// ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // File: GrpcServer.cc // Author: Andreas-Joachim Peters - CERN // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- /************************************************************************ * EOS - the CERN Disk Storage System * * Copyright (C) 2018 CERN/Switzerland * * * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * * GNU General Public License for more details. * * * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * * along with this program. If not, see .* ************************************************************************/ #include "GrpcServer.hh" #include "GrpcNsInterface.hh" #include #include "common/Logging.hh" #include "common/StringConversion.hh" #include "mgm/Macros.hh" #include "XrdSec/XrdSecEntity.hh" #ifdef EOS_GRPC #include "proto/Rpc.grpc.pb.h" #include using grpc::Server; using grpc::ServerBuilder; using grpc::ServerContext; using grpc::ServerWriter; using grpc::Status; using eos::rpc::Eos; using eos::rpc::PingRequest; using eos::rpc::PingReply; using eos::rpc::FileInsertRequest; using eos::rpc::ContainerInsertRequest; using eos::rpc::InsertReply; #endif EOSMGMNAMESPACE_BEGIN #ifdef EOS_GRPC class RequestServiceImpl final : public Eos::Service { Status Ping(ServerContext* context, const eos::rpc::PingRequest* request, eos::rpc::PingReply* reply) override { eos_static_info("grpc::ping from client peer=%s ip=%s DN=%s token=%s len=%lu", context->peer().c_str(), GrpcServer::IP(context).c_str(), GrpcServer::DN(context).c_str(), request->authkey().c_str(), request->message().length()); eos::common::VirtualIdentity vid; GrpcServer::Vid(context, vid, request->authkey()); reply->set_message(request->message()); return Status::OK; } Status FileInsert(ServerContext* context, const eos::rpc::FileInsertRequest* request, eos::rpc::InsertReply* reply) override { eos_static_info("grpc::fileinsert from client peer=%s ip=%s DN=%s token=%s", context->peer().c_str(), GrpcServer::IP(context).c_str(), GrpcServer::DN(context).c_str(), request->authkey().c_str()); eos::common::VirtualIdentity vid; GrpcServer::Vid(context, vid, request->authkey()); WAIT_BOOT; return GrpcNsInterface::FileInsert(vid, reply, request); } Status ContainerInsert(ServerContext* context, const eos::rpc::ContainerInsertRequest* request, eos::rpc::InsertReply* reply) override { eos_static_info("grpc::containerinsert from client peer=%s ip=%s DN=%s token=%s", context->peer().c_str(), GrpcServer::IP(context).c_str(), GrpcServer::DN(context).c_str(), request->authkey().c_str()); eos::common::VirtualIdentity vid; GrpcServer::Vid(context, vid, request->authkey()); WAIT_BOOT; return GrpcNsInterface::ContainerInsert(vid, reply, request); } Status MD(ServerContext* context, const eos::rpc::MDRequest* request, ServerWriter* writer) override { eos_static_info("grpc::md from client peer=%s ip=%s DN=%s token=%s", context->peer().c_str(), GrpcServer::IP(context).c_str(), GrpcServer::DN(context).c_str(), request->authkey().c_str()); eos::common::VirtualIdentity vid; GrpcServer::Vid(context, vid, request->authkey()); WAIT_BOOT; switch (request->type()) { case eos::rpc::FILE: case eos::rpc::CONTAINER: case eos::rpc::STAT: return GrpcNsInterface::Stat(vid, writer, request); break; case eos::rpc::LISTING: return GrpcNsInterface::StreamMD(vid, writer, request); break; default: ; } return Status(grpc::StatusCode::INVALID_ARGUMENT, "request is not supported"); } Status Find(ServerContext* context, const eos::rpc::FindRequest* request, ServerWriter* writer) override { eos_static_info("grpc::find from client peer=%s ip=%s DN=%s token=%s", context->peer().c_str(), GrpcServer::IP(context).c_str(), GrpcServer::DN(context).c_str(), request->authkey().c_str()); eos::common::VirtualIdentity vid; GrpcServer::Vid(context, vid, request->authkey()); WAIT_BOOT; return GrpcNsInterface::Find(vid, writer, request); } Status NsStat(ServerContext* context, const eos::rpc::NsStatRequest* request, eos::rpc::NsStatResponse* reply) override { eos_static_info("grpc::nsstat::request from client peer=%s ip=%s DN=%s token=%s", context->peer().c_str(), GrpcServer::IP(context).c_str(), GrpcServer::DN(context).c_str(), request->authkey().c_str()); eos::common::VirtualIdentity vid; GrpcServer::Vid(context, vid, request->authkey()); WAIT_BOOT; return GrpcNsInterface::NsStat(vid, reply, request); } Status