// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// File: proc/user/File.cc
// Author: Andreas-Joachim Peters - CERN
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
* EOS - the CERN Disk Storage System *
* Copyright (C) 2011 CERN/Switzerland *
* *
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
* *
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *
* GNU General Public License for more details. *
* *
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License *
* along with this program. If not, see .*
#include "mgm/proc/ProcInterface.hh"
#include "mgm/XrdMgmOfs.hh"
#include "mgm/Access.hh"
#include "mgm/Macros.hh"
#include "mgm/Quota.hh"
#include "mgm/Stat.hh"
#include "common/table_formatter/TableFormatterBase.hh"
#include "common/table_formatter/TableCell.hh"
#include "common/LayoutId.hh"
#include "common/Timing.hh"
#include "common/Path.hh"
#include "namespace/interface/IView.hh"
#include "namespace/interface/ContainerIterators.hh"
#include "namespace/Prefetcher.hh"
#include "namespace/Resolver.hh"
#include "namespace/utils/Etag.hh"
#include "namespace/utils/Checksum.hh"
// Fileinfo method
ProcCommand::FileMDToStatus(std::shared_ptr fmd)
int tape_copy = 0;
if (fmd->hasLocation(EOS_TAPE_FSID)) {
if (fmd->getNumLocation() == 0) {
return "locations::uncommitted";
if (fmd->getNumLocation() < (eos::common::LayoutId::GetStripeNumber(
fmd->getLayoutId()) + 1 + tape_copy)) {
return "locations::incomplete";
if (fmd->getNumLocation() > (eos::common::LayoutId::GetStripeNumber(
fmd->getLayoutId()) + 1 + tape_copy)) {
return "locations::overreplicated";
eos::IFileMD::XAttrMap xattrs = fmd->getAttributes();
// check sys.fusex.state
std::string fs = xattrs["sys.fusex.state"];
if (fs.length()) {
if (fs.length() > 1) {
std::string b2 = fs.substr(fs.length() - 2);
if (b2 == "±") {
return "fuse::needsflush";
if (fs.back() == 'Z') {
return "fuse::repairing";
// scan from the back
if (fs.back() == '|') {
size_t spos = fs.rfind("±", fs.length() - 1);
size_t ncommits = 0;
if (spos != std::string::npos) {
spos++; // multichar !
for (size_t i = spos; i < fs.length(); ++i) {
if (fs.at(i) == '+') {
if (eos::common::LayoutId::GetLayoutType(fmd->getLayoutId()) ==
eos::common::LayoutId::kReplica) {
if (ncommits < fmd->getNumLocation()) {
return "fuse::missingcommmits";
return "healthy";
gOFS->MgmStats.Add("FileInfo", pVid->uid, pVid->gid, 1);
XrdOucString spath = pOpaque->Get("mgm.path");
const char* inpath = spath.c_str();
struct stat buf;
unsigned long long fid = 0;
if ((!spath.beginswith("fid:")) && (!spath.beginswith("fxid:")) &&
(!spath.beginswith("pid:")) && (!spath.beginswith("pxid:")) &&
(!spath.beginswith("inode:"))) {
if (gOFS->_stat(path, &buf, *mError, *pVid, (char*) 0, (std::string*)0,
false)) {
stdErr = "error: cannot stat '";
stdErr += path;
stdErr += "'\n";
retc = ENOENT;
return SFS_OK;
if (S_ISDIR(buf.st_mode)) {
fid = buf.st_ino;
} else {
fid = eos::common::FileId::InodeToFid(buf.st_ino);
} else {
XrdOucString sfid = spath;
if ((sfid.replace("inode:", ""))) {
size_t pos = 0;
try {
fid = std::stoull(sfid.c_str(), &pos, 10);
} catch (...) {
stdErr = "error: inode option takes a fuse inode decimal value";
retc = EINVAL;
return SFS_OK;
if (pos != (size_t)sfid.length()) {
stdErr = "error: inode option takes a fuse inode decimal value - some "
"characters were not converted";
retc = EINVAL;
return SFS_OK;
if (eos::common::FileId::IsFileInode(fid)) {
buf.st_mode = S_IFREG;
fid = eos::common::FileId::InodeToFid(fid);
spath = "fid:";
spath += eos::common::StringConversion::GetSizeString(sfid, fid);
