FROM LABEL maintainer="Manuel Reis,, CERN 2022" ARG EOS_CODENAME WORKDIR /builds/dss/eos/ # If the working directory is a not the top-level dir of a git repo OR git remote is not set to the EOS repo url. # On Gitlab CI, the test won't (and don't have to) pass. RUN dnf install --nogpg -y git && dnf clean all \ && if [[ $(git rev-parse --git-dir) != .git ]] || [[ $(git config --get remote.origin.url) != * ]]; \ then git clone . ; fi RUN dnf install -y dnf-plugins-core epel-release\ && dnf config-manager --set-enabled powertools \ && echo -e "[eos-depend]\nname=EOS dependencies\nbaseurl=${EOS_CODENAME}-depend/el-8/x86_64/\ngpgcheck=0\nenabled=1\npriority=4" > /etc/yum.repos.d/eos-depend.repo RUN dnf install --nogpg -y ccache cmake3 gcc-c++ git make rpm-build rpm-sign which\ && git submodule update --init --recursive \ && mkdir build \ && cd build/ \ && cmake ../ -DPACKAGEONLY=1 && make srpm \ && cd ../ \ && dnf builddep --nogpgcheck -y build/SRPMS/* \ && dnf install -y moreutils \ && dnf clean all ENTRYPOINT /bin/bash