// File: BoundIdentityProvider.cc
// Author: Georgios Bitzes - CERN
* EOS - the CERN Disk Storage System *
* Copyright (C) 2011 CERN/Switzerland *
* *
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
* *
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *
* GNU General Public License for more details. *
* *
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License *
* along with this program. If not, see .*
#include "Utils.hh"
#include "BoundIdentityProvider.hh"
#include "EnvironmentReader.hh"
#include "CredentialValidator.hh"
#include "Logbook.hh"
extern "C" {
#include "krb5.h"
// Constructor
BoundIdentityProvider::BoundIdentityProvider(SecurityChecker& checker,
EnvironmentReader& reader, CredentialValidator& valid)
: environmentReader(reader), validator(valid)
// Attempt to produce a BoundIdentity object out of KRB5 environment
// variables. NO fallback to default paths. If not possible, return nullptr.
BoundIdentityProvider::krb5EnvToBoundIdentity(const JailInformation& jail,
const Environment& env, uid_t uid, gid_t gid, bool reconnect,
LogbookScope& scope)
std::string path = env.get("KRB5CCNAME");
std::string key = env.get("EOS_FUSE_SECRET");
if (key.empty() && credConfig.encryptionKey.length()) {
key = credConfig.encryptionKey;
// Kerberos keyring?
if (startsWith(path, "KEYRING")) {
LOGBOOK_INSERT(scope, "Found kerberos keyring: " << path <<
", need to validate");
return userCredsToBoundIdentity(jail,
UserCredentials::MakeKrk5(path, uid, gid, key), reconnect, scope);
// Kerberos KCM?
if (startsWith(path, "KCM")) {
LOGBOOK_INSERT(scope, "Found kerberos kcm: " << path << ", need to validate");
return userCredsToBoundIdentity(jail,
UserCredentials::MakeKcm(path, uid, gid, key), reconnect, scope);
// Drop FILE:, if exists
const std::string prefix = "FILE:";
if (startsWith(path, prefix)) {
path = path.substr(prefix.size());
if (path.empty()) {
// Early exit, no need to go through the trouble
// of userCredsToBoundIdentity.
LOGBOOK_INSERT(scope, "Invalid KRB5CCNAME (size: " << path.size() << ")");
return {};
LOGBOOK_INSERT(scope, "Found KRB5CCNAME: " << path << ", need to validate");
return userCredsToBoundIdentity(jail,
UserCredentials::MakeKrb5(jail.id, path, uid, gid, key), reconnect,
// Attempt to produce a BoundIdentity object out of OAUTH2 environment
// variables. NO fallback to default paths. If not possible, return nullptr.
BoundIdentityProvider::oauth2EnvToBoundIdentity(const JailInformation& jail,
const Environment& env, uid_t uid, gid_t gid, bool reconnect,
LogbookScope& scope)
std::string path = env.get("OAUTH2_TOKEN");
std::string key = env.get("EOS_FUSE_SECRET");
if (key.empty() && credConfig.encryptionKey.length()) {
key = credConfig.encryptionKey;
// Drop FILE:, if exists
const std::string prefix = "FILE:";
if (startsWith(path, prefix)) {
path = path.substr(prefix.size());
if (path.empty()) {
// Early exit, no need to go through the trouble
// of userCredsToBoundIdentity.
LOGBOOK_INSERT(scope, "Invalid OAUTH2_TOKEN (size: " << path.size() << ")");
return {};
LOGBOOK_INSERT(scope, "Found OAUTH2_TOKEN: " << path << ", need to validate");
return userCredsToBoundIdentity(jail,
UserCredentials::MakeOAUTH2(jail.id, path, uid, gid, key), reconnect,
// Attempt to produce a BoundIdentity object out of X509 environment
// variables. NO fallback to default paths. If not possible, return nullptr.
BoundIdentityProvider::x509EnvToBoundIdentity(const JailInformation& jail,
const Environment& env, uid_t uid, gid_t gid, bool reconnect,
LogbookScope& scope)
std::string path = env.get("X509_USER_PROXY");
std::string key = env.get("EOS_FUSE_SECRET");
if (key.empty() && credConfig.encryptionKey.length()) {
key = credConfig.encryptionKey;
if (path.empty()) {
// Early exit, no need to go through the trouble
// of userCredsToBoundIdentity.