path = spath.c_str();
} else {
buf.st_mode = S_IFDIR;
spath.replace("inode:", "pid:");
path = spath.c_str();
} else { // one of fid, fxid, pid, pxid
buf.st_mode = (sfid.beginswith("f")) ? S_IFREG : S_IFDIR;
sfid.replace('p', 'f', 0, 1);
fid = Resolver::retrieveFileIdentifier(sfid).getUnderlyingUInt64();
if (mJsonFormat) {
if (S_ISDIR(buf.st_mode)) {
return DirJSON(fid, 0);
} else {
return FileJSON(fid, 0);
} else {
if (S_ISDIR(buf.st_mode)) {
return DirInfo(path);
} else {
return FileInfo(path);
// Fileinfo given path
ProcCommand::FileInfo(const char* path)
XrdOucString option = pOpaque->Get("mgm.file.info.option");
XrdOucString spath = path;
bool detached = false;
uint64_t clock = 0;
eos::common::RWMutexReadLock viewReadLock;
std::shared_ptr fmd;
if ((spath.beginswith("fid:") || (spath.beginswith("fxid:")))) {
unsigned long long fid = Resolver::retrieveFileIdentifier(
// Reference by fid+fxid
eos::Prefetcher::prefetchFileMDAndWait(gOFS->eosView, fid);
std::string nspath;
try {
fmd = gOFS->eosFileService->getFileMD(fid, &clock);
nspath = gOFS->eosView->getUri(fmd.get());
if (fmd->isLink()) {
try {
spath = gOFS->eosView->getRealPath(nspath).c_str();
} catch (const eos::MDException& e) {
// The link points to a location outside the EOS namespace therefore
// we return info about the symlink object
spath = nspath.c_str();
} else {
spath = nspath.c_str();
} catch (eos::MDException& e) {
errno = e.getErrno();
stdErr = "error: cannot retrieve file meta data - ";
stdErr += e.getMessage().str().c_str();
eos_debug("msg=\"exception retrieving file metadata\" ec=%d "
"emsg=\"%s\"\n", e.getErrno(), e.getMessage().str().c_str());
// Detect detached state for fid/fxid reference
detached = nspath.empty();
} else {
// Reference by path
eos::Prefetcher::prefetchFileMDAndWait(gOFS->eosView, spath.c_str());
try {
fmd = gOFS->eosView->getFile(spath.c_str());
} catch (eos::MDException& e) {
try {
// Maybe this is a symlink pointing outside the EOS namespace
fmd = gOFS->eosView->getFile(spath.c_str(), false);
} catch (eos::MDException& ee) {
errno = ee.getErrno();
stdErr = "error: cannot retrieve file meta data - ";
stdErr += ee.getMessage().str().c_str();
eos_debug("msg=\"exception retrieving file metadata\" ec=%d "
"emsg=\"%s\"\n", ee.getErrno(), ee.getMessage().str().c_str());
if (fmd) {
try {
std::string nspath = gOFS->eosView->getUri(fmd.get());
if (fmd->isLink()) {
spath = gOFS->eosView->getRealPath(nspath).c_str();
} else {
spath = nspath.c_str();
} catch (eos::MDException& ee) {
errno = ee.getErrno();
stdErr = "error: cannot retrieve file meta data - ";
stdErr += ee.getMessage().str().c_str();
eos_debug("msg=\"exception retrieving file metadata\" ec=%d "
"emsg=\"%s\"\n", ee.getErrno(), ee.getMessage().str().c_str());
if (!fmd) {
retc = errno;
} else {
using eos::common::Timing;
using eos::common::FileId;
using eos::common::LayoutId;
using eos::common::StringConversion;
// Make a copy of the file metadata object
std::shared_ptr fmd_copy(fmd->clone());
// TODO (esindril): All this copying should be reviewed
XrdOucString sizestring;
bool Monitoring = false;
bool Envformat = false;
bool outputFilter = false;
std::ostringstream out;
const std::string hex_fid = FileId::Fid2Hex(fmd_copy->getId());
const std::string hex_pid = FileId::Fid2Hex(fmd_copy->getContainerId());
if ((option.find("-m")) != STR_NPOS) {
Monitoring = true;
if ((option.find("-env")) != STR_NPOS) {
Envformat = true;
Monitoring = false;
if (Envformat) {
std::string env;
eos::common::Path cPath(spath.c_str());
out << env << "&container=" << cPath.GetParentPath() << std::endl;
