// File: FileSystem.hh
// Author: Andreas-Joachim Peters - CERN
* EOS - the CERN Disk Storage System *
* Copyright (C) 2011 CERN/Switzerland *
* *
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
* *
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *
* GNU General Public License for more details. *
* *
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License *
* along with this program. If not, see .*
#include "common/Namespace.hh"
#include "common/Locators.hh"
#include "common/table_formatter/TableCell.hh"
#include "mq/SharedHashWrapper.hh"
#ifndef __APPLE__
//! Forward declarations
namespace eos
namespace mq
class MessagingRealm;
//namespace qclient
//class SharedManager;
//! Values for a boot status
enum class BootStatus : int8_t {
kOpsError = -2,
kBootFailure = -1,
kDown = 0,
kBootSent = 1,
kBooting = 2,
kBooted = 3
//! Values for a drain status
enum class DrainStatus : int8_t {
kNoDrain = 0,
kDrainPrepare = 1,
kDrainWait = 2,
kDraining = 3,
kDrained = 4,
kDrainStalling = 5,
kDrainExpired = 6,
kDrainFailed = 7
//! Values describing if a filesystem is online or offline
//! (combination of multiple conditions)
enum class ActiveStatus : int8_t {
kUndefined = -1,
kOffline = 0,
kOnline = 1,
kOverload = 2
//! Values for a configuration status - stored persistently in the
//! filesystem configuration
//! forcing an int8_t as we wouldn't need a larger range of integers for these statuses
enum class ConfigStatus : int8_t {
kUnknown = -1,
kOff = 0,
inline bool operator<(ConfigStatus one, ConfigStatus two)
return static_cast(one) < static_cast(two);
inline bool operator<=(ConfigStatus one, ConfigStatus two)
return static_cast(one) <= static_cast(two);
#define EOS_TAPE_FSID 65535
#define EOS_TAPE_MODE_T (0x10000000ll)
//! Contains a batch of key-value updates on the attributes of a filesystem.
//! Build up the batch, then submit it through applyBatch.
//! Note: If the batch mixes durable, transient, and/or local values, three
//! "transactions" will take place:
//! - All durable values will be updated atomically.
//! - All transient values will be updated atomically.
//! - All local values will be updated atomically.
//! However, the entire operation as a whole will NOT be atomic.
class FileSystemUpdateBatch
//! Type definitions
using fsid_t = uint32_t;
//! Constructor
//! Set filesystem ID - durable.
void setId(fsid_t fsid);
//! Set the draining status - local.
void setDrainStatusLocal(DrainStatus status);
//! Set durable string.
//! All observers of this filesystem are guaranteed to receive the update
//! eventually, and all updates are guaranteed to be applied in the same
//! order for all observers.
//! If two racing setStringDurable are attempted on the same key, only one
//! will survive, and all observers will agree as to which one survives.
void setStringDurable(const std::string& key, const std::string& value);
//! Set transient string. Depending on network instabilities,
//! process restarts, or the phase of the moon, some or all observers of this
//! filesystem may or may not receive the update.
//! Transient updates may be applied out of order, and if multiple subscribers
//! try to modify the same value, it's possible that observers will not all
//! converge on a single consistent value.
void setStringTransient(const std::string& key, const std::string& value);
//! Set local string. This node, and only this node will store the value,
//! and only until process restart.
void setStringLocal(const std::string& key, const std::string& value);
//! Set durable int64_t - serialize as string automatically.
void setLongLongDurable(const std::string& key, int64_t value);
//! Set transient int64_t - serialize as string automatically.
void setLongLongTransient(const std::string& key, int64_t value);
//! Set local int64_t - serialize as string automatically.
void setLongLongLocal(const std::string& key, int64_t value);
//! Get MQ update batch
const mq::SharedHashWrapper::Batch& getBatch() const;
mq::SharedHashWrapper::Batch mBatch;
//! Describes how to locate an FST: host + port.
