# aequivalent to the original config, without duplicating for every file # rotation of MGM logs /var/log/eos/mgm/xrdlog.mgm /var/log/eos/mgm/*.log /var/log/eos/mq/xrdlog.mq /var/log/eos/tx/transfer-archive.log { missingok daily copytruncate create 644 daemon daemon dateext rotate 200 compress } # rotation of FST logs /var/log/eos/fst/xrdlog.fst /var/log/eos/fst/*.log { missingok daily copytruncate create 644 daemon daemon dateext rotate 200 compress } # rotation for frontend authentication daemons /var/log/eos/auth[0-9]/xrdlog.auth[0-9] { missingok daily copytruncate create 644 daemon daemon dateext rotate 200 compress }