} else {
// Filter output according to requested filters
// Note: filters affect only non-monitoring output
if (!Monitoring) {
if ((option.find("-path")) != STR_NPOS) {
out << "path: " << spath << std::endl;
if ((option.find("-fxid")) != STR_NPOS) {
out << "fxid: " << hex_fid << std::endl;
if ((option.find("-fid")) != STR_NPOS) {
out << "fid: " << fmd_copy->getId() << std::endl;
if ((option.find("-size")) != STR_NPOS) {
out << "size: " << fmd_copy->getSize() << std::endl;
if ((option.find("-checksum")) != STR_NPOS) {
std::string xs;
eos::appendChecksumOnStringAsHex(fmd_copy.get(), xs);
out << "xstype: " << LayoutId::GetChecksumString(fmd_copy->getLayoutId())
<< std::endl
<< "xs: " << xs << std::endl;
// Mark filter flag if out is not empty
outputFilter = (out.tellp() != std::streampos(0));
if (Monitoring || !outputFilter) {
eos::IFileMD::XAttrMap xattrs = fmd_copy->getAttributes();
bool showFullpath = (option.find("-fullpath") != STR_NPOS);
bool showProxygroup = (option.find("-proxy") != STR_NPOS);
eos::IFileMD::ctime_t mtime;
eos::IFileMD::ctime_t ctime;
eos::IFileMD::ctime_t btime {0, 0};
eos::IFileMD::ctime_t atime {0, 0};
if (xattrs.count("sys.eos.btime")) {
Timing::Timespec_from_TimespecStr(xattrs["sys.eos.btime"], btime);
time_t filectime = (time_t) ctime.tv_sec;
time_t filemtime = (time_t) mtime.tv_sec;
time_t filebtime = (time_t) btime.tv_sec;
time_t fileatime = (time_t) atime.tv_sec;
std::string etag, xs_spaces;
eos::calculateEtag(fmd_copy.get(), etag);
eos::appendChecksumOnStringAsHex(fmd_copy.get(), xs_spaces, ' ');
std::string redundancy = eos::common::LayoutId::GetRedundancySymbol(
if (!Monitoring) {
out << " File: '" << spath << "'"
<< " Flags: " << StringConversion::IntToOctal((int) fmd_copy->getFlags(), 4);
if (clock) {
out << " Clock: " << FileId::Fid2Hex(clock);
out << std::endl;
out << " Size: " << fmd_copy->getSize() << std::endl
<< "Status: " << FileMDToStatus(fmd_copy) << std::endl
<< "Modify: " << eos::common::Timing::ltime(filemtime)
<< " Timestamp: " << eos::common::Timing::TimespecToString(mtime)
<< std::endl
<< "Change: " << eos::common::Timing::ltime(filectime)
<< " Timestamp: " << eos::common::Timing::TimespecToString(ctime)
<< std::endl
<< "Access: " << eos::common::Timing::ltime(fileatime)
<< " Timestamp: " << eos::common::Timing::TimespecToString(atime)
<< std::endl
<< " Birth: " << eos::common::Timing::ltime(filebtime)
<< " Timestamp: " << eos::common::Timing::TimespecToString(btime)
<< std::endl
<< " CUid: " << fmd_copy->getCUid()
<< " CGid: " << fmd_copy->getCGid()
<< " Fxid: " << hex_fid
<< " Fid: " << fmd_copy->getId()
<< " Pid: " << fmd_copy->getContainerId()
<< " Pxid: " << hex_pid
<< std::endl;
out << "XStype: " << LayoutId::GetChecksumString(fmd_copy->getLayoutId())
<< " XS: " << xs_spaces
<< " ETAGs: " << etag
<< std::endl;
out << "Layout: " << LayoutId::GetLayoutTypeString(fmd_copy->getLayoutId())
<< " Stripes: " << (LayoutId::GetStripeNumber(fmd_copy->getLayoutId()) + 1)
<< " Blocksize: " << LayoutId::GetBlockSizeString(fmd_copy->getLayoutId())
<< " LayoutId: " << FileId::Fid2Hex(fmd_copy->getLayoutId())
<< " Redundancy: " << redundancy
<< std::endl;
out << " #Rep: " << fmd_copy->getNumLocation() << std::endl;
if (fmd_copy->hasLocation(EOS_TAPE_FSID)) {
std::string storage_class = xattrs["sys.archive.storage_class"];
std::string archive_id = xattrs["sys.archive.file_id"];
out << "TapeID: " << (archive_id.length() ? archive_id : "undef") <<
" StorageClass: " << (storage_class.length() ? storage_class : "none")
<< std::endl;
