# EOS Authentication Plugin configuration which can run on the same box as the # MGM instance or on a different one. Do not forget to open the MGM port in the firewall. xrd.port 1099 xrootd.fslib /usr/lib64/libEosAuthOfs.so xrootd.seclib libXrdSec.so # Set the real hostname, not localhost as ZMQ is picky about this eosauth.mastermgm xyz.xyz.master:15555 eosauth.slavemgm abc.abc.slave:15555 eosauth.numsockets 10 eosauth.loglevel info xrootd.chksum adler # UNIX authentication + any other type of authentication sec.protocol unix sec.protbind localhost.localdomain unix sec.protbind localhost unix sec.protbind * only unix all.adminpath /var/spool/eos/core/ all.export / xrootd.trace off