/* * @project The CERN Tape Archive (CTA) * @copyright Copyright © 1999-2022 CERN * @license This program is free software, distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public * Licence version 3 (GPL Version 3), copied verbatim in the file "COPYING". You can * redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GPL Version 3, or (at your * option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY * WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A * PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. * * In applying this licence, CERN does not waive the privileges and immunities * granted to it by virtue of its status as an Intergovernmental Organization or * submit itself to any jurisdiction. */ #pragma once /* all maximum lengths defined below do not include the trailing null */ #define CA_MAXACLENTRIES 300 /* maximum number of ACL entries for a file/dir */ #define CA_MAXCLASNAMELEN 15 /* maximum length for a fileclass name */ #define CA_MAXCOMMENTLEN 255 /* maximum length for user comments in metadata */ #define CA_MAXDENLEN 8 /* maximum length for a alphanumeric density */ #define CA_MAXDGNLEN 6 /* maximum length for a device group name */ #define CA_MAXDVNLEN 63 /* maximum length for a device name */ #define CA_MAXDVTLEN 8 /* maximum length for a device type */ #define CA_MAXFIDLEN 17 /* maximum length for a fid (DSN) */ #define CA_MAXFSEQLEN 14 /* maximum length for a fseq string */ #define CA_MAXGRPNAMELEN 2 /* maximum length for a group name */ #define CA_MAXGUIDLEN 36 /* maximum length for a guid */ #define CA_MAXHOSTNAMELEN 63 /* maximum length for a hostname */ #define CA_MAXSVCCLASSNAMELEN 63 /* maximum length for a svc class name */ #define CA_MAXLBLTYPLEN 3 /* maximum length for a label type */ #define CA_MAXLINELEN 1023 /* maximum length for a line in a log */ #define CA_MAXMANUFLEN 12 /* maximum length for a cartridge manufacturer */ #define CA_MAXMIGPNAMELEN 15 /* maximum length for a migration policy name */ #define CA_MAXMIGRNAMELEN 15 /* maximum length for a migrator name */ #define CA_MAXMLLEN 1 /* maximum length for a cartridge media_letter */ #define CA_MAXMODELLEN 6 /* maximum length for a cartridge model */ #define CA_MAXNAMELEN 255 /* maximum length for a pathname component */ #define CA_MAXNBDRIVES 4 /* maximum number of tape drives per server */ #define CA_MAXPATHLEN 1023 /* maximum length for a pathname */ #define CA_MAXPOOLNAMELEN 15 /* maximum length for a pool name */ #define CA_MAXPROTOLEN 7 /* maximum length for a protocol name */ #define CA_MAXRBTNAMELEN 17 /* maximum length for a robot name */ #define CA_MAXRECFMLEN 3 /* maximum length for a record format */ #define CA_MAXREGEXPLEN 63 /* Maximum length for a regular expression */ #define CA_MAXCSECNAMELEN 512 /* Maximum length for a Csec authorization id */ #define CA_MAXCSECPROTOLEN 20 /* Maximum length for a Csec mechanism */ #define CA_MAXSFNLEN 1103 /* maximum length for a replica */ #define CA_MAXSHORTHOSTLEN 10 /* maximum length for a hostname without domain */ #define CA_MAXSNLEN 24 /* maximum length for a cartridge serial nb */ #define CA_MAXSTGRIDLEN 77 /* maximum length for a stager full request id */ /* must be >= nb digits in CA_MAXSTGREQID + CA_MAXHOSTNAMELEN + 8 */ #define CA_MAXSTGREQID 999999 /* maximum value for a stager request id */ #define CA_MAXSYMLINKS 5 /* maximum number of symbolic links */ #define CA_MAXTAGLEN 255 /* maximum length for a volume tag */ #define CA_MAXTAPELIBLEN 8 /* maximum length for a tape library name */ #define CA_MAXUNMLEN 8 /* maximum length for a drive name */ #define CA_MAXUSRNAMELEN 14 /* maximum length for a login name */ #define CA_MAXVSNLEN 6 /* maximum length for a VSN */ #define CA_MAXCKSUMNAMELEN 15 /* maximum length for a checksum algorithm name */ #define CA_MAXCKSUMLEN 32 /* maximum length for a checksum value in an asci form */ #define CA_MAXDMPROTNAMELEN 15 /* maximum length for Disk Mover protocol name */ #define CA_MAXJOBIDLEN 36 /* Maximum length for the representation of the Cuuid */ #define CA_MAXUSERTAGLEN 63 /* Maximum length for a user tag (stage request) */ #define CA_MAXRFSLINELEN 2047 /* maximum length for the requested filesystem string */ /* Max allowed uid/gif */ #define CA_MAXUID 0x7FFFFFFF /* Maximum uid */ #define CA_MAXGID 0x7FFFFFFF /* Maximum gid */