if (xattrs.count("user.obfuscate.key")) {
if (xattrs.count("user.encrypted")) {
out << " Crypt: encrypted" << std::endl;
} else {
out << " Crypt: obfuscated" << std::endl;
} else {
std::string xs;
if (LayoutId::GetChecksumLen(fmd_copy->getLayoutId())) {
eos::appendChecksumOnStringAsHex(fmd_copy.get(), xs);
} else {
xs = "0";
out << "keylength.file=" << spath.length()
<< " file=" << spath
<< " size=" << fmd_copy->getSize()
<< " status=" << FileMDToStatus(fmd_copy)
<< " mtime=" << mtime.tv_sec << "." << mtime.tv_nsec
<< " ctime=" << ctime.tv_sec << "." << ctime.tv_nsec
<< " btime=" << btime.tv_sec << "." << btime.tv_nsec
<< " atime=" << atime.tv_sec << "." << atime.tv_nsec
<< " clock=" << clock
<< " mode=" << StringConversion::IntToOctal((int) fmd_copy->getFlags(), 4)
<< " uid=" << fmd_copy->getCUid()
<< " gid=" << fmd_copy->getCGid()
<< " fxid=" << hex_fid
<< " fid=" << fmd_copy->getId()
<< " ino=" << FileId::FidToInode(fmd_copy->getId())
<< " pid=" << fmd_copy->getContainerId()
<< " pxid=" << hex_pid
<< " xstype=" << LayoutId::GetChecksumString(fmd_copy->getLayoutId())
<< " xs=" << xs
<< " etag=" << etag
<< " detached=" << detached
<< " layout=" << LayoutId::GetLayoutTypeString(fmd_copy->getLayoutId())
<< " nstripes=" << (LayoutId::GetStripeNumber(fmd_copy->getLayoutId()) + 1)
<< " lid=" << FileId::Fid2Hex(fmd_copy->getLayoutId())
<< " nrep=" << fmd_copy->getNumLocation()
<< " ";
for (const auto& elem : xattrs) {
out << "xattrn=" << elem.first
<< " xattrv=" << elem.second << " ";
eos::IFileMD::LocationVector::const_iterator lociter;
eos::IFileMD::LocationVector loc_vect = fmd_copy->getLocations();
std::vector selectedfs;
std::vector proxys;
std::vector firewalleps;
std::vector unavailfs;
std::vector replacedfs;
size_t fsIndex;
Scheduler::AccessArguments acsargs;
int i = 0;
int schedretc = -1;
TableHeader table_mq_header;
TableData table_mq_data;
TableFormatterBase table_mq;
bool table_mq_header_exist = false;
for (lociter = loc_vect.begin(); lociter != loc_vect.end(); ++lociter) {
// Ignore filesystem id 0
if (!(*lociter)) {
eos_err("msg=\"found file on fsid=0\" fxid=%08llx",
XrdOucString location = "";
location += (int) * lociter;
eos::common::RWMutexReadLock lock(FsView::gFsView.ViewMutex);
eos::common::FileSystem* filesystem = FsView::gFsView.mIdView.lookupByID(
if (filesystem) {
// For the fullpath option we output the physical location of the
// replicas
std::string fullpath;
if (showFullpath) {
fullpath = FileId::FidPrefix2FullPath(hex_fid.c_str(),
if (!Monitoring) {
std::string format =
if (showProxygroup) {
format += "|key=proxygroup:width=24:format=s";
filesystem->Print(table_mq_header, table_mq_data, format);
// Build header
if (!table_mq_header.empty()) {
TableHeader table_mq_header_temp;
table_mq_header_temp.push_back(std::make_tuple("no.", 3, "-l"));
table_mq_header_temp.push_back(std::make_tuple("fs-id", 6, "l"));
std::copy(table_mq_header.begin(), table_mq_header.end(),
if (showFullpath) {
table_mq_header_temp.push_back(std::make_tuple("physical location", 18, "s"));
table_mq_header_exist = true;
// Build body
if (table_mq_header_exist) {
TableData table_mq_data_temp;
for (auto& row : table_mq_data) {
if (!row.empty()) {
table_mq_data_temp.back().push_back(TableCell(i, "l"));
table_mq_data_temp.back().push_back(TableCell(*lociter, "l"));
for (auto& cell : row) {
if (showFullpath) {
table_mq_data_temp.back().push_back(TableCell(fullpath.c_str(), "s"));
if ((filesystem->GetString("proxygroup").size()) &&
(filesystem->GetString("proxygroup") != "") &&
filesystem->GetString("filestickyproxydepth").size() &&
