.\" @project The CERN Tape Archive (CTA) .\" @copyright Copyright © 2022 CERN .\" @license This program is free software, distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public .\" Licence version 3 (GPL Version 3), copied verbatim in the file "COPYING". You can .\" redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GPL Version 3, or (at your .\" option) any later version. .\" .\" This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY .\" WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A .\" PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. .\" .\" In applying this licence, CERN does not waive the privileges and immunities .\" granted to it by virtue of its status as an Intergovernmental Organization or .\" submit itself to any jurisdiction. .TH CTA-TAPED "1cta" "2022-06-30" "CTA" "The CERN Tape Archive (CTA)" .SH NAME cta-taped \- CTA Tape Server daemon .SH SYNOPSIS \fBcta-taped\fP [\-\-config \fIconfig_file\fR] [\-\-foreground [\-\-stdout]] [\-\-log\-to\-file \fIlog_file\fR] .br \fBcta-taped\fP --help .SH DESCRIPTION \fBcta-taped\fP is the daemon responsible for controlling one or more tape drives. .P When \fBcta-taped\fP is executed, it immediately forks, with the parent terminating and the child running in the background. The \fB\-\-foreground\fP option can be used to keep the parent process running in the foreground. .SS Tape Library Support CTA supports SCSI-compatible tape libraries. The \fBcta-taped\fP daemon requires the tape library daemon (\fBcta-rmcd\fP) to be installed and running on the same server as itself. .SH OPTIONS .TP \-c, \-\-config \fIconfig_file\fR Read \fBcta\-taped\fP configuration from \fIconfig_file\fR instead of the default, \fI/etc/cta/cta-taped.conf\fR. .TP \-f, \-\-foreground Do not terminate the \fBcta-taped\fP parent process, keep it in the foreground. .TP \-h, \-\-help Display command options and exit. .TP \-l, \-\-log\-to\-file Log to a file instead of using syslog. .TP \-s, \-\-stdout Log to standard output instead of using syslog. Requires \-\-foreground. .SH CONFIGURATION The \fBcta-taped\fP daemon reads its configuration parameters from the CTA configuration file (by default, \fI/etc/cta/cta-taped.conf\fR). Each option is listed here with its \fIdefault\fR value. .SS Tape Server Configuration Options .TP .B taped DaemonUserName \fIcta\fR The user of the \fBcta\-taped\fP daemon process. .TP .B taped DaemonGroupName \fItape\fR The group of the \fBcta\-taped\fP daemon process. .TP .B taped LogMask \fIINFO\fR Logs with a level lower than this value will be masked. Possible values are EMERG, ALERT, CRIT, ERR, WARNING, NOTICE (USERERR), INFO, DEBUG. USERERR log level is equivalent to NOTICE, because by convention, CTA uses log level NOTICE for user errors. .TP .B taped TpConfigPath \fI/etc/cta/TPCONFIG\fR Path to the tape drive configuration file. See \fBFILES\fP, below. .TP .B taped CatalogueConfigFile \fI/etc/cta/cta-catalogue.conf\fR Path to the CTA Catalogue configuration file. See \fBFILES\fP, below. .TP .B ObjectStore BackendPath \fI(no default)\fR URL of the objectstore (CTA Scheduler Database). Usually this will be the URL of a Ceph RADOS objectstore. For testing or small installations, a file-based objectstore can be used instead. See \fBcta-objectstore-initialize\fP. .SS Memory management options .TP .B taped BufferCount \fI5000\fR Number of memory buffers per drive in the data transfer cache. .TP .B taped BufferSizeBytes \fI5000000\fR Size of a memory buffer in the data transfer cache, in bytes. .SS Batched metadata access and tape write flush options .TP .B taped ArchiveFetchBytesFiles \fI80000000000\fR,\fI4000\fR Maximum batch size for processing archive requests, specified as a tuple (number of bytes, number of files). When \fBcta-taped\fP fetches a batch of archive requests, the batch cannot exceed the number of bytes and number of files specified by this parameter. Defaults to 80 GB and 4000 files. .TP .B taped ArchiveFlushBytesFiles \fI32000000000\fR,\fI200\fR Flush to tape criteria, specified as a tuple (number of bytes, number of files). During archiving operations, this parameter defines the maximum number of bytes and number of files that will be written to tape before a flush to tape (synchronised tape mark). Defaults to 32 GB and 200 files. .TP .B taped RetrieveFetchBytesFiles \fI80000000000\fR,\fI4000\fR Maximum batch size for processing retrieve requests, specified as a tuple (number of bytes, number of files). When cta-taped fetches a batch of retrieve requests, the batch cannot exceed the number of bytes and number of files specified by this parameter. Defaults to 80 GB and 4000 files. .SS Scheduling options .TP .B taped MountCriteria \fI500000000000\fR,\fI10000\fR Criteria to mount a tape, specified as a tuple (number of bytes, number of files). An archival or retrieval queue must contain at least this number of bytes or this number of files before a tape mount will be triggered. This does not apply when the timeout specified in the applicable mount rule is exceeded. Defaults to 500 