class FstLocator
//! Empty constructor
//! Constructor
FstLocator(const std::string& host, int port);
//! Get host
std::string getHost() const;
//! Get port
int getPort() const;
//! Get queuepath
std::string getQueuePath() const;
//! Get host:port
std::string getHostPort() const;
//! Try to parse from queuepath
static bool fromQueuePath(const std::string& queuepath, FstLocator& out);
std::string mHost;
int mPort;
//! Describes a FileSystem Group:
//! - Space
//! - Index
class GroupLocator
//! Empty constructor
//! Get group (space.index)
std::string getGroup() const;
//! Get space
std::string getSpace() const;
//! Get index
int getIndex() const;
//! Parse full group (space.index)
//! NOTE: In case parsing fails, "out" will still be filled
//! with "description.0" to match legacy behaviour.
static bool parseGroup(const std::string& description, GroupLocator& out);
std::string mGroup;
std::string mSpace;
int mIndex = 0;
//! Describes critical parameters of a FileSystem, which are necessary to have
//! when registering a filesystem on the MGM.
//! A FileSystemLocator can physically locate a FileSystem, but we still can't
//! operate it on the MGM without knowing more information. (id, group, uuid)
class FileSystemCoreParams
//! Constructor
FileSystemCoreParams(uint32_t id, const FileSystemLocator& fsLocator,
const GroupLocator& grpLocator, const std::string& uuid,
ConfigStatus cfg, const std::string& sharedfs);
//! Get locator
const FileSystemLocator& getLocator() const;
//! Get group locator
const GroupLocator& getGroupLocator() const;
//! Get id
uint32_t getId() const;
//! Get uuid
std::string getUuid() const;
//! Get current ConfigStatus
ConfigStatus getConfigStatus() const;
//! Get queuepath
std::string getQueuePath() const;
//! Get host
std::string getHost() const;
//! Get hostport
std::string getHostPort() const;
//! Get FST queue
std::string getFSTQueue() const;
//! Get group (space.index)
std::string getGroup() const;
//! Get space
std::string getSpace() const;
//! Get shared file system name
std::string getSharedFs() const;
uint32_t mFsId;
FileSystemLocator mLocator;
GroupLocator mGroup;
std::string mUuid;
ConfigStatus mConfigStatus;
std::string mSharedFs;
//! Base Class abstracting the internal representation of a filesystem inside
//! the MGM and FST
class FileSystem
//! This filesystem's locator object
FileSystemLocator mLocator;
//! Locator for shared hash
SharedHashLocator mHashLocator;
//! Messaging realm
mq::MessagingRealm* mRealm;
//! boot status stored inside the object not the hash
BootStatus mInternalBootStatus;
//! Struct & Type definitions
typedef uint32_t fsid_t; ///< File system ID type
//! Snapshot Structure of a filesystem
struct fs_snapshot_t {
fsid_t mId;
std::string mQueue;
std::string mQueuePath;
std::string mPath;
std::string mErrMsg;
std::string mGroup;
std::string mUuid;
std::string mHost;
std::string mHostPort;
std::string mProxyGroup;
std::string mSharedFs;
std::string mS3Credentials;
int8_t mFileStickyProxyDepth;
int32_t mPort;
std::string mGeoTag;
std::string mForceGeoTag;
size_t mPublishTimestamp;
int mGroupIndex;
std::string mSpace;
BootStatus mStatus;
ConfigStatus mConfigStatus;
DrainStatus mDrainStatus;
ActiveStatus mActiveStatus;
long long mHeadRoom;
unsigned int mErrCode;
time_t mBootSentTime;
time_t mBootDoneTime;
double mDiskUtilization;
double mDiskWriteRateMb;
double mDiskReadRateMb;
double mNetEthRateMiB;
double mNetInRateMiB;
double mNetOutRateMiB;
double mNominalFilled;
double mDiskFilled;
long long mDiskCapacity;
long long mDiskFreeBytes;
long mDiskType;
long mDiskBsize;
long mDiskBlocks;
// @todo (esindril) to be dropped
long mDiskBused;
long mDiskBfree;
long mDiskBavail;
long mDiskFiles;
long mDiskFused;
long mDiskFfree;
long mFiles;
long mDiskNameLen;
long mDiskRopen;
long mDiskWopen;
long mMaxDiskRopen;
long mMaxDiskWopen;
long mScanIoRate; ///< Maximum scan rate in MB/s
long mScanEntryInterval; ///< Time after which a scanned file is rescanned
long mScanRainEntryInterval; ///< Time after which a scanned rain file is rescanned
long mScanDiskInterval; ///< Time after which the disk scanner runs again
long mScanNsInterval; ///< Time after which the disk scanner runs again
long mScanNsRate; ///< Max ns scan rate in entries/s
///< Time in seconds after which fsck inconsistencies are refreshed
long mFsckRefreshInterval;
time_t mGracePeriod;
time_t mDrainPeriod;
//! Empty constructor
//! "Absorb" all information contained within coreParams into this object.