filesystem->GetLongLong("filestickyproxydepth") >= 0) {
// we do the scheduling only once when we meet a filesystem that requires it
if (schedretc == -1) {
acsargs.bookingsize = fmd_copy->getSize();
acsargs.dataproxys = &proxys;
acsargs.firewallentpts = NULL;
acsargs.forcedfsid = 0;
std::string space = filesystem->GetString("schedgroup");
acsargs.forcedspace = space.c_str();
acsargs.fsindex = &fsIndex;
acsargs.isRW = false;
acsargs.lid = fmd_copy->getLayoutId();
acsargs.inode = (ino64_t) fmd_copy->getId();
acsargs.locationsfs = &selectedfs;
for (auto it = loc_vect.begin(); it != loc_vect.end(); it++) {
std::string stried_cgi = "";
acsargs.tried_cgi = &stried_cgi;
acsargs.unavailfs = &unavailfs;
acsargs.vid = &vid;
if (!acsargs.isValid()) {
// there is something wrong in the arguments of file access
eos_static_err("msg=\"open - invalid access argument\"");
schedretc = Scheduler::FileAccess(&acsargs);
if (schedretc) {
eos_static_warning("msg=\"cannot schedule the proxy\"");
if (schedretc) {
out << " sticky to undefined";
} else {
size_t k;
for (k = 0; k < loc_vect.size() && selectedfs[k] != loc_vect[i]; k++);
out << "sticky to " << proxys[k];
} else {
out << "fsid=" << location << " ";
if (showFullpath) {
out << "fullpath=" << fullpath << " ";
} else {
if (!Monitoring) {
if (location != EOS_TAPE_FSID) {
out << std::setw(3) << i << std::setw(8) << location
<< " NA" << std::endl;
} else {
out << "fsid=" << location << " ";
out << table_mq.GenerateTable(HEADER);
eos::IFileMD::LocationVector unlink_vect = fmd_copy->getUnlinkedLocations();
for (lociter = unlink_vect.begin(); lociter != unlink_vect.end(); ++lociter) {
if (!Monitoring) {
out << "(undeleted) $ " << *lociter << std::endl;
} else {
out << "fsdel=" << *lociter << " ";
if (!Monitoring) {
out << "*******";
stdOut += out.str().c_str();
return SFS_OK;
// DirInfo by path
ProcCommand::DirInfo(const char* path)
XrdOucString option = pOpaque->Get("mgm.file.info.option");
XrdOucString spath = path;
bool detached = false;
uint64_t clock = 0;
eos::common::RWMutexReadLock viewReadLock;
std::shared_ptr dmd;
if ((spath.beginswith("pid:") || (spath.beginswith("pxid:")))) {
unsigned long long fid = 0;
if (spath.beginswith("pid:")) {
spath.replace("pid:", "");
fid = strtoull(spath.c_str(), 0, 10);
if (spath.beginswith("pxid:")) {
spath.replace("pxid:", "");
fid = strtoull(spath.c_str(), 0, 16);
// reference by pid+pxid
eos::Prefetcher::prefetchContainerMDAndWait(gOFS->eosView, fid);
std::string nspath;
try {
dmd = gOFS->eosDirectoryService->getContainerMD(fid, &clock);
nspath = gOFS->eosView->getUri(dmd.get());
spath = nspath.c_str();
} catch (eos::MDException& e) {
errno = e.getErrno();
stdErr = "error: cannot retrieve directory meta data - ";
stdErr += e.getMessage().str().c_str();
eos_debug("msg=\"exception retrieving container metadata\" ec=%d "
"emsg=\"%s\"\n", e.getErrno(), e.getMessage().str().c_str());
// Detect detached state for pid/pxid reference
detached = nspath.empty();
} else {
eos::Prefetcher::prefetchContainerMDAndWait(gOFS->eosView, spath.c_str());
// reference by path
try {
dmd = gOFS->eosView->getContainer(spath.c_str());
} catch (eos::MDException& e) {
errno = e.getErrno();
stdErr = "error: cannot retrieve directory meta data - ";
stdErr += e.getMessage().str().c_str();
eos_debug("msg=\"exception retrieving container metadata\" ec=%d "
"emsg=\"%s\"\n", e.getErrno(), e.getMessage().str().c_str());
if (!dmd) {
retc = errno;
} else {
using eos::common::Timing;
using eos::common::FileId;
using eos::common::LayoutId;
using eos::common::StringConversion;