LOGBOOK_INSERT(scope, "Invalid X509_USER_PROXY (size: " << path.size() << ")");
return {};
LOGBOOK_INSERT(scope, "Found X509_USER_PROXY: " << path <<
", need to validate");
return userCredsToBoundIdentity(jail,
UserCredentials::MakeX509(jail.id, path, uid, gid, key), reconnect,
// Attempt to produce a BoundIdentity object out of ZTN environment
// variables. NO fallback to default paths. If not possible, return nullptr.
BoundIdentityProvider::ztnEnvToBoundIdentity(const JailInformation& jail,
const Environment& env, uid_t uid, gid_t gid, bool reconnect,
LogbookScope& scope)
std::string key = env.get("EOS_FUSE_SECRET");
std::string btf = env.get("BEARER_TOKEN_FILE");
std::string btfd = env.get("XDG_RUNTIME_DIR");
std::string path;
if (btf.length()) {
path = btf;
} else if (btfd.length()) {
path = btfd + std::string("/bt_u") + std::to_string(uid);
if (path.empty()) {
// Early exit, no need to go through the trouble
// of userCredsToBoundIdentity.
LOGBOOK_INSERT(scope, "No bearer token file specified (size: " << path.size() <<
return {};
LOGBOOK_INSERT(scope, "Found token: " << path << ", need to validate");
return userCredsToBoundIdentity(jail,
UserCredentials::MakeZTN(jail.id, path, uid, gid, key), reconnect,
// Attempt to produce a BoundIdentity object out of SSS environment
// variables. If not possible, return nullptr.
BoundIdentityProvider::sssEnvToBoundIdentity(const JailInformation& jail,
const Environment& env, uid_t uid, gid_t gid, bool reconnect,
LogbookScope& scope)
std::string endorsement = env.get("XrdSecsssENDORSEMENT");
std::string key = env.get("EOS_FUSE_SECRET");
if (key.empty() && credConfig.encryptionKey.length()) {
key = credConfig.encryptionKey;
LOGBOOK_INSERT(scope, "Found SSS endorsement of size " << endorsement.size());
return userCredsToBoundIdentity(jail,
UserCredentials::MakeSSS(endorsement, uid, gid, key), reconnect,
// Attempt to produce a BoundIdentity object out of given environment
// variables. If not possible, return nullptr.
BoundIdentityProvider::environmentToBoundIdentity(const JailInformation& jail,
const Environment& env, uid_t uid, gid_t gid, bool reconnect,
LogbookScope& scope, bool skip_sss)
std::shared_ptr output;
// No SSS.. should we try KRB5 first, or second?
if (credConfig.tryKrb5First) {
if (credConfig.use_user_krb5cc) {
output = krb5EnvToBoundIdentity(jail, env, uid, gid, reconnect, scope);
if (output) {
return output;
// No krb5.. what about x509..
if (credConfig.use_user_gsiproxy) {
output = x509EnvToBoundIdentity(jail, env, uid, gid, reconnect, scope);
if (output) {
return output;
// No x509.. what about ztn..
if (credConfig.use_user_ztn) {
output = ztnEnvToBoundIdentity(jail, env, uid, gid, reconnect, scope);
if (output) {
return output;
// Try to use OAUTH2 if available.
if (credConfig.use_user_oauth2) {
output = oauth2EnvToBoundIdentity(jail, env, uid, gid, reconnect, scope);
if (output) {
return output;
// Try to use SSS if available.
if (credConfig.use_user_sss && ((!skip_sss) ||
(!env.get("XrdSecsssENDORSEMENT").empty()))) {
output = sssEnvToBoundIdentity(jail, env, uid, gid, reconnect, scope);
if (output) {
return output;
// Nothing, bail out
return {};
// We should try krb5 second.
if (credConfig.use_user_gsiproxy) {
output = x509EnvToBoundIdentity(jail, env, uid, gid, reconnect, scope);
if (output) {
return output;
// No x509.. what about krb5..
if (credConfig.use_user_krb5cc) {
output = krb5EnvToBoundIdentity(jail, env, uid, gid, reconnect, scope);
if (output) {
return output;
// Try to us OAUTH2 if available.