//! Fields which are not present in coreParams (ie mNetInRateMiB) remain
//! unchanged.
void fillFromCoreParams(const FileSystemCoreParams& coreParams);
//! Constructor
//! @param queuepath Named Queue to specify the receiver filesystem of
//! modifications e.g. /eos//fst/
//! @param queue Named Queue to specify the receiver of modifications
//! e.g. /eos//fst
//! @param som Handle to the shared object manager to store filesystem
//! key-value pairs
//! @param bc2mgm If true we broad cast to the management server
FileSystem(const FileSystemLocator& locator, mq::MessagingRealm* realm,
bool b2mgm = false);
//! Destructor
virtual ~FileSystem() = default;
// Get underlying hash locator
SharedHashLocator getHashLocator() const;
// Enums
//! Value indication the way a boot message should be executed on an FST node
enum eBootConfig {
kBootOptional = 0,
kBootForced = 1,
kBootResync = 2
// Get file system status as a string
static const char* GetStatusAsString(BootStatus status);
static const char* GetDrainStatusAsString(DrainStatus status);
static const char* GetConfigStatusAsString(ConfigStatus status);
static const char* GetActiveStatusAsString(ActiveStatus status);
//! Parse a string status into the enum value
static BootStatus GetStatusFromString(const char* ss);
//! Parse a drain status into the enum value
static DrainStatus GetDrainStatusFromString(const char* ss);
//! Parse a configuration status into the enum value
static ConfigStatus GetConfigStatusFromString(const char* ss);
//! Convert input to file system id
//! @param value input string
//! @return file system id if conversion successful, otherwise 0
static eos::common::FileSystem::fsid_t
ConvertToFsid(const std::string& value);
//! Serializes hash contents as follows 'key1=val1 key2=val2 ... keyn=valn'
//! but return only keys that don't start with filter_prefix. If specified,
//! the string values will be curl encoded
//! @param contents key value pairs
//! @param filter_prefix prefix used for filtering keys
//! @return string representation of the content for the hash
static std::string
SerializeWithFilter(const std::map& contents,
std::list filter_prefixes);
//! Cache Members
BootStatus cStatus; ///< cache value of the status
time_t cStatusTime; ///< unix time stamp of last update of the cached status
XrdSysMutex cStatusLock; ///< lock protecting the cached status
std::atomic cConfigStatus; ///< cached value of the config status
XrdSysMutex cConfigLock; ///< lock protecting the cached config status
time_t cConfigTime; ///< unix time stamp of last update of the cached config status
//! Apply the given batch of updates
bool applyBatch(const FileSystemUpdateBatch& batch);
//! Apply the given core parameters
bool applyCoreParams(const FileSystemCoreParams& params);
//! Set a single local long long
bool SetLongLongLocal(const std::string& key, int64_t value);
//! Set a key-value pair in a filesystem and evt. broadcast it.
