msg.substr(pos, pos_end - pos + 1); } return holder; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Decide if client should be redirected to a different host based on the // current master-slave status. //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ bool XrdMqOfs::ShouldRedirect(XrdOucString& host, int& port) { if (mQcl) { return ShouldRedirectQdb(host, port); } else { return ShouldRedirectInMem(host, port); } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Decide if client should be redirected to a different host based on the // current master-slave status. Used for QuarkDB namespace. //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ bool XrdMqOfs::ShouldRedirectQdb(XrdOucString& host, int& port) { using namespace std::chrono; static time_t last_check = 0; static std::string s_master_id; static std::mutex mutex; time_t now = time(nullptr); std::string master_id; // The master lease is taken for 10 seconds so we can check every 5 seconds if (now - last_check > 5) { last_check = now; std::unique_lock lock(mutex); s_master_id = GetLeaseHolder(); master_id = s_master_id; } else { std::unique_lock lock(mutex); master_id = s_master_id; } eos_static_debug("master_id=\"%s\", current_mq_id=\"%s\"", master_id.c_str(), mMgmId.c_str()); // If we are the current master or there is no master then don't redirect if ((master_id == mMgmId) || master_id.empty()) { return false; } else { size_t pos = master_id.find(':'); try { host = master_id.substr(0, pos).c_str(); port = myPort; // 1097 } catch (const std::exception& e) { eos_static_notice("msg=\"unset or unexpected master identity format\" " "master_id=\"%s\"", master_id.c_str()); return false; } if (now - last_check > 10) { eos_static_info("msg=\"redirect to new master mq\" id=%s:%i", host.c_str(), port); } return true; } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Decide if client should be redirected to a different host based on the // current master-slave status. Used for in-memory namespace. //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ bool XrdMqOfs::ShouldRedirectInMem(XrdOucString& host, int& port) { EPNAME("ShouldRedirect"); const char* tident = "internal"; static time_t lastaliascheck = 0; static bool isSlave = false; static XrdOucString remoteMq = "localhost"; static XrdSysMutex sMutex; XrdSysMutexHelper sLock(sMutex); time_t now = time(NULL); if ((now - lastaliascheck) > 10) { XrdOucString myName = HostName; XrdOucString master1Name; XrdOucString master2Name; bool m1ok; bool m2ok; m1ok = ResolveName(getenv("EOS_MGM_MASTER1"), master1Name); m2ok = ResolveName(getenv("EOS_MGM_MASTER2"), master2Name); if (!m1ok) { fprintf(stderr, "error: unable to resolve %s\n", getenv("EOS_MGM_MASTER1")); } if (!m2ok) { fprintf(stderr, "error: unable to resolve %s\n", getenv("EOS_MGM_MASTER2")); } remoteMq = "localhost"; isSlave = false; if (myName == master1Name) { remoteMq = master2Name; } if (myName == master2Name) { remoteMq = master1Name; } { // check if we should be master or slave MQ XrdOucString mastertagfile = "/var/eos/eos.mgm.rw"; XrdOucString remotemqfile = "/var/eos/eos.mq.remote.up"; XrdOucString localmqfile = "/var/eos/eos.mq.master"; struct stat buf; if (::stat(localmqfile.c_str(), &buf)) { isSlave = true; if (::stat(remotemqfile.c_str(), &buf)) { // oh no, the remote mq is down, keep the guys around here isSlave = false; } } else { // we should be the master according to configuration isSlave = false; } } lastaliascheck = now; if (isSlave) { host = remoteMq; port = myPort; ZTRACE(redirect, "Redirect (resolv)" << host.c_str() << ":" << port); return true; } else { host = "localhost"; port = myPort; ZTRACE(redirect, "Stay (resolve)" << host.c_str() << ":" << port); return false; } } else { if (isSlave) { host = remoteMq; port = myPort; ZTRACE(redirect, "Redirect (cached) " << host.c_str() << ":" << port); return true; } else { host = "localhost"; port = myPort; ZTRACE(redirect, "Stay (cached) " << host.c_str() << ":" << port); } } return false; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ bool XrdMqOfs::ResolveName(const char* inhost, XrdOucString& outhost) { struct hostent* hp; struct hostent* rhp; if (!inhost) { return false; } hp = gethostbyname(inhost); outhost = "localhost"; if (hp) { if (hp->h_addrtype == AF_INET) { if (hp->h_addr_list[0]) { outhost = inet_ntoa(*(struct in_addr*)hp->h_addr_list[0]); rhp = gethostbyaddr(hp->h_addr_list[0], sizeof(int), AF_INET); if (rhp) { outhost = rhp->h_name; } return true; } } } return false; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Error message formatting //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ int XrdMqOfs::Emsg(const char* pfx, // Message prefix value XrdOucErrInfo& einfo, // Place to put text & error code int ecode, // The error code const char* op, // Operation being performed const char* target) // The target (e.g., fname) { char etext[128], buffer[4096]; // Get the reason for the error if (ecode < 0) { ecode = -ecode; } if (eos::common::strerror_r(ecode, etext, sizeof(etext))) { snprintf(etext, sizeof(etext), "reason unknown (%d)", ecode); } // Format the error message snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "Unable to %s %s; %s", op, target, etext); gMqOfsEroute.Emsg(pfx, buffer); // Place the error message in the error object and return einfo.setErrInfo(ecode, buffer); return SFS_ERROR; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Stall method //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ int XrdMqOfs::Stall(XrdOucErrInfo& error, // Error text & code int stime, // Seconds to stall const char* msg) // Message to give { XrdOucString smessage = msg; smessage += "; come back in "; smessage += stime; smessage += " seconds!"; EPNAME("Stall"); const char* tident = error.getErrUser(); ZTRACE(delay, "Stall " << stime << ": " << smessage.c_str()); // Place the error message in the error object and return error.setErrInfo(0, smessage.c_str()); return stime; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Build redirect response //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ int XrdMqOfs::Redirect(XrdOucErrInfo& error, XrdOucString& host, int& port) { EPNAME("Redirect"); const char* tident = error.getErrUser(); ZTRACE(delay, "Redirect " << host.c_str() << ":" << port); // Place the error message in the error object and return error.setErrInfo(port, host.c_str()); return SFS_REDIRECT; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Get XRootD version //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ const char* XrdMqOfs::getVersion() { return XrdVERSION; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // FSctl plugin function //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ int XrdMqOfs::FSctl(const int cmd, XrdSfsFSctl& args, XrdOucErrInfo& error, const XrdSecEntity* client) { char ipath[XRDMQOFS_FSCTLPATHLEN + 1]; static const char* epname = "FSctl"; const char* tident = client->tident; SetLogId(nullptr, tident); eos_static_debug("arg1=\"%s\" arg2=\"%s\"", args.Arg1, args.Arg2); MAYREDIRECT; if (cmd != SFS_FSCTL_PLUGIN) { gMqFS->Emsg(epname, error, EINVAL, "to call FSctl - not supported", ""); return SFS_ERROR; } // check for backlog if ((long long)Messages.size() > MaxMessageBacklog) { // this is not absolutely threadsafe .... better would lock BacklogDeferred++; eos_static_err("%s", "msg=\"too many pending messages, reject message\""); gMqFS->Emsg(epname, error, ENOMEM, "accept message - too many pending messages", ""); return SFS_ERROR; } if (args.Arg1Len) { if (args.Arg1Len < XRDMQOFS_FSCTLPATHLEN) { strncpy(ipath, args.Arg1, args.Arg1Len); ipath[args.Arg1Len] = 0; } else { gMqFS->Emsg(epname, error, EINVAL, "convert path argument - string too long", ""); return SFS_ERROR; } } else { ipath[0] = 0; } // from here on we can deal with XrdOucString which is more 'comfortable' XrdOucString path = ipath; XrdOucString result = ""; XrdOucString opaque = ""; if (args.Arg2Len) { opaque.assign(args.Arg2, 0, args.Arg2Len); } XrdSmartOucEnv* env = new XrdSmartOucEnv(opaque.c_str()); if (!env) { gMqFS->Emsg(epname, error, ENOMEM, "allocate memory", ""); return SFS_ERROR; } // look into the header XrdMqMessageHeader mh; if (!mh.Decode(opaque.c_str())) { gMqFS->Emsg(epname, error, EINVAL, "decode message header", ""); delete env; return SFS_ERROR; } // add the broker ID mh.kBrokerId = BrokerId; // update broker time mh.GetTime(mh.kBrokerTime_sec, mh.kBrokerTime_nsec); // dump it // mh.Print(); // encode the