if (credConfig.use_user_oauth2) {
output = oauth2EnvToBoundIdentity(jail, env, uid, gid, reconnect, scope);
if (output) {
return output;
// Try to use SSS if available.
if (credConfig.use_user_sss && (!skip_sss ||
!env.get("XrdSecsssENDORSEMENT").empty())) {
output = sssEnvToBoundIdentity(jail, env, uid, gid, reconnect, scope);
if (output) {
return output;
// Nothing, bail out
return {};
// Register SSS credentials
void BoundIdentityProvider::registerSSS(const BoundIdentity& bdi)
const UserCredentials uc = bdi.getCreds()->getUC();
if ((uc.type == CredentialType::SSS) ||
(uc.type == CredentialType::OAUTH2)) {
// by default we request the uid/gid name of the calling process
// the xrootd server rejects to map these if the sss key is not issued for anyuser/anygroup
XrdSecEntity* newEntity = new XrdSecEntity("sss");
int errc_uid = 0;
std::string username = eos::common::Mapping::UidToUserName(uc.uid, errc_uid);
int errc_gid = 0;
std::string groupname = eos::common::Mapping::GidToGroupName(uc.gid, errc_gid);
if (errc_uid) {
newEntity->name = strdup("nobody");
} else {
newEntity->name = strdup(username.c_str());
if (errc_gid) {
newEntity->grps = strdup("nogroup");
} else {
newEntity->grps = strdup(groupname.c_str());
// store the endorsement from the environment
if (!uc.endorsement.empty()) {
newEntity->endorsements = strdup(uc.endorsement.c_str());
// register new ID
XrdSecsssIDInstance().Register(bdi.getLogin().getStringID().c_str(), newEntity);
// Given a set of user-provided, non-trusted UserCredentials, attempt to
// translate them into a BoundIdentity object. (either by allocating a new
// connection, or re-using a cached one)
// If such a thing is not possible, return false.
BoundIdentityProvider::userCredsToBoundIdentity(const JailInformation& jail,
const UserCredentials& creds, bool reconnect, LogbookScope& scope)
// Make a proper LogbookScope, and pretty-print UserCredentials
LogbookScope subscope(
scope.makeScope("Attempt to translate UserCredentials -> BoundIdentity"));
// First check: Is the item in the cache?
std::shared_ptr cached = credentialCache.retrieve(creds);
// Invalidate result if asked to reconnect
if (cached && reconnect) {
"Cache entry UserCredentials -> BoundIdentity already exists (" <<
cached->getLogin().describe() << ") - invalidating");
cached = {};
if (cached) {
// Item is in the cache, and reconnection was not requested. Still valid?
if (validator.checkValidity(jail, *cached->getCreds())) {
return cached;
// Alright, we have a cache miss. Can we promote UserCredentials into
// TrustedCredentials?
std::unique_ptr bdi(new BoundIdentity());
if (!validator.validate(jail, creds, *bdi->getCreds(), subscope)) {
// Nope, these UserCredentials are unusable.
return {};
// We made it, the crowd goes wild, allocate a new connection
bdi->getLogin() = LoginIdentifier(connectionCounter++);
"UserCredentials registerSSS (" << bdi->getLogin().getStringID() << ")");
"Endorsement (" << bdi->getCreds()->getUC().endorsement.c_str() << ")");
// Store into the cache
credentialCache.store(creds, std::move(bdi), cached);
return cached;
// Fallback to unix authentication. Guaranteed to always return a valid
// BoundIdentity object. (whether this is accepted by the server is another
// matter)
BoundIdentityProvider::unixAuth(pid_t pid, uid_t uid, gid_t gid,
bool reconnect, LogbookScope& scope, const Environment& pidEnv)
LOGBOOK_INSERT(scope, "Producing UNIX identity out of pid=" << pid <<
", uid=" << uid << ", gid=" << gid);
return unixAuthenticator.createIdentity(pid, uid, gid, reconnect,
// Attempt to produce a BoundIdentity object out of default paths, such
// as /tmp/krb5cc_.
// If not possible, return nullptr.
BoundIdentityProvider::defaultPathsToBoundIdentity(const JailInformation& jail,
uid_t uid, gid_t gid, bool reconnect, LogbookScope& scope,
const Environment& pidEnv)
// Pretend as if the environment of the process simply contained the default values,
// and follow the usual code path.
