//! @file FmdHandler.hh
//! @author Abhishek Lekshmanan - CERN
* EOS - the CERN Disk Storage System *
* Copyright (C) 2021 CERN/Switzerland *
* *
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
* *
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *
* GNU General Public License for more details. *
* *
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License *
* along with this program. If not, see .*
#pragma once
#include "fst/Namespace.hh"
#include "common/Fmd.hh"
#include "common/FileId.hh"
#include "common/LayoutId.hh"
//! Forward declaration
namespace eos
class QdbContactDetails;
namespace qclient
class QClient;
class FmdHandler: public eos::common::LogId
//! Reset the disk info related to the encoded Fmd object
//! @param input a string that can serialize to FmdProtobuf object
//! @return string value after resetting info or an empty string if
//! serialization fails
static std::string ResetFmdDiskInfo(const std::string& input);
//! Reset the mgm info related to the encoded Fmd object
//! @param input a string that can serialize to FmdProtobuf object
//! @return string value after resetting info or an empty string if
//! serialization fails
static std::string ResetFmdMgmInfo(const std::string& input);
//! Move given file to orphans directory and also set its extended attribute
//! to reflect the original path to the file.
//! @param fpath file to move
static void MoveToOrphans(const std::string& fpath);
//! Constructor
FmdHandler() = default;
//! Destructor
virtual ~FmdHandler() = default;
//! Check if entry has a file checksum error
//! @param lpath file local path
//! @param fsid file system identifier
//! @return true if file has checksum error, otherwise false
virtual bool FileHasXsError(const std::string& lpath,
eos::common::FileSystem::fsid_t fsid);
// Meta data handling functions
//! Return/create an Fmd struct for the given file/filesystem from the local
//! database
//! @param fid file id
//! @param fsid filesystem id
//! @param force_retrieve get object even in the presence of inconsistencies
//! @param do_create if true create a non-existing Fmd if needed
//! @param uid user id of the caller
//! @param gid group id of the caller
//! @param layoutid layout id used to store during creation
//! @return pointer to Fmd struct if successful, otherwise nullptr
virtual std::unique_ptr
LocalGetFmd(eos::common::FileId::fileid_t fid,
eos::common::FileSystem::fsid_t fsid,
bool force_retrieve = false, bool do_create = false,
uid_t uid = 0, gid_t gid = 0,
eos::common::LayoutId::layoutid_t layoutid = 0) = 0;
//! Delete a record associated with fid and filesystem fsid
//! @param fid file id
//! @param fsid filesystem id
virtual void LocalDeleteFmd(eos::common::FileId::fileid_t fid,
eos::common::FileSystem::fsid_t fsid,
bool drop_file = false) = 0;
//! Commit modified Fmd record to the local database
//! @param fmd pointer to Fmd
//! @return true if record was committed, otherwise false
virtual bool Commit(eos::common::FmdHelper* fmd,
bool lockit = true,
std::string* path = nullptr) = 0;
//! Low level Fmd retrieve method
//! @param fid file identifier
//! @param fsid file system identifier
//! @param path optional file path
//! @return true if found and the corresponding FmdHelper object otherwise
//! false
virtual std::pair
LocalRetrieveFmd(eos::common::FileId::fileid_t fid,
eos::common::FileSystem::fsid_t fsid,
const std::string& path = "") = 0;
//! Update file metadata object with new fid information
//! @param path full path to file
//! @param fid new file identifier
//! @return true if succesful, otherwise false
bool UpdateFmd(const std::string& path, eos::common::FileId::fileid_t fid);
//! Update local fmd with info from the disk i.e. physical file extended
//! attributes
//! @param fsid file system id
//! @param fid file id to update
//! @param disk_size size of the file on disk
//! @param disk_xs checksum of the file on disk
//! @param check_ts_sec time of the last check of that file
//! @param filexs_err indicator for file checksum error
//! @param blockxs_err inidicator for block checksum error
//! @param layout_err indication for layout error
//! @return true if record has been committed
bool UpdateWithDiskInfo(eos::common::FileSystem::fsid_t fsid,
eos::common::FileId::fileid_t fid,
unsigned long long disk_size,
const std::string& disk_xs,
unsigned long check_ts_sec, bool filexs_err,
bool blockxs_err, bool layout_err);
//! Update local fmd with info from the MGM
//! @param fsid file system id
//! @param fid file id to update
//! @param cid container id
//! @param lid layout id
//! @param mgmsize size of the file in the mgm namespace
//! @param mgmchecksum checksum of the file in the mgm namespace