new values mh.Encode(); // replace the old header with the new one .... that's ugly :-( int envlen; XrdOucString envstring = env->Env(envlen); int p1 = envstring.find(XMQHEADER); int p2 = envstring.find("&", p1 + 1); envstring.erase(p1, p2 - 1); envstring.insert(mh.GetHeaderBuffer(), p1); delete env; env = new XrdSmartOucEnv(envstring.c_str()); XrdMqOfsMatches matches(mh.kReceiverQueue.c_str(), env, tident, mh.kType, mh.kSenderId.c_str()); Deliver(matches); if (matches.backlogrejected) { XrdOucString backlogmessage = "queue message on all receivers - maximum backlog exceeded on queues: "; backlogmessage += matches.backlogqueues; gMqFS->Emsg(epname, error, E2BIG, backlogmessage.c_str(), ipath); if (backlogmessage.length() > 255) { backlogmessage.erase(255); backlogmessage += "..."; } TRACES(backlogmessage.c_str()); if (!matches.message->Refs()) { delete env; } return SFS_ERROR; } if (matches.backlog) { XrdOucString backlogmessage = "guarantee quick delivery - backlog exceeded on queues: "; backlogmessage += matches.backlogqueues; if (backlogmessage.length() > 255) { backlogmessage.erase(255); backlogmessage += "..."; } gMqFS->Emsg(epname, error, ENFILE, backlogmessage.c_str(), ipath); TRACES(backlogmessage.c_str()); return SFS_ERROR; } if (matches.matches) { const char* result = "OK"; error.setErrInfo(3, (char*)result); if (((matches.messagetype) != XrdMqMessageHeader::kStatusMessage) && ((matches.messagetype) != XrdMqMessageHeader::kQueryMessage)) { gMqFS->ReceivedMessages++; } return SFS_DATA; } else { bool ismonitor = false; if (env->Get(XMQMONITOR)) { ismonitor = true; } int envlen; std::string c = env->Env(envlen); delete env; // This is a new hook for special monitoring message, to just accept them // and if nobody listens they just go to nirvana. if (!ismonitor) { gMqFS->UndeliverableMessages++; gMqFS->Emsg(epname, error, EINVAL, "submit message - no listener on requested queue: ", ipath); TRACES("no listener on requested queue: "); TRACES(ipath); return SFS_ERROR; } else { // fprintf(stderr,"Dropped Monitor message %s\n",c.c_str()); ZTRACE(fsctl, "Discarding monitor message without receiver"); const char* result = "OK"; error.setErrInfo(3, (char*)result); gMqFS->DiscardedMonitoringMessages++; return SFS_DATA; } } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Helper Classes & Functions //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ bool XrdMqOfs::Deliver(XrdMqOfsMatches& Matches) { EPNAME("Deliver"); XrdSysMutexHelper scope_lock(mQueueOutMutex); const char* tident = Matches.mTident; std::string sendername = Matches.sendername.c_str(); // Store all the queues where we need to deliver this message std::vector matched_out_queues; Matches.message->procmutex.Lock(); // If we have a status message we have to do a complete loop if (((Matches.messagetype) == XrdMqMessageHeader::kStatusMessage) || ((Matches.messagetype) == XrdMqMessageHeader::kQueryMessage)) { for (auto it = mQueueOut.begin(); it != mQueueOut.end(); ++it) { XrdMqMessageOut* msg_out = it->second; // If this is be a loop back message we continue if (sendername == it->first) { // avoid feedback to the same queue continue; } // If this queue does not take advisory status messages we continue if ((Matches.messagetype == XrdMqMessageHeader::kStatusMessage) && (!msg_out->AdvisoryStatus)) { continue; } // if this queue does not take advisory query messages we continue if ((Matches.messagetype == XrdMqMessageHeader::kQueryMessage) && (!msg_out->AdvisoryQuery)) { continue; } else { matched_out_queues.push_back(msg_out); } } } else { // If we have a wildcard match we have to do a complete loop if ((Matches.queuename.find("*") != STR_NPOS)) { for (auto it = mQueueOut.begin(); it != mQueueOut.end(); ++it) { XrdMqMessageOut* msg_out = it->second; // fprintf(stderr,"current queue name: %s <=> sender :%s\n", // it->first.c_str(), sendername.c_str()); // If this would be a loop back message we continue if (sendername == it->first) { // avoid feedback to the same queue continue; } XrdOucString Key = it->first.c_str(); XrdOucString nowildcard = Matches.queuename; nowildcard.replace("*", ""); int nmatch = Key.matches(Matches.queuename.c_str(), '*'); if (nmatch == nowildcard.length()) { // this is a match