GB and 10000 files. .SS Disk file access options .TP .B taped NbDiskThreads \fI10\fR The number of disk I/O threads. This determines the maximum number of parallel file transfers. .SS Tape encryption support .TP .B taped UseEncryption \fIyes\fR Enable tape hardware encryption. Encryption will be enabled only for tapes where a valid encryption key has been configured for the tape or tape pool. .TP .B taped externalEncryptionKeyScript \fI(no default)\fR Path to the external script used to obtain encryption keys. .SS Disk space management options .TP .B taped externalFreeDiskSpaceScript \fI(no default)\fR Path to the external script used to determine free disk space in the retrieve buffer. .SS Recommended Access Order (RAO) options .TP .B taped UseRAO \fIyes\fR Enable Recommended Access Order (RAO) if available. This setting is used to enable both hardware and software RAO for all drives that support it. Hardware RAO in IBM Enterprise and LTO drives generation 9 or later needs no further configuration. The additional RAO options below are for software RAO on LTO-8 drives. .TP .B taped RAOLTOAlgorithm \fIsltf\fR On LTO-8 tape drives, specify which software RAO algorithm to use. Valid options are \fBlinear\fP, \fBrandom\fP, \fBsltf\fP. \fBlinear\fP means retrieve files ordered by logical file ID. \fBrandom\fP means retrieve files in a random order. \fBsltf\fP is the Shortest Locate Time First algorithm, which traverses the tape by always picking the nearest (lowest cost) neighbour to the last file selected. The cost function is specified in \fBRAOLTOAlgorithmOptions\fP, below. .RS Linear and random ordering are useful only to establish a baseline for RAO tests. This option should be set to \fBsltf\fP in production environments. .RE .RS Note: the \fBsltf\fP option requires that the following parameters have been specified in the CTA Catalogue for the LTO-8 media type: \fInbwraps\fR, \fIminlpos\fR, \fImaxlpos\fR. See \fBcta-admin mediatype\fP. .RE .TP .B taped RAOLTOAlgorithmOptions \fIcost_heuristic_name:cta\fR Options for the software RAO algorithm specified by \fBRAOLTOAlgorithm\fP, above. .SS Maintenance process configuration options .TP .B taped UseRepackManagement \fIyes\fR Enable RepackRequestManager for repack-related operations. .TP .B taped UseMaintenanceProcess \fIyes\fR Enable MaintenanceProcess for repack-related operations, garbage collection and disk reporting. .SS Timeout options .TP .B taped TapeLoadTimeout \fI300\fR Maximum time to wait for a tape to load, in seconds. .TP .B taped WatchdogCheckMaxSecs \fI120\fR Maximum time allowed to determine a drive is ready, in seconds. .TP .B taped WatchdogScheduleMaxSecs \fI300\fR Maximum time allowed to schedule a single mount, in seconds. .TP .B taped WatchdogMountMaxSecs \fI600\fR Maximum time allowed to mount a tape, in seconds. .TP .B taped WatchdogUnmountMaxSecs \fI600\fR Maximum time allowed to unmount a tape, in seconds. .TP .B taped WatchdogDrainMaxSecs \fI1800\fR Maximum time allowed to drain a file to disk during retrieve, in seconds. .TP .B taped WatchdogShutdownMaxSecs \fI900\fR Maximum time allowed to shutdown of a tape session, in seconds. .TP .B taped WatchdogNoBlockMoveMaxSecs \fI1800\fR Maximum time allowed after mounting without any tape blocks being read/written, in seconds. If this timeout is exceeded, the session will be terminated. .TP .B taped WatchdogIdleSessionTimer \fI10\fR Maximum time to wait after scheduling came up idle, in seconds. .SH ENVIRONMENT .TP .B XrdSecPROTOCOL The XRootD security protocol to use for client/server authentication. .TP .B XrdSecSSSKT Path to the XRootD Simple Shared Secrets (SSS) keytab to use for client/server authentication. .SH FILES .TP .B /etc/cta/cta-taped.conf The CTA Tape Server configuration file, containing the options described above under \fBCONFIGURATION\fP. See \fI/etc/cta/cta-taped.conf.example\fR. .TP .B /etc/cta/TPCONFIG The tape drive configuration file. A single tape server daemon can control one or more tape drives. TPCONFIG should contain one line per tape drive. Each line should consist of the following four elements, delimited by spaces: .RS DRIVE_NAME LOGICAL_LIBRARY_NAME DRIVE_DEVICE LIBRARY_SLOT See \fI/etc/cta/TPCONFIG.example\fR. .RE .TP .B /etc/cta/cta-catalogue.conf Usual location for the CTA Catalogue configuration file. See \fBtaped CatalogueConfigFile\fP option under \fBCONFIGURATION\fP, and \fI/etc/cta/cta-catalogue.conf.example\fR. .TP .B /var/log/cta/cta-taped.log Usual location for the tape server log file. .SH SEE ALSO \fBcta-rmcd\fP(1cta) .P CERN Tape Archive documentation (\fIhttps://eoscta.docs.cern.ch/\fR) .SH COPYRIGHT .P Copyright © 2022 CERN. License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later (\fIhttp://gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html\fR). This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. In applying this licence, CERN does not waive the privileges and immunities granted to it by virtue of its status as an Intergovernmental Organization or submit itself to any jurisdiction.