# Try to find lz4 # Once done, this will define # # LZ4_FOUND - system has bz2 # LZ4_INCLUDE_DIRS - bz2 include directories # LZ4_LIBRARIES - bz2 library # # and the following imported target # # LZ4::LZ4 find_library(LZ4_LIBRARY NAMES liblz4.so.1 HINTS ${LZ4_ROOT} PATH_SUFFIXES ${CMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR}) include(FindPackageHandleStandardArgs) find_package_handle_standard_args(lz4 DEFAULT_MSG LZ4_LIBRARY) if (LZ4_FOUND AND NOT TARGET LZ4::LZ4) mark_as_advanced(LZ4_FOUND LZ4_LIBRARY) add_library(LZ4::LZ4 UNKNOWN IMPORTED) set_target_properties(LZ4::LZ4 PROPERTIES IMPORTED_LOCATION "${LZ4_LIBRARY}") endif() unset(LZ4_LIBRARY)