size_t num_containers = dmd->getNumContainers();
size_t num_files = dmd->getNumFiles();
size_t tree_size = dmd->getTreeSize();
std::shared_ptr dmd_copy(dmd->clone());
XrdOucString sizestring;
bool Monitoring = false;
bool outputFilter = false;
std::ostringstream out;
const std::string hex_fid = FileId::Fid2Hex(dmd_copy->getId());
const std::string hex_pid = FileId::Fid2Hex(dmd_copy->getParentId());
if ((option.find("-m")) != STR_NPOS) {
Monitoring = true;
// Filter output according to requested filters
// Note: filters affect only non-monitoring output
if (!Monitoring) {
if ((option.find("-path")) != STR_NPOS) {
out << "path: " << spath << std::endl;
if ((option.find("-fxid")) != STR_NPOS) {
out << "fxid: " << hex_fid << std::endl;
if ((option.find("-fid")) != STR_NPOS) {
out << "fid: " << dmd_copy->getId() << std::endl;
if ((option.find("-size")) != STR_NPOS) {
out << "size: " << (num_containers + num_files) << std::endl;
outputFilter = ((out.tellp() != std::streampos(0)) ||
(option.find("-checksum") != STR_NPOS));
if (Monitoring || !outputFilter) {
eos::IFileMD::XAttrMap xattrs = dmd_copy->getAttributes();
eos::IContainerMD::ctime_t ctime;
eos::IContainerMD::mtime_t mtime;
eos::IContainerMD::tmtime_t tmtime;
eos::IContainerMD::ctime_t btime {0, 0};
if (xattrs.count("sys.eos.btime")) {
Timing::Timespec_from_TimespecStr(xattrs["sys.eos.btime"], btime);
time_t filectime = (time_t) ctime.tv_sec;
time_t filemtime = (time_t) mtime.tv_sec;
time_t filetmtime = (time_t) tmtime.tv_sec;
time_t filebtime = (time_t) btime.tv_sec;
char fid[32];
snprintf(fid, 32, "%llu", (unsigned long long) dmd_copy->getId());
std::string etag;
eos::calculateEtag(dmd_copy.get(), etag);
if (!Monitoring) {
out << " Directory: '" << spath << "'"
<< " Treesize: " << tree_size << std::endl;
out << " Container: " << num_containers
<< " Files: " << num_files
<< " Flags: " << StringConversion::IntToOctal(dmd_copy->getMode(), 4);
if (clock) {
out << " Clock: " << FileId::Fid2Hex(clock);
out << std::endl;
out << "Modify: " << eos::common::Timing::ltime(filemtime)
<< " Timestamp: " << eos::common::Timing::TimespecToString(mtime)
<< std::endl
<< "Change: " << eos::common::Timing::ltime(filectime)
<< " Timestamp: " << eos::common::Timing::TimespecToString(ctime)
<< std::endl
<< "Sync : " << eos::common::Timing::ltime(filetmtime)
<< " Timestamp: " << eos::common::Timing::TimespecToString(tmtime)
<< std::endl
<< "Birth : " << eos::common::Timing::ltime(filebtime)
<< " Timestamp: " << eos::common::Timing::TimespecToString(btime)
<< std::endl
<< " CUid: " << dmd_copy->getCUid()
<< " CGid: " << dmd_copy->getCGid()
<< " Fxid: " << hex_fid
<< " Fid: " << dmd_copy->getId()
<< " Pid: " << dmd_copy->getParentId()
<< " Pxid: " << hex_pid
<< std::endl
<< " ETAG: " << etag
<< std::endl;
} else {
out << "keylength.file=" << spath.length()
<< " file=" << spath
<< " treesize=" << tree_size
<< " container=" << num_containers
<< " files=" << num_files
<< " mtime=" << mtime.tv_sec << "." << mtime.tv_nsec
<< " ctime=" << ctime.tv_sec << "." << ctime.tv_nsec
<< " btime=" << btime.tv_sec << "." << btime.tv_nsec
<< " stime=" << tmtime.tv_sec << "." << tmtime.tv_nsec
<< " clock=" << clock
<< " mode=" << StringConversion::IntToOctal((int) dmd_copy->getMode(), 4)
<< " uid=" << dmd_copy->getCUid()
<< " gid=" << dmd_copy->getCGid()
<< " fxid=" << hex_fid
<< " fid=" << dmd_copy->getId()
<< " ino=" << dmd_copy->getId()
<< " pid=" << dmd_copy->getParentId()
<< " pxid=" << hex_pid
<< " etag=" << etag
<< " detached=" << detached
<< " ";
for (const auto& elem : xattrs) {