Environment defaultEnv;
// get the default cache from KRB5
krb5_context krb_ctx;
krb5_error_code ret = krb5_init_context(&krb_ctx);
if (ret == 0) {
std::string default_name = krb5_cc_default_name(krb_ctx);
if ((default_name.substr(0, 5) == "FILE:") ||
(default_name.substr(0, 5) == "/tmp/")) {
defaultEnv.push_back("KRB5CCNAME=FILE:/tmp/krb5cc_" + std::to_string(uid));
} else if (default_name.substr(0, 18) == "KEYRING:persistent") {
defaultEnv.push_back("KRB5CCNAME=KEYRING:persistent:" + std::to_string(uid));
} else {
defaultEnv.push_back("KRB5CCNAME=" + default_name);
defaultEnv.push_back("X509_USER_PROXY=/tmp/x509up_u" + std::to_string(uid));
defaultEnv.push_back("OAUTH2_TOKEN=FILE:/tmp/oauthtk_" + std::to_string(uid));
defaultEnv.push_back("BEARER_TOKEN_FILE=/tmp/bt_u" + std::to_string(uid));
LogbookScope subscope(scope.makeScope(
SSTR("Attempting to produce BoundIdentity out of default paths for uid="
<< uid)));
// attach secret key and endorsement
defaultEnv.push_back("EOS_FUSE_SECRET=" + pidEnv.get("EOS_FUSE_SECRET"));
defaultEnv.push_back("XrdSecsssENDORSEMENT=" +
return environmentToBoundIdentity(jail, defaultEnv, uid, gid, reconnect,
subscope, false);
// Attempt to produce a BoundIdentity object out of the global eosfusebind
// binding. If not possible, return nullptr.
BoundIdentityProvider::globalBindingToBoundIdentity(const JailInformation& jail,
uid_t uid, gid_t gid, bool reconnect, LogbookScope& scope,
const Environment& pidEnv)
// Pretend as if the environment of the process simply contained the eosfusebind
// global bindings, and follow the usual code path.
Environment defaultEnv;
defaultEnv.push_back(SSTR("KRB5CCNAME=FILE:/var/run/eos/credentials/uid" << uid
<< ".krb5"));
defaultEnv.push_back(SSTR("X509_USER_PROXY=/var/run/eos/credentials/uid" << uid
<< ".x509"));
LogbookScope subscope(scope.makeScope(
SSTR("Attempting to produce BoundIdentity out of eosfusebind " <<
"global binding for uid=" << uid)));
defaultEnv.push_back("EOS_FUSE_SECRET=" + pidEnv.get("EOS_FUSE_SECRET"));
defaultEnv.push_back("XrdSecsssENDORSEMENT=" +
return environmentToBoundIdentity(jail, defaultEnv, uid, gid, reconnect,
subscope, true);
// Attempt to produce a BoundIdentity object out of environment variables
// of the given PID. If not possible, return nullptr.
const JailInformation& jail, pid_t pid, uid_t uid, gid_t gid,
bool reconnect, LogbookScope& scope, Environment& env)
LogbookScope subscope(scope.makeScope(
SSTR("Attempting to produce BoundIdentity out of process environment, pid=" <<
// First, let's read the environment to build up a UserCredentials object.
FutureEnvironment response = environmentReader.stageRequest(pid, uid);
if (!response.waitUntilDeadline(
std::chrono::milliseconds(credConfig.environ_deadlock_timeout))) {
eos_static_info("Timeout when retrieving environment for pid %d (uid %d) - we're doing an execve!",
pid, uid);
"FAILED in retrieving environment variables for pid=" << pid <<
": TIMEOUT after " << credConfig.environ_deadlock_timeout << " ms");
return {};
LOGBOOK_INSERT(subscope, "Succeeded in retrieving environment "
"variables for pid=" << pid);
// store environment
env = response.get();
return environmentToBoundIdentity(jail, env, uid, gid,
reconnect, subscope, true);
// Check if the given BoundIdentity object is still valid.
bool BoundIdentityProvider::checkValidity(const JailInformation& jail,
const BoundIdentity& identity)
if (!identity.getCreds()) {
return false;
if (identity.getAge() > std::chrono::hours(24)) {
return false;
return validator.checkValidity(jail, *identity.getCreds());