//! @return true if record has been committed
bool UpdateWithMgmInfo(eos::common::FileSystem::fsid_t fsid,
eos::common::FileId::fileid_t fid,
eos::common::FileId::fileid_t cid,
eos::common::LayoutId::layoutid_t lid,
unsigned long long mgmsize,
std::string mgmchecksum,
uid_t uid, gid_t gid,
unsigned long long ctime,
unsigned long long ctime_ns,
unsigned long long mtime,
unsigned long long mtime_ns,
int layouterror, std::string locations);
//! Update local fmd with info from the stripe check
//! @param fid file identifier
//! @param fsid file system id
//! @param invalid_stripes list of fsid with invalid stripes
void UpdateWithStripeCheckInfo(
eos::common::FileId::fileid_t fid, eos::common::FileSystem::fsid_t fsid,
const std::set& invalid_stripes);
//! Update local fmd with info from the scanner
//! @param fid file identifier
//! @param fsid file system id
//! @param fpath local file path
//! @param scan_sz size of the file computed by the scanner
//! @param scan_xs_hex hex checksum of the file computed by the scanner
//! @param qcl QClient used to communicate to QDB backend
//! @note: the qclient should favor followers as we're doing only read
//! operations and this should reduce the load on the master QDB
void UpdateWithScanInfo(eos::common::FileId::fileid_t fid,
eos::common::FileSystem::fsid_t fsid,
const std::string& fpath,
uint64_t scan_sz, const std::string& scan_xs_hex,
std::shared_ptr qcl);
//! Clear errors on local fmd
//! @param fid file identifier
//! @param fsid file system id
void ClearErrors(eos::common::FileId::fileid_t fid,
eos::common::FileSystem::fsid_t fsid);
//! Resync a single entry from disk
//! @param fstpath file system location
//! @param fsid filesystem id
//! @param flaglayouterror indicates a layout error
//! @param scan_sz size of file computed by the scanner
//! @param scan_xs_hex hex checksum of the file computed by the scanner
//! @return 0 if successful, otherwise errno
int ResyncDisk(const char* fstpath,
eos::common::FileSystem::fsid_t fsid,
bool flaglayouterror, uint64_t scan_sz = 0ull,
const std::string& scan_xs_hex = "");
//! Resync files under path into local database
//! @param path path to scan
//! @param fsid file system id
//! @param flaglayouterror flag to indicate a layout error
//! @return true if successful, otherwise false
bool ResyncAllDisk(const char* path,
eos::common::FileSystem::fsid_t fsid,
bool flaglayouterror);
//! Resync file meta data from MGM into local database
//! @param fsid filesystem id
//! @param fid file id
//! @param manager manager hostname
//! @return true if successful, otherwise false
bool ResyncMgm(eos::common::FileSystem::fsid_t fsid,
eos::common::FileId::fileid_t fid, const char* manager);
//! Resync all meta data from MGM into local database
//! @param fsid filesystem id
//! param manager manger hostname
//! @return true if successful, otherwise false
bool ResyncAllMgm(eos::common::FileSystem::fsid_t fsid, const char* manager);
//! Resync file meta data from QuarkDB into local database
//! @param fid file identifier
//! @param fsid file system identifier
//! @param fpath local file path
//! @param qcl QClient object used to connect to QuarkDB (this should have a
//! preference to connect to followers as it's doing only read ops.)
//! @return 0 if successful, otherwise errno
int ResyncFileFromQdb(eos::common::FileId::fileid_t fid,
eos::common::FileSystem::fsid_t fsid,
const std::string& fpath,
std::shared_ptr qcl);
//! Resync all meta data from QuarkdDB
//! @param contact_details QDB contact details
//! @param fsid filesystem id
//! @return true if successful, otherwise false
bool ResyncAllFromQdb(const QdbContactDetails& contact_details,
eos::common::FileSystem::fsid_t fsid);
// Virtual private methods are overrideable in derived classes, this allows
// for the interface to remain the same while the specific implementation is
// done in the derived class
//! Attach Fmd metadata info to the current file identifier
//! @param fmd file metadata info protobuf object
//! @param fid file identifier
//! @param fsid file system identifier
//! @param path local file absolute path
//! @return true if successful, otherwise false
virtual bool LocalPutFmd(const eos::common::FmdHelper& fmd,
eos::common::FileId::fileid_t fid,
eos::common::FileSystem::fsid_t fsid,
const std::string& path = "") = 0;
virtual bool ResetDiskInformation(eos::common::FileSystem::fsid_t fsid) = 0;
virtual bool ResetMgmInformation(eos::common::FileSystem::fsid_t fsid) = 0;
// TODO: Technically we could hold move the mIsSyncing map & mutex to this class. Do
// this if AttrHandler also needs a syncing lock vs noop
virtual void SetSyncStatus(eos::common::FileSystem::fsid_t fsid,
bool is_syncing) = 0;