out << "xattrn=" << elem.first
<< " xattrv=" << elem.second << " ";
stdOut += out.str().c_str();
return SFS_OK;
// File info in JSON format
ProcCommand::FileJSON(uint64_t fid, Json::Value* ret_json, bool dolock)
eos::IFileMD::ctime_t ctime;
eos::IFileMD::ctime_t mtime;
eos::IFileMD::ctime_t atime {0, 0};
eos::IFileMD::ctime_t btime {0, 0};
eos_static_debug("msg=\"JSON fileinfo\" fxid=%08llx", fid);
Json::Value json;
json["id"] = (Json::Value::UInt64) fid;
const std::string hex_fid = eos::common::FileId::Fid2Hex(fid);
try {
eos::Prefetcher::prefetchFileMDWithParentsAndWait(gOFS->eosView, fid);
eos::common::RWMutexReadLock viewReadLock;
std::shared_ptr fmd;
std::string path;
bool detached;
if (dolock) {
try {
fmd = gOFS->eosFileService->getFileMD(fid);
path = gOFS->eosView->getUri(fmd.get());
} catch (eos::MDException& e) {
eos_static_debug("msg=\"exception retrieving file metadata\" ec=%d "
"emsg=\"%s\"\n", e.getErrno(),
if (!fmd) {
if (dolock) {
std::shared_ptr fmd_copy(fmd->clone());
if (dolock) {
// TODO (esindril): All this copying should be reviewed
unsigned long long nlink = (fmd_copy->isLink()) ? 1 :
eos::IFileMD::XAttrMap xattrs = fmd_copy->getAttributes();
if (xattrs.count("sys.eos.btime")) {
if ((detached = path.empty())) {
path = SSTR("fid:" << fid);
json["fxid"] = hex_fid.c_str();
json["inode"] = (Json::Value::UInt64) eos::common::FileId::FidToInode(fid);
json["ctime"] = (Json::Value::UInt64) ctime.tv_sec;
json["ctime_ns"] = (Json::Value::UInt64) ctime.tv_nsec;
json["atime"] = (Json::Value::UInt64) atime.tv_sec;
json["atime_ns"] = (Json::Value::UInt64) atime.tv_nsec;
json["mtime"] = (Json::Value::UInt64) mtime.tv_sec;
json["mtime_ns"] = (Json::Value::UInt64) mtime.tv_nsec;
json["btime"] = (Json::Value::UInt64) btime.tv_sec;
json["btime_ns"] = (Json::Value::UInt64) btime.tv_nsec;
json["size"] = (Json::Value::UInt64) fmd_copy->getSize();
json["uid"] = fmd_copy->getCUid();
json["gid"] = fmd_copy->getCGid();
json["mode"] = fmd_copy->getFlags();
json["nlink"] = (Json::Value::UInt64) nlink;
json["name"] = fmd_copy->getName();
json["path"] = path;
json["detached"] = detached;
json["pid"] = (Json::Value::UInt64) fmd_copy->getContainerId();
json["layout"] = eos::common::LayoutId::GetLayoutTypeString(
json["nstripes"] = (int)(eos::common::LayoutId::GetStripeNumber(
+ 1);
if (fmd_copy->isLink()) {
json["target"] = fmd_copy->getLink();
Json::Value jsonxattr;
for (const auto& elem : xattrs) {
jsonxattr[elem.first] = elem.second;
if (fmd_copy->numAttributes()) {
json["xattr"] = jsonxattr;
Json::Value jsonfsids;
eos::IFileMD::LocationVector loc_vect = fmd_copy->getLocations();
// Get host name for the fs ids
for (auto loc_it = loc_vect.begin(); loc_it != loc_vect.end(); ++loc_it) {
eos::common::RWMutexReadLock lock(FsView::gFsView.ViewMutex);
Json::Value jsonfsinfo;
eos::common::FileSystem* filesystem = FsView::gFsView.mIdView.lookupByID(
if (filesystem) {
eos::common::FileSystem::fs_snapshot_t fs;
if (filesystem->SnapShotFileSystem(fs, true)) {
std::string fstpath =
jsonfsinfo["fsid"] = fs.mId;
jsonfsinfo["geotag"] = filesystem->GetString("stat.geotag");
jsonfsinfo["host"] = fs.mHost;
jsonfsinfo["mountpoint"] = fs.mPath;
jsonfsinfo["fstpath"] = fstpath.c_str();
jsonfsinfo["schedgroup"] = fs.mGroup;
jsonfsinfo["status"] = eos::common::FileSystem::GetStatusAsString(fs.mStatus);
if (!fs.mForceGeoTag.empty()) {
jsonfsinfo["forcegeotag"] = fs.mForceGeoTag;
} else {
jsonfsinfo["fsid"] = *loc_it;
json["locations"] = jsonfsids;
json["checksumtype"] = eos::common::LayoutId::GetChecksumString(
std::string cks;
