# # CTA options # # CTA ObjectStore options #cta.objectstore.backendpath /tmp/jobStoreXXXXXXX # CTA Scheduler DB options cta.schedulerdb.numberofthreads 500 cta.schedulerdb.threadstacksize_mb 1 # CTA Catalogue options cta.catalogue.numberofconnections 10 # Maximum file size (in GB) that the CTA Frontend will accept for archiving cta.archivefile.max_size_gb 1000 # CTA Frontend log URL cta.log.url file:/var/log/cta/cta-frontend.log # CTA Logger log level # Valid log levels are EMERG, ALERT, CRIT, ERR, WARNING, NOTICE (==USERERR), INFO, DEBUG # cta.log.level DEBUG # CTA XRootD SSI Protobuf log level # cta.log.ssi debug protobuf cta.log.ssi warning # CTA Repack buffer URL # cta.repack.repack_buffer_url root://ctaeos//eos/ctaeos/repack # CTA Verification Mount Policy cta.verification.mount_policy verification # Keytab containing gRPC endpoints and tokens for each disk instance #cta.ns.config /etc/cta/eos.grpc.keytab # # XRootD/SSI options # # Enable SSI debug logging #ssi.trace debug # Load the CTA SSI plugin xrootd.fslib -2 libXrdSsi.so # Load the SSI module ssi.svclib libXrdSsiCta.so # Use the security module xrootd.seclib libXrdSec.so # Security protocol specification # # Note: the XRootD process needs to be able to read the keytab file sec.protocol krb5 /etc/cta/cta-frontend.krb5.keytab cta/cta-frontend@TEST.CTA sec.protocol sss -s /etc/cta/eos.sss.keytab # Only Kerberos 5 and sss are allowed sec.protbind * only sss krb5 # Turn off asynchronous I/O xrootd.async off # Use a port other than 1094, already used by EOS xroot server xrd.port 10955 # Export the SSI resource all.export /ctafrontend nolock r/w