ZTRACE(fsctl, "Adding Wildcard matched Message to Queuename: " << msg_out->QueueName.c_str()); matched_out_queues.push_back(msg_out); } } } else { // We have just to find one named queue std::string queuename = Matches.queuename.c_str(); XrdMqMessageOut* msg_out = 0; if (mQueueOut.count(queuename)) { msg_out = mQueueOut[queuename]; } if (msg_out) { ZTRACE(fsctl, "Adding full matched Message to Queuename: " << msg_out->QueueName.c_str()); matched_out_queues.push_back(msg_out); } } } // This is a match if (matched_out_queues.size()) { Matches.backlog = false; Matches.backlogrejected = false; // Lock all matched queues at once for (auto msg_out : matched_out_queues) { msg_out->Lock(); } for (auto msg_out : matched_out_queues) { // check for backlog on this queue and set a warning flag if (msg_out->mMsgQueue.size() > mMaxQueueBacklog) { // Only set the backlog flag if the queue has not set the advisory // flush back log flag if (!msg_out->AdvisoryFlushBackLog) { Matches.backlog = true; } else { if (!msg_out->BrokenByFlush) { msg_out->BrokenByFlush = true; TRACES("warning: queue " << msg_out->QueueName << " is broken by backlog flush of " << mMaxQueueBacklog << " message!"); } } Matches.backlogqueues += msg_out->QueueName; Matches.backlogqueues += ":"; gMqFS->QueueBacklogHits++; if (!msg_out->BrokenByFlush) { TRACES("warning: queue " << msg_out->QueueName << " exceeds backlog of " << mMaxQueueBacklog << " message!"); } } else { if (msg_out->BrokenByFlush) { msg_out->BrokenByFlush = false; TRACES("warning: re-enabling queue " << msg_out->QueueName << " backlog is now " << msg_out->mMsgQueue.size() << " messages!"); } } if (msg_out->mMsgQueue.size() > mRejectQueueBacklog) { // Only set the reject flag if the queue has not set the advisory // flush back log flag if (!msg_out->AdvisoryFlushBackLog) { Matches.backlogrejected = true; } else { if (!msg_out->BrokenByFlush) { msg_out->BrokenByFlush = true; TRACES("warning: queue " << msg_out->QueueName << " is broken by backlog flush of " << mRejectQueueBacklog << " message!"); } } Matches.backlogqueues += msg_out->QueueName; Matches.backlogqueues += ":"; gMqFS->BacklogDeferred++; if (!msg_out->BrokenByFlush) TRACES("error: queue " << msg_out->QueueName << " exceeds max. accepted backlog of " << mRejectQueueBacklog << " message!"); } else { if (!msg_out->BrokenByFlush) { // We deliver only to not broken clients, they have to reconnect to // get out of this situation Matches.matches++; if (Matches.matches == 1) { // add to the message hash std::string messageid = Matches.message->Get(XMQHEADER); XrdSysMutexHelper scope_lock(gMqFS->mMsgsMutex); gMqFS->Messages.insert(std::pair (messageid, Matches.message)); } ZTRACE(fsctl, "Adding Message to Queuename: " << msg_out->QueueName.c_str()); msg_out->mMsgQueue.push_back(Matches.message); Matches.message->AddRefs(1); } } } // Unlock all matched queues at once for (auto msg_out : matched_out_queues) { msg_out->UnLock(); } } Matches.message->procmutex.UnLock(); return (Matches.matches > 0); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Collect all messages from the queue and append them to the internal // buffer. Also delete messages if this was the last reference towards them. //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ size_t XrdMqMessageOut::RetrieveMessages() { XrdSmartOucEnv* message {nullptr}; XrdSysMutexHelper scope_lock(mMutex); while (mMsgQueue.size()) { message = mMsgQueue.front(); mMsgQueue.pop_front(); message->procmutex.Lock(); // fprintf(stderr,"%llu %s Message %llu nref: %d\n", (unsigned long long) // &mMsgQueue, QueueName.c_str(), (unsigned long long) message, message->Refs()); int len; mMsgBuffer += message->Env(len); ++gMqFS->mDeliveredMessages; message->DecRefs(); if (message->Refs() <= 0) { // We can delete this message from the queue! const char* ptr = message->Get(XMQHEADER); if (ptr) { std::string msg_id = message->Get(XMQHEADER); XrdSysMutexHelper scope_lock(gMqFS->mMsgsMutex); gMqFS->Messages.erase(msg_id.c_str()); } message->procmutex.UnLock(); // fprintf(stderr,"%s delete %llu \n", QueueName.c_str(), // (unsigned long long) message); delete message; ++gMqFS->mFanOutMessages; } else { message->procmutex.UnLock(); } } return mMsgBuffer.length(); }