eos::appendChecksumOnStringAsHex(fmd_copy.get(), cks);
json["checksumvalue"] = cks;
std::string etag;
eos::calculateEtag(fmd_copy.get(), etag);
json["etag"] = etag;
json["status"] = FileMDToStatus(fmd_copy);
} catch (eos::MDException& e) {
errno = e.getErrno();
eos_static_debug("msg=\"exception during JSON fileinfo\" ec=%d "
"emsg=\"%s\"\n", e.getErrno(),
json["errc"] = errno;
json["errmsg"] = e.getMessage().str().c_str();
if (!ret_json) {
std::stringstream r;
r << json;
stdJson += r.str().c_str();
} else {
*ret_json = json;
retc = 0;
return SFS_OK;
// Get directory info in JSON format
ProcCommand::DirJSON(uint64_t fid, Json::Value* ret_json, bool dolock)
eos::IFileMD::ctime_t ctime;
eos::IFileMD::ctime_t mtime;
eos::IFileMD::ctime_t tmtime;
eos::IFileMD::ctime_t btime {0, 0};
eos_static_debug("msg=\"JSON dirinfo\" fxid=%08llx", fid);
Json::Value json;
json["id"] = (Json::Value::UInt64) fid;
try {
eos::common::RWMutexReadLock viewReadLock;
std::shared_ptr cmd;
std::string path;
bool detached;
eos::Prefetcher::prefetchContainerMDWithParentsAndWait(gOFS->eosView, fid);
if (dolock) {
try {
cmd = gOFS->eosDirectoryService->getContainerMD(fid);
path = gOFS->eosView->getUri(cmd.get());
} catch (eos::MDException& e) {
eos_static_debug("msg=\"exception retrieving container metadata\" "
"ec=%d emsg=\"%s\"\n", e.getErrno(),
if (!cmd) {
eos::IFileMD::XAttrMap xattrs = cmd->getAttributes();
if (xattrs.count("sys.eos.btime")) {
if ((detached = path.empty())) {
path = SSTR("pid:" << fid);
json["inode"] = (Json::Value::UInt64) fid;
json["ctime"] = (Json::Value::UInt64) ctime.tv_sec;
json["ctime_ns"] = (Json::Value::UInt64) ctime.tv_nsec;
json["atime"] = (Json::Value::UInt64) ctime.tv_sec;
json["atime_ns"] = (Json::Value::UInt64) ctime.tv_nsec;
json["mtime"] = (Json::Value::UInt64) mtime.tv_sec;
json["mtime_ns"] = (Json::Value::UInt64) mtime.tv_nsec;
json["tmtime"] = (Json::Value::UInt64) tmtime.tv_sec;
json["tmtime_ns"] = (Json::Value::UInt64) tmtime.tv_nsec;
json["btime"] = (Json::Value::UInt64) btime.tv_sec;
json["btime_ns"] = (Json::Value::UInt64) btime.tv_nsec;
json["treesize"] = (Json::Value::UInt64) cmd->getTreeSize();
json["uid"] = cmd->getCUid();
json["gid"] = cmd->getCGid();
json["flags"] = cmd->getFlags();
json["mode"] = cmd->getMode();
json["nlink"] = 1;
json["name"] = cmd->getName();
json["path"] = path;
json["detached"] = detached;
json["pid"] = (Json::Value::UInt64) cmd->getParentId();
json["nndirectories"] = (int)cmd->getNumContainers();
json["nfiles"] = (int)cmd->getNumFiles();
Json::Value chld;
std::shared_ptr cmd_copy(cmd->clone());
if (!ret_json) {
for (auto it = FileMapIterator(cmd_copy); it.valid(); it.next()) {
Json::Value fjson;
FileJSON(it.value(), &fjson, true);
// Loop through all subcontainers
for (auto dit = ContainerMapIterator(cmd_copy); dit.valid(); dit.next()) {
Json::Value djson;
DirJSON(dit.value(), &djson, true);
if ((cmd_copy->getNumFiles() + cmd_copy->getNumContainers()) != 0) {
json["children"] = chld;
Json::Value jsonxattr;
for (const auto& elem : xattrs) {
jsonxattr[elem.first] = elem.second;
if (cmd_copy->numAttributes()) {
json["xattr"] = jsonxattr;
std::string etag;
eos::calculateEtag(cmd_copy.get(), etag);
json["etag"] = etag;
} catch (eos::MDException& e) {
errno = e.getErrno();
eos_static_debug("msg=\"exception during JSON dirinfo\" ec=%d "
"emsg=\"%s\"\n", e.getErrno(),
json["errc"] = errno;
json["errmsg"] = e.getMessage().str().c_str();
if (!ret_json) {
std::stringstream r;
r << json;
stdJson += r.str().c_str();
retc = 0;
} else {
*ret_json = json;
return SFS_OK;