bool SetString(const char* key, const char* str, bool broadcast = true);
//! Set a filesystem ID.
bool SetId(fsid_t fsid)
return SetString("id", std::to_string(fsid).c_str());
//! Set a double value by name and evt. broadcast it.
bool SetDouble(const char* key, double f)
return SetString(key, std::to_string(f).c_str());
//! Set a long long value and evt. broadcast it.
bool SetLongLong(const char* key, long long l, bool broadcast = true)
return SetString(key, std::to_string(l).c_str(), broadcast);
//! Set the filesystem status.
bool SetStatus(BootStatus status, bool broadcast = true)
mInternalBootStatus = status;
return SetString("stat.boot", GetStatusAsString(status), broadcast);
//! Set the draining status
bool SetDrainStatus(DrainStatus status)
return SetString("local.drain", GetDrainStatusAsString(status), false);
//! Remove a key from a filesystem and evt. broadcast it.
bool RemoveKey(const char* key, bool broadcast = true);
//! Set the activation status
void SetActiveStatus(ActiveStatus active);
//! Get the activation status
inline ActiveStatus GetActiveStatus() const
return mActStatus;
//! Get all keys in a vector of strings.
bool GetKeys(std::vector& keys);
//! Get the string value by key
std::string GetString(const char* key);
//! Get a long long value by key
long long GetLongLong(const char* key);
//! Get a double value by key
double GetDouble(const char* key);
//! Return the filesystem id.
fsid_t GetId()
return (fsid_t) GetLongLong("id");
//! Return the filesystem queue path.
std::string GetQueuePath()
return mLocator.getQueuePath();
//! Return the filesystem host
std::string GetHost()
return mLocator.getHost();
//! Return the filesystem queue name
std::string GetQueue()
return mLocator.getFSTQueue();
//! Return the filesystem path
std::string GetPath()
return mLocator.getStoragePath();
//! Return the filesystem status (via a cache)
BootStatus GetStatus(bool cached = false);
//! Get internal boot status
BootStatus GetInternalBootStatus()
return mInternalBootStatus;
//! Return the drain status
DrainStatus GetDrainStatus()
return GetDrainStatusFromString(GetString("local.drain").c_str());
//! Return the configuration status (via cache)
ConfigStatus GetConfigStatus(bool cached = false);
//! Retrieve FileSystem's core parameters
FileSystemCoreParams getCoreParams();
//! Snapshots all variables of a filesystem into a snapshot struct
//! @param fs snapshot struct to be filled
//! @param dolock indicates if the shared hash representing the filesystem has
//! to be locked or not
//! @return true if successful, otherwise false
bool SnapShotFileSystem(FileSystem::fs_snapshot_t& fs, bool dolock = true);
//! Function printing the file system info to the table
void Print(TableHeader& table_mq_header, TableData& table_mq_data,
std::string listformat, const std::string& filter = "");
//! Store a configuration key-val pair.
//! Internally, these keys are not prefixed with 'stat.'
//! @param key key string
//! @param val value string
void CreateConfig(std::string& key, std::string& val);
//! Get heartbeatTime
time_t getLocalHeartbeatTime() const;
//! Get local heartbeat delta
int getLocalHeartbeatDelta() const;
//! Set heartbeatTime
void setLocalHeartbeatTime(time_t t);
//! Check if local heartbeat is recent enough
bool hasHeartbeat() const;
//! Delete shared hash object corresponding to this file system and also
//! broadcast the message. This should be called only when an explicit removal
//! of the file system is request though "fs rm"
void DeleteSharedHash();
//! Get used bytes
uint64_t GetUsedbytes();
//! Get space name
std::string GetSpace();
//! Get SharedFs name
std::string getSharedFs();
std::atomic mActStatus; ///< File system active status