Exec(ServerContext* context, const eos::rpc::NSRequest* request, eos::rpc::NSResponse* reply) override { eos_static_info("grpc::exec::request from client peer=%s ip=%s DN=%s token=%s", context->peer().c_str(), GrpcServer::IP(context).c_str(), GrpcServer::DN(context).c_str(), request->authkey().c_str()); eos::common::VirtualIdentity vid; GrpcServer::Vid(context, vid, request->authkey()); WAIT_BOOT; return GrpcNsInterface::Exec(vid, reply, request); } }; /* return client DN*/ std::string GrpcServer::DN(grpc::ServerContext* context) { /* The methods GetPeerIdentityPropertyName() and GetPeerIdentity() from grpc::ServerContext.auth_context will prioritize SAN fields (x509_subject_alternative_name) in favor of x509_common_name */ std::string tag = "x509_common_name"; auto resp = context->auth_context()->FindPropertyValues(tag); if (resp.empty()) { tag = "x509_subject_alternative_name"; auto resp = context->auth_context()->FindPropertyValues(tag); if (resp.empty()) { return ""; } } return resp[0].data(); } /* return client IP */ std::string GrpcServer::IP(grpc::ServerContext* context, std::string* id, std::string* port) { // format is ipv4::<..> or ipv6::<..> - we just return the IP address // butq net and id are populated as well with the prefix and suffix, respectively // The context peer information is curl encoded const std::string decoded_peer = eos::common::StringConversion::curl_default_unescaped(context->peer().c_str()); std::vector tokens; eos::common::StringConversion::Tokenize(decoded_peer, tokens, "[]"); if (tokens.size() == 3) { if (id) { *id = tokens[0].substr(0, tokens[0].size() - 1); } if (port) { *port = tokens[2].substr(1, tokens[2].size() - 1); } return "[" + tokens[1] + "]"; } else { tokens.clear(); eos::common::StringConversion::Tokenize(decoded_peer, tokens, ":"); if (tokens.size() == 3) { if (id) { *id = tokens[0].substr(0, tokens[0].size()); } if (port) { *port = tokens[2].substr(0, tokens[2].size()); } return tokens[1]; } return ""; } } /* return VID for a given call */ void GrpcServer::Vid(grpc::ServerContext* context, eos::common::VirtualIdentity& vid, const std::string& authkey) { XrdSecEntity client("grpc"); std::string dn = DN(context); client.name = const_cast(dn.c_str()); bool isEosToken = (authkey.substr(0, 8) == "zteos64:"); std::string tident = dn.length() ? dn.c_str() : (isEosToken ? "eostoken" : authkey.c_str()); std::string id; std::string ip = GrpcServer::IP(context, &id).c_str(); tident += ".1:"; tident += id; tident += "@"; tident += ip; client.tident = tident.c_str(); if (authkey.length()) { client.endorsements = const_cast(authkey.c_str()); } eos::common::Mapping::IdMap(&client, "eos.app=grpc", client.tident, vid); } #endif void GrpcServer::Run(ThreadAssistant& assistant) noexcept { #ifdef EOS_GRPC if (getenv("EOS_MGM_GRPC_SSL_CERT") && getenv("EOS_MGM_GRPC_SSL_KEY") && getenv("EOS_MGM_GRPC_SSL_CA")) { mSSL = true; mSSLCertFile = getenv("EOS_MGM_GRPC_SSL_CERT"); mSSLKeyFile = getenv("EOS_MGM_GRPC_SSL_KEY"); mSSLCaFile = getenv("EOS_MGM_GRPC_SSL_CA"); if (eos::common::StringConversion::LoadFileIntoString(mSSLCertFile.c_str(), mSSLCert) && !mSSLCert.length()) { eos_static_crit("unable to load ssl certificate file '%s'", mSSLCertFile.c_str()); mSSL = false; } if (eos::common::StringConversion::LoadFileIntoString(mSSLKeyFile.c_str(), mSSLKey) && !mSSLKey.length()) { eos_static_crit("unable to load ssl key file '%s'", mSSLKeyFile.c_str()); mSSL = false; } if (eos::common::StringConversion::LoadFileIntoString(mSSLCaFile.c_str(), mSSLCa) && !mSSLCa.length()) { eos_static_crit("unable to load ssl ca file '%s'", mSSLCaFile.c_str()); mSSL = false; } } RequestServiceImpl service; std::string bind_address = ""; bind_address += std::to_string(mPort); grpc::ServerBuilder builder; if (mSSL) { grpc::SslServerCredentialsOptions::PemKeyCertPair keycert = { mSSLKey, mSSLCert }; grpc::SslServerCredentialsOptions sslOps( GRPC_SSL_REQUEST_AND_REQUIRE_CLIENT_CERTIFICATE_AND_VERIFY); sslOps.pem_root_certs = mSSLCa; sslOps.pem_key_cert_pairs.push_back(keycert); builder.AddListeningPort(bind_address, grpc::SslServerCredentials(sslOps)); } else { builder.AddListeningPort(bind_address, grpc::InsecureServerCredentials()); } builder.RegisterService(&service); mServer = builder.BuildAndStart(); if (mServer) { mServer->Wait(); } #else // Make the compiler happy (void) mPort; (void) mSSL; #endif } EOSMGMNAMESPACE_END